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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
3359Huricans by only one grepolis town attacked playerHurican48252750195019om igen32.4
3334Madsjohns by 05 attacked playerMadsjohn523518551659661om igen29.2
3194Doktor Echo attacked playerDoktordead035275158590175798Tempelridderne30.9
2915Madsjohns by 2 attacked playerMadsjohn525515941759661om igen29.2
2917Doktor Balkans attacked playerDoktordead034825279512175798Tempelridderne32.4
3283Doktor Cornly II attacked playerDoktordead0352252210475175798Tempelridderne31.1
3299Doktor Doolitle I attacked playerDoktordead0352351810547175798Tempelridderne29.2
2945Madsjohns by 03 attacked playerMadsjohn5255151129959661om igen29.2
3248Madsjohns by 01 attacked playerMadsjohn5255151153559661om igen29.2
592Doktor Abrams I attacked playerDoktordead0349251811939175798Tempelridderne19.7
2833Doktor Doolitle II attacked playerDoktordead0352351812831175798Tempelridderne29.2
1378Doktor Cornly I attacked playerDoktordead0352252213974175798Tempelridderne31.1
314Doktor Abrams II attacked playerDoktordead0349251814852175798Tempelridderne19.7

Players list: Hurican; Madsjohn; Doktordead03
[town]3359[/town] 5019pts [player]Hurican[/player] 482/527 32.4
[town]3334[/town] 5516pts [player]Madsjohn[/player] 523/518 29.2
[town]3194[/town] 8590pts [player]Doktordead03[/player] 527/515 30.9
[town]2915[/town] 9417pts [player]Madsjohn[/player] 525/515 29.2
[town]2917[/town] 9512pts [player]Doktordead03[/player] 482/527 32.4
[town]3283[/town] 10475pts [player]Doktordead03[/player] 522/522 31.1
[town]3299[/town] 10547pts [player]Doktordead03[/player] 523/518 29.2
[town]2945[/town] 11299pts [player]Madsjohn[/player] 525/515 29.2
[town]3248[/town] 11535pts [player]Madsjohn[/player] 525/515 29.2
[town]592[/town] 11939pts [player]Doktordead03[/player] 492/518 19.7
[town]2833[/town] 12831pts [player]Doktordead03[/player] 523/518 29.2
[town]1378[/town] 13974pts [player]Doktordead03[/player] 522/522 31.1
[town]314[/town] 14852pts [player]Doktordead03[/player] 492/518 19.7

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.