Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
4027 | 003 - Rivendell | navykiko | 513 | 485 | 5302 | 5302 | --- | 19.8 |
1523 | TheAce 04 | TheAce | 529 | 516 | 5752 | 5752 | --- | 33.1 |
10370 | Vindicta 002 | Aquilus | 476 | 476 | 6922 | 20444 | --- | 33.9 |
939 | RASENGAN - 55 - 01 | Kuazis11 | 509 | 522 | 8021 | 105407 | --- | 23.8 |
21115 | Oc.55 - 003 | andrepinto1 | 523 | 501 | 8190 | 97592 | QFGQSCTU | 23.0 |
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1149 | TheAce 02 | Kuazis11 | 514 | 520 | 8505 | 105407 | --- | 24.4 |
18413 | 02 MOVE | Legend Shank | 486 | 514 | 8765 | 172838 | *Why not? | 19.8 |
302 | CEMITÉRIO DOS NOOBS | Kuazis11 | 509 | 512 | 8874 | 105407 | --- | 15.0 |
2052 | ÓBITO - 55 - 01 | Kuazis11 | 514 | 502 | 8955 | 105407 | --- | 14.1 |
18303 | Cidade de hw-burn 6 | hw-burn | 520 | 506 | 8987 | 118223 | STRAY DOGS Monkey | 20.9 |
2961 | 05-22-bolsonaro | moises sj | 504 | 473 | 9554 | 58404 | --- | 27.3 |
9932 | 03 BACK 02 | Legend Shank | 473 | 527 | 10021 | 172838 | *Why not? | 38.2 |
18670 | Cidade de diana teixeira 7 | diana teixeira | 515 | 472 | 10199 | 161644 | Dragon Ball GT | 31.8 |
1947 | 036 | andrepinto1 | 510 | 508 | 10210 | 97592 | QFGQSCTU | 12.8 |
17180 | Cidade de hw-burn 5 | hw-burn | 528 | 497 | 10275 | 118223 | STRAY DOGS Monkey | 28.2 |
2307 | 02 LEVELS | Legend Shank | 486 | 514 | 10554 | 172838 | *Why not? | 19.8 |
5957 | 03 BACK 01 | Legend Shank | 473 | 527 | 10833 | 172838 | *Why not? | 38.2 |
10443 | Nix | Alsyar | 529 | 516 | 11123 | 54138 | --- | 33.1 |
2533 | t010 | tbigten | 515 | 494 | 11146 | 161661 | --- | 16.2 |
740 | Unum | Falo | 472 | 511 | 11278 | 72980 | *Why not? | 30.1 |
14503 | Cidade de hw-burn 3 | hw-burn | 528 | 497 | 11839 | 118223 | STRAY DOGS Monkey | 28.2 |
812 | Uchiha001 | Tiago Uchiha | 508 | 516 | 11872 | 136923 | STRAY DOGS Monkey | 17.9 |
3327 | Peseshet | Papoide | 472 | 511 | 12086 | 152231 | *Why not? | 30.1 |
509 | t006 | tbigten | 515 | 494 | 12527 | 161661 | --- | 16.2 |
7535 | t003 | tbigten | 528 | 497 | 12544 | 161661 | --- | 28.2 |
10190 | Azoth | Alsyar | 528 | 497 | 12613 | 54138 | --- | 28.2 |
168 | 001 FIRST | H O B B I T | 485 | 489 | 12627 | 102898 | *Why not? | 18.6 |
609 | t001 | tbigten | 515 | 494 | 12753 | 161661 | --- | 16.2 |
11848 | t007 | tbigten | 528 | 497 | 13174 | 161661 | --- | 28.2 |
1990 | t002 | tbigten | 516 | 490 | 13258 | 161661 | --- | 18.9 |
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947 | 55.4 | helloween | 509 | 522 | 13631 | 112330 | STRAY DOGS Monkey | 23.8 |
1986 | Dtron City | Dtron | 472 | 517 | 13739 | 161235 | *Why not? | 32.8 |
961 | 55.3 | helloween | 514 | 520 | 14621 | 112330 | STRAY DOGS Monkey | 24.4 |
1280 | Mordor | Alsyar | 514 | 520 | 15360 | 54138 | --- | 24.4 |
666 | Ateu 009 | Ateu909 | 504 | 483 | 15401 | 118578 | Dragon Ball GT | 17.5 |
600 | 55-1 | helloween | 516 | 515 | 15680 | 112330 | STRAY DOGS Monkey | 21.9 |
Players list: navykiko; TheAce; Aquilus; Kuazis11; andrepinto1; Legend Shank; hw-burn; moises sj; diana teixeira; Alsyar; tbigten; Falo; Tiago Uchiha; Papoide; H O B B I T; helloween; Dtron; Ateu909
[town]4027[/town] 5302pts [player]navykiko[/player] 513/485 19.8
[town]1523[/town] 5752pts [player]TheAce[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]10370[/town] 6922pts [player]Aquilus[/player] 476/476 33.9
[town]939[/town] 8021pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 509/522 23.8
[town]21115[/town] 8190pts [player]andrepinto1[/player] 523/501 23.0
[town]1149[/town] 8505pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 514/520 24.4
[town]18413[/town] 8765pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]302[/town] 8874pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 509/512 15.0
[town]2052[/town] 8955pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 514/502 14.1
[town]18303[/town] 8987pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 520/506 20.9
[town]2961[/town] 9554pts [player]moises sj[/player] 504/473 27.3
[town]9932[/town] 10021pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 473/527 38.2
[town]18670[/town] 10199pts [player]diana teixeira[/player] 515/472 31.8
[town]1947[/town] 10210pts [player]andrepinto1[/player] 510/508 12.8
[town]17180[/town] 10275pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]2307[/town] 10554pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]5957[/town] 10833pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 473/527 38.2
[town]10443[/town] 11123pts [player]Alsyar[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]2533[/town] 11146pts [player]tbigten[/player] 515/494 16.2
[town]740[/town] 11278pts [player]Falo[/player] 472/511 30.1
[town]14503[/town] 11839pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]812[/town] 11872pts [player]Tiago Uchiha[/player] 508/516 17.9
[town]3327[/town] 12086pts [player]Papoide[/player] 472/511 30.1
[town]509[/town] 12527pts [player]tbigten[/player] 515/494 16.2
[town]7535[/town] 12544pts [player]tbigten[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]10190[/town] 12613pts [player]Alsyar[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]168[/town] 12627pts [player]H O B B I T[/player] 485/489 18.6
[town]609[/town] 12753pts [player]tbigten[/player] 515/494 16.2
[town]11848[/town] 13174pts [player]tbigten[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]1990[/town] 13258pts [player]tbigten[/player] 516/490 18.9
[town]947[/town] 13631pts [player]helloween[/player] 509/522 23.8
[town]1986[/town] 13739pts [player]Dtron[/player] 472/517 32.8
[town]961[/town] 14621pts [player]helloween[/player] 514/520 24.4
[town]1280[/town] 15360pts [player]Alsyar[/player] 514/520 24.4
[town]666[/town] 15401pts [player]Ateu909[/player] 504/483 17.5
[town]600[/town] 15680pts [player]helloween[/player] 516/515 21.9
[town]4027[/town] 5302pts [player]navykiko[/player] 513/485 19.8
[town]1523[/town] 5752pts [player]TheAce[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]10370[/town] 6922pts [player]Aquilus[/player] 476/476 33.9
[town]939[/town] 8021pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 509/522 23.8
[town]21115[/town] 8190pts [player]andrepinto1[/player] 523/501 23.0
[town]1149[/town] 8505pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 514/520 24.4
[town]18413[/town] 8765pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]302[/town] 8874pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 509/512 15.0
[town]2052[/town] 8955pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 514/502 14.1
[town]18303[/town] 8987pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 520/506 20.9
[town]2961[/town] 9554pts [player]moises sj[/player] 504/473 27.3
[town]9932[/town] 10021pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 473/527 38.2
[town]18670[/town] 10199pts [player]diana teixeira[/player] 515/472 31.8
[town]1947[/town] 10210pts [player]andrepinto1[/player] 510/508 12.8
[town]17180[/town] 10275pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]2307[/town] 10554pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]5957[/town] 10833pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 473/527 38.2
[town]10443[/town] 11123pts [player]Alsyar[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]2533[/town] 11146pts [player]tbigten[/player] 515/494 16.2
[town]740[/town] 11278pts [player]Falo[/player] 472/511 30.1
[town]14503[/town] 11839pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]812[/town] 11872pts [player]Tiago Uchiha[/player] 508/516 17.9
[town]3327[/town] 12086pts [player]Papoide[/player] 472/511 30.1
[town]509[/town] 12527pts [player]tbigten[/player] 515/494 16.2
[town]7535[/town] 12544pts [player]tbigten[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]10190[/town] 12613pts [player]Alsyar[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]168[/town] 12627pts [player]H O B B I T[/player] 485/489 18.6
[town]609[/town] 12753pts [player]tbigten[/player] 515/494 16.2
[town]11848[/town] 13174pts [player]tbigten[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]1990[/town] 13258pts [player]tbigten[/player] 516/490 18.9
[town]947[/town] 13631pts [player]helloween[/player] 509/522 23.8
[town]1986[/town] 13739pts [player]Dtron[/player] 472/517 32.8
[town]961[/town] 14621pts [player]helloween[/player] 514/520 24.4
[town]1280[/town] 15360pts [player]Alsyar[/player] 514/520 24.4
[town]666[/town] 15401pts [player]Ateu909[/player] 504/483 17.5
[town]600[/town] 15680pts [player]helloween[/player] 516/515 21.9
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.