Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
6672 | 44MayportWSt7 | Baileyboy | 494 | 472 | 5300 | 98148 | Kiss My Arsenal II | 28.6 |
6465 | Austin | Lubuu | 500 | 514 | 5306 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 14.0 |
6309 | Miso | Lubuu | 495 | 513 | 5643 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 13.9 |
6307 | Crell | Lubuu | 498 | 515 | 5967 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 15.1 |
7988 | 45. Flint Rock | NightScream | 491 | 507 | 6642 | 131829 | Throwin Rocks | 11.4 |
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3892 | Scamander021's city 6 | Scamander021 | 499 | 471 | 6835 | 119117 | Teutonic Order | 29.0 |
6308 | Houston | Lubuu | 500 | 514 | 6893 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 14.0 |
7873 | Dash L | gestoner | 473 | 486 | 7103 | 186009 | Kiss My Arsenal | 30.4 |
6755 | 12 Weeb land | Hakrag | 476 | 494 | 7630 | 179213 | Kiss My Arsenal | 24.7 |
5681 | Bjorn | STRYKER 225 | 500 | 514 | 8379 | 155514 | Throwin Rocks | 14.0 |
1202 | Goodbye Blue Skye | Big Turkey | 489 | 522 | 8525 | 128258 | Skipping Stones | 24.6 |
1187 | Athens | Lubuu | 479 | 522 | 8655 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 30.4 |
6001 | Strife | STRYKER 225 | 500 | 514 | 9003 | 155514 | Throwin Rocks | 14.0 |
7579 | 44 Papa | Prince of Troy | 473 | 486 | 9024 | 195766 | Kiss My Arsenal | 30.4 |
357 | Apple | Lubuu | 495 | 517 | 9273 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 17.7 |
473 | 54.05 Watch Hill ![]() | TheDragonReborn | 516 | 484 | 9654 | 85132 | Teutonic Order | 22.6 |
1770 | San Jose | magicthief | 492 | 486 | 9785 | 109399 | Kiss My Arsenal | 16.1 |
3609 | Bakersfield | magicthief | 492 | 486 | 9785 | 109399 | Kiss My Arsenal | 16.1 |
1589 | 08-Blacksmith9 | blacksmith9 | 523 | 527 | 9967 | 153896 | Teutonic Order | 35.5 |
978 | Dash | gestoner | 482 | 486 | 10364 | 186009 | Kiss My Arsenal | 22.8 |
1841 | KarBash3 ![]() | Kim KarBashian | 523 | 527 | 10401 | 114638 | The Livonian Order | 35.5 |
1304 | Buster | gestoner | 475 | 473 | 10526 | 186009 | Kiss My Arsenal | 36.8 |
1184 | 002 | SoulTaker1 | 489 | 522 | 10575 | 22031 | Skipping Stones | 24.6 |
26 | Nordic | STRYKER 225 | 496 | 510 | 10709 | 155514 | Throwin Rocks | 10.8 |
186 | Place of Skulls | Lubuu | 502 | 511 | 10755 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 11.2 |
463 | Big Turkey's city | Big Turkey | 480 | 500 | 10906 | 128258 | Skipping Stones | 20.0 |
99 | Anabelle | STRYKER 225 | 502 | 511 | 10997 | 155514 | Throwin Rocks | 11.2 |
154 | TF - 53 | Noxian Nightmare | 482 | 486 | 11064 | 151445 | Kiss My Arsenal | 22.8 |
81 | The Coom Zone | ironyeti5 | 492 | 486 | 11118 | 181480 | Kiss My Arsenal | 16.1 |
1006 | Hector | Scamander021 | 518 | 474 | 11450 | 119117 | Teutonic Order | 31.6 |
292 | 001 | SoulTaker1 | 495 | 517 | 11456 | 22031 | Skipping Stones | 17.7 |
76 | lost angel | magicthief | 492 | 486 | 11596 | 109399 | Kiss My Arsenal | 16.1 |
94 | 08 Dol Guldur | Hassanmira | 492 | 486 | 11634 | 100277 | Kiss My Arsenal | 16.1 |
155 | 54.03 Thanks Zander ![]() | TheDragonReborn | 510 | 486 | 11661 | 85132 | Teutonic Order | 17.2 |
791 | 003 More like 00Pee | ironyeti5 | 475 | 473 | 11912 | 181480 | Kiss My Arsenal | 36.8 |
608 | 54.06 ![]() | TheDragonReborn | 518 | 474 | 11916 | 85132 | Teutonic Order | 31.6 |
237 | 54.01 Two Rivers ![]() | TheDragonReborn | 511 | 479 | 11977 | 85132 | Teutonic Order | 23.7 |
878 | 54.02 Emond's Field ![]() | TheDragonReborn | 512 | 473 | 12062 | 85132 | Teutonic Order | 29.5 |
1161 | 002. Mercury | Sweetz | 512 | 473 | 12073 | 116166 | Teutonic Order | 29.5 |
1301 | Charlie | Prince of Troy | 475 | 473 | 12125 | 195766 | Kiss My Arsenal | 36.8 |
30 | Rome | Lubuu | 496 | 510 | 12152 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 10.8 |
262 | Troy | Lubuu | 488 | 504 | 12399 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 12.6 |
744 | 54.04 Devon Ride ![]() | TheDragonReborn | 521 | 479 | 12691 | 85132 | Teutonic Order | 29.7 |
4891 | 44BailzWSi1 | Baileyboy | 485 | 473 | 12785 | 98148 | Kiss My Arsenal II | 30.9 |
1209 | Boston | gestoner | 485 | 473 | 12998 | 186009 | Kiss My Arsenal | 30.9 |
183 | 001. Earth | Sweetz | 510 | 486 | 13164 | 116166 | Teutonic Order | 17.2 |
106 | Sephiroth | STRYKER 225 | 496 | 510 | 13282 | 155514 | Throwin Rocks | 10.8 |
870 | 44 Prime | Prince of Troy | 485 | 473 | 13385 | 195766 | Kiss My Arsenal | 30.9 |
1168 | AK-47 ![]() | Traxus | 475 | 473 | 13661 | 87440 | Kiss My Arsenal | 36.8 |
335 | Troy | Scamander021 | 511 | 479 | 13714 | 119117 | Teutonic Order | 23.7 |
690 | 2.6 - knowledge | Lubuu | 507 | 524 | 13850 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 25.0 |
5045 | 06 Hooters | Hakrag | 485 | 473 | 13923 | 179213 | Kiss My Arsenal | 30.9 |
146 | tech 4d ![]() | mtech45 | 502 | 511 | 14214 | 44867 | --- | 11.2 |
28 | 4501 | Lubuu | 496 | 510 | 14307 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 10.8 |
475 | 54 Lothaire ![]() | hatfield1013 | 499 | 471 | 14398 | 123838 | --- | 29.0 |
267 | 54 Black Star ![]() | hatfield1013 | 511 | 479 | 14457 | 123838 | --- | 23.7 |
1061 | 54 Hila ![]() | hatfield1013 | 512 | 473 | 14595 | 123838 | --- | 29.5 |
373 | 55 Agora ![]() | eltigre704 | 512 | 516 | 14641 | 66036 | Skipping Stones | 20.0 |
352 | O54 Candy 1 | The Candyman | 517 | 496 | 14676 | 112808 | Teutonic Order | 17.5 |
139 | 08 Bober | Hakrag | 482 | 486 | 14926 | 179213 | Kiss My Arsenal | 22.8 |
3171 | Hermantown*- | Paulonius III | 475 | 514 | 14963 | 187624 | Skipping Stones | 28.7 |
2367 | O55 Candy 2 | The Candyman | 523 | 527 | 15092 | 112808 | Teutonic Order | 35.5 |
118 | tech 8 | Lubuu | 496 | 510 | 15687 | 150528 | Throwin Rocks | 10.8 |
1423 | City of the Plume | Reanko | 485 | 473 | 15936 | 135941 | Kiss My Arsenal II | 30.9 |
724 | 55. Galactic Rock | NightScream | 512 | 516 | 16104 | 131829 | Throwin Rocks | 20.0 |
360 | Baby She Got A Gun | princess Kuini | 512 | 516 | 16149 | 59682 | Throwin Rocks | 20.0 |
1295 | D44-003 | Krazzy | 475 | 473 | 16266 | 134413 | Kiss My Arsenal | 36.8 |
1085 | Fat Freddys Drop | princess Kuini | 501 | 522 | 16349 | 59682 | Throwin Rocks | 22.0 |
476 | Alaska | BigusJohnson | 499 | 471 | 16524 | 103384 | The Livonian Order | 29.0 |
588 | TECH ![]() | mtech45 | 513 | 520 | 16679 | 44867 | --- | 23.9 |
Players list: Baileyboy; Lubuu; NightScream; Scamander021; gestoner; Hakrag; STRYKER 225; Big Turkey; Prince of Troy; TheDragonReborn; magicthief; blacksmith9; Kim KarBashian; SoulTaker1; Noxian Nightmare; ironyeti5; Hassanmira; Sweetz; Traxus; mtech45; hatfield1013; eltigre704; The Candyman; Paulonius III; Reanko; princess Kuini; Krazzy; BigusJohnson
[town]6672[/town] 5300pts [player]Baileyboy[/player] 494/472 28.6
[town]6465[/town] 5306pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 500/514 14.0
[town]6309[/town] 5643pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]6307[/town] 5967pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]7988[/town] 6642pts [player]NightScream[/player] 491/507 11.4
[town]3892[/town] 6835pts [player]Scamander021[/player] 499/471 29.0
[town]6308[/town] 6893pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 500/514 14.0
[town]7873[/town] 7103pts [player]gestoner[/player] 473/486 30.4
[town]6755[/town] 7630pts [player]Hakrag[/player] 476/494 24.7
[town]5681[/town] 8379pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 500/514 14.0
[town]1202[/town] 8525pts [player]Big Turkey[/player] 489/522 24.6
[town]1187[/town] 8655pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 479/522 30.4
[town]6001[/town] 9003pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 500/514 14.0
[town]7579[/town] 9024pts [player]Prince of Troy[/player] 473/486 30.4
[town]357[/town] 9273pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 495/517 17.7
[town]473[/town] 9654pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 516/484 22.6
[town]1770[/town] 9785pts [player]magicthief[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]3609[/town] 9785pts [player]magicthief[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]1589[/town] 9967pts [player]blacksmith9[/player] 523/527 35.5
[town]978[/town] 10364pts [player]gestoner[/player] 482/486 22.8
[town]1841[/town] 10401pts [player]Kim KarBashian[/player] 523/527 35.5
[town]1304[/town] 10526pts [player]gestoner[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]1184[/town] 10575pts [player]SoulTaker1[/player] 489/522 24.6
[town]26[/town] 10709pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]186[/town] 10755pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 502/511 11.2
[town]463[/town] 10906pts [player]Big Turkey[/player] 480/500 20.0
[town]99[/town] 10997pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 502/511 11.2
[town]154[/town] 11064pts [player]Noxian Nightmare[/player] 482/486 22.8
[town]81[/town] 11118pts [player]ironyeti5[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]1006[/town] 11450pts [player]Scamander021[/player] 518/474 31.6
[town]292[/town] 11456pts [player]SoulTaker1[/player] 495/517 17.7
[town]76[/town] 11596pts [player]magicthief[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]94[/town] 11634pts [player]Hassanmira[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]155[/town] 11661pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 510/486 17.2
[town]791[/town] 11912pts [player]ironyeti5[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]608[/town] 11916pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 518/474 31.6
[town]237[/town] 11977pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 511/479 23.7
[town]878[/town] 12062pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 512/473 29.5
[town]1161[/town] 12073pts [player]Sweetz[/player] 512/473 29.5
[town]1301[/town] 12125pts [player]Prince of Troy[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]30[/town] 12152pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]262[/town] 12399pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 488/504 12.6
[town]744[/town] 12691pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 521/479 29.7
[town]4891[/town] 12785pts [player]Baileyboy[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]1209[/town] 12998pts [player]gestoner[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]183[/town] 13164pts [player]Sweetz[/player] 510/486 17.2
[town]106[/town] 13282pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]870[/town] 13385pts [player]Prince of Troy[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]1168[/town] 13661pts [player]Traxus[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]335[/town] 13714pts [player]Scamander021[/player] 511/479 23.7
[town]690[/town] 13850pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 507/524 25.0
[town]5045[/town] 13923pts [player]Hakrag[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]146[/town] 14214pts [player]mtech45[/player] 502/511 11.2
[town]28[/town] 14307pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]475[/town] 14398pts [player]hatfield1013[/player] 499/471 29.0
[town]267[/town] 14457pts [player]hatfield1013[/player] 511/479 23.7
[town]1061[/town] 14595pts [player]hatfield1013[/player] 512/473 29.5
[town]373[/town] 14641pts [player]eltigre704[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]352[/town] 14676pts [player]The Candyman[/player] 517/496 17.5
[town]139[/town] 14926pts [player]Hakrag[/player] 482/486 22.8
[town]3171[/town] 14963pts [player]Paulonius III[/player] 475/514 28.7
[town]2367[/town] 15092pts [player]The Candyman[/player] 523/527 35.5
[town]118[/town] 15687pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]1423[/town] 15936pts [player]Reanko[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]724[/town] 16104pts [player]NightScream[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]360[/town] 16149pts [player]princess Kuini[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]1295[/town] 16266pts [player]Krazzy[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]1085[/town] 16349pts [player]princess Kuini[/player] 501/522 22.0
[town]476[/town] 16524pts [player]BigusJohnson[/player] 499/471 29.0
[town]588[/town] 16679pts [player]mtech45[/player] 513/520 23.9
[town]6672[/town] 5300pts [player]Baileyboy[/player] 494/472 28.6
[town]6465[/town] 5306pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 500/514 14.0
[town]6309[/town] 5643pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]6307[/town] 5967pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]7988[/town] 6642pts [player]NightScream[/player] 491/507 11.4
[town]3892[/town] 6835pts [player]Scamander021[/player] 499/471 29.0
[town]6308[/town] 6893pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 500/514 14.0
[town]7873[/town] 7103pts [player]gestoner[/player] 473/486 30.4
[town]6755[/town] 7630pts [player]Hakrag[/player] 476/494 24.7
[town]5681[/town] 8379pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 500/514 14.0
[town]1202[/town] 8525pts [player]Big Turkey[/player] 489/522 24.6
[town]1187[/town] 8655pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 479/522 30.4
[town]6001[/town] 9003pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 500/514 14.0
[town]7579[/town] 9024pts [player]Prince of Troy[/player] 473/486 30.4
[town]357[/town] 9273pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 495/517 17.7
[town]473[/town] 9654pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 516/484 22.6
[town]1770[/town] 9785pts [player]magicthief[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]3609[/town] 9785pts [player]magicthief[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]1589[/town] 9967pts [player]blacksmith9[/player] 523/527 35.5
[town]978[/town] 10364pts [player]gestoner[/player] 482/486 22.8
[town]1841[/town] 10401pts [player]Kim KarBashian[/player] 523/527 35.5
[town]1304[/town] 10526pts [player]gestoner[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]1184[/town] 10575pts [player]SoulTaker1[/player] 489/522 24.6
[town]26[/town] 10709pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]186[/town] 10755pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 502/511 11.2
[town]463[/town] 10906pts [player]Big Turkey[/player] 480/500 20.0
[town]99[/town] 10997pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 502/511 11.2
[town]154[/town] 11064pts [player]Noxian Nightmare[/player] 482/486 22.8
[town]81[/town] 11118pts [player]ironyeti5[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]1006[/town] 11450pts [player]Scamander021[/player] 518/474 31.6
[town]292[/town] 11456pts [player]SoulTaker1[/player] 495/517 17.7
[town]76[/town] 11596pts [player]magicthief[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]94[/town] 11634pts [player]Hassanmira[/player] 492/486 16.1
[town]155[/town] 11661pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 510/486 17.2
[town]791[/town] 11912pts [player]ironyeti5[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]608[/town] 11916pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 518/474 31.6
[town]237[/town] 11977pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 511/479 23.7
[town]878[/town] 12062pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 512/473 29.5
[town]1161[/town] 12073pts [player]Sweetz[/player] 512/473 29.5
[town]1301[/town] 12125pts [player]Prince of Troy[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]30[/town] 12152pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]262[/town] 12399pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 488/504 12.6
[town]744[/town] 12691pts [player]TheDragonReborn[/player] 521/479 29.7
[town]4891[/town] 12785pts [player]Baileyboy[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]1209[/town] 12998pts [player]gestoner[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]183[/town] 13164pts [player]Sweetz[/player] 510/486 17.2
[town]106[/town] 13282pts [player]STRYKER 225[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]870[/town] 13385pts [player]Prince of Troy[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]1168[/town] 13661pts [player]Traxus[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]335[/town] 13714pts [player]Scamander021[/player] 511/479 23.7
[town]690[/town] 13850pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 507/524 25.0
[town]5045[/town] 13923pts [player]Hakrag[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]146[/town] 14214pts [player]mtech45[/player] 502/511 11.2
[town]28[/town] 14307pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]475[/town] 14398pts [player]hatfield1013[/player] 499/471 29.0
[town]267[/town] 14457pts [player]hatfield1013[/player] 511/479 23.7
[town]1061[/town] 14595pts [player]hatfield1013[/player] 512/473 29.5
[town]373[/town] 14641pts [player]eltigre704[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]352[/town] 14676pts [player]The Candyman[/player] 517/496 17.5
[town]139[/town] 14926pts [player]Hakrag[/player] 482/486 22.8
[town]3171[/town] 14963pts [player]Paulonius III[/player] 475/514 28.7
[town]2367[/town] 15092pts [player]The Candyman[/player] 523/527 35.5
[town]118[/town] 15687pts [player]Lubuu[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]1423[/town] 15936pts [player]Reanko[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]724[/town] 16104pts [player]NightScream[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]360[/town] 16149pts [player]princess Kuini[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]1295[/town] 16266pts [player]Krazzy[/player] 475/473 36.8
[town]1085[/town] 16349pts [player]princess Kuini[/player] 501/522 22.0
[town]476[/town] 16524pts [player]BigusJohnson[/player] 499/471 29.0
[town]588[/town] 16679pts [player]mtech45[/player] 513/520 23.9
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.