Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
21577 | Norwich City | ChrisA1 | 528 | 479 | 5882 | 181242 | warriors | 35.0 |
19904 | Schülis Stadt 5 | Schüli | 485 | 521 | 6256 | 132244 | warriors | 25.8 |
20473 | Let'sGoBrandon | xX Kain Pain Xx | 528 | 473 | 6362 | 78838 | --- | 38.9 |
22331 | Shazades Stadt | Shazade | 477 | 526 | 7011 | 127846 | warriors | 34.7 |
18815 | Schülis Stadt 6 | Schüli | 483 | 510 | 7302 | 132244 | warriors | 19.7 |
638 | 55 WBTBWB | Weltherscher Leon | 524 | 510 | 7461 | 119549 | Nur Siedler | 26.0 |
15658 | M 001 | Shazade | 475 | 515 | 7699 | 127846 | warriors | 29.2 |
15589 | Schülis Stadt 4 | Schüli | 488 | 527 | 7982 | 132244 | warriors | 29.5 |
7685 | Rotwein12s Stadt 2 | Schüli | 488 | 527 | 9484 | 132244 | warriors | 29.5 |
1246 | Dorfkrug | Schüli | 484 | 529 | 9491 | 132244 | warriors | 33.1 |
1151 | Dorfschänke | Schüli | 484 | 529 | 10098 | 132244 | warriors | 33.1 |
7508 | Schülis Stadt 2 | Schüli | 491 | 522 | 10389 | 132244 | warriors | 23.8 |
341 | Aaronastadt | Schüli | 492 | 518 | 10695 | 132244 | warriors | 19.7 |
14393 | 11.GOLDDIGGER c | Shazade | 483 | 515 | 10752 | 127846 | warriors | 22.7 |
4912 | 45.2 | Schüli | 488 | 527 | 10822 | 132244 | warriors | 29.5 |
4403 | Schülis Stadt | Schüli | 498 | 511 | 10965 | 132244 | warriors | 11.2 |
4324 | Leuchtturm | Sharimar | 497 | 506 | 12112 | 46850 | *Force Majeure* | 6.7 |
20846 | 0006 | Shazade | 477 | 526 | 12606 | 127846 | warriors | 34.7 |
20845 | 0005 | Shazade | 477 | 517 | 12696 | 127846 | warriors | 28.6 |
1013 | FC Everton | ChrisA1 | 529 | 487 | 12831 | 181242 | warriors | 31.8 |
16188 | M45 101 | Schüli | 488 | 527 | 13028 | 132244 | warriors | 29.5 |
1257 | West Ham United | ChrisA1 | 529 | 487 | 13048 | 181242 | warriors | 31.8 |
7641 | Newcastle United | ChrisA1 | 529 | 484 | 13226 | 181242 | warriors | 33.1 |
4649 | Beluga | Sharimar | 497 | 506 | 13306 | 46850 | *Force Majeure* | 6.7 |
5914 | FC Chelsea | ChrisA1 | 529 | 484 | 13429 | 181242 | warriors | 33.1 |
4341 | Manchester United | ChrisA1 | 529 | 484 | 14015 | 181242 | warriors | 33.1 |
1347 | Werder Bremen | ChrisA1 | 529 | 487 | 14462 | 181242 | warriors | 31.8 |
3897 | FC Liverpool | ChrisA1 | 529 | 484 | 14497 | 181242 | warriors | 33.1 |
19969 | 0003 | Shazade | 477 | 517 | 15196 | 127846 | warriors | 28.6 |
19970 | 0004 | Shazade | 477 | 517 | 15557 | 127846 | warriors | 28.6 |
19794 | Nackoss Stadt 6 | Nackos | 477 | 526 | 15966 | 162762 | GNB. | 34.7 |
3641 | Slow 15.1 | gottalessandro | 499 | 502 | 17276 | 135377 | warriors | 2.2 |
14192 | 10. Gatas | gottalessandro | 500 | 476 | 17276 | 135377 | warriors | 24.0 |
10493 | 0001 Kokowääh | Shazade | 485 | 521 | 17688 | 127846 | warriors | 25.8 |
Players list: ChrisA1; Schüli; xX Kain Pain Xx; Shazade; Weltherscher Leon; Sharimar; Nackos; gottalessandro
[town]21577[/town] 5882pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 528/479 35.0
[town]19904[/town] 6256pts [player]Schüli[/player] 485/521 25.8
[town]20473[/town] 6362pts [player]xX Kain Pain Xx[/player] 528/473 38.9
[town]22331[/town] 7011pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/526 34.7
[town]18815[/town] 7302pts [player]Schüli[/player] 483/510 19.7
[town]638[/town] 7461pts [player]Weltherscher Leon[/player] 524/510 26.0
[town]15658[/town] 7699pts [player]Shazade[/player] 475/515 29.2
[town]15589[/town] 7982pts [player]Schüli[/player] 488/527 29.5
[town]7685[/town] 9484pts [player]Schüli[/player] 488/527 29.5
[town]1246[/town] 9491pts [player]Schüli[/player] 484/529 33.1
[town]1151[/town] 10098pts [player]Schüli[/player] 484/529 33.1
[town]7508[/town] 10389pts [player]Schüli[/player] 491/522 23.8
[town]341[/town] 10695pts [player]Schüli[/player] 492/518 19.7
[town]14393[/town] 10752pts [player]Shazade[/player] 483/515 22.7
[town]4912[/town] 10822pts [player]Schüli[/player] 488/527 29.5
[town]4403[/town] 10965pts [player]Schüli[/player] 498/511 11.2
[town]4324[/town] 12112pts [player]Sharimar[/player] 497/506 6.7
[town]20846[/town] 12606pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/526 34.7
[town]20845[/town] 12696pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/517 28.6
[town]1013[/town] 12831pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/487 31.8
[town]16188[/town] 13028pts [player]Schüli[/player] 488/527 29.5
[town]1257[/town] 13048pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/487 31.8
[town]7641[/town] 13226pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]4649[/town] 13306pts [player]Sharimar[/player] 497/506 6.7
[town]5914[/town] 13429pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]4341[/town] 14015pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]1347[/town] 14462pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/487 31.8
[town]3897[/town] 14497pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]19969[/town] 15196pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/517 28.6
[town]19970[/town] 15557pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/517 28.6
[town]19794[/town] 15966pts [player]Nackos[/player] 477/526 34.7
[town]3641[/town] 17276pts [player]gottalessandro[/player] 499/502 2.2
[town]14192[/town] 17276pts [player]gottalessandro[/player] 500/476 24.0
[town]10493[/town] 17688pts [player]Shazade[/player] 485/521 25.8
[town]21577[/town] 5882pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 528/479 35.0
[town]19904[/town] 6256pts [player]Schüli[/player] 485/521 25.8
[town]20473[/town] 6362pts [player]xX Kain Pain Xx[/player] 528/473 38.9
[town]22331[/town] 7011pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/526 34.7
[town]18815[/town] 7302pts [player]Schüli[/player] 483/510 19.7
[town]638[/town] 7461pts [player]Weltherscher Leon[/player] 524/510 26.0
[town]15658[/town] 7699pts [player]Shazade[/player] 475/515 29.2
[town]15589[/town] 7982pts [player]Schüli[/player] 488/527 29.5
[town]7685[/town] 9484pts [player]Schüli[/player] 488/527 29.5
[town]1246[/town] 9491pts [player]Schüli[/player] 484/529 33.1
[town]1151[/town] 10098pts [player]Schüli[/player] 484/529 33.1
[town]7508[/town] 10389pts [player]Schüli[/player] 491/522 23.8
[town]341[/town] 10695pts [player]Schüli[/player] 492/518 19.7
[town]14393[/town] 10752pts [player]Shazade[/player] 483/515 22.7
[town]4912[/town] 10822pts [player]Schüli[/player] 488/527 29.5
[town]4403[/town] 10965pts [player]Schüli[/player] 498/511 11.2
[town]4324[/town] 12112pts [player]Sharimar[/player] 497/506 6.7
[town]20846[/town] 12606pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/526 34.7
[town]20845[/town] 12696pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/517 28.6
[town]1013[/town] 12831pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/487 31.8
[town]16188[/town] 13028pts [player]Schüli[/player] 488/527 29.5
[town]1257[/town] 13048pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/487 31.8
[town]7641[/town] 13226pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]4649[/town] 13306pts [player]Sharimar[/player] 497/506 6.7
[town]5914[/town] 13429pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]4341[/town] 14015pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]1347[/town] 14462pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/487 31.8
[town]3897[/town] 14497pts [player]ChrisA1[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]19969[/town] 15196pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/517 28.6
[town]19970[/town] 15557pts [player]Shazade[/player] 477/517 28.6
[town]19794[/town] 15966pts [player]Nackos[/player] 477/526 34.7
[town]3641[/town] 17276pts [player]gottalessandro[/player] 499/502 2.2
[town]14192[/town] 17276pts [player]gottalessandro[/player] 500/476 24.0
[town]10493[/town] 17688pts [player]Shazade[/player] 485/521 25.8
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.