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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
2691Ciudad de sergioricardo 2 attacked playersergioricardo483512581713237---20.8
4018SofiaxX-JUNIOR-Xx4735167143127988Error Olímpico31.4
318708Ciudad de TurboToixX-JUNIOR-Xx4854807280127988Error Olímpico25.0
24005 - C.A.R.P attacked playermajara5135047421143291para reponer13.6
4297Ciudad de DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe 4 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe5264937625195371The Bad Touch26.9
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4292Ciudad de DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe 2 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe4864777758195371The Bad Touch26.9
71710- attacked playermajara5215067799143291para reponer21.8
65403-WaZZaiaa attacked playermajara5194987848143291para reponer19.1
4295Ciudad de DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe 3 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe4914727908195371The Bad Touch29.4
30001-Liquid attacked playermajara5135047966143291para reponer13.6
37509- attacked playermajara4975107968143291para reponer10.4
842M44 KicksxX-JUNIOR-Xx4854808006127988Error Olímpico25.0
43208- attacked playermajara5065158231143291para reponer16.2
1589SUB ZERO attacked playerROSKO517522894262148The Mandalorian27.8
161PALESTINE 001 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe4874838943195371The Bad Touch21.4
71154-Osgiliath attacked playerrenato04115194989030144517---19.1
166PALESTINE 007 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe4854809115195371The Bad Touch25.0
39654-Minas Ithil attacked playerrenato04115144949238144517---15.2
2878PALESTINE 013 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe5134779631195371The Bad Touch26.4
2888PALESTINE 015 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe4934759631195371The Bad Touch26.0
55255-Cirith Ungol attacked playerrenato04115145109707144517---17.2
720PALESTINE 003 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe5194989884195371The Bad Touch19.1
854PALESTINE 004 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe5144949974195371The Bad Touch15.2
2880PALESTINE 014 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe52347110131195371The Bad Touch37.0
127RV-VIWil-650049810408118755The Mandalorian2.0
1456PALESTINE 008 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe50148310409195371The Bad Touch17.0
25045-Minas Thirith attacked playerrenato041149650210673144517---4.5
1705PALESTINE 010 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe51748310782195371The Bad Touch24.0
394PALESTINE 002 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe50049810899195371The Bad Touch2.0
1363PALESTINE 006 attacked playerDoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe49650711022195371The Bad Touch8.1
78255-Rivendel attacked playerrenato041150148311110144517---17.0
37055-Valinor attacked playerrenato041150651511330144517---16.2
13155-Gondolin attacked playerrenato041150049813002144517---2.0

Players list: sergioricardo; xX-JUNIOR-Xx; majara; DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe; ROSKO; renato0411; Wil-6
[town]2691[/town] 5817pts [player]sergioricardo[/player] 483/512 20.8
[town]4018[/town] 7143pts [player]xX-JUNIOR-Xx[/player] 473/516 31.4
[town]3187[/town] 7280pts [player]xX-JUNIOR-Xx[/player] 485/480 25.0
[town]240[/town] 7421pts [player]majara[/player] 513/504 13.6
[town]4297[/town] 7625pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 526/493 26.9
[town]4292[/town] 7758pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 486/477 26.9
[town]717[/town] 7799pts [player]majara[/player] 521/506 21.8
[town]654[/town] 7848pts [player]majara[/player] 519/498 19.1
[town]4295[/town] 7908pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 491/472 29.4
[town]300[/town] 7966pts [player]majara[/player] 513/504 13.6
[town]375[/town] 7968pts [player]majara[/player] 497/510 10.4
[town]842[/town] 8006pts [player]xX-JUNIOR-Xx[/player] 485/480 25.0
[town]432[/town] 8231pts [player]majara[/player] 506/515 16.2
[town]1589[/town] 8942pts [player]ROSKO[/player] 517/522 27.8
[town]161[/town] 8943pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 487/483 21.4
[town]711[/town] 9030pts [player]renato0411[/player] 519/498 19.1
[town]166[/town] 9115pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 485/480 25.0
[town]396[/town] 9238pts [player]renato0411[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]2878[/town] 9631pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 513/477 26.4
[town]2888[/town] 9631pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 493/475 26.0
[town]552[/town] 9707pts [player]renato0411[/player] 514/510 17.2
[town]720[/town] 9884pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 519/498 19.1
[town]854[/town] 9974pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]2880[/town] 10131pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 523/471 37.0
[town]127[/town] 10408pts [player]Wil-6[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]1456[/town] 10409pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 501/483 17.0
[town]250[/town] 10673pts [player]renato0411[/player] 496/502 4.5
[town]1705[/town] 10782pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 517/483 24.0
[town]394[/town] 10899pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]1363[/town] 11022pts [player]DoRa L eXpLoRaTRiCe[/player] 496/507 8.1
[town]782[/town] 11110pts [player]renato0411[/player] 501/483 17.0
[town]370[/town] 11330pts [player]renato0411[/player] 506/515 16.2
[town]131[/town] 13002pts [player]renato0411[/player] 500/498 2.0

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.