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IdTownPlayerXYTown score β–ΎPlayer scoreAllyDistance
15939MidnightSilver's city 2MidnightSilver517506618829858---18.0
10349ND77- Portal 45*nightdragon77492501666944471NO Hand Offs8.1
8357ND77- Potral 54*nightdragon77506490748144471NO Hand Offs11.7
7504ND77- Portal 44*nightdragon77499497850544471NO Hand Offs3.2
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13841Ashkael's city 5Ashkael500502894052772Endurance2.0
217154 006 Ellend sleeping playerab1705174941062824742True Fear18.0
432455504519.uselessKraftR8850451910678129549Cabbage Patch19.4
2132air23 attacked playerrpsmith225145111097158882Endurance17.8
9006MidnightSilver's cityMidnightSilver5175061168829858---18.0
2064Ashkael's city 3Ashkael4994971173452772Endurance3.2
7634brk 3 attacked playerbrkovi4994771187643027Silent Storm23.0
1585Ashkael's city 2Ashkael5005021208152772Endurance2.0
7393brk attacked playerbrkovi4994771301043027Silent Storm23.0
2655Angel-1-mLucky Angel50451913869128621Endurance19.4
2938brk 2 attacked playerbrkovi4994771439943027Silent Storm23.0
184145 Outpost only one grepolis town attacked playermaxilex4965131469914699---13.6

Players list: MidnightSilver; nightdragon77; Moosexxx; Ashkael; ab170; KraftR88; rpsmith22; brkovi; Lucky Angel; maxilex
[town]15939[/town] 6188pts [player]MidnightSilver[/player] 517/506 18.0
[town]10349[/town] 6669pts [player]nightdragon77[/player] 492/501 8.1
[town]8357[/town] 7481pts [player]nightdragon77[/player] 506/490 11.7
[town]7066[/town] 7936pts [player]Moosexxx[/player] 529/474 38.9
[town]7504[/town] 8505pts [player]nightdragon77[/player] 499/497 3.2
[town]13841[/town] 8940pts [player]Ashkael[/player] 500/502 2.0
[town]2171[/town] 10628pts [player]ab170[/player] 517/494 18.0
[town]4324[/town] 10678pts [player]KraftR88[/player] 504/519 19.4
[town]2132[/town] 10971pts [player]rpsmith22[/player] 514/511 17.8
[town]9006[/town] 11688pts [player]MidnightSilver[/player] 517/506 18.0
[town]2064[/town] 11734pts [player]Ashkael[/player] 499/497 3.2
[town]7634[/town] 11876pts [player]brkovi[/player] 499/477 23.0
[town]1585[/town] 12081pts [player]Ashkael[/player] 500/502 2.0
[town]7393[/town] 13010pts [player]brkovi[/player] 499/477 23.0
[town]2655[/town] 13869pts [player]Lucky Angel[/player] 504/519 19.4
[town]2938[/town] 14399pts [player]brkovi[/player] 499/477 23.0
[town]1841[/town] 14699pts [player]maxilex[/player] 496/513 13.6

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.