Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
184 | 008 | sinkontrol | 490 | 502 | 5109 | 90326 | MACEDONIA | 10.2 |
1057 | Itano | FlavioZ | 498 | 503 | 5113 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 3.6 |
982 | 10 - Bronze LS | CyanRoxaan | 488 | 519 | 5126 | 144527 | MACEDONIA | 22.5 |
769 | Ciudad de GALACTUS | middletown | 485 | 513 | 5266 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 19.8 |
254 | 11.UNIDADES | PIRAÑAA | 477 | 495 | 5521 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 23.5 |
848 | T09 | Tizi | 488 | 516 | 5606 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 20.0 |
832 | F PhOsHeId Po 45 | DioZa | 485 | 513 | 5763 | 142037 | MACEDONIA | 19.8 |
1042 | Cnido | FlavioZ | 477 | 495 | 5941 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 23.5 |
583 | Ciudad de vanesamarek 2 | ragnarfrank | 508 | 500 | 5953 | 63260 | MACEDONIA | 8.0 |
264 | Ciudad de lord10 | middletown | 496 | 513 | 5954 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 13.6 |
650 | Ciudad de ragnarfrank 4 | ragnarfrank | 490 | 502 | 6014 | 63260 | MACEDONIA | 10.2 |
295 | A WC WrrIOR Ar 44 | DioZa | 477 | 495 | 6098 | 142037 | MACEDONIA | 23.5 |
831 | Ciudad de gallimdq 3 | gallimdq | 482 | 476 | 6323 | 55717 | MACEDONIA | 30.0 |
109 | 45-07-01-Orihime | WhiterSkely | 498 | 503 | 6440 | 130150 | MACEDONIA | 3.6 |
912 | 09 - Gray Mant | CyanRoxaan | 488 | 519 | 6621 | 144527 | MACEDONIA | 22.5 |
604 | Ciudad de lipyalves 2 | lipyalves | 490 | 502 | 6768 | 54087 | MACEDONIA | 10.2 |
353 | Ciudad De Gerf | Pork | 507 | 503 | 6798 | 49182 | MACEDONIA | 7.6 |
97 | 006 | sinkontrol | 498 | 503 | 6875 | 90326 | MACEDONIA | 3.6 |
766 | Ciudad de ragnarfrank 5 | ragnarfrank | 498 | 503 | 6923 | 63260 | MACEDONIA | 3.6 |
872 | 10.TERMO*KING* | PIRAÑAA | 513 | 489 | 6979 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 17.0 |
81 | 09.PIRAÑAS | PIRAÑAA | 488 | 493 | 7239 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 13.9 |
436 | 02.PIRAÑAA | PIRAÑAA | 482 | 476 | 7373 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 30.0 |
428 | Ciudad de ragnarfrank 2 | ragnarfrank | 508 | 500 | 7518 | 63260 | MACEDONIA | 8.0 |
408 | Ciudad de ragnarfrank | ragnarfrank | 508 | 500 | 7521 | 63260 | MACEDONIA | 8.0 |
431 | T05 | Tizi | 485 | 513 | 7630 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 19.8 |
544 | T03a | Tizi | 504 | 512 | 7664 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 12.6 |
78 | T10 | Tizi | 488 | 493 | 7682 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 13.9 |
330 | 2 de Abril | gallimdq | 487 | 480 | 7791 | 55717 | MACEDONIA | 23.9 |
285 | te rajan te atacan | gallimdq | 475 | 491 | 7869 | 55717 | MACEDONIA | 26.6 |
882 | Bisaltes | FlavioZ | 504 | 512 | 7950 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 12.6 |
941 | Imbros | FlavioZ | 490 | 509 | 7955 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 13.5 |
110 | 007 | sinkontrol | 498 | 503 | 8200 | 90326 | MACEDONIA | 3.6 |
356 | Buqueta | FlavioZ | 513 | 507 | 8228 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 14.8 |
180 | Cnosos | FlavioZ | 477 | 495 | 8260 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 23.5 |
148 | Estínfalo | FlavioZ | 500 | 496 | 8265 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 4.0 |
248 | Ítaca | FlavioZ | 490 | 509 | 8265 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 13.5 |
559 | Basania | FlavioZ | 504 | 512 | 8265 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 12.6 |
432 | Braurón | FlavioZ | 508 | 500 | 8299 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 8.0 |
651 | kosiaca | flatulencia | 498 | 471 | 8311 | 53283 | MACEDONIA | 29.1 |
307 | 05.PIRAÑAS | PIRAÑAA | 513 | 489 | 8407 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 17.0 |
637 | 06.PIRAÑAS | PIRAÑAA | 498 | 471 | 8412 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 29.1 |
500 | Ciudad de ragnarfrank 3 | ragnarfrank | 508 | 500 | 8487 | 63260 | MACEDONIA | 8.0 |
475 | T04 | Tizi | 496 | 513 | 8570 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 13.6 |
623 | T06 | Tizi | 485 | 513 | 8694 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 19.8 |
407 | 08.PIRAÑAS | PIRAÑAA | 487 | 480 | 8952 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 23.9 |
771 | T07 | Tizi | 503 | 507 | 9029 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 7.6 |
144 | gallimdq | gallimdq | 500 | 496 | 9130 | 55717 | MACEDONIA | 4.0 |
329 | Citera | FlavioZ | 475 | 491 | 9130 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 26.6 |
56 | Ciudad De Pork | Pork | 498 | 503 | 9156 | 49182 | MACEDONIA | 3.6 |
579 | M-4 | middletown | 500 | 496 | 9274 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 4.0 |
189 | FM5705 | middletown | 490 | 502 | 9317 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 10.2 |
528 | orito ZAA Afro 55 | DioZa | 508 | 500 | 9393 | 142037 | MACEDONIA | 8.0 |
71 | EDESSA 010 | Ramsés | 503 | 507 | 9409 | 119706 | MACEDONIA | 7.6 |
237 | sombra de hadez | lipyalves | 477 | 495 | 9440 | 54087 | MACEDONIA | 23.5 |
126 | Ciudad De Mert | Pork | 498 | 503 | 9459 | 49182 | MACEDONIA | 3.6 |
102 | ragnar | ragnarfrank | 498 | 503 | 9573 | 63260 | MACEDONIA | 3.6 |
759 | EDESSA 008 | Ramsés | 482 | 476 | 9628 | 119706 | MACEDONIA | 30.0 |
965 | Calcis | FlavioZ | 475 | 491 | 9674 | 106412 | MACEDONIA | 26.6 |
93 | M-3 | middletown | 500 | 496 | 9726 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 4.0 |
82 | Edessa 000 | Lagertha | 488 | 493 | 9750 | 25068 | MACEDONIA | 13.9 |
61 | edessa 001 | lipyalves | 488 | 493 | 9832 | 54087 | MACEDONIA | 13.9 |
506 | T03 | Tizi | 504 | 512 | 10039 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 12.6 |
476 | 02. Atletico M | Ato10 | 504 | 512 | 10112 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 12.6 |
352 | T02 | Tizi | 496 | 513 | 10249 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 13.6 |
589 | Next | middletown | 497 | 497 | 10308 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 4.2 |
512 | 02. Hamburg | Ato10 | 488 | 519 | 10402 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 22.5 |
611 | 01. AS Roma | Ato10 | 482 | 506 | 10429 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 19.0 |
205 | 01. Juventus | Ato10 | 490 | 509 | 10555 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 13.5 |
291 | 03. Totenham | Ato10 | 496 | 513 | 10672 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 13.6 |
682 | EDESSA 007 | Ramsés | 529 | 511 | 10770 | 119706 | MACEDONIA | 31.0 |
52 | edessa1-44 | grous | 488 | 493 | 10803 | 44592 | MACEDONIA | 13.9 |
371 | 01. Pecado | Ato10 | 490 | 509 | 10822 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 13.5 |
60 | Carpanta | flatulencia | 488 | 493 | 11023 | 53283 | MACEDONIA | 13.9 |
302 | EDESSA 009 | Ramsés | 507 | 503 | 11078 | 119706 | MACEDONIA | 7.6 |
758 | 01.HARTA | Vixo26 | 482 | 476 | 11467 | 66888 | T.E.G | 30.0 |
624 | EDESSA 001 | Ramsés | 508 | 500 | 11491 | 119706 | MACEDONIA | 8.0 |
321 | 03. Liverpool | Ato10 | 478 | 509 | 11518 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 23.8 |
481 | orito a dormir Ze55 | DioZa | 508 | 500 | 11521 | 142037 | MACEDONIA | 8.0 |
167 | Ciudad de *T.J.S* | middletown | 477 | 495 | 11522 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 23.5 |
485 | 03. Arsenal L | Ato10 | 496 | 513 | 11737 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 13.6 |
92 | 01.45-Escoredo | middletown | 498 | 503 | 11791 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 3.6 |
373 | 01.PIRAÑA | PIRAÑAA | 487 | 480 | 11797 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 23.9 |
86 | | Ato10 | 488 | 493 | 11802 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 13.9 |
171 | 45-06-02-Go | WhiterSkely | 490 | 502 | 11807 | 130150 | MACEDONIA | 10.2 |
576 | Next 2 | middletown | 497 | 497 | 11838 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 4.2 |
705 | Ciudad de middletown | middletown | 498 | 471 | 11910 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 29.1 |
838 | 08 - Rainbow Chars | CyanRoxaan | 500 | 496 | 12046 | 144527 | MACEDONIA | 4.0 |
332 | 04. Borussia D | Ato10 | 496 | 513 | 12109 | 138296 | MACEDONIA | 13.6 |
457 | 03.PIRAÑAA | PIRAÑAA | 488 | 476 | 12284 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 26.8 |
338 | D PHoSeIdOn 55 | DioZa | 503 | 507 | 12427 | 142037 | MACEDONIA | 7.6 |
756 | 06 - Índigo Slings | CyanRoxaan | 490 | 502 | 12764 | 144527 | MACEDONIA | 10.2 |
173 | A Wezhehus Ze 44 | DioZa | 477 | 495 | 12780 | 142037 | MACEDONIA | 23.5 |
67 | J005 | middletown | 488 | 493 | 12916 | 187432 | MACEDONIA | 13.9 |
108 | 07.PIRAÑAS | PIRAÑAA | 500 | 496 | 12934 | 105487 | MACEDONIA | 4.0 |
530 | 003 | sinkontrol | 508 | 500 | 13137 | 90326 | MACEDONIA | 8.0 |
661 | 07 - Violet Horses | CyanRoxaan | 498 | 471 | 13161 | 144527 | MACEDONIA | 29.1 |
665 | EDESSA 003 | Ramsés | 522 | 500 | 13200 | 119706 | MACEDONIA | 22.0 |
210 | A WB Heimdall Ha 44 | DioZa | 477 | 495 | 13332 | 142037 | MACEDONIA | 23.5 |
662 | EDESSA 002 | Ramsés | 525 | 517 | 13406 | 119706 | MACEDONIA | 30.2 |
462 | T01 | Tizi | 496 | 513 | 13411 | 111419 | MACEDONIA | 13.6 |
Too much data. Limit your query. |
Players list: sinkontrol; FlavioZ; CyanRoxaan; middletown; PIRAÑAA; Tizi; DioZa; ragnarfrank; gallimdq; WhiterSkely; lipyalves; Pork; flatulencia; Ramsés; Lagertha; Ato10; grous; Vixo26
[town]184[/town] 5109pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]1057[/town] 5113pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]982[/town] 5126pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 488/519 22.5
[town]769[/town] 5266pts [player]middletown[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]254[/town] 5521pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]848[/town] 5606pts [player]Tizi[/player] 488/516 20.0
[town]832[/town] 5763pts [player]DioZa[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]1042[/town] 5941pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]583[/town] 5953pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]264[/town] 5954pts [player]middletown[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]650[/town] 6014pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]295[/town] 6098pts [player]DioZa[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]831[/town] 6323pts [player]gallimdq[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]109[/town] 6440pts [player]WhiterSkely[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]912[/town] 6621pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 488/519 22.5
[town]604[/town] 6768pts [player]lipyalves[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]353[/town] 6798pts [player]Pork[/player] 507/503 7.6
[town]97[/town] 6875pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]766[/town] 6923pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]872[/town] 6979pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 513/489 17.0
[town]81[/town] 7239pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]436[/town] 7373pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]428[/town] 7518pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]408[/town] 7521pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]431[/town] 7630pts [player]Tizi[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]544[/town] 7664pts [player]Tizi[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]78[/town] 7682pts [player]Tizi[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]330[/town] 7791pts [player]gallimdq[/player] 487/480 23.9
[town]285[/town] 7869pts [player]gallimdq[/player] 475/491 26.6
[town]882[/town] 7950pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]941[/town] 7955pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 490/509 13.5
[town]110[/town] 8200pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]356[/town] 8228pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 513/507 14.8
[town]180[/town] 8260pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]148[/town] 8265pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]248[/town] 8265pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 490/509 13.5
[town]559[/town] 8265pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]432[/town] 8299pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]651[/town] 8311pts [player]flatulencia[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]307[/town] 8407pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 513/489 17.0
[town]637[/town] 8412pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]500[/town] 8487pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]475[/town] 8570pts [player]Tizi[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]623[/town] 8694pts [player]Tizi[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]407[/town] 8952pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 487/480 23.9
[town]771[/town] 9029pts [player]Tizi[/player] 503/507 7.6
[town]144[/town] 9130pts [player]gallimdq[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]329[/town] 9130pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 475/491 26.6
[town]56[/town] 9156pts [player]Pork[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]579[/town] 9274pts [player]middletown[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]189[/town] 9317pts [player]middletown[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]528[/town] 9393pts [player]DioZa[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]71[/town] 9409pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 503/507 7.6
[town]237[/town] 9440pts [player]lipyalves[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]126[/town] 9459pts [player]Pork[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]102[/town] 9573pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]759[/town] 9628pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]965[/town] 9674pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 475/491 26.6
[town]93[/town] 9726pts [player]middletown[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]82[/town] 9750pts [player]Lagertha[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]61[/town] 9832pts [player]lipyalves[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]506[/town] 10039pts [player]Tizi[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]476[/town] 10112pts [player]Ato10[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]352[/town] 10249pts [player]Tizi[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]589[/town] 10308pts [player]middletown[/player] 497/497 4.2
[town]512[/town] 10402pts [player]Ato10[/player] 488/519 22.5
[town]611[/town] 10429pts [player]Ato10[/player] 482/506 19.0
[town]205[/town] 10555pts [player]Ato10[/player] 490/509 13.5
[town]291[/town] 10672pts [player]Ato10[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]682[/town] 10770pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 529/511 31.0
[town]52[/town] 10803pts [player]grous[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]371[/town] 10822pts [player]Ato10[/player] 490/509 13.5
[town]60[/town] 11023pts [player]flatulencia[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]302[/town] 11078pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 507/503 7.6
[town]758[/town] 11467pts [player]Vixo26[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]624[/town] 11491pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]321[/town] 11518pts [player]Ato10[/player] 478/509 23.8
[town]481[/town] 11521pts [player]DioZa[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]167[/town] 11522pts [player]middletown[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]485[/town] 11737pts [player]Ato10[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]92[/town] 11791pts [player]middletown[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]373[/town] 11797pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 487/480 23.9
[town]86[/town] 11802pts [player]Ato10[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]171[/town] 11807pts [player]WhiterSkely[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]576[/town] 11838pts [player]middletown[/player] 497/497 4.2
[town]705[/town] 11910pts [player]middletown[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]838[/town] 12046pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]332[/town] 12109pts [player]Ato10[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]457[/town] 12284pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 488/476 26.8
[town]338[/town] 12427pts [player]DioZa[/player] 503/507 7.6
[town]756[/town] 12764pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]173[/town] 12780pts [player]DioZa[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]67[/town] 12916pts [player]middletown[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]108[/town] 12934pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]530[/town] 13137pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]661[/town] 13161pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]665[/town] 13200pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 522/500 22.0
[town]210[/town] 13332pts [player]DioZa[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]662[/town] 13406pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 525/517 30.2
[town]462[/town] 13411pts [player]Tizi[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]184[/town] 5109pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]1057[/town] 5113pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]982[/town] 5126pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 488/519 22.5
[town]769[/town] 5266pts [player]middletown[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]254[/town] 5521pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]848[/town] 5606pts [player]Tizi[/player] 488/516 20.0
[town]832[/town] 5763pts [player]DioZa[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]1042[/town] 5941pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]583[/town] 5953pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]264[/town] 5954pts [player]middletown[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]650[/town] 6014pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]295[/town] 6098pts [player]DioZa[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]831[/town] 6323pts [player]gallimdq[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]109[/town] 6440pts [player]WhiterSkely[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]912[/town] 6621pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 488/519 22.5
[town]604[/town] 6768pts [player]lipyalves[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]353[/town] 6798pts [player]Pork[/player] 507/503 7.6
[town]97[/town] 6875pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]766[/town] 6923pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]872[/town] 6979pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 513/489 17.0
[town]81[/town] 7239pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]436[/town] 7373pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]428[/town] 7518pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]408[/town] 7521pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]431[/town] 7630pts [player]Tizi[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]544[/town] 7664pts [player]Tizi[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]78[/town] 7682pts [player]Tizi[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]330[/town] 7791pts [player]gallimdq[/player] 487/480 23.9
[town]285[/town] 7869pts [player]gallimdq[/player] 475/491 26.6
[town]882[/town] 7950pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]941[/town] 7955pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 490/509 13.5
[town]110[/town] 8200pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]356[/town] 8228pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 513/507 14.8
[town]180[/town] 8260pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]148[/town] 8265pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]248[/town] 8265pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 490/509 13.5
[town]559[/town] 8265pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]432[/town] 8299pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]651[/town] 8311pts [player]flatulencia[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]307[/town] 8407pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 513/489 17.0
[town]637[/town] 8412pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]500[/town] 8487pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]475[/town] 8570pts [player]Tizi[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]623[/town] 8694pts [player]Tizi[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]407[/town] 8952pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 487/480 23.9
[town]771[/town] 9029pts [player]Tizi[/player] 503/507 7.6
[town]144[/town] 9130pts [player]gallimdq[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]329[/town] 9130pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 475/491 26.6
[town]56[/town] 9156pts [player]Pork[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]579[/town] 9274pts [player]middletown[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]189[/town] 9317pts [player]middletown[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]528[/town] 9393pts [player]DioZa[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]71[/town] 9409pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 503/507 7.6
[town]237[/town] 9440pts [player]lipyalves[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]126[/town] 9459pts [player]Pork[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]102[/town] 9573pts [player]ragnarfrank[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]759[/town] 9628pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]965[/town] 9674pts [player]FlavioZ[/player] 475/491 26.6
[town]93[/town] 9726pts [player]middletown[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]82[/town] 9750pts [player]Lagertha[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]61[/town] 9832pts [player]lipyalves[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]506[/town] 10039pts [player]Tizi[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]476[/town] 10112pts [player]Ato10[/player] 504/512 12.6
[town]352[/town] 10249pts [player]Tizi[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]589[/town] 10308pts [player]middletown[/player] 497/497 4.2
[town]512[/town] 10402pts [player]Ato10[/player] 488/519 22.5
[town]611[/town] 10429pts [player]Ato10[/player] 482/506 19.0
[town]205[/town] 10555pts [player]Ato10[/player] 490/509 13.5
[town]291[/town] 10672pts [player]Ato10[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]682[/town] 10770pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 529/511 31.0
[town]52[/town] 10803pts [player]grous[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]371[/town] 10822pts [player]Ato10[/player] 490/509 13.5
[town]60[/town] 11023pts [player]flatulencia[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]302[/town] 11078pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 507/503 7.6
[town]758[/town] 11467pts [player]Vixo26[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]624[/town] 11491pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]321[/town] 11518pts [player]Ato10[/player] 478/509 23.8
[town]481[/town] 11521pts [player]DioZa[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]167[/town] 11522pts [player]middletown[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]485[/town] 11737pts [player]Ato10[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]92[/town] 11791pts [player]middletown[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]373[/town] 11797pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 487/480 23.9
[town]86[/town] 11802pts [player]Ato10[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]171[/town] 11807pts [player]WhiterSkely[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]576[/town] 11838pts [player]middletown[/player] 497/497 4.2
[town]705[/town] 11910pts [player]middletown[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]838[/town] 12046pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]332[/town] 12109pts [player]Ato10[/player] 496/513 13.6
[town]457[/town] 12284pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 488/476 26.8
[town]338[/town] 12427pts [player]DioZa[/player] 503/507 7.6
[town]756[/town] 12764pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]173[/town] 12780pts [player]DioZa[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]67[/town] 12916pts [player]middletown[/player] 488/493 13.9
[town]108[/town] 12934pts [player]PIRAÑAA[/player] 500/496 4.0
[town]530[/town] 13137pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]661[/town] 13161pts [player]CyanRoxaan[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]665[/town] 13200pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 522/500 22.0
[town]210[/town] 13332pts [player]DioZa[/player] 477/495 23.5
[town]662[/town] 13406pts [player]Ramsés[/player] 525/517 30.2
[town]462[/town] 13411pts [player]Tizi[/player] 496/513 13.6
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.