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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
413955 Ciudad de Icaro96 attacked playerIcaro96511522525654558EXÉRCITO FANTASMA24.6
4807Ciudad de Bagves 2 attacked playerBagves5155245669137761EXÉRCITO FANTASMA28.3
4809Ciudad de Bagves 3 attacked playerBagves5285055819137761EXÉRCITO FANTASMA28.4
4806Ciudad de Bagves attacked playerBagves5115226103137761EXÉRCITO FANTASMA24.6
4533Ciudad de javiercelus 5 attacked playerjaviercelus477486628598944---26.9
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3533Mika 2 attacked playerMika Harlequin5144817806166719---23.6
28345.01B attacked playerBagves4965028470137761EXÉRCITO FANTASMA4.5
3530Mika attacked playerMika Harlequin5144818512166719---23.6
603Oi Noobj attacked playerNoobJ523522937595221EXÉRCITO FANTASMA31.8
319545- attacked playerXmanGhost486527995233153Soldados d DRAGON OSCURO30.4
923Aleida Guevara attacked playerche gue beto50447710233177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA23.3
1958Ciudad de The Wolf attacked playerThe Wolf4785291029942828Soldados d DRAGON OSCURO36.4
4354Z55-016 attacked playerMika Harlequin50251710672166719---17.1
638Camilo Cienfuegos attacked playerche gue beto50447710986177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA23.3
4410zzzz attacked playerche gue beto50150711505177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA7.1
2615zkyraa 3 DEF attacked playerzkyraa50152911632184200EXÉRCITO FANTASMA29.0
2580zkyraa 11 attacked playerzkyraa52048211769184200EXÉRCITO FANTASMA26.9
2628zkyraa10 DEF attacked playerzkyraa47148711954184200EXÉRCITO FANTASMA31.8
2354Hilda Gadea attacked playerche gue beto52552711969177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA36.8
462Alberto Granado attacked playerche gue beto50047412193177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA26.0
2261Celia de La Serna attacked playerche gue beto52152512200177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA32.6
4412zkyraa 9 DEF attacked playerzkyraa50150712203184200EXÉRCITO FANTASMA7.1
228Raul Castro attacked playerche gue beto49251012473177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA12.8
2610Tania attacked playerche gue beto50152912691177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA29.0
2488Ciudad de zkyraa attacked playerzkyraa52152513542184200EXÉRCITO FANTASMA32.6
2964Ciudad de NoobJ attacked playerNoobJ5224731357695221EXÉRCITO FANTASMA34.8
408IMUNO 15 attacked playerMika Harlequin51052813862166719---29.7
830Ernesto Guevara Lync attacked playerche gue beto49552414129177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA24.5
4142A001 attacked playerMika Harlequin52951814264166719---34.1
257145.09 attacked playerBagves47652714507137761EXÉRCITO FANTASMA36.1
438Evita attacked playerche gue beto48852614874177624EXÉRCITO FANTASMA28.6
612zkyraa 15 attacked playerzkyraa50649314878184200EXÉRCITO FANTASMA9.2
51455.02 attacked playerBagves52352215920137761EXÉRCITO FANTASMA31.8

Players list: Icaro96; Bagves; javiercelus; Mika Harlequin; NoobJ; XmanGhost; che gue beto; The Wolf; zkyraa
[town]4139[/town] 5256pts [player]Icaro96[/player] 511/522 24.6
[town]4807[/town] 5669pts [player]Bagves[/player] 515/524 28.3
[town]4809[/town] 5819pts [player]Bagves[/player] 528/505 28.4
[town]4806[/town] 6103pts [player]Bagves[/player] 511/522 24.6
[town]4533[/town] 6285pts [player]javiercelus[/player] 477/486 26.9
[town]3533[/town] 7806pts [player]Mika Harlequin[/player] 514/481 23.6
[town]283[/town] 8470pts [player]Bagves[/player] 496/502 4.5
[town]3530[/town] 8512pts [player]Mika Harlequin[/player] 514/481 23.6
[town]603[/town] 9375pts [player]NoobJ[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]3195[/town] 9952pts [player]XmanGhost[/player] 486/527 30.4
[town]923[/town] 10233pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 504/477 23.3
[town]1958[/town] 10299pts [player]The Wolf[/player] 478/529 36.4
[town]4354[/town] 10672pts [player]Mika Harlequin[/player] 502/517 17.1
[town]638[/town] 10986pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 504/477 23.3
[town]4410[/town] 11505pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 501/507 7.1
[town]2615[/town] 11632pts [player]zkyraa[/player] 501/529 29.0
[town]2580[/town] 11769pts [player]zkyraa[/player] 520/482 26.9
[town]2628[/town] 11954pts [player]zkyraa[/player] 471/487 31.8
[town]2354[/town] 11969pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 525/527 36.8
[town]462[/town] 12193pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 500/474 26.0
[town]2261[/town] 12200pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 521/525 32.6
[town]4412[/town] 12203pts [player]zkyraa[/player] 501/507 7.1
[town]228[/town] 12473pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 492/510 12.8
[town]2610[/town] 12691pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 501/529 29.0
[town]2488[/town] 13542pts [player]zkyraa[/player] 521/525 32.6
[town]2964[/town] 13576pts [player]NoobJ[/player] 522/473 34.8
[town]408[/town] 13862pts [player]Mika Harlequin[/player] 510/528 29.7
[town]830[/town] 14129pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 495/524 24.5
[town]4142[/town] 14264pts [player]Mika Harlequin[/player] 529/518 34.1
[town]2571[/town] 14507pts [player]Bagves[/player] 476/527 36.1
[town]438[/town] 14874pts [player]che gue beto[/player] 488/526 28.6
[town]612[/town] 14878pts [player]zkyraa[/player] 506/493 9.2
[town]514[/town] 15920pts [player]Bagves[/player] 523/522 31.8

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.