Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
3123 | obuda városa 2 | obuda | 510 | 524 | 5193 | 10411 | Red Dragon | 26.0 |
512 | Marseille | stefan29 | 501 | 528 | 6036 | 88713 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 28.0 |
2489 | szimi1111 városa 2 | szimi1111 | 510 | 524 | 6443 | 13063 | --- | 26.0 |
3121 | Cyti | szimi1111 | 510 | 524 | 6620 | 13063 | --- | 26.0 |
12443 | Legújabb | RUZSNYEV | 528 | 475 | 6663 | 111478 | Ad infinitum | 37.5 |
8371 | Leeds United | Gabci 8 | 510 | 524 | 6768 | 89992 | Remete | 26.0 |
3637 | Szeszfőzde03 | besste | 522 | 524 | 7030 | 199983 | Hydra | 32.6 |
7587 | T44 Zazi 3 | Derizet | 471 | 473 | 7092 | 118219 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 39.6 |
382 | Luoyang | harcosbik | 493 | 516 | 7215 | 72304 | --- | 17.5 |
4334 | Mountlocked | harcosbik | 488 | 520 | 7836 | 72304 | --- | 23.3 |
1090 | Halikarnasszusz | stefan29 | 501 | 528 | 7998 | 88713 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 28.0 |
1252 | Picur8 | -Picur- | 474 | 479 | 8142 | 169098 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 33.4 |
9542 | Corner | stimpulus01 | 516 | 500 | 8485 | 14225 | Deux contre le monde | 16.0 |
2693 | Paco Rabanne | harcosbik | 482 | 520 | 8527 | 72304 | --- | 26.9 |
3281 | Vojvodinajendajedina | harcosbik | 480 | 518 | 8565 | 72304 | --- | 26.9 |
7618 | Hadikfalva | Zoli59 | 486 | 472 | 8609 | 86093 | Immortals | 31.3 |
2884 | Yupp-yipp | Gigant2 | 484 | 511 | 9303 | 163586 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 19.4 |
3380 | Anonymusz 004 | Anonymusz8888 | 484 | 511 | 9593 | 98246 | --- | 19.4 |
4375 | Arpeeyakuza 07 | Forgó Csaba László | 481 | 481 | 9607 | 32192 | Immortals | 26.9 |
1510 | Anonymusz 001 | Anonymusz8888 | 478 | 513 | 9731 | 98246 | --- | 25.6 |
9230 | T44 Zazi 2 | Derizet | 471 | 473 | 9735 | 118219 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 39.6 |
1392 | Sensitive | harcosbik | 478 | 513 | 9785 | 72304 | --- | 25.6 |
1173 | Picur7 | -Picur- | 483 | 473 | 9817 | 169098 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 31.9 |
1410 | Anonymusz 003 | Anonymusz8888 | 474 | 502 | 9913 | 98246 | --- | 26.1 |
3130 | Picur10 | -Picur- | 471 | 482 | 9998 | 169098 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 34.1 |
3145 | Anonymusz 002 | Anonymusz8888 | 484 | 511 | 10227 | 98246 | --- | 19.4 |
709 | Picur6 | -Picur- | 498 | 485 | 10343 | 169098 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 15.1 |
1522 | Novi Sad | harcosbik | 482 | 520 | 10529 | 72304 | --- | 26.9 |
4213 | Yipp-yipp | Gigant2 | 474 | 524 | 10550 | 163586 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 35.4 |
2505 | Digi 005 | Digisport | 493 | 516 | 10616 | 26984 | Hydra | 17.5 |
3056 | Bepill | stefan29 | 488 | 520 | 10814 | 88713 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 23.3 |
7021 | deszki 010 | deszki | 473 | 472 | 11063 | 196979 | Ad Bestias | 38.9 |
564 | Picur5 | -Picur- | 514 | 474 | 11244 | 169098 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 29.5 |
251 | silvercity | lac47 | 519 | 510 | 11276 | 117097 | Ad infinitum | 21.5 |
10974 | Valami | RUZSNYEV | 528 | 475 | 11293 | 111478 | Ad infinitum | 37.5 |
182 | 011.TÁRKÁNY | GarzOO | 514 | 485 | 11345 | 154246 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 20.5 |
537 | Yapp-yepp | Gigant2 | 486 | 514 | 11398 | 163586 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 19.8 |
4048 | 007.JAMES BOND | GarzOO | 503 | 489 | 11583 | 154246 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 11.4 |
2701 | Picur3 | -Picur- | 502 | 475 | 11598 | 169098 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 25.1 |
7797 | deszki 009 | deszki | 486 | 472 | 11689 | 196979 | Ad Bestias | 31.3 |
6033 | Blanka197004 városa | Blanka197004 | 514 | 526 | 11786 | 62624 | --- | 29.5 |
9392 | Athén 3 | Leónidasz kírály | 480 | 518 | 11788 | 190255 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 26.9 |
1562 | Yapp-yapp | Gigant2 | 482 | 520 | 11952 | 163586 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 26.9 |
1368 | G.1 | Gigant2 | 488 | 509 | 12183 | 163586 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 15.0 |
8269 | Kezdjük el | RUZSNYEV | 528 | 475 | 12859 | 111478 | Ad infinitum | 37.5 |
7911 | T44 Zazi | Derizet | 471 | 473 | 12935 | 118219 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 39.6 |
4833 | deszki 008 | deszki | 473 | 472 | 12994 | 196979 | Ad Bestias | 38.9 |
9783 | Ezmiez | RUZSNYEV | 528 | 475 | 13318 | 111478 | Ad infinitum | 37.5 |
6672 | Athén 2 | Leónidasz kírály | 480 | 518 | 13489 | 190255 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 26.9 |
176 | 006.HÁNTA | GarzOO | 514 | 485 | 13638 | 154246 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 20.5 |
2860 | Yupp-Yupp | Gigant2 | 477 | 526 | 13691 | 163586 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 34.7 |
5822 | deszki 004 | deszki | 473 | 472 | 13919 | 196979 | Ad Bestias | 38.9 |
6155 | deszki 005 | deszki | 473 | 472 | 14144 | 196979 | Ad Bestias | 38.9 |
2492 | deszki 017 | deszki | 529 | 472 | 14229 | 196979 | Ad Bestias | 40.3 |
8279 | Derizet 2 | Derizet | 500 | 494 | 14539 | 118219 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 6.0 |
4221 | deszki 002 | deszki | 473 | 472 | 14610 | 196979 | Ad Bestias | 38.9 |
7692 | Mine | RUZSNYEV | 528 | 475 | 14767 | 111478 | Ad infinitum | 37.5 |
4102 | New Dawn | RUZSNYEV | 528 | 475 | 15079 | 111478 | Ad infinitum | 37.5 |
3129 | Borostyán | Leónidasz kírály | 488 | 520 | 15084 | 190255 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 23.3 |
4753 | deszki 003 | deszki | 473 | 472 | 15196 | 196979 | Ad Bestias | 38.9 |
361 | Picur14 | -Picur- | 507 | 480 | 15936 | 169098 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 21.2 |
1283 | Picur15 | -Picur- | 480 | 476 | 16164 | 169098 | Teve Hátán Fehér Pötty | 31.2 |
5086 | Athén *** | Leónidasz kírály | 480 | 518 | 16588 | 190255 | Teve hátán fehér folt | 26.9 |
Players list: obuda; stefan29; szimi1111; RUZSNYEV; Gabci 8; besste; Derizet; harcosbik; -Picur-; stimpulus01; Zoli59; Gigant2; Anonymusz8888; Forgó Csaba László; Digisport; deszki; lac47; GarzOO; Blanka197004; Leónidasz kírály
[town]3123[/town] 5193pts [player]obuda[/player] 510/524 26.0
[town]512[/town] 6036pts [player]stefan29[/player] 501/528 28.0
[town]2489[/town] 6443pts [player]szimi1111[/player] 510/524 26.0
[town]3121[/town] 6620pts [player]szimi1111[/player] 510/524 26.0
[town]12443[/town] 6663pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]8371[/town] 6768pts [player]Gabci 8[/player] 510/524 26.0
[town]3637[/town] 7030pts [player]besste[/player] 522/524 32.6
[town]7587[/town] 7092pts [player]Derizet[/player] 471/473 39.6
[town]382[/town] 7215pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 493/516 17.5
[town]4334[/town] 7836pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 488/520 23.3
[town]1090[/town] 7998pts [player]stefan29[/player] 501/528 28.0
[town]1252[/town] 8142pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 474/479 33.4
[town]9542[/town] 8485pts [player]stimpulus01[/player] 516/500 16.0
[town]2693[/town] 8527pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 482/520 26.9
[town]3281[/town] 8565pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 480/518 26.9
[town]7618[/town] 8609pts [player]Zoli59[/player] 486/472 31.3
[town]2884[/town] 9303pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]3380[/town] 9593pts [player]Anonymusz8888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]4375[/town] 9607pts [player]Forgó Csaba László[/player] 481/481 26.9
[town]1510[/town] 9731pts [player]Anonymusz8888[/player] 478/513 25.6
[town]9230[/town] 9735pts [player]Derizet[/player] 471/473 39.6
[town]1392[/town] 9785pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 478/513 25.6
[town]1173[/town] 9817pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 483/473 31.9
[town]1410[/town] 9913pts [player]Anonymusz8888[/player] 474/502 26.1
[town]3130[/town] 9998pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 471/482 34.1
[town]3145[/town] 10227pts [player]Anonymusz8888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]709[/town] 10343pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 498/485 15.1
[town]1522[/town] 10529pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 482/520 26.9
[town]4213[/town] 10550pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 474/524 35.4
[town]2505[/town] 10616pts [player]Digisport[/player] 493/516 17.5
[town]3056[/town] 10814pts [player]stefan29[/player] 488/520 23.3
[town]7021[/town] 11063pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]564[/town] 11244pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 514/474 29.5
[town]251[/town] 11276pts [player]lac47[/player] 519/510 21.5
[town]10974[/town] 11293pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]182[/town] 11345pts [player]GarzOO[/player] 514/485 20.5
[town]537[/town] 11398pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]4048[/town] 11583pts [player]GarzOO[/player] 503/489 11.4
[town]2701[/town] 11598pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 502/475 25.1
[town]7797[/town] 11689pts [player]deszki[/player] 486/472 31.3
[town]6033[/town] 11786pts [player]Blanka197004[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]9392[/town] 11788pts [player]Leónidasz kírály[/player] 480/518 26.9
[town]1562[/town] 11952pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 482/520 26.9
[town]1368[/town] 12183pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 488/509 15.0
[town]8269[/town] 12859pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]7911[/town] 12935pts [player]Derizet[/player] 471/473 39.6
[town]4833[/town] 12994pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]9783[/town] 13318pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]6672[/town] 13489pts [player]Leónidasz kírály[/player] 480/518 26.9
[town]176[/town] 13638pts [player]GarzOO[/player] 514/485 20.5
[town]2860[/town] 13691pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 477/526 34.7
[town]5822[/town] 13919pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]6155[/town] 14144pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]2492[/town] 14229pts [player]deszki[/player] 529/472 40.3
[town]8279[/town] 14539pts [player]Derizet[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]4221[/town] 14610pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]7692[/town] 14767pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]4102[/town] 15079pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]3129[/town] 15084pts [player]Leónidasz kírály[/player] 488/520 23.3
[town]4753[/town] 15196pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]361[/town] 15936pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 507/480 21.2
[town]1283[/town] 16164pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 480/476 31.2
[town]5086[/town] 16588pts [player]Leónidasz kírály[/player] 480/518 26.9
[town]3123[/town] 5193pts [player]obuda[/player] 510/524 26.0
[town]512[/town] 6036pts [player]stefan29[/player] 501/528 28.0
[town]2489[/town] 6443pts [player]szimi1111[/player] 510/524 26.0
[town]3121[/town] 6620pts [player]szimi1111[/player] 510/524 26.0
[town]12443[/town] 6663pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]8371[/town] 6768pts [player]Gabci 8[/player] 510/524 26.0
[town]3637[/town] 7030pts [player]besste[/player] 522/524 32.6
[town]7587[/town] 7092pts [player]Derizet[/player] 471/473 39.6
[town]382[/town] 7215pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 493/516 17.5
[town]4334[/town] 7836pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 488/520 23.3
[town]1090[/town] 7998pts [player]stefan29[/player] 501/528 28.0
[town]1252[/town] 8142pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 474/479 33.4
[town]9542[/town] 8485pts [player]stimpulus01[/player] 516/500 16.0
[town]2693[/town] 8527pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 482/520 26.9
[town]3281[/town] 8565pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 480/518 26.9
[town]7618[/town] 8609pts [player]Zoli59[/player] 486/472 31.3
[town]2884[/town] 9303pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]3380[/town] 9593pts [player]Anonymusz8888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]4375[/town] 9607pts [player]Forgó Csaba László[/player] 481/481 26.9
[town]1510[/town] 9731pts [player]Anonymusz8888[/player] 478/513 25.6
[town]9230[/town] 9735pts [player]Derizet[/player] 471/473 39.6
[town]1392[/town] 9785pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 478/513 25.6
[town]1173[/town] 9817pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 483/473 31.9
[town]1410[/town] 9913pts [player]Anonymusz8888[/player] 474/502 26.1
[town]3130[/town] 9998pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 471/482 34.1
[town]3145[/town] 10227pts [player]Anonymusz8888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]709[/town] 10343pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 498/485 15.1
[town]1522[/town] 10529pts [player]harcosbik[/player] 482/520 26.9
[town]4213[/town] 10550pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 474/524 35.4
[town]2505[/town] 10616pts [player]Digisport[/player] 493/516 17.5
[town]3056[/town] 10814pts [player]stefan29[/player] 488/520 23.3
[town]7021[/town] 11063pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]564[/town] 11244pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 514/474 29.5
[town]251[/town] 11276pts [player]lac47[/player] 519/510 21.5
[town]10974[/town] 11293pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]182[/town] 11345pts [player]GarzOO[/player] 514/485 20.5
[town]537[/town] 11398pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]4048[/town] 11583pts [player]GarzOO[/player] 503/489 11.4
[town]2701[/town] 11598pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 502/475 25.1
[town]7797[/town] 11689pts [player]deszki[/player] 486/472 31.3
[town]6033[/town] 11786pts [player]Blanka197004[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]9392[/town] 11788pts [player]Leónidasz kírály[/player] 480/518 26.9
[town]1562[/town] 11952pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 482/520 26.9
[town]1368[/town] 12183pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 488/509 15.0
[town]8269[/town] 12859pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]7911[/town] 12935pts [player]Derizet[/player] 471/473 39.6
[town]4833[/town] 12994pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]9783[/town] 13318pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]6672[/town] 13489pts [player]Leónidasz kírály[/player] 480/518 26.9
[town]176[/town] 13638pts [player]GarzOO[/player] 514/485 20.5
[town]2860[/town] 13691pts [player]Gigant2[/player] 477/526 34.7
[town]5822[/town] 13919pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]6155[/town] 14144pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]2492[/town] 14229pts [player]deszki[/player] 529/472 40.3
[town]8279[/town] 14539pts [player]Derizet[/player] 500/494 6.0
[town]4221[/town] 14610pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]7692[/town] 14767pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]4102[/town] 15079pts [player]RUZSNYEV[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]3129[/town] 15084pts [player]Leónidasz kírály[/player] 488/520 23.3
[town]4753[/town] 15196pts [player]deszki[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]361[/town] 15936pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 507/480 21.2
[town]1283[/town] 16164pts [player]-Picur-[/player] 480/476 31.2
[town]5086[/town] 16588pts [player]Leónidasz kírály[/player] 480/518 26.9
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.