Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
3080 | Sr. Saraiva XIII | nicopetrasko | 516 | 528 | 5080 | 185761 | = EXERCITO FANTASMA= | 32.2 |
3029 | Ethelfleda | Usermatre | 510 | 471 | 5153 | 30475 | Right Way to Hell | 30.7 |
3010 | Sr. Saraiva XII | nicopetrasko | 516 | 528 | 6388 | 185761 | = EXERCITO FANTASMA= | 32.2 |
1317 | Sr. Saraiva XI | nicopetrasko | 516 | 528 | 7342 | 185761 | = EXERCITO FANTASMA= | 32.2 |
3333 | 55.SIRIA | jose928 | 523 | 528 | 8139 | 98411 | LORDS OF WAR | 36.2 |
150 | FIM 10 | prm zam67 | 503 | 486 | 8728 | 127501 | MERCENARIOS DE UR-EL | 14.3 |
800 | C.01 DolfarSir | rulino | 489 | 495 | 9137 | 169039 | EXERCITO FANTASMA | 12.1 |
1478 | FIM 5 | prm zam67 | 528 | 503 | 9300 | 127501 | MERCENARIOS DE UR-EL | 28.2 |
1903 | james3 | rulino | 521 | 476 | 9865 | 169039 | EXERCITO FANTASMA | 31.9 |
637 | 02.LeX Lutor | rulino | 501 | 485 | 10009 | 169039 | EXERCITO FANTASMA | 15.0 |
950 | PAROS 8 | Rama Muerte 3 | 522 | 510 | 10100 | 37371 | La Falange | 24.2 |
1378 | valhalla | Usermatre | 510 | 471 | 10226 | 30475 | Right Way to Hell | 30.7 |
1095 | Sally | Rama Muerte 3 | 514 | 522 | 10292 | 37371 | La Falange | 26.1 |
1172 | 07.Mantenido soy | rulino | 518 | 480 | 10608 | 169039 | EXERCITO FANTASMA | 26.9 |
26 | D.01DestruKtoRh | rulino | 514 | 503 | 10636 | 169039 | EXERCITO FANTASMA | 14.3 |
1126 | B001guardabosqe | rulino | 474 | 477 | 10889 | 169039 | EXERCITO FANTASMA | 34.7 |
1412 | 07.AsistiDoors | rulino | 521 | 476 | 10987 | 169039 | EXERCITO FANTASMA | 31.9 |
720 | 08.ComplikeiTohr | rulino | 482 | 482 | 12050 | 169039 | EXERCITO FANTASMA | 25.5 |
143 | 02.Kryptonita | rulino | 503 | 486 | 12360 | 169039 | EXERCITO FANTASMA | 14.3 |
1118 | Sr. Saraiva VIII | nicopetrasko | 474 | 477 | 13614 | 185761 | = EXERCITO FANTASMA= | 34.7 |
467 | FIM 4 | prm zam67 | 491 | 486 | 13829 | 127501 | MERCENARIOS DE UR-EL | 16.6 |
1647 | FIM 12 | prm zam67 | 528 | 503 | 14320 | 127501 | MERCENARIOS DE UR-EL | 28.2 |
806 | Sr. Saraiva VIIII | nicopetrasko | 475 | 484 | 15943 | 185761 | = EXERCITO FANTASMA= | 29.7 |
1326 | Sr. Saraiva II | nicopetrasko | 516 | 528 | 16182 | 185761 | = EXERCITO FANTASMA= | 32.2 |
597 | FIM 11 | prm zam67 | 503 | 486 | 17786 | 127501 | MERCENARIOS DE UR-EL | 14.3 |
Players list: nicopetrasko; Usermatre; jose928; prm zam67; rulino; Rama Muerte 3
[town]3080[/town] 5080pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 516/528 32.2
[town]3029[/town] 5153pts [player]Usermatre[/player] 510/471 30.7
[town]3010[/town] 6388pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 516/528 32.2
[town]1317[/town] 7342pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 516/528 32.2
[town]3333[/town] 8139pts [player]jose928[/player] 523/528 36.2
[town]150[/town] 8728pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 503/486 14.3
[town]800[/town] 9137pts [player]rulino[/player] 489/495 12.1
[town]1478[/town] 9300pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 528/503 28.2
[town]1903[/town] 9865pts [player]rulino[/player] 521/476 31.9
[town]637[/town] 10009pts [player]rulino[/player] 501/485 15.0
[town]950[/town] 10100pts [player]Rama Muerte 3[/player] 522/510 24.2
[town]1378[/town] 10226pts [player]Usermatre[/player] 510/471 30.7
[town]1095[/town] 10292pts [player]Rama Muerte 3[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]1172[/town] 10608pts [player]rulino[/player] 518/480 26.9
[town]26[/town] 10636pts [player]rulino[/player] 514/503 14.3
[town]1126[/town] 10889pts [player]rulino[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]1412[/town] 10987pts [player]rulino[/player] 521/476 31.9
[town]720[/town] 12050pts [player]rulino[/player] 482/482 25.5
[town]143[/town] 12360pts [player]rulino[/player] 503/486 14.3
[town]1118[/town] 13614pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]467[/town] 13829pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 491/486 16.6
[town]1647[/town] 14320pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 528/503 28.2
[town]806[/town] 15943pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 475/484 29.7
[town]1326[/town] 16182pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 516/528 32.2
[town]597[/town] 17786pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 503/486 14.3
[town]3080[/town] 5080pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 516/528 32.2
[town]3029[/town] 5153pts [player]Usermatre[/player] 510/471 30.7
[town]3010[/town] 6388pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 516/528 32.2
[town]1317[/town] 7342pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 516/528 32.2
[town]3333[/town] 8139pts [player]jose928[/player] 523/528 36.2
[town]150[/town] 8728pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 503/486 14.3
[town]800[/town] 9137pts [player]rulino[/player] 489/495 12.1
[town]1478[/town] 9300pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 528/503 28.2
[town]1903[/town] 9865pts [player]rulino[/player] 521/476 31.9
[town]637[/town] 10009pts [player]rulino[/player] 501/485 15.0
[town]950[/town] 10100pts [player]Rama Muerte 3[/player] 522/510 24.2
[town]1378[/town] 10226pts [player]Usermatre[/player] 510/471 30.7
[town]1095[/town] 10292pts [player]Rama Muerte 3[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]1172[/town] 10608pts [player]rulino[/player] 518/480 26.9
[town]26[/town] 10636pts [player]rulino[/player] 514/503 14.3
[town]1126[/town] 10889pts [player]rulino[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]1412[/town] 10987pts [player]rulino[/player] 521/476 31.9
[town]720[/town] 12050pts [player]rulino[/player] 482/482 25.5
[town]143[/town] 12360pts [player]rulino[/player] 503/486 14.3
[town]1118[/town] 13614pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]467[/town] 13829pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 491/486 16.6
[town]1647[/town] 14320pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 528/503 28.2
[town]806[/town] 15943pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 475/484 29.7
[town]1326[/town] 16182pts [player]nicopetrasko[/player] 516/528 32.2
[town]597[/town] 17786pts [player]prm zam67[/player] 503/486 14.3
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.