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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
133Rusty565's city attacked playerCooper man514496541181248---14.6
12138Daniel56's city attacked playerCooper man499511544781248---11.0
11664cooporia attacked playerCooper man521510722581248---23.3
15393Ylisse attacked playerCooper man472524762081248---36.9
591Slow And Steady attacked playerCooper man512520763281248---23.3
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30025Quin's city attacked playerQuin529485837672296*Friend of Cabbage*32.6
27043Q.LIV attacked playerQuin512481904272296*Friend of Cabbage*22.5
25863Adamantia.LIV attacked playerQuin5214931169172296*Friend of Cabbage*22.1
588Cooptopia attacked playerCooper man5105061183281248---11.7
338hellboy attacked playerCooper man4915241221581248---25.6
2850city11 attacked playerR13151947112470173492Peaceful mind34.7
25195Twerp attacked playerQuin5074811265172296*Friend of Cabbage*20.2
26001Altair.LIV attacked playerQuin5074811275072296*Friend of Cabbage*20.2
8254 Eu Grind attacked playerEutychon51449613204193001Seekers14.6
2820city09 attacked playerR13152247413361173492Peaceful mind34.1
2719city08 attacked playerR13152247413685173492Peaceful mind34.1
617city07 attacked playerR13151347213751173492Peaceful mind30.9
2939city10 attacked playerR13151947113814173492Peaceful mind34.7
14554 Eu Grytz attacked playerEutychon51449614289193001Seekers14.6
22055 Blast attacked playerEutychon51050614634193001Seekers11.7
17254 Eu Grizzly attacked playerEutychon51449614971193001Seekers14.6

Players list: Cooper man; Quin; R131; Eutychon
[town]133[/town] 5411pts [player]Cooper man[/player] 514/496 14.6
[town]12138[/town] 5447pts [player]Cooper man[/player] 499/511 11.0
[town]11664[/town] 7225pts [player]Cooper man[/player] 521/510 23.3
[town]15393[/town] 7620pts [player]Cooper man[/player] 472/524 36.9
[town]591[/town] 7632pts [player]Cooper man[/player] 512/520 23.3
[town]30025[/town] 8376pts [player]Quin[/player] 529/485 32.6
[town]27043[/town] 9042pts [player]Quin[/player] 512/481 22.5
[town]25863[/town] 11691pts [player]Quin[/player] 521/493 22.1
[town]588[/town] 11832pts [player]Cooper man[/player] 510/506 11.7
[town]338[/town] 12215pts [player]Cooper man[/player] 491/524 25.6
[town]2850[/town] 12470pts [player]R131[/player] 519/471 34.7
[town]25195[/town] 12651pts [player]Quin[/player] 507/481 20.2
[town]26001[/town] 12750pts [player]Quin[/player] 507/481 20.2
[town]82[/town] 13204pts [player]Eutychon[/player] 514/496 14.6
[town]2820[/town] 13361pts [player]R131[/player] 522/474 34.1
[town]2719[/town] 13685pts [player]R131[/player] 522/474 34.1
[town]617[/town] 13751pts [player]R131[/player] 513/472 30.9
[town]2939[/town] 13814pts [player]R131[/player] 519/471 34.7
[town]145[/town] 14289pts [player]Eutychon[/player] 514/496 14.6
[town]220[/town] 14634pts [player]Eutychon[/player] 510/506 11.7
[town]172[/town] 14971pts [player]Eutychon[/player] 514/496 14.6

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.