Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
6889 | Mesto hráča Lodon1888 2 ![]() | Lodon1888 | 484 | 511 | 5382 | 119605 | Jayce | 19.4 |
6890 | Mesto hráča Lodon1888 3 ![]() | Lodon1888 | 484 | 511 | 5575 | 119605 | Jayce | 19.4 |
4430 | Rompeldunk ![]() ![]() | Rompeldunk | 523 | 522 | 5605 | 5605 | --- | 31.8 |
4462 | 013 MARHA 55 | MasterTimmy | 523 | 522 | 5630 | 126486 | Ztracená Legie II. | 31.8 |
6910 | Mesto hráča Lodon1888 6 ![]() | Lodon1888 | 484 | 511 | 5767 | 119605 | Jayce | 19.4 |
2292 | Relax ![]() | petanek256 | 523 | 522 | 6142 | 189265 | Ztracená Legie | 31.8 |
4641 | Isotonic ![]() | petanek256 | 527 | 473 | 6250 | 189265 | Ztracená Legie | 38.2 |
3962 | Mojito ![]() | petanek256 | 515 | 499 | 6699 | 189265 | Ztracená Legie | 15.0 |
1171 | Tegea | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 479 | 517 | 8075 | 67666 | Jayce | 27.0 |
2036 | Staropramen ![]() | petanek256 | 523 | 522 | 8082 | 189265 | Ztracená Legie | 31.8 |
1277 | 2-2-2 ![]() | xero | 494 | 488 | 8150 | 11525 | --- | 13.4 |
3215 | Vinea ![]() | petanek256 | 527 | 473 | 8188 | 189265 | Ztracená Legie | 38.2 |
3793 | 5404 | NiKtO1312 | 527 | 473 | 8576 | 189075 | Ztracená Legie | 38.2 |
4695 | -010- ![]() | Sajuel | 527 | 473 | 8628 | 102010 | Ztracená Legie II. | 38.2 |
450 | 020 | KZiko | 472 | 482 | 8636 | 185529 | Jayce | 33.3 |
489 | 002 DOBREMOJ 54 | MasterTimmy | 510 | 473 | 8673 | 126486 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.8 |
4017 | 010 CABUK 54 | MasterTimmy | 510 | 489 | 8708 | 126486 | Ztracená Legie II. | 14.9 |
6457 | Mesto hráča NiKtO1312 | NiKtO1312 | 529 | 489 | 8816 | 189075 | Ztracená Legie | 31.0 |
711 | 070 Detva M45 ![]() | kajotheboss | 491 | 500 | 8854 | 113368 | Paštekári | 9.0 |
108 | 030 Detva M44 ![]() | kajotheboss | 495 | 483 | 8948 | 113368 | Paštekári | 17.7 |
5609 | OLYMP | Kublajchan | 529 | 489 | 9170 | 32524 | --- | 31.0 |
1544 | Mesto hráča Jozko73 | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 479 | 517 | 9340 | 67666 | Jayce | 27.0 |
1332 | atheny 2 | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 475 | 511 | 9522 | 67666 | Jayce | 27.3 |
650 | 006 EVOL 55 | MasterTimmy | 525 | 529 | 9648 | 126486 | Ztracená Legie II. | 38.3 |
1214 | Mesto hráča Villiam 2 | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 486 | 516 | 9802 | 67666 | Jayce | 21.3 |
1279 | Mesto hráča Villiam Dobyvateľ | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 479 | 517 | 9967 | 67666 | Jayce | 27.0 |
1543 | B4501 | NiKtO1312 | 473 | 503 | 10021 | 189075 | Ztracená Legie | 27.2 |
993 | Atheny1Her | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 489 | 522 | 10223 | 67666 | Jayce | 24.6 |
1322 | Mesto hráča alektosi ![]() | matiko123 | 520 | 505 | 10347 | 97028 | a je to | 20.6 |
1251 | 003 | freeset1 | 486 | 516 | 10433 | 29579 | Milites cum Honore | 21.3 |
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828 | 005 DELFY 55 | MasterTimmy | 525 | 529 | 10553 | 126486 | Ztracená Legie II. | 38.3 |
355 | Amirdrassil 01 | Anarchost | 510 | 499 | 10590 | 148118 | Milites cum Honore | 10.0 |
658 | Pinacolada ![]() | petanek256 | 525 | 529 | 10599 | 189265 | Ztracená Legie | 38.3 |
864 | Mesto hráča Villiam | Villiam Dobyvateľ | 486 | 516 | 10737 | 67666 | Jayce | 21.3 |
882 | 003 Olymp | najto | 479 | 505 | 11129 | 148846 | Paštekári | 21.6 |
275 | B4401 B | NiKtO1312 | 477 | 497 | 11157 | 189075 | Ztracená Legie | 23.2 |
2664 | 5405 | NiKtO1312 | 516 | 477 | 11194 | 189075 | Ztracená Legie | 28.0 |
5390 | ATENY | Kublajchan | 529 | 489 | 11306 | 32524 | --- | 31.0 |
440 | 003 TVOJTATA 54 | MasterTimmy | 510 | 473 | 11385 | 126486 | Ztracená Legie II. | 28.8 |
534 | -002- ![]() | Sajuel | 477 | 486 | 11399 | 102010 | Ztracená Legie II. | 26.9 |
331 | -001- ![]() | Sajuel | 477 | 486 | 11643 | 102010 | Ztracená Legie II. | 26.9 |
1102 | M01 ![]() | matiko123 | 520 | 505 | 12007 | 97028 | a je to | 20.6 |
1471 | rebirth je pan ![]() | Lodon1888 | 479 | 505 | 12063 | 119605 | Jayce | 21.6 |
757 | 004 CARTA 55 | MasterTimmy | 525 | 529 | 12137 | 126486 | Ztracená Legie II. | 38.3 |
2560 | R-2 ![]() | Lodon1888 | 484 | 506 | 12238 | 119605 | Jayce | 17.1 |
866 | Gareth1111 | freeset1 | 486 | 516 | 12295 | 29579 | Milites cum Honore | 21.3 |
697 | Marka ![]() | petanek256 | 516 | 477 | 12472 | 189265 | Ztracená Legie | 28.0 |
2655 | R-5 ![]() | Lodon1888 | 484 | 506 | 12517 | 119605 | Jayce | 17.1 |
881 | Este viac si poplac ![]() | petanek256 | 525 | 529 | 12661 | 189265 | Ztracená Legie | 38.3 |
1290 | Ironforge | Anarchost | 520 | 505 | 12826 | 148118 | Milites cum Honore | 20.6 |
385 | Amirdrassil 02 | Anarchost | 510 | 499 | 13021 | 148118 | Milites cum Honore | 10.0 |
1913 | R-4 ![]() | Lodon1888 | 484 | 506 | 13139 | 119605 | Jayce | 17.1 |
1962 | R-3 ![]() | Lodon1888 | 484 | 506 | 13139 | 119605 | Jayce | 17.1 |
2053 | R-1 ![]() | Lodon1888 | 484 | 506 | 13139 | 119605 | Jayce | 17.1 |
3061 | R-6 ![]() | Lodon1888 | 484 | 506 | 13199 | 119605 | Jayce | 17.1 |
268 | B4401 | NiKtO1312 | 477 | 497 | 13970 | 189075 | Ztracená Legie | 23.2 |
Players list: Lodon1888; Rompeldunk; MasterTimmy; petanek256; Villiam Dobyvateľ; xero; NiKtO1312; Sajuel; KZiko; kajotheboss; Kublajchan; matiko123; freeset1; Anarchost; najto
[town]6889[/town] 5382pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]6890[/town] 5575pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]4430[/town] 5605pts [player]Rompeldunk[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]4462[/town] 5630pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]6910[/town] 5767pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]2292[/town] 6142pts [player]petanek256[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]4641[/town] 6250pts [player]petanek256[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]3962[/town] 6699pts [player]petanek256[/player] 515/499 15.0
[town]1171[/town] 8075pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]2036[/town] 8082pts [player]petanek256[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]1277[/town] 8150pts [player]xero[/player] 494/488 13.4
[town]3215[/town] 8188pts [player]petanek256[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]3793[/town] 8576pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]4695[/town] 8628pts [player]Sajuel[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]450[/town] 8636pts [player]KZiko[/player] 472/482 33.3
[town]489[/town] 8673pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]4017[/town] 8708pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 510/489 14.9
[town]6457[/town] 8816pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]711[/town] 8854pts [player]kajotheboss[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]108[/town] 8948pts [player]kajotheboss[/player] 495/483 17.7
[town]5609[/town] 9170pts [player]Kublajchan[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]1544[/town] 9340pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]1332[/town] 9522pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]650[/town] 9648pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]1214[/town] 9802pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]1279[/town] 9967pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]1543[/town] 10021pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 473/503 27.2
[town]993[/town] 10223pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 489/522 24.6
[town]1322[/town] 10347pts [player]matiko123[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]1251[/town] 10433pts [player]freeset1[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]828[/town] 10553pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]355[/town] 10590pts [player]Anarchost[/player] 510/499 10.0
[town]658[/town] 10599pts [player]petanek256[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]864[/town] 10737pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]882[/town] 11129pts [player]najto[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]275[/town] 11157pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 477/497 23.2
[town]2664[/town] 11194pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]5390[/town] 11306pts [player]Kublajchan[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]440[/town] 11385pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]534[/town] 11399pts [player]Sajuel[/player] 477/486 26.9
[town]331[/town] 11643pts [player]Sajuel[/player] 477/486 26.9
[town]1102[/town] 12007pts [player]matiko123[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]1471[/town] 12063pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]757[/town] 12137pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]2560[/town] 12238pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]866[/town] 12295pts [player]freeset1[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]697[/town] 12472pts [player]petanek256[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]2655[/town] 12517pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]881[/town] 12661pts [player]petanek256[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]1290[/town] 12826pts [player]Anarchost[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]385[/town] 13021pts [player]Anarchost[/player] 510/499 10.0
[town]1913[/town] 13139pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]1962[/town] 13139pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]2053[/town] 13139pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]3061[/town] 13199pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]268[/town] 13970pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 477/497 23.2
[town]6889[/town] 5382pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]6890[/town] 5575pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]4430[/town] 5605pts [player]Rompeldunk[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]4462[/town] 5630pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]6910[/town] 5767pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]2292[/town] 6142pts [player]petanek256[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]4641[/town] 6250pts [player]petanek256[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]3962[/town] 6699pts [player]petanek256[/player] 515/499 15.0
[town]1171[/town] 8075pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]2036[/town] 8082pts [player]petanek256[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]1277[/town] 8150pts [player]xero[/player] 494/488 13.4
[town]3215[/town] 8188pts [player]petanek256[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]3793[/town] 8576pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]4695[/town] 8628pts [player]Sajuel[/player] 527/473 38.2
[town]450[/town] 8636pts [player]KZiko[/player] 472/482 33.3
[town]489[/town] 8673pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]4017[/town] 8708pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 510/489 14.9
[town]6457[/town] 8816pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]711[/town] 8854pts [player]kajotheboss[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]108[/town] 8948pts [player]kajotheboss[/player] 495/483 17.7
[town]5609[/town] 9170pts [player]Kublajchan[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]1544[/town] 9340pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]1332[/town] 9522pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 475/511 27.3
[town]650[/town] 9648pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]1214[/town] 9802pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]1279[/town] 9967pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 479/517 27.0
[town]1543[/town] 10021pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 473/503 27.2
[town]993[/town] 10223pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 489/522 24.6
[town]1322[/town] 10347pts [player]matiko123[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]1251[/town] 10433pts [player]freeset1[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]828[/town] 10553pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]355[/town] 10590pts [player]Anarchost[/player] 510/499 10.0
[town]658[/town] 10599pts [player]petanek256[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]864[/town] 10737pts [player]Villiam Dobyvateľ[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]882[/town] 11129pts [player]najto[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]275[/town] 11157pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 477/497 23.2
[town]2664[/town] 11194pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]5390[/town] 11306pts [player]Kublajchan[/player] 529/489 31.0
[town]440[/town] 11385pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 510/473 28.8
[town]534[/town] 11399pts [player]Sajuel[/player] 477/486 26.9
[town]331[/town] 11643pts [player]Sajuel[/player] 477/486 26.9
[town]1102[/town] 12007pts [player]matiko123[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]1471[/town] 12063pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]757[/town] 12137pts [player]MasterTimmy[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]2560[/town] 12238pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]866[/town] 12295pts [player]freeset1[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]697[/town] 12472pts [player]petanek256[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]2655[/town] 12517pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]881[/town] 12661pts [player]petanek256[/player] 525/529 38.3
[town]1290[/town] 12826pts [player]Anarchost[/player] 520/505 20.6
[town]385[/town] 13021pts [player]Anarchost[/player] 510/499 10.0
[town]1913[/town] 13139pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]1962[/town] 13139pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]2053[/town] 13139pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]3061[/town] 13199pts [player]Lodon1888[/player] 484/506 17.1
[town]268[/town] 13970pts [player]NiKtO1312[/player] 477/497 23.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.