Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
13268 | 45-25.Defense de Fer ![]() | luminol19 | 483 | 514 | 5048 | 19254 | --- | 22.0 |
13286 | 45-28.LIGNE MAGINOT ![]() | luminol19 | 483 | 514 | 5048 | 19254 | --- | 22.0 |
22960 | 15. | Wincherst | 512 | 477 | 5092 | 128935 | Manchots Vénères | 25.9 |
498 | 03B STORY | story01 | 497 | 529 | 5151 | 199778 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 29.2 |
23147 | Ville de benhurfred 7 | benhurfred | 521 | 484 | 5175 | 78526 | chui pa la | 26.4 |
6696 | 44 N Fifi | Lunargente | 488 | 495 | 5254 | 124619 | Les Charlots | 13.0 |
11912 | Mer44 golds | RoyalCorbi36 | 492 | 493 | 5296 | 13075 | --- | 10.6 |
3192 | Bagorum | Eweillo | 504 | 481 | 5317 | 86459 | Joyeux Poussins | 19.4 |
21881 | Ville de geropolidos 5 ![]() | geropolidos | 486 | 473 | 5370 | 93334 | Joyeux Poussins | 30.4 |
22680 | 16. | Wincherst | 512 | 477 | 5385 | 128935 | Manchots Vénères | 25.9 |
294 | 45.. banzaiii 01 ![]() | STEP59 | 484 | 517 | 5423 | 21662 | --- | 23.3 |
104 | Popo ![]() | sacraint 58952 | 502 | 508 | 5499 | 72531 | *Chocos-Fantômes* | 8.2 |
22674 | Ville de benhurfred 6 | benhurfred | 521 | 484 | 5673 | 78526 | chui pa la | 26.4 |
23014 | Ville de Alphaline 2 | Alphaline | 500 | 519 | 5700 | 89782 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 19.0 |
22560 | Ville de Teoyak 8 ![]() | Teoyak | 502 | 508 | 5785 | 195498 | La piraterie | 8.2 |
15011 | Ville de emmaxine 2 | emmaxine | 506 | 505 | 5915 | 43544 | Seule | 7.8 |
22619 | Ville de benhurfred 5 | benhurfred | 521 | 484 | 5927 | 78526 | chui pa la | 26.4 |
427 | 55-Americo garcia | Alphaline | 504 | 522 | 6049 | 89782 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 22.4 |
157 | 45.2-Gorgozul | gaffyx | 492 | 499 | 6139 | 27740 | *Renard* | 8.1 |
7485 | Daborum | IMPERATOR II | 475 | 472 | 6622 | 116316 | Le Lion de l'apocalypse | 37.5 |
2084 | 12 B STORY | story01 | 484 | 517 | 6671 | 199778 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 23.3 |
21309 | 03 STORY | story01 | 497 | 529 | 6874 | 199778 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 29.2 |
20386 | 44 - XI | IMPERATOR II | 472 | 505 | 7227 | 116316 | Le Lion de l'apocalypse | 28.4 |
21123 | Ville de geropolidos 4 ![]() | geropolidos | 501 | 471 | 7354 | 93334 | Joyeux Poussins | 29.0 |
20249 | 55- Michelange | Alphaline | 504 | 522 | 7393 | 89782 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 22.4 |
15754 | Madara 55 | reus tyago | 505 | 518 | 8099 | 151787 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 18.7 |
4623 | Ville de sporran ![]() | sporran | 473 | 518 | 8162 | 191249 | High Hunter Army | 32.4 |
21675 | 03 déglinguée | story01 | 497 | 529 | 8183 | 199778 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 29.2 |
7580 | 44- II | IMPERATOR II | 471 | 498 | 8407 | 116316 | Le Lion de l'apocalypse | 29.1 |
295 | 12 - STORY | story01 | 484 | 517 | 8416 | 199778 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 23.3 |
5706 | 44-IV | MARS ARES | 471 | 498 | 8467 | 105829 | Never back down | 29.1 |
5712 | 44.I | YPSOS | 471 | 498 | 8546 | 78277 | Princes des océans | 29.1 |
2340 | Laïka | squalerik | 524 | 474 | 8557 | 127464 | L'Empire Français | 35.4 |
15347 | 03.Dende ![]() | Darkludo28000 | 473 | 494 | 8566 | 85771 | Joyeux Poussins | 27.7 |
2400 | Gold city 2 ![]() | vsig | 528 | 496 | 8632 | 135928 | --- | 28.3 |
3386 | mixuncol | grandpas51 | 529 | 476 | 8833 | 189625 | 1 POUR TOUS | 37.6 |
3917 | Ville1 | Pompom49 | 484 | 477 | 8886 | 124719 | Les Copains D'abord | 28.0 |
392 | 45 3 | bob34 | 496 | 524 | 8944 | 125137 | La piraterie | 24.3 |
5898 | 44- IV Grium | GRIUM | 483 | 479 | 8963 | 81419 | Princes des océans | 27.0 |
1257 | Bazailles | squalerik | 524 | 474 | 9038 | 127464 | L'Empire Français | 35.4 |
486 | 45 2 | bob34 | 496 | 524 | 9191 | 125137 | La piraterie | 24.3 |
471 | 45 N Picsou | Lunargente | 496 | 524 | 9215 | 124619 | Les Charlots | 24.3 |
241 | 45.01 - Montauban ![]() | STEP59 | 484 | 517 | 9464 | 21662 | --- | 23.3 |
1466 | z-Ville de Jezekiel | zorbaNicodore | 524 | 474 | 9578 | 54187 | L'Empire Français | 35.4 |
15009 | Ville de emmaxine | emmaxine | 500 | 489 | 9611 | 43544 | Seule | 11.0 |
2836 | Fred gorgopolis 2 | benhurfred | 529 | 476 | 9726 | 78526 | chui pa la | 37.6 |
705 | Ville 1 | notios1 | 525 | 521 | 9988 | 29419 | les exiles | 32.6 |
16550 | Ville de yannick. | Yannick75 | 507 | 478 | 11018 | 86072 | La Suisse | 23.1 |
516 | IGOR 3 ![]() | IGOR. | 519 | 518 | 11073 | 145051 | Légio pirates and co | 26.2 |
12171 | Fred gorgopolis 3 | benhurfred | 521 | 484 | 11159 | 78526 | chui pa la | 26.4 |
13986 | 55 - Esquive ![]() | kiratess | 509 | 529 | 11231 | 132171 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 30.4 |
16430 | Ville de Yannick75 3 | Yannick75 | 510 | 506 | 11828 | 86072 | La Suisse | 11.7 |
65 | 45.1-Gorgonzola | gaffyx | 492 | 499 | 12094 | 27740 | *Renard* | 8.1 |
234 | Galette X ![]() ![]() | sylvette la galette | 510 | 498 | 12145 | 12145 | --- | 10.2 |
2493 | Fred gorgopolis | benhurfred | 529 | 480 | 12640 | 78526 | chui pa la | 35.2 |
10059 | La Trappe | dacia | 512 | 477 | 12646 | 167051 | L'Empire Français | 25.9 |
406 | Kuro | = Kurosaki = | 494 | 476 | 13762 | 84518 | Princes des océans | 24.7 |
15159 | 03 - STORYLUSION | story01 | 497 | 529 | 14391 | 199778 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 29.2 |
453 | Surréalisme 45 | reus tyago | 496 | 524 | 14485 | 151787 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 24.3 |
1955 | Coucou encore ahah | Eweillo | 499 | 481 | 15446 | 86459 | Joyeux Poussins | 19.0 |
16278 | 55 - bbcode ![]() | kiratess | 519 | 509 | 15659 | 132171 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 21.0 |
409 | 55-Michel Angelo | Alphaline | 504 | 522 | 15861 | 89782 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 22.4 |
17755 | Aaaaah | Eweillo | 504 | 481 | 15972 | 86459 | Joyeux Poussins | 19.4 |
669 | G A1 mongeneral | mongeneral | 480 | 482 | 16100 | 188059 | *Chocos-Fantômes* | 26.9 |
17606 | Oooooh | Eweillo | 502 | 475 | 16149 | 86459 | Joyeux Poussins | 25.1 |
505 | Rome 55 | reus tyago | 519 | 518 | 16294 | 151787 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 26.2 |
5283 | RaTcHeT FaN cLuB | Eweillo | 502 | 475 | 16508 | 86459 | Joyeux Poussins | 25.1 |
7140 | CoUcOu Ca Va BiEn | Eweillo | 499 | 481 | 17067 | 86459 | Joyeux Poussins | 19.0 |
1681 | Gérald | sumple | 509 | 529 | 17106 | 179402 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 30.4 |
538 | DELPHES | reus tyago | 519 | 518 | 17639 | 151787 | Légio Pirates Nostra | 26.2 |
Players list: luminol19; Wincherst; story01; benhurfred; Lunargente; RoyalCorbi36; Eweillo; geropolidos; STEP59; sacraint 58952; Alphaline; Teoyak; emmaxine; gaffyx; IMPERATOR II; reus tyago; sporran; MARS ARES; YPSOS; squalerik; Darkludo28000; vsig; grandpas51; Pompom49; bob34; GRIUM; zorbaNicodore; notios1; Yannick75; IGOR.; kiratess; sylvette la galette; dacia; = Kurosaki =; mongeneral; sumple
[town]13268[/town] 5048pts [player]luminol19[/player] 483/514 22.0
[town]13286[/town] 5048pts [player]luminol19[/player] 483/514 22.0
[town]22960[/town] 5092pts [player]Wincherst[/player] 512/477 25.9
[town]498[/town] 5151pts [player]story01[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]23147[/town] 5175pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 521/484 26.4
[town]6696[/town] 5254pts [player]Lunargente[/player] 488/495 13.0
[town]11912[/town] 5296pts [player]RoyalCorbi36[/player] 492/493 10.6
[town]3192[/town] 5317pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 504/481 19.4
[town]21881[/town] 5370pts [player]geropolidos[/player] 486/473 30.4
[town]22680[/town] 5385pts [player]Wincherst[/player] 512/477 25.9
[town]294[/town] 5423pts [player]STEP59[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]104[/town] 5499pts [player]sacraint 58952[/player] 502/508 8.2
[town]22674[/town] 5673pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 521/484 26.4
[town]23014[/town] 5700pts [player]Alphaline[/player] 500/519 19.0
[town]22560[/town] 5785pts [player]Teoyak[/player] 502/508 8.2
[town]15011[/town] 5915pts [player]emmaxine[/player] 506/505 7.8
[town]22619[/town] 5927pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 521/484 26.4
[town]427[/town] 6049pts [player]Alphaline[/player] 504/522 22.4
[town]157[/town] 6139pts [player]gaffyx[/player] 492/499 8.1
[town]7485[/town] 6622pts [player]IMPERATOR II[/player] 475/472 37.5
[town]2084[/town] 6671pts [player]story01[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]21309[/town] 6874pts [player]story01[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]20386[/town] 7227pts [player]IMPERATOR II[/player] 472/505 28.4
[town]21123[/town] 7354pts [player]geropolidos[/player] 501/471 29.0
[town]20249[/town] 7393pts [player]Alphaline[/player] 504/522 22.4
[town]15754[/town] 8099pts [player]reus tyago[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]4623[/town] 8162pts [player]sporran[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]21675[/town] 8183pts [player]story01[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]7580[/town] 8407pts [player]IMPERATOR II[/player] 471/498 29.1
[town]295[/town] 8416pts [player]story01[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]5706[/town] 8467pts [player]MARS ARES[/player] 471/498 29.1
[town]5712[/town] 8546pts [player]YPSOS[/player] 471/498 29.1
[town]2340[/town] 8557pts [player]squalerik[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]15347[/town] 8566pts [player]Darkludo28000[/player] 473/494 27.7
[town]2400[/town] 8632pts [player]vsig[/player] 528/496 28.3
[town]3386[/town] 8833pts [player]grandpas51[/player] 529/476 37.6
[town]3917[/town] 8886pts [player]Pompom49[/player] 484/477 28.0
[town]392[/town] 8944pts [player]bob34[/player] 496/524 24.3
[town]5898[/town] 8963pts [player]GRIUM[/player] 483/479 27.0
[town]1257[/town] 9038pts [player]squalerik[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]486[/town] 9191pts [player]bob34[/player] 496/524 24.3
[town]471[/town] 9215pts [player]Lunargente[/player] 496/524 24.3
[town]241[/town] 9464pts [player]STEP59[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]1466[/town] 9578pts [player]zorbaNicodore[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]15009[/town] 9611pts [player]emmaxine[/player] 500/489 11.0
[town]2836[/town] 9726pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 529/476 37.6
[town]705[/town] 9988pts [player]notios1[/player] 525/521 32.6
[town]16550[/town] 11018pts [player]Yannick75[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]516[/town] 11073pts [player]IGOR.[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]12171[/town] 11159pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 521/484 26.4
[town]13986[/town] 11231pts [player]kiratess[/player] 509/529 30.4
[town]16430[/town] 11828pts [player]Yannick75[/player] 510/506 11.7
[town]65[/town] 12094pts [player]gaffyx[/player] 492/499 8.1
[town]234[/town] 12145pts [player]sylvette la galette[/player] 510/498 10.2
[town]2493[/town] 12640pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 529/480 35.2
[town]10059[/town] 12646pts [player]dacia[/player] 512/477 25.9
[town]406[/town] 13762pts [player]= Kurosaki =[/player] 494/476 24.7
[town]15159[/town] 14391pts [player]story01[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]453[/town] 14485pts [player]reus tyago[/player] 496/524 24.3
[town]1955[/town] 15446pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]16278[/town] 15659pts [player]kiratess[/player] 519/509 21.0
[town]409[/town] 15861pts [player]Alphaline[/player] 504/522 22.4
[town]17755[/town] 15972pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 504/481 19.4
[town]669[/town] 16100pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 480/482 26.9
[town]17606[/town] 16149pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 502/475 25.1
[town]505[/town] 16294pts [player]reus tyago[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]5283[/town] 16508pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 502/475 25.1
[town]7140[/town] 17067pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]1681[/town] 17106pts [player]sumple[/player] 509/529 30.4
[town]538[/town] 17639pts [player]reus tyago[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]13268[/town] 5048pts [player]luminol19[/player] 483/514 22.0
[town]13286[/town] 5048pts [player]luminol19[/player] 483/514 22.0
[town]22960[/town] 5092pts [player]Wincherst[/player] 512/477 25.9
[town]498[/town] 5151pts [player]story01[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]23147[/town] 5175pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 521/484 26.4
[town]6696[/town] 5254pts [player]Lunargente[/player] 488/495 13.0
[town]11912[/town] 5296pts [player]RoyalCorbi36[/player] 492/493 10.6
[town]3192[/town] 5317pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 504/481 19.4
[town]21881[/town] 5370pts [player]geropolidos[/player] 486/473 30.4
[town]22680[/town] 5385pts [player]Wincherst[/player] 512/477 25.9
[town]294[/town] 5423pts [player]STEP59[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]104[/town] 5499pts [player]sacraint 58952[/player] 502/508 8.2
[town]22674[/town] 5673pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 521/484 26.4
[town]23014[/town] 5700pts [player]Alphaline[/player] 500/519 19.0
[town]22560[/town] 5785pts [player]Teoyak[/player] 502/508 8.2
[town]15011[/town] 5915pts [player]emmaxine[/player] 506/505 7.8
[town]22619[/town] 5927pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 521/484 26.4
[town]427[/town] 6049pts [player]Alphaline[/player] 504/522 22.4
[town]157[/town] 6139pts [player]gaffyx[/player] 492/499 8.1
[town]7485[/town] 6622pts [player]IMPERATOR II[/player] 475/472 37.5
[town]2084[/town] 6671pts [player]story01[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]21309[/town] 6874pts [player]story01[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]20386[/town] 7227pts [player]IMPERATOR II[/player] 472/505 28.4
[town]21123[/town] 7354pts [player]geropolidos[/player] 501/471 29.0
[town]20249[/town] 7393pts [player]Alphaline[/player] 504/522 22.4
[town]15754[/town] 8099pts [player]reus tyago[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]4623[/town] 8162pts [player]sporran[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]21675[/town] 8183pts [player]story01[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]7580[/town] 8407pts [player]IMPERATOR II[/player] 471/498 29.1
[town]295[/town] 8416pts [player]story01[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]5706[/town] 8467pts [player]MARS ARES[/player] 471/498 29.1
[town]5712[/town] 8546pts [player]YPSOS[/player] 471/498 29.1
[town]2340[/town] 8557pts [player]squalerik[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]15347[/town] 8566pts [player]Darkludo28000[/player] 473/494 27.7
[town]2400[/town] 8632pts [player]vsig[/player] 528/496 28.3
[town]3386[/town] 8833pts [player]grandpas51[/player] 529/476 37.6
[town]3917[/town] 8886pts [player]Pompom49[/player] 484/477 28.0
[town]392[/town] 8944pts [player]bob34[/player] 496/524 24.3
[town]5898[/town] 8963pts [player]GRIUM[/player] 483/479 27.0
[town]1257[/town] 9038pts [player]squalerik[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]486[/town] 9191pts [player]bob34[/player] 496/524 24.3
[town]471[/town] 9215pts [player]Lunargente[/player] 496/524 24.3
[town]241[/town] 9464pts [player]STEP59[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]1466[/town] 9578pts [player]zorbaNicodore[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]15009[/town] 9611pts [player]emmaxine[/player] 500/489 11.0
[town]2836[/town] 9726pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 529/476 37.6
[town]705[/town] 9988pts [player]notios1[/player] 525/521 32.6
[town]16550[/town] 11018pts [player]Yannick75[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]516[/town] 11073pts [player]IGOR.[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]12171[/town] 11159pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 521/484 26.4
[town]13986[/town] 11231pts [player]kiratess[/player] 509/529 30.4
[town]16430[/town] 11828pts [player]Yannick75[/player] 510/506 11.7
[town]65[/town] 12094pts [player]gaffyx[/player] 492/499 8.1
[town]234[/town] 12145pts [player]sylvette la galette[/player] 510/498 10.2
[town]2493[/town] 12640pts [player]benhurfred[/player] 529/480 35.2
[town]10059[/town] 12646pts [player]dacia[/player] 512/477 25.9
[town]406[/town] 13762pts [player]= Kurosaki =[/player] 494/476 24.7
[town]15159[/town] 14391pts [player]story01[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]453[/town] 14485pts [player]reus tyago[/player] 496/524 24.3
[town]1955[/town] 15446pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]16278[/town] 15659pts [player]kiratess[/player] 519/509 21.0
[town]409[/town] 15861pts [player]Alphaline[/player] 504/522 22.4
[town]17755[/town] 15972pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 504/481 19.4
[town]669[/town] 16100pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 480/482 26.9
[town]17606[/town] 16149pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 502/475 25.1
[town]505[/town] 16294pts [player]reus tyago[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]5283[/town] 16508pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 502/475 25.1
[town]7140[/town] 17067pts [player]Eweillo[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]1681[/town] 17106pts [player]sumple[/player] 509/529 30.4
[town]538[/town] 17639pts [player]reus tyago[/player] 519/518 26.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.