Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
1171 | Tegea | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 479 | 517 | 5046 | 53194 | Milites cum Honore | 27.0 |
3011 | Tegea 027 | Kyle | 502 | 476 | 5445 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 24.1 |
4000 | 008' Ellie | Hmm? | 513 | 495 | 5465 | 137208 | Milites cum Honore | 13.9 |
3886 | 018 | jakub1324 | 529 | 489 | 5501 | 129464 | Ztracená Legie | 31.0 |
3550 | 006' Andy-C | Hmm? | 525 | 507 | 5585 | 137208 | Milites cum Honore | 26.0 |
3739 | M55 StepSisters | Bobiik | 523 | 522 | 5591 | 116583 | Ztracená Legie | 31.8 |
906 | 1-1-1 | xero | 494 | 488 | 5619 | 17619 | Paštekári | 13.4 |
3233 | SLáVA RUSOM | Bioušek | 488 | 478 | 5777 | 69678 | Ztracená Legie II. | 25.1 |
3634 | 007' LeduySleduy | Hmm? | 525 | 507 | 6061 | 137208 | Milites cum Honore | 26.0 |
3388 | Oxva | Pedrosgame | 525 | 486 | 6153 | 8396 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.7 |
2731 | Bl3 | Bolki | 516 | 477 | 6250 | 88218 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.0 |
2479 | 02 03 | MtvnSK | 525 | 507 | 6279 | 126427 | Ztracená Legie | 26.0 |
3215 | Vinea | petanek256 | 527 | 473 | 6317 | 92498 | Ztracená Legie II. | 38.2 |
3737 | sacika01 | sacika64 | 527 | 517 | 6348 | 64597 | Piráti | 31.9 |
2451 | 06 Verdansk | Bolki | 502 | 476 | 6393 | 88218 | Ztracená Legie II. | 24.1 |
1637 | Nový smokovec | Kvothe | 475 | 511 | 6451 | 179266 | Jayce | 27.3 |
468 | Tegea 006 | Kyle | 510 | 473 | 6490 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.8 |
3466 | Hore | freeset1 | 475 | 511 | 6537 | 65263 | Paštekári | 27.3 |
1272 | 02 02 | MtvnSK | 525 | 507 | 6543 | 126427 | Ztracená Legie | 26.0 |
427 | Tegea 001 | Kyle | 510 | 473 | 6554 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.8 |
820 | Tegea 002 | Kyle | 502 | 472 | 6786 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.1 |
2815 | IRENKA | Nečumte | 525 | 486 | 6790 | 121905 | Ztracená Legie | 28.7 |
958 | Tegea 003 | Kyle | 516 | 473 | 6791 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 31.4 |
3492 | 008 pandora | Twinky69 | 477 | 486 | 6850 | 117610 | Jayce | 26.9 |
1544 | Mesto hráča Jozko73 | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 479 | 517 | 6874 | 53194 | Milites cum Honore | 27.0 |
1332 | atheny 2 | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 475 | 511 | 6910 | 53194 | Milites cum Honore | 27.3 |
2596 | Heptapolis | don.matej | 502 | 476 | 6968 | 72488 | Ztracená Legie II. | 24.1 |
1091 | Tegea 004 | Kyle | 516 | 477 | 7007 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.0 |
2065 | Tegea 011 | Kyle | 516 | 477 | 7028 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.0 |
1188 | 008 DOG ?? | rebirth | 475 | 511 | 7098 | 85927 | Paštekári | 27.3 |
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2345 | Rodos | Metym | 518 | 484 | 7114 | 58655 | Ztracená Legie | 24.1 |
3648 | Ardea | jokila | 516 | 486 | 7157 | 81038 | Ztracená Legie II. | 21.3 |
3382 | Tegea 014 | Kyle | 500 | 491 | 7184 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 9.0 |
842 | Tegea 005 | Kyle | 502 | 472 | 7202 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.1 |
2550 | Tegea 024 | Kyle | 518 | 484 | 7298 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 24.1 |
2710 | Knossos | Metym | 516 | 473 | 7395 | 58655 | Ztracená Legie | 31.4 |
3680 | M54 KBA | Bobiik | 529 | 489 | 7457 | 116583 | Ztracená Legie | 31.0 |
3374 | Tegea 013 | Kyle | 500 | 491 | 7518 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 9.0 |
755 | Tegea 012 | Kyle | 509 | 485 | 7528 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 17.5 |
1782 | NA CO PŠTROS | Nečumte | 518 | 484 | 7548 | 121905 | Ztracená Legie | 24.1 |
2758 | Tegea 016 | Kyle | 516 | 473 | 7548 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 31.4 |
489 | 002 DOBREMOJ 54 | MasterTimmy | 510 | 473 | 7554 | 93869 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.8 |
1492 | 009' Sub Focus | Hmm? | 520 | 505 | 7616 | 137208 | Milites cum Honore | 20.6 |
2586 | M00M | Bioušek | 518 | 484 | 7648 | 69678 | Ztracená Legie II. | 24.1 |
2462 | Tegea 023 | Kyle | 516 | 473 | 7677 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 31.4 |
1158 | Tegea 015 | Kyle | 502 | 472 | 7717 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.1 |
993 | Atheny1Her | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 489 | 522 | 7751 | 53194 | Milites cum Honore | 24.6 |
877 | 004 Zzz | rebirth | 479 | 505 | 7789 | 85927 | Paštekári | 21.6 |
1511 | 012 Rybky | lhajos | 512 | 483 | 7814 | 115697 | Ztracená Legie II. | 20.8 |
1693 | Dangesrač2 | Twinky69 | 490 | 488 | 7835 | 117610 | Jayce | 15.6 |
847 | 04 Atény | Bioušek | 518 | 490 | 7989 | 69678 | Ztracená Legie II. | 20.6 |
523 | Tegea 009 | Kyle | 510 | 473 | 8026 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.8 |
3096 | M54 Kino Der Toten | Bobiik | 525 | 486 | 8065 | 116583 | Ztracená Legie | 28.7 |
2413 | Matko Slabko Spehko | Kvothe | 518 | 484 | 8136 | 179266 | Jayce | 24.1 |
2160 | 011 podbranč | lhajos | 518 | 484 | 8149 | 115697 | Ztracená Legie II. | 24.1 |
3224 | 02 Privlaka | Gaerne | 529 | 489 | 8161 | 130955 | Ztracená Legie | 31.0 |
866 | Gareth1111 | freeset1 | 486 | 516 | 8165 | 65263 | Paštekári | 21.3 |
1582 | 007-Kotva Infernape | Kvothe | 527 | 517 | 8196 | 179266 | Jayce | 31.9 |
1279 | Mesto hráča Villiam Dobyvateľ | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 479 | 517 | 8291 | 53194 | Milites cum Honore | 27.0 |
1650 | 007 | SnYkL | 502 | 472 | 8291 | 123018 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.1 |
2219 | Gorilka | SnYkL | 516 | 473 | 8291 | 123018 | Ztracená Legie II. | 31.4 |
2661 | 008 | SnYkL | 502 | 476 | 8291 | 123018 | Ztracená Legie II. | 24.1 |
3145 | 005 | SnYkL | 527 | 473 | 8291 | 123018 | Ztracená Legie II. | 38.2 |
3719 | 009 | SnYkL | 525 | 486 | 8291 | 123018 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.7 |
969 | Loky | MtvnSK | 499 | 499 | 8368 | 126427 | Ztracená Legie | 1.4 |
1010 | 002 Ravenloft | rebirth | 491 | 500 | 8406 | 85927 | Paštekári | 9.0 |
1214 | Mesto hráča Villiam 2 | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 486 | 516 | 8419 | 53194 | Milites cum Honore | 21.3 |
2829 | Tegea 017 | Kyle | 516 | 477 | 8441 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.0 |
325 | TuT | Tartarus I | 510 | 499 | 8449 | 124744 | Jayce | 10.0 |
613 | Pasakul | Segam | 514 | 503 | 8489 | 107586 | Ztracená Legie II. | 14.3 |
2325 | KYSUCE 1 | TajfúnPP | 484 | 506 | 8533 | 169763 | Jayce | 17.1 |
811 | BIO 1 | Bioušek | 518 | 490 | 8589 | 69678 | Ztracená Legie II. | 20.6 |
1449 | 009 Fluorochinolon | tegord1 | 515 | 507 | 8672 | 136157 | Jayce | 16.6 |
2091 | 008 Koválov | jakub1324 | 518 | 484 | 8787 | 129464 | Ztracená Legie | 24.1 |
2323 | KYSUCE | TajfúnPP | 484 | 506 | 8813 | 169763 | Jayce | 17.1 |
115 | Terror | ImperatorSoky | 495 | 483 | 8822 | 114453 | Jayce | 17.7 |
422 | Tegea 020 | Kyle | 510 | 473 | 8851 | 194432 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.8 |
887 | A-2 | kevin bratm | 523 | 498 | 8853 | 155147 | Jayce | 23.1 |
711 | 070 Detva M45 | kajotheboss | 491 | 500 | 8854 | 99753 | Paštekári | 9.0 |
2093 | 3.Mulano stylo | Adak | 527 | 517 | 8857 | 61101 | Piráti | 31.9 |
3605 | 07 crack | Gaerne | 527 | 473 | 8863 | 130955 | Ztracená Legie | 38.2 |
1408 | 003D | Deadpatko | 520 | 505 | 8868 | 16114 | --- | 20.6 |
743 | -003- | Sajuel | 509 | 485 | 8880 | 62956 | Ztracená Legie II. | 17.5 |
3358 | M54 Corrida | Bobiik | 525 | 486 | 8887 | 116583 | Ztracená Legie | 28.7 |
3219 | 008 Karbapenem | tegord1 | 511 | 511 | 8891 | 136157 | Jayce | 15.6 |
470 | CHRISTMAS | TajfúnPP | 523 | 498 | 8900 | 169763 | Jayce | 23.1 |
302 | BIO | Bioušek | 488 | 478 | 8918 | 69678 | Ztracená Legie II. | 25.1 |
1099 | A-3 | kevin bratm | 520 | 505 | 8936 | 155147 | Jayce | 20.6 |
108 | 030 Detva M44 | kajotheboss | 495 | 483 | 8948 | 99753 | Paštekári | 17.7 |
281 | AAA 6 | lordmichal9009 | 477 | 497 | 8991 | 188592 | Ztracená Legie | 23.2 |
343 | SILVER | TajfúnPP | 477 | 486 | 8991 | 169763 | Jayce | 26.9 |
290 | TnT | Tartarus I | 510 | 499 | 8999 | 124744 | Jayce | 10.0 |
970 | Dangpolis 030 | Mirka89 | 518 | 490 | 9018 | 15567 | Ztracená Legie II. | 20.6 |
2062 | A-5 | kevin bratm | 525 | 507 | 9049 | 155147 | Jayce | 26.0 |
383 | 0.4 rudla | Kvothe | 472 | 490 | 9051 | 179266 | Jayce | 29.7 |
1393 | 002 Búre resurrected | jakub1324 | 512 | 483 | 9060 | 129464 | Ztracená Legie | 20.8 |
3551 | TgV | Tartarus I | 513 | 495 | 9073 | 124744 | Jayce | 13.9 |
1301 | 02 01 | MtvnSK | 525 | 507 | 9164 | 126427 | Ztracená Legie | 26.0 |
3786 | 010 | SnYkL | 529 | 489 | 9168 | 123018 | Ztracená Legie II. | 31.0 |
1618 | ATLANTÍDA | Altar | 527 | 517 | 9247 | 12421 | Piráti | 31.9 |
Too much data. Limit your query. |
Players list: Villiam Dobyvateľ; Kyle; Hmm?; jakub1324; Bobiik; xero; Bioušek; Pedrosgame; Bolki; MtvnSK; petanek256; sacika64; Kvothe; freeset1; Nečumte; Twinky69; don.matej; rebirth; Metym; jokila; MasterTimmy; lhajos; Gaerne; SnYkL; Tartarus I; Segam; TajfúnPP; tegord1; ImperatorSoky; kevin bratm; kajotheboss; Adak; Deadpatko; Sajuel; lordmichal9009; Mirka89; Altar
[town]1171[/town] 5046pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]3011[/town] 5445pts [player]Kyle[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]4000[/town] 5465pts [player]Hmm?[/player] 513/495 13.9
[town]3886[/town] 5501pts [player]jakub1324[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]3550[/town] 5585pts [player]Hmm?[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]3739[/town] 5591pts [player]Bobiik[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]906[/town] 5619pts [player]xero[/player] 494/488 13.4
[town]3233[/town] 5777pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 488/478 25.1
[town]3634[/town] 6061pts [player]Hmm?[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]3388[/town] 6153pts [player]Pedrosgame[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]2731[/town] 6250pts [player]Bolki[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]2479[/town] 6279pts [player]MtvnSK[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]3215[/town] 6317pts [player]petanek256[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]3737[/town] 6348pts [player]sacika64[/player] 527/517 31.9
[town]2451[/town] 6393pts [player]Bolki[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]1637[/town] 6451pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]468[/town] 6490pts [player]Kyle[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]3466[/town] 6537pts [player]freeset1[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]1272[/town] 6543pts [player]MtvnSK[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]427[/town] 6554pts [player]Kyle[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]820[/town] 6786pts [player]Kyle[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]2815[/town] 6790pts [player]Nečumte[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]958[/town] 6791pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]3492[/town] 6850pts [player]Twinky69[/player] 477/486 26.9
[town]1544[/town] 6874pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]1332[/town] 6910pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]2596[/town] 6968pts [player]don.matej[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]1091[/town] 7007pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]2065[/town] 7028pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]1188[/town] 7098pts [player]rebirth[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]2345[/town] 7114pts [player]Metym[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]3648[/town] 7157pts [player]jokila[/player] 516/486 21.3
[town]3382[/town] 7184pts [player]Kyle[/player] 500/491 9.0
[town]842[/town] 7202pts [player]Kyle[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]2550[/town] 7298pts [player]Kyle[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2710[/town] 7395pts [player]Metym[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]3680[/town] 7457pts [player]Bobiik[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]3374[/town] 7518pts [player]Kyle[/player] 500/491 9.0
[town]755[/town] 7528pts [player]Kyle[/player] 509/485 17.5
[town]1782[/town] 7548pts [player]Nečumte[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2758[/town] 7548pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]489[/town] 7554pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]1492[/town] 7616pts [player]Hmm?[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]2586[/town] 7648pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2462[/town] 7677pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]1158[/town] 7717pts [player]Kyle[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]993[/town] 7751pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 489/522 24.6
[town]877[/town] 7789pts [player]rebirth[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]1511[/town] 7814pts [player]lhajos[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]1693[/town] 7835pts [player]Twinky69[/player] 490/488 15.6
[town]847[/town] 7989pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 518/490 20.6
[town]523[/town] 8026pts [player]Kyle[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]3096[/town] 8065pts [player]Bobiik[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]2413[/town] 8136pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2160[/town] 8149pts [player]lhajos[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]3224[/town] 8161pts [player]Gaerne[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]866[/town] 8165pts [player]freeset1[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]1582[/town] 8196pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 527/517 31.9
[town]1279[/town] 8291pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]1650[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]2219[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]2661[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]3145[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]3719[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]969[/town] 8368pts [player]MtvnSK[/player] 499/499 1.4
[town]1010[/town] 8406pts [player]rebirth[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]1214[/town] 8419pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]2829[/town] 8441pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]325[/town] 8449pts [player]Tartarus I[/player] 510/499 10.0
[town]613[/town] 8489pts [player]Segam[/player] 514/503 14.3
[town]2325[/town] 8533pts [player]TajfúnPP[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]811[/town] 8589pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 518/490 20.6
[town]1449[/town] 8672pts [player]tegord1[/player] 515/507 16.6
[town]2091[/town] 8787pts [player]jakub1324[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2323[/town] 8813pts [player]TajfúnPP[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]115[/town] 8822pts [player]ImperatorSoky[/player] 495/483 17.7
[town]422[/town] 8851pts [player]Kyle[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]887[/town] 8853pts [player]kevin bratm[/player] 523/498 23.1
[town]711[/town] 8854pts [player]kajotheboss[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]2093[/town] 8857pts [player]Adak[/player] 527/517 31.9
[town]3605[/town] 8863pts [player]Gaerne[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]1408[/town] 8868pts [player]Deadpatko[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]743[/town] 8880pts [player]Sajuel[/player] 509/485 17.5
[town]3358[/town] 8887pts [player]Bobiik[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]3219[/town] 8891pts [player]tegord1[/player] 511/511 15.6
[town]470[/town] 8900pts [player]TajfúnPP[/player] 523/498 23.1
[town]302[/town] 8918pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 488/478 25.1
[town]1099[/town] 8936pts [player]kevin bratm[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]108[/town] 8948pts [player]kajotheboss[/player] 495/483 17.7
[town]281[/town] 8991pts [player]lordmichal9009[/player] 477/497 23.2
[town]343[/town] 8991pts [player]TajfúnPP[/player] 477/486 26.9
[town]290[/town] 8999pts [player]Tartarus I[/player] 510/499 10.0
[town]970[/town] 9018pts [player]Mirka89[/player] 518/490 20.6
[town]2062[/town] 9049pts [player]kevin bratm[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]383[/town] 9051pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 472/490 29.7
[town]1393[/town] 9060pts [player]jakub1324[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]3551[/town] 9073pts [player]Tartarus I[/player] 513/495 13.9
[town]1301[/town] 9164pts [player]MtvnSK[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]3786[/town] 9168pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]1618[/town] 9247pts [player]Altar[/player] 527/517 31.9
[town]1171[/town] 5046pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]3011[/town] 5445pts [player]Kyle[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]4000[/town] 5465pts [player]Hmm?[/player] 513/495 13.9
[town]3886[/town] 5501pts [player]jakub1324[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]3550[/town] 5585pts [player]Hmm?[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]3739[/town] 5591pts [player]Bobiik[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]906[/town] 5619pts [player]xero[/player] 494/488 13.4
[town]3233[/town] 5777pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 488/478 25.1
[town]3634[/town] 6061pts [player]Hmm?[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]3388[/town] 6153pts [player]Pedrosgame[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]2731[/town] 6250pts [player]Bolki[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]2479[/town] 6279pts [player]MtvnSK[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]3215[/town] 6317pts [player]petanek256[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]3737[/town] 6348pts [player]sacika64[/player] 527/517 31.9
[town]2451[/town] 6393pts [player]Bolki[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]1637[/town] 6451pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]468[/town] 6490pts [player]Kyle[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]3466[/town] 6537pts [player]freeset1[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]1272[/town] 6543pts [player]MtvnSK[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]427[/town] 6554pts [player]Kyle[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]820[/town] 6786pts [player]Kyle[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]2815[/town] 6790pts [player]Nečumte[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]958[/town] 6791pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]3492[/town] 6850pts [player]Twinky69[/player] 477/486 26.9
[town]1544[/town] 6874pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]1332[/town] 6910pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]2596[/town] 6968pts [player]don.matej[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]1091[/town] 7007pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]2065[/town] 7028pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]1188[/town] 7098pts [player]rebirth[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]2345[/town] 7114pts [player]Metym[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]3648[/town] 7157pts [player]jokila[/player] 516/486 21.3
[town]3382[/town] 7184pts [player]Kyle[/player] 500/491 9.0
[town]842[/town] 7202pts [player]Kyle[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]2550[/town] 7298pts [player]Kyle[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2710[/town] 7395pts [player]Metym[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]3680[/town] 7457pts [player]Bobiik[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]3374[/town] 7518pts [player]Kyle[/player] 500/491 9.0
[town]755[/town] 7528pts [player]Kyle[/player] 509/485 17.5
[town]1782[/town] 7548pts [player]Nečumte[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2758[/town] 7548pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]489[/town] 7554pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]1492[/town] 7616pts [player]Hmm?[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]2586[/town] 7648pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2462[/town] 7677pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]1158[/town] 7717pts [player]Kyle[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]993[/town] 7751pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 489/522 24.6
[town]877[/town] 7789pts [player]rebirth[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]1511[/town] 7814pts [player]lhajos[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]1693[/town] 7835pts [player]Twinky69[/player] 490/488 15.6
[town]847[/town] 7989pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 518/490 20.6
[town]523[/town] 8026pts [player]Kyle[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]3096[/town] 8065pts [player]Bobiik[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]2413[/town] 8136pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2160[/town] 8149pts [player]lhajos[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]3224[/town] 8161pts [player]Gaerne[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]866[/town] 8165pts [player]freeset1[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]1582[/town] 8196pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 527/517 31.9
[town]1279[/town] 8291pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]1650[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]2219[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 516/473 31.4
[town]2661[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]3145[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]3719[/town] 8291pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]969[/town] 8368pts [player]MtvnSK[/player] 499/499 1.4
[town]1010[/town] 8406pts [player]rebirth[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]1214[/town] 8419pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]2829[/town] 8441pts [player]Kyle[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]325[/town] 8449pts [player]Tartarus I[/player] 510/499 10.0
[town]613[/town] 8489pts [player]Segam[/player] 514/503 14.3
[town]2325[/town] 8533pts [player]TajfúnPP[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]811[/town] 8589pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 518/490 20.6
[town]1449[/town] 8672pts [player]tegord1[/player] 515/507 16.6
[town]2091[/town] 8787pts [player]jakub1324[/player] 518/484 24.1
[town]2323[/town] 8813pts [player]TajfúnPP[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]115[/town] 8822pts [player]ImperatorSoky[/player] 495/483 17.7
[town]422[/town] 8851pts [player]Kyle[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]887[/town] 8853pts [player]kevin bratm[/player] 523/498 23.1
[town]711[/town] 8854pts [player]kajotheboss[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]2093[/town] 8857pts [player]Adak[/player] 527/517 31.9
[town]3605[/town] 8863pts [player]Gaerne[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]1408[/town] 8868pts [player]Deadpatko[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]743[/town] 8880pts [player]Sajuel[/player] 509/485 17.5
[town]3358[/town] 8887pts [player]Bobiik[/player] 525/486 28.7
[town]3219[/town] 8891pts [player]tegord1[/player] 511/511 15.6
[town]470[/town] 8900pts [player]TajfúnPP[/player] 523/498 23.1
[town]302[/town] 8918pts [player]Bioušek[/player] 488/478 25.1
[town]1099[/town] 8936pts [player]kevin bratm[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]108[/town] 8948pts [player]kajotheboss[/player] 495/483 17.7
[town]281[/town] 8991pts [player]lordmichal9009[/player] 477/497 23.2
[town]343[/town] 8991pts [player]TajfúnPP[/player] 477/486 26.9
[town]290[/town] 8999pts [player]Tartarus I[/player] 510/499 10.0
[town]970[/town] 9018pts [player]Mirka89[/player] 518/490 20.6
[town]2062[/town] 9049pts [player]kevin bratm[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]383[/town] 9051pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 472/490 29.7
[town]1393[/town] 9060pts [player]jakub1324[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]3551[/town] 9073pts [player]Tartarus I[/player] 513/495 13.9
[town]1301[/town] 9164pts [player]MtvnSK[/player] 525/507 26.0
[town]3786[/town] 9168pts [player]SnYkL[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]1618[/town] 9247pts [player]Altar[/player] 527/517 31.9
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.