Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
114 | 0008 | Ritual del Kaoz | 504 | 503 | 5286 | 115502 | GUAU GUAU | 5.0 |
6032 | 001 Fenix Mecha | sinkontrol | 529 | 473 | 5369 | 96847 | -Acéfalos Sin Ley - | 39.6 |
372 | 0004 | Ritual del Kaoz | 484 | 484 | 5512 | 115502 | GUAU GUAU | 22.6 |
4459 | M55 004 CAMUS ![]() | dingal | 527 | 502 | 5530 | 77042 | --- | 27.1 |
1678 | MAILEN 27 | MAILEN | 497 | 475 | 5602 | 161069 | EL OREJANO | 25.2 |
1457 | 0007 | Ritual del Kaoz | 527 | 502 | 5620 | 115502 | GUAU GUAU | 27.1 |
1090 | MAILEN 05 | MAILEN | 503 | 471 | 5713 | 161069 | EL OREJANO | 29.2 |
601 | 0006 | Ritual del Kaoz | 497 | 475 | 5744 | 115502 | GUAU GUAU | 25.2 |
1441 | 009 1 | agente22 | 516 | 474 | 5957 | 136348 | MENSAJEROS OSCUROS | 30.5 |
1990 | MAILEN 11 | MAILEN | 503 | 471 | 6207 | 161069 | EL OREJANO | 29.2 |
1325 | MALAMUTE | ambar1 | 522 | 507 | 6454 | 80180 | GUAU GUAU | 23.1 |
1551 | M45 002 CISNE ![]() | dingal | 473 | 500 | 6546 | 77042 | --- | 27.0 |
4094 | M55 003 MILO ![]() | dingal | 522 | 507 | 6811 | 77042 | --- | 23.1 |
2543 | PRINCESAS | ambar1 | 485 | 521 | 6994 | 80180 | GUAU GUAU | 25.8 |
1357 | LOBITOS | ambar1 | 518 | 514 | 7352 | 80180 | GUAU GUAU | 22.8 |
2020 | ARG-89-04 ![]() | ezequiel34 | 524 | 528 | 7682 | 65562 | -Acéfalos Sin Ley - | 36.9 |
3010 | M45 006 MISTY ![]() | dingal | 474 | 525 | 7782 | 77042 | --- | 36.1 |
2198 | M55 001 VIRGO ![]() | dingal | 511 | 520 | 8656 | 77042 | --- | 22.8 |
1837 | MAILEN 07 | MAILEN | 503 | 471 | 8767 | 161069 | EL OREJANO | 29.2 |
2900 | M45 005 SHAINA ![]() | dingal | 485 | 521 | 8838 | 77042 | --- | 25.8 |
1461 | SIBERIAN HUSKY | ambar1 | 480 | 505 | 8982 | 80180 | GUAU GUAU | 20.6 |
1861 | 001 L | agente22 | 529 | 473 | 9388 | 136348 | MENSAJEROS OSCUROS | 39.6 |
3743 | 06. CriMeN ![]() | Canipa | 511 | 520 | 9425 | 147869 | GUAU GUAU | 22.8 |
982 | M45 001 DRAGON ![]() | dingal | 480 | 505 | 9545 | 77042 | --- | 20.6 |
1280 | ARG-89-02 ![]() | ezequiel34 | 526 | 520 | 9592 | 65562 | -Acéfalos Sin Ley - | 32.8 |
1436 | 01.GeNeSiS ![]() | Canipa | 478 | 493 | 9613 | 147869 | GUAU GUAU | 23.1 |
1828 | 02. GuArDiAna ![]() | Canipa | 480 | 505 | 9830 | 147869 | GUAU GUAU | 20.6 |
1714 | 01.JuNgLa ![]() | Canipa | 478 | 493 | 9881 | 147869 | GUAU GUAU | 23.1 |
1917 | Erik 1D | Erik Raudi | 524 | 528 | 9896 | 115594 | solo x oro | 36.9 |
1199 | LORD PHANTOM | ambar1 | 487 | 519 | 9937 | 80180 | GUAU GUAU | 23.0 |
1380 | Erik 095Crised | Erik Raudi | 526 | 520 | 10061 | 115594 | solo x oro | 32.8 |
1323 | 010 amistad | unidades1 | 526 | 486 | 10133 | 51513 | GUAU GUAU | 29.5 |
1025 | 06. BeLiCo ![]() | Canipa | 509 | 508 | 10285 | 147869 | GUAU GUAU | 12.0 |
1816 | 009 1 2 | agente22 | 516 | 474 | 10293 | 136348 | MENSAJEROS OSCUROS | 30.5 |
258 | 0002 | Ritual del Kaoz | 483 | 494 | 10525 | 115502 | GUAU GUAU | 18.0 |
1059 | 0005 | Ritual del Kaoz | 522 | 507 | 10525 | 115502 | GUAU GUAU | 23.1 |
1164 | 0003 | Ritual del Kaoz | 521 | 503 | 10525 | 115502 | GUAU GUAU | 21.2 |
1896 | 0009 | Ritual del Kaoz | 511 | 520 | 10525 | 115502 | GUAU GUAU | 22.8 |
771 | 01.GuErrA ![]() | Canipa | 478 | 493 | 10569 | 147869 | GUAU GUAU | 23.1 |
81 | 0001 | Ritual del Kaoz | 492 | 486 | 10584 | 115502 | GUAU GUAU | 16.1 |
1557 | Erik 1C | Erik Raudi | 524 | 528 | 11530 | 115594 | solo x oro | 36.9 |
378 | MAILEN 29 | MAILEN | 484 | 484 | 12131 | 161069 | EL OREJANO | 22.6 |
1915 | 01AR54 ![]() | pepe18 | 529 | 473 | 12595 | 148444 | Golden Boys | 39.6 |
1882 | Cotoniastar ![]() | Beto el Pirata | 529 | 473 | 12964 | 92439 | --- | 39.6 |
1844 | MAILEN 26 | MAILEN | 503 | 471 | 13428 | 161069 | EL OREJANO | 29.2 |
472 | Bonsmara | ambar1 | 480 | 505 | 13576 | 80180 | GUAU GUAU | 20.6 |
Players list: Ritual del Kaoz; sinkontrol; dingal; MAILEN; agente22; ambar1; ezequiel34; Canipa; Erik Raudi; unidades1; pepe18; Beto el Pirata
[town]114[/town] 5286pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 504/503 5.0
[town]6032[/town] 5369pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 529/473 39.6
[town]372[/town] 5512pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 484/484 22.6
[town]4459[/town] 5530pts [player]dingal[/player] 527/502 27.1
[town]1678[/town] 5602pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 497/475 25.2
[town]1457[/town] 5620pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 527/502 27.1
[town]1090[/town] 5713pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 503/471 29.2
[town]601[/town] 5744pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 497/475 25.2
[town]1441[/town] 5957pts [player]agente22[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]1990[/town] 6207pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 503/471 29.2
[town]1325[/town] 6454pts [player]ambar1[/player] 522/507 23.1
[town]1551[/town] 6546pts [player]dingal[/player] 473/500 27.0
[town]4094[/town] 6811pts [player]dingal[/player] 522/507 23.1
[town]2543[/town] 6994pts [player]ambar1[/player] 485/521 25.8
[town]1357[/town] 7352pts [player]ambar1[/player] 518/514 22.8
[town]2020[/town] 7682pts [player]ezequiel34[/player] 524/528 36.9
[town]3010[/town] 7782pts [player]dingal[/player] 474/525 36.1
[town]2198[/town] 8656pts [player]dingal[/player] 511/520 22.8
[town]1837[/town] 8767pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 503/471 29.2
[town]2900[/town] 8838pts [player]dingal[/player] 485/521 25.8
[town]1461[/town] 8982pts [player]ambar1[/player] 480/505 20.6
[town]1861[/town] 9388pts [player]agente22[/player] 529/473 39.6
[town]3743[/town] 9425pts [player]Canipa[/player] 511/520 22.8
[town]982[/town] 9545pts [player]dingal[/player] 480/505 20.6
[town]1280[/town] 9592pts [player]ezequiel34[/player] 526/520 32.8
[town]1436[/town] 9613pts [player]Canipa[/player] 478/493 23.1
[town]1828[/town] 9830pts [player]Canipa[/player] 480/505 20.6
[town]1714[/town] 9881pts [player]Canipa[/player] 478/493 23.1
[town]1917[/town] 9896pts [player]Erik Raudi[/player] 524/528 36.9
[town]1199[/town] 9937pts [player]ambar1[/player] 487/519 23.0
[town]1380[/town] 10061pts [player]Erik Raudi[/player] 526/520 32.8
[town]1323[/town] 10133pts [player]unidades1[/player] 526/486 29.5
[town]1025[/town] 10285pts [player]Canipa[/player] 509/508 12.0
[town]1816[/town] 10293pts [player]agente22[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]258[/town] 10525pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 483/494 18.0
[town]1059[/town] 10525pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 522/507 23.1
[town]1164[/town] 10525pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 521/503 21.2
[town]1896[/town] 10525pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 511/520 22.8
[town]771[/town] 10569pts [player]Canipa[/player] 478/493 23.1
[town]81[/town] 10584pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]1557[/town] 11530pts [player]Erik Raudi[/player] 524/528 36.9
[town]378[/town] 12131pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 484/484 22.6
[town]1915[/town] 12595pts [player]pepe18[/player] 529/473 39.6
[town]1882[/town] 12964pts [player]Beto el Pirata[/player] 529/473 39.6
[town]1844[/town] 13428pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 503/471 29.2
[town]472[/town] 13576pts [player]ambar1[/player] 480/505 20.6
[town]114[/town] 5286pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 504/503 5.0
[town]6032[/town] 5369pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 529/473 39.6
[town]372[/town] 5512pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 484/484 22.6
[town]4459[/town] 5530pts [player]dingal[/player] 527/502 27.1
[town]1678[/town] 5602pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 497/475 25.2
[town]1457[/town] 5620pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 527/502 27.1
[town]1090[/town] 5713pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 503/471 29.2
[town]601[/town] 5744pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 497/475 25.2
[town]1441[/town] 5957pts [player]agente22[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]1990[/town] 6207pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 503/471 29.2
[town]1325[/town] 6454pts [player]ambar1[/player] 522/507 23.1
[town]1551[/town] 6546pts [player]dingal[/player] 473/500 27.0
[town]4094[/town] 6811pts [player]dingal[/player] 522/507 23.1
[town]2543[/town] 6994pts [player]ambar1[/player] 485/521 25.8
[town]1357[/town] 7352pts [player]ambar1[/player] 518/514 22.8
[town]2020[/town] 7682pts [player]ezequiel34[/player] 524/528 36.9
[town]3010[/town] 7782pts [player]dingal[/player] 474/525 36.1
[town]2198[/town] 8656pts [player]dingal[/player] 511/520 22.8
[town]1837[/town] 8767pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 503/471 29.2
[town]2900[/town] 8838pts [player]dingal[/player] 485/521 25.8
[town]1461[/town] 8982pts [player]ambar1[/player] 480/505 20.6
[town]1861[/town] 9388pts [player]agente22[/player] 529/473 39.6
[town]3743[/town] 9425pts [player]Canipa[/player] 511/520 22.8
[town]982[/town] 9545pts [player]dingal[/player] 480/505 20.6
[town]1280[/town] 9592pts [player]ezequiel34[/player] 526/520 32.8
[town]1436[/town] 9613pts [player]Canipa[/player] 478/493 23.1
[town]1828[/town] 9830pts [player]Canipa[/player] 480/505 20.6
[town]1714[/town] 9881pts [player]Canipa[/player] 478/493 23.1
[town]1917[/town] 9896pts [player]Erik Raudi[/player] 524/528 36.9
[town]1199[/town] 9937pts [player]ambar1[/player] 487/519 23.0
[town]1380[/town] 10061pts [player]Erik Raudi[/player] 526/520 32.8
[town]1323[/town] 10133pts [player]unidades1[/player] 526/486 29.5
[town]1025[/town] 10285pts [player]Canipa[/player] 509/508 12.0
[town]1816[/town] 10293pts [player]agente22[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]258[/town] 10525pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 483/494 18.0
[town]1059[/town] 10525pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 522/507 23.1
[town]1164[/town] 10525pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 521/503 21.2
[town]1896[/town] 10525pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 511/520 22.8
[town]771[/town] 10569pts [player]Canipa[/player] 478/493 23.1
[town]81[/town] 10584pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]1557[/town] 11530pts [player]Erik Raudi[/player] 524/528 36.9
[town]378[/town] 12131pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 484/484 22.6
[town]1915[/town] 12595pts [player]pepe18[/player] 529/473 39.6
[town]1882[/town] 12964pts [player]Beto el Pirata[/player] 529/473 39.6
[town]1844[/town] 13428pts [player]MAILEN[/player] 503/471 29.2
[town]472[/town] 13576pts [player]ambar1[/player] 480/505 20.6
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.