Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
307 | pr001 | Praetor Rodrigues | 516 | 481 | 5017 | 7125 | RAPACI | 24.8 |
61 | D004 | Tower Defense | 492 | 486 | 5027 | 27375 | LOS MAPOGOS | 16.1 |
90 | 011 mora | aleinycof | 492 | 486 | 5090 | 15965 | LOS MAPOGOS | 16.1 |
268 | 03-FTA | FromTheAshes | 483 | 494 | 5340 | 41568 | LOS MAPOGOS | 18.0 |
35 | Ciudad de Signa | Signa | 496 | 491 | 5346 | 11008 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 9.8 |
110 | ARG-89-01 | ezequiel34 | 505 | 496 | 5399 | 8934 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 6.4 |
264 | 02 Baya de Oro | Eomer | 505 | 496 | 5403 | 18548 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 6.4 |
15 | 001-Afganistan | NIGHTER | 496 | 491 | 5456 | 10993 | LOS MAPOGOS | 9.8 |
64 | Methamorphose I | Methamorphose | 500 | 494 | 5470 | 10848 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 6.0 |
349 | 04-FTA | FromTheAshes | 504 | 488 | 5605 | 41568 | LOS MAPOGOS | 12.6 |
81 | 0001 | Ritual del Kaoz | 492 | 486 | 5616 | 8477 | LOS MAPOGOS | 16.1 |
285 | 001=PEPE=54 | pepe18 | 516 | 481 | 5795 | 13776 | -RAPACI- | 24.8 |
19 | Nid | Nidhug. | 496 | 491 | 5828 | 11304 | LOS MAPOGOS | 9.8 |
68 | 1.Lors | HeylinT | 492 | 486 | 5836 | 9885 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 16.1 |
95 | Gorito | gorini | 492 | 486 | 5912 | 16879 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 16.1 |
70 | Ramos Mejia | Toto1 | 500 | 494 | 5985 | 12939 | LOS MAPOGOS | 6.0 |
434 | WILD 01 | THE WILD | 494 | 506 | 6010 | 6010 | LOS MAPOGOS | 8.5 |
77 | 001 chad | playertech | 492 | 486 | 6151 | 13076 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 16.1 |
169 | 001-Dm | sinkontrol | 498 | 503 | 6291 | 10468 | La vieja guardia | 3.6 |
21 | 01 - Guishe | guishe2002 | 496 | 491 | 6319 | 13564 | LOS MAPOGOS | 9.8 |
190 | 02-FTA | FromTheAshes | 505 | 496 | 6447 | 41568 | LOS MAPOGOS | 6.4 |
23 | 01 Sr. Bombadil | Eomer | 504 | 503 | 6609 | 18548 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 5.0 |
39 | 001 - Konoha | apiScriptTest | 500 | 494 | 6784 | 12465 | LOS MAPOGOS | 6.0 |
87 | Munich | Gisypolis | 492 | 486 | 6808 | 9795 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 16.1 |
125 | 10 44 ARGENPIA | Fracking | 492 | 486 | 6914 | 21274 | LOS MAPOGOS | 16.1 |
276 | 001 TT | joao31082000 | 516 | 481 | 7083 | 11435 | RAPACI | 24.8 |
224 | Aura | Aura Sphere | 494 | 506 | 7207 | 14663 | -RAPACI- | 8.5 |
10 | 44 1 Winterfell | m1t31s | 496 | 491 | 7484 | 15388 | LOS MAPOGOS | 9.8 |
99 | The Chihuahuas 001 | schireed | 500 | 494 | 8096 | 20276 | Gatitos Maquiavelicos | 6.0 |
11 | Esparta01 | leonidas201 | 496 | 491 | 8954 | 17520 | LOS MAPOGOS | 9.8 |
13 | D001 | Tower Defense | 496 | 491 | 9369 | 27375 | LOS MAPOGOS | 9.8 |
79 | 01-FTA | FromTheAshes | 500 | 494 | 10038 | 41568 | LOS MAPOGOS | 6.0 |
Players list: Praetor Rodrigues; Tower Defense; aleinycof; FromTheAshes; Signa; ezequiel34; Eomer; NIGHTER; Methamorphose; Ritual del Kaoz; pepe18; Nidhug.; HeylinT; gorini; Toto1; THE WILD; playertech; sinkontrol; guishe2002; apiScriptTest; Gisypolis; Fracking; joao31082000; Aura Sphere; m1t31s; schireed; leonidas201
[town]307[/town] 5017pts [player]Praetor Rodrigues[/player] 516/481 24.8
[town]61[/town] 5027pts [player]Tower Defense[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]90[/town] 5090pts [player]aleinycof[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]268[/town] 5340pts [player]FromTheAshes[/player] 483/494 18.0
[town]35[/town] 5346pts [player]Signa[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]110[/town] 5399pts [player]ezequiel34[/player] 505/496 6.4
[town]264[/town] 5403pts [player]Eomer[/player] 505/496 6.4
[town]15[/town] 5456pts [player]NIGHTER[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]64[/town] 5470pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]349[/town] 5605pts [player]FromTheAshes[/player] 504/488 12.6
[town]81[/town] 5616pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]285[/town] 5795pts [player]pepe18[/player] 516/481 24.8
[town]19[/town] 5828pts [player]Nidhug.[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]68[/town] 5836pts [player]HeylinT[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]95[/town] 5912pts [player]gorini[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]70[/town] 5985pts [player]Toto1[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]434[/town] 6010pts [player]THE WILD[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]77[/town] 6151pts [player]playertech[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]169[/town] 6291pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]21[/town] 6319pts [player]guishe2002[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]190[/town] 6447pts [player]FromTheAshes[/player] 505/496 6.4
[town]23[/town] 6609pts [player]Eomer[/player] 504/503 5.0
[town]39[/town] 6784pts [player]apiScriptTest[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]87[/town] 6808pts [player]Gisypolis[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]125[/town] 6914pts [player]Fracking[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]276[/town] 7083pts [player]joao31082000[/player] 516/481 24.8
[town]224[/town] 7207pts [player]Aura Sphere[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]10[/town] 7484pts [player]m1t31s[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]99[/town] 8096pts [player]schireed[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]11[/town] 8954pts [player]leonidas201[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]13[/town] 9369pts [player]Tower Defense[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]79[/town] 10038pts [player]FromTheAshes[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]307[/town] 5017pts [player]Praetor Rodrigues[/player] 516/481 24.8
[town]61[/town] 5027pts [player]Tower Defense[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]90[/town] 5090pts [player]aleinycof[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]268[/town] 5340pts [player]FromTheAshes[/player] 483/494 18.0
[town]35[/town] 5346pts [player]Signa[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]110[/town] 5399pts [player]ezequiel34[/player] 505/496 6.4
[town]264[/town] 5403pts [player]Eomer[/player] 505/496 6.4
[town]15[/town] 5456pts [player]NIGHTER[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]64[/town] 5470pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]349[/town] 5605pts [player]FromTheAshes[/player] 504/488 12.6
[town]81[/town] 5616pts [player]Ritual del Kaoz[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]285[/town] 5795pts [player]pepe18[/player] 516/481 24.8
[town]19[/town] 5828pts [player]Nidhug.[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]68[/town] 5836pts [player]HeylinT[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]95[/town] 5912pts [player]gorini[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]70[/town] 5985pts [player]Toto1[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]434[/town] 6010pts [player]THE WILD[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]77[/town] 6151pts [player]playertech[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]169[/town] 6291pts [player]sinkontrol[/player] 498/503 3.6
[town]21[/town] 6319pts [player]guishe2002[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]190[/town] 6447pts [player]FromTheAshes[/player] 505/496 6.4
[town]23[/town] 6609pts [player]Eomer[/player] 504/503 5.0
[town]39[/town] 6784pts [player]apiScriptTest[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]87[/town] 6808pts [player]Gisypolis[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]125[/town] 6914pts [player]Fracking[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]276[/town] 7083pts [player]joao31082000[/player] 516/481 24.8
[town]224[/town] 7207pts [player]Aura Sphere[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]10[/town] 7484pts [player]m1t31s[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]99[/town] 8096pts [player]schireed[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]11[/town] 8954pts [player]leonidas201[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]13[/town] 9369pts [player]Tower Defense[/player] 496/491 9.8
[town]79[/town] 10038pts [player]FromTheAshes[/player] 500/494 6.0
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.