Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
3201 | Protocolo 09 | Protocolo | 507 | 528 | 5198 | 91780 | Spartans Elite | 28.9 |
2936 | Ciudad de josepidas 7 | josepidas | 524 | 472 | 5586 | 33025 | --- | 36.9 |
386 | ATENIENSES | maxneitor | 496 | 489 | 5865 | 111844 | Spartans Elite | 11.7 |
3138 | Protocolo 08 | Protocolo | 498 | 516 | 5940 | 91780 | Spartans Elite | 16.1 |
2929 | Protocolo 07 | Protocolo | 491 | 513 | 7040 | 91780 | Spartans Elite | 15.8 |
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2363 | Protocolo 05 | Protocolo | 508 | 521 | 7237 | 91780 | Spartans Elite | 22.5 |
1926 | Ciudad de Methamorphose | Methamorphose | 518 | 497 | 7852 | 93957 | Spartans Elite III | 18.2 |
528 | ju = 10 | Jubileu | 500 | 476 | 7871 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 24.0 |
436 | ju = 09 | Jubileu | 509 | 526 | 7948 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 27.5 |
105 | ju = 04 | Jubileu | 520 | 504 | 8660 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 20.4 |
1689 | Methamorphose II | Methamorphose | 476 | 485 | 9242 | 93957 | Spartans Elite III | 28.3 |
1691 | Methamorphose III | Methamorphose | 472 | 480 | 9511 | 93957 | Spartans Elite III | 34.4 |
1796 | Protocolo 04 | Protocolo | 518 | 497 | 9594 | 91780 | Spartans Elite | 18.2 |
755 | 02b | maxneitor | 485 | 492 | 9767 | 111844 | Spartans Elite | 17.0 |
1262 | ju = 08 | Jubileu | 521 | 510 | 9987 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 23.3 |
191 | Masktrouxa | Methamorphose | 514 | 494 | 10030 | 93957 | Spartans Elite III | 15.2 |
204 | protocolo 03 | Protocolo | 514 | 494 | 10080 | 91780 | Spartans Elite | 15.2 |
830 | 06.Porfiao | maxneitor | 492 | 485 | 10356 | 111844 | Spartans Elite | 17.0 |
1067 | ju = 07 | Jubileu | 527 | 502 | 10633 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 27.1 |
202 | protocolo 01 | Protocolo | 498 | 516 | 11051 | 91780 | Spartans Elite | 16.1 |
882 | protocolo 02 | Protocolo | 505 | 512 | 11087 | 91780 | Spartans Elite | 13.0 |
264 | ju = 03 | Jubileu | 519 | 493 | 11285 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 20.2 |
1556 | Macedonia | maxneitor | 477 | 507 | 11356 | 111844 | Spartans Elite | 24.0 |
291 | Vanir | maxneitor | 520 | 504 | 11588 | 111844 | Spartans Elite | 20.4 |
235 | ju = 12 | Jubileu | 514 | 494 | 11852 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 15.2 |
126 | Excalibur | maxneitor | 486 | 502 | 11874 | 111844 | Spartans Elite | 14.1 |
260 | Chomusuke | maxneitor | 483 | 506 | 11942 | 111844 | Spartans Elite | 18.0 |
1272 | ju = 15 | Jubileu | 483 | 506 | 11998 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 18.0 |
70 | Limon | Methamorphose | 505 | 512 | 12250 | 93957 | Spartans Elite III | 13.0 |
156 | ju = 01 | Jubileu | 527 | 502 | 12343 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 27.1 |
357 | ju = 05 | Jubileu | 520 | 504 | 12372 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 20.4 |
1403 | Protocolo 06 | Protocolo | 519 | 493 | 12652 | 91780 | Spartans Elite | 20.2 |
609 | 01b | maxneitor | 494 | 494 | 12765 | 111844 | Spartans Elite | 8.5 |
178 | Chunchunmaru | maxneitor | 486 | 502 | 12994 | 111844 | Spartans Elite | 14.1 |
74 | Methamorphose | Methamorphose | 505 | 512 | 14908 | 93957 | Spartans Elite III | 13.0 |
638 | ju = 16 | Jubileu | 496 | 489 | 16005 | 180004 | Spartans Elite III | 11.7 |
Players list: Protocolo; josepidas; maxneitor; Methamorphose; Jubileu
[town]3201[/town] 5198pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 507/528 28.9
[town]2936[/town] 5586pts [player]josepidas[/player] 524/472 36.9
[town]386[/town] 5865pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 496/489 11.7
[town]3138[/town] 5940pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 498/516 16.1
[town]2929[/town] 7040pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 491/513 15.8
[town]2363[/town] 7237pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 508/521 22.5
[town]1926[/town] 7852pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 518/497 18.2
[town]528[/town] 7871pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 500/476 24.0
[town]436[/town] 7948pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 509/526 27.5
[town]105[/town] 8660pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 520/504 20.4
[town]1689[/town] 9242pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 476/485 28.3
[town]1691[/town] 9511pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 472/480 34.4
[town]1796[/town] 9594pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 518/497 18.2
[town]755[/town] 9767pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 485/492 17.0
[town]1262[/town] 9987pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 521/510 23.3
[town]191[/town] 10030pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]204[/town] 10080pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]830[/town] 10356pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 492/485 17.0
[town]1067[/town] 10633pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 527/502 27.1
[town]202[/town] 11051pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 498/516 16.1
[town]882[/town] 11087pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 505/512 13.0
[town]264[/town] 11285pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 519/493 20.2
[town]1556[/town] 11356pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 477/507 24.0
[town]291[/town] 11588pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 520/504 20.4
[town]235[/town] 11852pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]126[/town] 11874pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]260[/town] 11942pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 483/506 18.0
[town]1272[/town] 11998pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 483/506 18.0
[town]70[/town] 12250pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 505/512 13.0
[town]156[/town] 12343pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 527/502 27.1
[town]357[/town] 12372pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 520/504 20.4
[town]1403[/town] 12652pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 519/493 20.2
[town]609[/town] 12765pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 494/494 8.5
[town]178[/town] 12994pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]74[/town] 14908pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 505/512 13.0
[town]638[/town] 16005pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 496/489 11.7
[town]3201[/town] 5198pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 507/528 28.9
[town]2936[/town] 5586pts [player]josepidas[/player] 524/472 36.9
[town]386[/town] 5865pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 496/489 11.7
[town]3138[/town] 5940pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 498/516 16.1
[town]2929[/town] 7040pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 491/513 15.8
[town]2363[/town] 7237pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 508/521 22.5
[town]1926[/town] 7852pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 518/497 18.2
[town]528[/town] 7871pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 500/476 24.0
[town]436[/town] 7948pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 509/526 27.5
[town]105[/town] 8660pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 520/504 20.4
[town]1689[/town] 9242pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 476/485 28.3
[town]1691[/town] 9511pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 472/480 34.4
[town]1796[/town] 9594pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 518/497 18.2
[town]755[/town] 9767pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 485/492 17.0
[town]1262[/town] 9987pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 521/510 23.3
[town]191[/town] 10030pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]204[/town] 10080pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]830[/town] 10356pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 492/485 17.0
[town]1067[/town] 10633pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 527/502 27.1
[town]202[/town] 11051pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 498/516 16.1
[town]882[/town] 11087pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 505/512 13.0
[town]264[/town] 11285pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 519/493 20.2
[town]1556[/town] 11356pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 477/507 24.0
[town]291[/town] 11588pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 520/504 20.4
[town]235[/town] 11852pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]126[/town] 11874pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]260[/town] 11942pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 483/506 18.0
[town]1272[/town] 11998pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 483/506 18.0
[town]70[/town] 12250pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 505/512 13.0
[town]156[/town] 12343pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 527/502 27.1
[town]357[/town] 12372pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 520/504 20.4
[town]1403[/town] 12652pts [player]Protocolo[/player] 519/493 20.2
[town]609[/town] 12765pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 494/494 8.5
[town]178[/town] 12994pts [player]maxneitor[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]74[/town] 14908pts [player]Methamorphose[/player] 505/512 13.0
[town]638[/town] 16005pts [player]Jubileu[/player] 496/489 11.7
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.