Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
28569 | 005 | Tigrinho | 478 | 527 | 5285 | 26949 | ***STARS*** | 34.8 |
2680 | Punk-21-Q | StreetPunk0 | 502 | 512 | 5640 | 155017 | --- | 12.2 |
20287 | 54.005 | schaca | 509 | 486 | 6117 | 68866 | --- | 16.6 |
17918 | 002 | Tigrinho | 478 | 527 | 6193 | 26949 | ***STARS*** | 34.8 |
14946 | Cidade de Mano Man 6 | Mano Man | 495 | 529 | 6425 | 73831 | -C4V3IR4- | 29.4 |
4184 | alvi 11.55 | mivla | 521 | 524 | 6508 | 197921 | NEW ERA | 31.9 |
234 | alvi 05.45 | mivla | 491 | 520 | 6513 | 197921 | NEW ERA | 21.9 |
2934 | alvi 07.45 | mivla | 485 | 529 | 6703 | 197921 | NEW ERA | 32.6 |
8442 | k91 001 | katatau91 | 478 | 502 | 6768 | 193474 | --- | 22.1 |
14801 | Cidade de Mano Man 5 | Mano Man | 495 | 529 | 6956 | 73831 | -C4V3IR4- | 29.4 |
4579 | 01-44 IMPREVISÍVEL | GuerreiroTroiano28 | 492 | 489 | 7067 | 85026 | White - Angels | 13.6 |
1250 | Ayra o Terror | Ayra o Terror | 493 | 474 | 7169 | 24389 | *PCD* | 26.9 |
21936 | Punk-016-E | StreetPunk0 | 511 | 513 | 7275 | 155017 | --- | 17.0 |
17188 | Cidade de Mano Man 7 | Mano Man | 495 | 529 | 7348 | 73831 | -C4V3IR4- | 29.4 |
894 | REPOUSO DAS ALMAS | jsc1 | 500 | 478 | 8337 | 8337 | GARIMPO | 22.0 |
14145 | 008 Muri | Murilo16 | 509 | 497 | 8421 | 146462 | --- | 9.5 |
3293 | Punk-19-Y | StreetPunk0 | 516 | 520 | 8660 | 155017 | --- | 25.6 |
18356 | 011 Muri | Murilo16 | 519 | 493 | 8663 | 146462 | --- | 20.2 |
29055 | 54.006 | schaca | 512 | 486 | 9253 | 68866 | --- | 18.4 |
703 | 06 Pico da Garça | Tai Lung | 501 | 528 | 9556 | 190271 | --- | 28.0 |
14803 | Vem tranquilo | StreetPunk0 | 515 | 499 | 9682 | 155017 | --- | 15.0 |
5922 | CHIKO | Chiko | 474 | 510 | 9902 | 70247 | --- | 27.9 |
24907 | 007 | Cristalino0 | 520 | 508 | 10032 | 59304 | --- | 21.5 |
14959 | 009 Muri | Murilo16 | 506 | 487 | 10104 | 146462 | --- | 14.3 |
852 | Dark 02 | Faycar | 510 | 521 | 10220 | 59527 | *PCD* | 23.3 |
27182 | Claudio69mg 6 | claudio69mg | 489 | 472 | 10421 | 175688 | *PCD* | 30.1 |
14795 | Punk-012-T | StreetPunk0 | 515 | 499 | 10531 | 155017 | --- | 15.0 |
17889 | Punk- 14-T | StreetPunk0 | 522 | 501 | 10591 | 155017 | --- | 22.0 |
25996 | Claudio69mg 4 | claudio69mg | 489 | 472 | 10881 | 175688 | *PCD* | 30.1 |
262 | Punk-006-T | StreetPunk0 | 504 | 506 | 10944 | 155017 | --- | 7.2 |
16663 | Punk-013-Q | StreetPunk0 | 529 | 517 | 10976 | 155017 | --- | 33.6 |
25959 | Claudio69mg 3 | claudio69mg | 489 | 472 | 11076 | 175688 | *PCD* | 30.1 |
4224 | ...1... | neco707 | 528 | 521 | 11083 | 159568 | White - Angels | 35.0 |
15604 | ESPARTA 00-09 | etimis | 498 | 494 | 11130 | 143977 | Brothers Elite - BE | 6.3 |
360 | Punk-18-T | StreetPunk0 | 502 | 512 | 11248 | 155017 | --- | 12.2 |
322 | Punk-003-T | StreetPunk0 | 502 | 512 | 11391 | 155017 | --- | 12.2 |
26178 | Claudio69mg 5 | claudio69mg | 489 | 472 | 11487 | 175688 | *PCD* | 30.1 |
270 | Punk-001-Q | StreetPunk0 | 502 | 512 | 11597 | 155017 | --- | 12.2 |
16152 | z006 | Faycar | 522 | 501 | 11925 | 59527 | *PCD* | 22.0 |
25845 | Claudio69mg 2 | claudio69mg | 489 | 472 | 12028 | 175688 | *PCD* | 30.1 |
16374 | 45-03 | Moises SJ | 490 | 502 | 12691 | 123194 | --- | 10.2 |
2600 | Punk-009-Y | StreetPunk0 | 520 | 513 | 13388 | 155017 | --- | 23.9 |
16362 | 45-02 | Moises SJ | 484 | 501 | 13523 | 123194 | --- | 16.0 |
2938 | 44.004 | schaca | 496 | 482 | 14400 | 68866 | --- | 18.4 |
15341 | 44.002 | schaca | 499 | 492 | 14965 | 68866 | --- | 8.1 |
14719 | 44-06 | Moises SJ | 493 | 497 | 15131 | 123194 | --- | 7.6 |
14951 | 45-01 | Moises SJ | 495 | 500 | 15930 | 123194 | --- | 5.0 |
1749 | 44.005 | schaca | 493 | 484 | 15981 | 68866 | --- | 17.5 |
4709 | * ELIS 2 | claudio69mg | 517 | 491 | 16134 | 175688 | *PCD* | 19.2 |
12558 | 54-01 | Moises SJ | 502 | 483 | 17276 | 123194 | --- | 17.1 |
Players list: Tigrinho; StreetPunk0; schaca; Mano Man; mivla; katatau91; GuerreiroTroiano28; Ayra o Terror; jsc1; Murilo16; Tai Lung; Chiko; Cristalino0; Faycar; claudio69mg; neco707; etimis; Moises SJ
[town]28569[/town] 5285pts [player]Tigrinho[/player] 478/527 34.8
[town]2680[/town] 5640pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 502/512 12.2
[town]20287[/town] 6117pts [player]schaca[/player] 509/486 16.6
[town]17918[/town] 6193pts [player]Tigrinho[/player] 478/527 34.8
[town]14946[/town] 6425pts [player]Mano Man[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]4184[/town] 6508pts [player]mivla[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]234[/town] 6513pts [player]mivla[/player] 491/520 21.9
[town]2934[/town] 6703pts [player]mivla[/player] 485/529 32.6
[town]8442[/town] 6768pts [player]katatau91[/player] 478/502 22.1
[town]14801[/town] 6956pts [player]Mano Man[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]4579[/town] 7067pts [player]GuerreiroTroiano28[/player] 492/489 13.6
[town]1250[/town] 7169pts [player]Ayra o Terror[/player] 493/474 26.9
[town]21936[/town] 7275pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 511/513 17.0
[town]17188[/town] 7348pts [player]Mano Man[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]894[/town] 8337pts [player]jsc1[/player] 500/478 22.0
[town]14145[/town] 8421pts [player]Murilo16[/player] 509/497 9.5
[town]3293[/town] 8660pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 516/520 25.6
[town]18356[/town] 8663pts [player]Murilo16[/player] 519/493 20.2
[town]29055[/town] 9253pts [player]schaca[/player] 512/486 18.4
[town]703[/town] 9556pts [player]Tai Lung[/player] 501/528 28.0
[town]14803[/town] 9682pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 515/499 15.0
[town]5922[/town] 9902pts [player]Chiko[/player] 474/510 27.9
[town]24907[/town] 10032pts [player]Cristalino0[/player] 520/508 21.5
[town]14959[/town] 10104pts [player]Murilo16[/player] 506/487 14.3
[town]852[/town] 10220pts [player]Faycar[/player] 510/521 23.3
[town]27182[/town] 10421pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]14795[/town] 10531pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 515/499 15.0
[town]17889[/town] 10591pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]25996[/town] 10881pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]262[/town] 10944pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 504/506 7.2
[town]16663[/town] 10976pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 529/517 33.6
[town]25959[/town] 11076pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]4224[/town] 11083pts [player]neco707[/player] 528/521 35.0
[town]15604[/town] 11130pts [player]etimis[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]360[/town] 11248pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 502/512 12.2
[town]322[/town] 11391pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 502/512 12.2
[town]26178[/town] 11487pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]270[/town] 11597pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 502/512 12.2
[town]16152[/town] 11925pts [player]Faycar[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]25845[/town] 12028pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]16374[/town] 12691pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]2600[/town] 13388pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 520/513 23.9
[town]16362[/town] 13523pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 484/501 16.0
[town]2938[/town] 14400pts [player]schaca[/player] 496/482 18.4
[town]15341[/town] 14965pts [player]schaca[/player] 499/492 8.1
[town]14719[/town] 15131pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 493/497 7.6
[town]14951[/town] 15930pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 495/500 5.0
[town]1749[/town] 15981pts [player]schaca[/player] 493/484 17.5
[town]4709[/town] 16134pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 517/491 19.2
[town]12558[/town] 17276pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 502/483 17.1
[town]28569[/town] 5285pts [player]Tigrinho[/player] 478/527 34.8
[town]2680[/town] 5640pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 502/512 12.2
[town]20287[/town] 6117pts [player]schaca[/player] 509/486 16.6
[town]17918[/town] 6193pts [player]Tigrinho[/player] 478/527 34.8
[town]14946[/town] 6425pts [player]Mano Man[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]4184[/town] 6508pts [player]mivla[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]234[/town] 6513pts [player]mivla[/player] 491/520 21.9
[town]2934[/town] 6703pts [player]mivla[/player] 485/529 32.6
[town]8442[/town] 6768pts [player]katatau91[/player] 478/502 22.1
[town]14801[/town] 6956pts [player]Mano Man[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]4579[/town] 7067pts [player]GuerreiroTroiano28[/player] 492/489 13.6
[town]1250[/town] 7169pts [player]Ayra o Terror[/player] 493/474 26.9
[town]21936[/town] 7275pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 511/513 17.0
[town]17188[/town] 7348pts [player]Mano Man[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]894[/town] 8337pts [player]jsc1[/player] 500/478 22.0
[town]14145[/town] 8421pts [player]Murilo16[/player] 509/497 9.5
[town]3293[/town] 8660pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 516/520 25.6
[town]18356[/town] 8663pts [player]Murilo16[/player] 519/493 20.2
[town]29055[/town] 9253pts [player]schaca[/player] 512/486 18.4
[town]703[/town] 9556pts [player]Tai Lung[/player] 501/528 28.0
[town]14803[/town] 9682pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 515/499 15.0
[town]5922[/town] 9902pts [player]Chiko[/player] 474/510 27.9
[town]24907[/town] 10032pts [player]Cristalino0[/player] 520/508 21.5
[town]14959[/town] 10104pts [player]Murilo16[/player] 506/487 14.3
[town]852[/town] 10220pts [player]Faycar[/player] 510/521 23.3
[town]27182[/town] 10421pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]14795[/town] 10531pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 515/499 15.0
[town]17889[/town] 10591pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]25996[/town] 10881pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]262[/town] 10944pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 504/506 7.2
[town]16663[/town] 10976pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 529/517 33.6
[town]25959[/town] 11076pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]4224[/town] 11083pts [player]neco707[/player] 528/521 35.0
[town]15604[/town] 11130pts [player]etimis[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]360[/town] 11248pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 502/512 12.2
[town]322[/town] 11391pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 502/512 12.2
[town]26178[/town] 11487pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]270[/town] 11597pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 502/512 12.2
[town]16152[/town] 11925pts [player]Faycar[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]25845[/town] 12028pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 489/472 30.1
[town]16374[/town] 12691pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 490/502 10.2
[town]2600[/town] 13388pts [player]StreetPunk0[/player] 520/513 23.9
[town]16362[/town] 13523pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 484/501 16.0
[town]2938[/town] 14400pts [player]schaca[/player] 496/482 18.4
[town]15341[/town] 14965pts [player]schaca[/player] 499/492 8.1
[town]14719[/town] 15131pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 493/497 7.6
[town]14951[/town] 15930pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 495/500 5.0
[town]1749[/town] 15981pts [player]schaca[/player] 493/484 17.5
[town]4709[/town] 16134pts [player]claudio69mg[/player] 517/491 19.2
[town]12558[/town] 17276pts [player]Moises SJ[/player] 502/483 17.1
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.