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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
20809Città di Aquila Nera I 12 attacked playerAquila Nera I5285127502177637---30.5
20345Città di Aquila Nera I 9 attacked playerAquila Nera I5205167595177637---25.6
20616Città di Aquila Nera I 10 attacked playerAquila Nera I5205167936177637---25.6
9337Città di dimitrisf 3 attacked playerLOL795125108124139932GLI STIRATI15.6
20167Città di Aquila Nera I 8 attacked playerAquila Nera I5205168608177637---25.6
20721Città di Aquila Nera I 11 attacked playerAquila Nera I5205168836177637---25.6
16589Città di Aquila Nera I attacked playerAquila Nera I52352710763177637---35.5
16771Città di Aquila Nera I 4 attacked playerAquila Nera I51951810988177637---26.2
17011Città di Aquila Nera I 7 attacked playerAquila Nera I51951811013177637---26.2
16926Città di Aquila Nera I 6 attacked playerAquila Nera I51951811041177637---26.2
16743Città di Aquila Nera I 3 attacked playerAquila Nera I51951811072177637---26.2
16721Città di Aquila Nera I 2 attacked playerAquila Nera I51951811113177637---26.2
16859Città di Aquila Nera I 5 attacked playerAquila Nera I51951811140177637---26.2
18183Città di LOL79 3 attacked playerLOL7951549413486139932GLI STIRATI16.2
1739045 fonda.s attacked playerLOL7947850213591139932GLI STIRATI22.1

Players list: Aquila Nera I; LOL79
[town]20809[/town] 7502pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 528/512 30.5
[town]20345[/town] 7595pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 520/516 25.6
[town]20616[/town] 7936pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 520/516 25.6
[town]9337[/town] 8124pts [player]LOL79[/player] 512/510 15.6
[town]20167[/town] 8608pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 520/516 25.6
[town]20721[/town] 8836pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 520/516 25.6
[town]16589[/town] 10763pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 523/527 35.5
[town]16771[/town] 10988pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]17011[/town] 11013pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]16926[/town] 11041pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]16743[/town] 11072pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]16721[/town] 11113pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]16859[/town] 11140pts [player]Aquila Nera I[/player] 519/518 26.2
[town]18183[/town] 13486pts [player]LOL79[/player] 515/494 16.2
[town]17390[/town] 13591pts [player]LOL79[/player] 478/502 22.1

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.