Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
3102 | Leeds | hockeyKing | 513 | 486 | 5023 | 12971 | The Outlaws | 19.1 |
16627 | StrategicSquid's city | StrategicSquid | 506 | 483 | 5200 | 5200 | --- | 18.0 |
20435 | DYRECK000's city 3 | DYRECK000 | 500 | 498 | 5320 | 52979 | The Expendables | 2.0 |
9877 | brk Izzy | brkovi | 482 | 524 | 5360 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 30.0 |
10501 | Pinetree | wriggle | 491 | 477 | 5455 | 36404 | Primordial Killers | 24.7 |
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8625 | Avon | wriggle | 491 | 477 | 5897 | 36404 | Primordial Killers | 24.7 |
8278 | Ethereum | Rama Lama | 494 | 496 | 6059 | 65028 | FOO FIGHTERS | 7.2 |
5406 | Bitcoin | Rama Lama | 500 | 498 | 6223 | 65028 | FOO FIGHTERS | 2.0 |
3147 | 44 Home View | Angusmecoatup | 472 | 478 | 6545 | 61370 | --- | 35.6 |
10220 | brk Alone | brkovi | 496 | 510 | 7175 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 10.8 |
5929 | badgers | johech | 473 | 522 | 7190 | 21684 | --- | 34.8 |
3149 | DYRECK000's city 5 | DYRECK000 | 488 | 500 | 7214 | 52979 | The Expendables | 12.0 |
4549 | 44-2.2 Edges | Angusmecoatup | 474 | 477 | 7491 | 61370 | --- | 34.7 |
2704 | full glasses | Angusmecoatup | 471 | 496 | 7561 | 61370 | --- | 29.3 |
7144 | DYRECK000's city 8 | DYRECK000 | 487 | 491 | 7902 | 52979 | The Expendables | 15.8 |
20237 | DYRECK000's city 2 | DYRECK000 | 503 | 503 | 7963 | 52979 | The Expendables | 4.2 |
5974 | brk Giles | brkovi | 484 | 519 | 8516 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 24.8 |
2874 | G0ld skilless | Angusmecoatup | 472 | 494 | 8537 | 61370 | --- | 28.6 |
3096 | Andy 2 | Sevak | 484 | 476 | 8867 | 55124 | Primordial Killers | 28.8 |
2692 | 54.01 | Milisav971 | 502 | 473 | 9890 | 169918 | The Geriatric Pole Dance | 27.1 |
5244 | Charmander | Big D Energy | 506 | 483 | 10051 | 13545 | Big D Energy | 18.0 |
2549 | epir | dareokrates | 475 | 481 | 10572 | 93715 | PHANTOM | 31.4 |
13984 | brk Magnezij 2 | brkovi | 484 | 519 | 10706 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 24.8 |
4750 | Isla De Ares | AresSpear8 | 484 | 501 | 10736 | 33192 | --- | 16.0 |
3598 | 55 Tethys | King Julian the great | 511 | 506 | 10756 | 29390 | BETA CREW | 12.5 |
5122 | My Bad | AresSpear8 | 488 | 500 | 10796 | 33192 | --- | 12.0 |
3459 | Papaya | Angusmecoatup | 472 | 494 | 10969 | 61370 | --- | 28.6 |
652 | 45.ALOO | Milisav971 | 475 | 525 | 11137 | 169918 | The Geriatric Pole Dance | 35.4 |
3021 | Instant Repeater | GreatArvid | 487 | 506 | 11308 | 69647 | My Alliance | 14.3 |
16743 | GreatArvid's city 2 | GreatArvid | 523 | 519 | 11625 | 69647 | My Alliance | 29.8 |
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1979 | O45-01 | AresSpear8 | 487 | 506 | 11660 | 33192 | --- | 14.3 |
13846 | brk y | brkovi | 484 | 514 | 11896 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 21.3 |
1678 | DYRECK000's city | DYRECK000 | 499 | 502 | 12099 | 52979 | The Expendables | 2.2 |
13518 | brk x | brkovi | 484 | 514 | 12711 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 21.3 |
18593 | Battledrums's city | Battledrums | 494 | 516 | 12848 | 14339 | Wolfsong Clan | 17.1 |
2725 | O45. The Den | KingVasillias | 473 | 522 | 12874 | 33755 | --- | 34.8 |
2814 | Piltover and Zaun | Evil MeIinoe | 502 | 473 | 13202 | 163399 | Black Dawn | 27.1 |
14198 | brk h | brkovi | 484 | 514 | 13489 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 21.3 |
2616 | 44 - super important | msNordic | 471 | 496 | 13672 | 46621 | --- | 29.3 |
7686 | brk 3 | brkovi | 484 | 514 | 13700 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 21.3 |
1211 | orange | tw3stars | 511 | 525 | 13742 | 193431 | Black Dawn | 27.3 |
3704 | Tower Of Fangs | Pisces18 | 511 | 506 | 13868 | 157036 | The Geriatric Pole Dance | 12.5 |
2505 | brk Empire | brkovi | 491 | 528 | 13932 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 29.4 |
5216 | brk Magnezij | brkovi | 484 | 519 | 14024 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 24.8 |
788 | brk Timonium | brkovi | 474 | 519 | 14106 | 141576 | Silent Storm | 32.2 |
740 | Chains of Fenris | Pisces18 | 475 | 509 | 14947 | 157036 | The Geriatric Pole Dance | 26.6 |
984 | Piltover and Zaun 1 | Evil MeIinoe | 511 | 471 | 16715 | 163399 | Black Dawn | 31.0 |
Players list: hockeyKing; StrategicSquid; DYRECK000; brkovi; wriggle; Rama Lama; Angusmecoatup; johech; Sevak; Milisav971; Big D Energy; dareokrates; AresSpear8; King Julian the great; GreatArvid; Battledrums; KingVasillias; Evil MeIinoe; msNordic; tw3stars; Pisces18
[town]3102[/town] 5023pts [player]hockeyKing[/player] 513/486 19.1
[town]16627[/town] 5200pts [player]StrategicSquid[/player] 506/483 18.0
[town]20435[/town] 5320pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]9877[/town] 5360pts [player]brkovi[/player] 482/524 30.0
[town]10501[/town] 5455pts [player]wriggle[/player] 491/477 24.7
[town]8625[/town] 5897pts [player]wriggle[/player] 491/477 24.7
[town]8278[/town] 6059pts [player]Rama Lama[/player] 494/496 7.2
[town]5406[/town] 6223pts [player]Rama Lama[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]3147[/town] 6545pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 472/478 35.6
[town]10220[/town] 7175pts [player]brkovi[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]5929[/town] 7190pts [player]johech[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]3149[/town] 7214pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 488/500 12.0
[town]4549[/town] 7491pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]2704[/town] 7561pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 471/496 29.3
[town]7144[/town] 7902pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 487/491 15.8
[town]20237[/town] 7963pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 503/503 4.2
[town]5974[/town] 8516pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/519 24.8
[town]2874[/town] 8537pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 472/494 28.6
[town]3096[/town] 8867pts [player]Sevak[/player] 484/476 28.8
[town]2692[/town] 9890pts [player]Milisav971[/player] 502/473 27.1
[town]5244[/town] 10051pts [player]Big D Energy[/player] 506/483 18.0
[town]2549[/town] 10572pts [player]dareokrates[/player] 475/481 31.4
[town]13984[/town] 10706pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/519 24.8
[town]4750[/town] 10736pts [player]AresSpear8[/player] 484/501 16.0
[town]3598[/town] 10756pts [player]King Julian the great[/player] 511/506 12.5
[town]5122[/town] 10796pts [player]AresSpear8[/player] 488/500 12.0
[town]3459[/town] 10969pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 472/494 28.6
[town]652[/town] 11137pts [player]Milisav971[/player] 475/525 35.4
[town]3021[/town] 11308pts [player]GreatArvid[/player] 487/506 14.3
[town]16743[/town] 11625pts [player]GreatArvid[/player] 523/519 29.8
[town]1979[/town] 11660pts [player]AresSpear8[/player] 487/506 14.3
[town]13846[/town] 11896pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/514 21.3
[town]1678[/town] 12099pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 499/502 2.2
[town]13518[/town] 12711pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/514 21.3
[town]18593[/town] 12848pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 494/516 17.1
[town]2725[/town] 12874pts [player]KingVasillias[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]2814[/town] 13202pts [player]Evil MeIinoe[/player] 502/473 27.1
[town]14198[/town] 13489pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/514 21.3
[town]2616[/town] 13672pts [player]msNordic[/player] 471/496 29.3
[town]7686[/town] 13700pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/514 21.3
[town]1211[/town] 13742pts [player]tw3stars[/player] 511/525 27.3
[town]3704[/town] 13868pts [player]Pisces18[/player] 511/506 12.5
[town]2505[/town] 13932pts [player]brkovi[/player] 491/528 29.4
[town]5216[/town] 14024pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/519 24.8
[town]788[/town] 14106pts [player]brkovi[/player] 474/519 32.2
[town]740[/town] 14947pts [player]Pisces18[/player] 475/509 26.6
[town]984[/town] 16715pts [player]Evil MeIinoe[/player] 511/471 31.0
[town]3102[/town] 5023pts [player]hockeyKing[/player] 513/486 19.1
[town]16627[/town] 5200pts [player]StrategicSquid[/player] 506/483 18.0
[town]20435[/town] 5320pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]9877[/town] 5360pts [player]brkovi[/player] 482/524 30.0
[town]10501[/town] 5455pts [player]wriggle[/player] 491/477 24.7
[town]8625[/town] 5897pts [player]wriggle[/player] 491/477 24.7
[town]8278[/town] 6059pts [player]Rama Lama[/player] 494/496 7.2
[town]5406[/town] 6223pts [player]Rama Lama[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]3147[/town] 6545pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 472/478 35.6
[town]10220[/town] 7175pts [player]brkovi[/player] 496/510 10.8
[town]5929[/town] 7190pts [player]johech[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]3149[/town] 7214pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 488/500 12.0
[town]4549[/town] 7491pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]2704[/town] 7561pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 471/496 29.3
[town]7144[/town] 7902pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 487/491 15.8
[town]20237[/town] 7963pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 503/503 4.2
[town]5974[/town] 8516pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/519 24.8
[town]2874[/town] 8537pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 472/494 28.6
[town]3096[/town] 8867pts [player]Sevak[/player] 484/476 28.8
[town]2692[/town] 9890pts [player]Milisav971[/player] 502/473 27.1
[town]5244[/town] 10051pts [player]Big D Energy[/player] 506/483 18.0
[town]2549[/town] 10572pts [player]dareokrates[/player] 475/481 31.4
[town]13984[/town] 10706pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/519 24.8
[town]4750[/town] 10736pts [player]AresSpear8[/player] 484/501 16.0
[town]3598[/town] 10756pts [player]King Julian the great[/player] 511/506 12.5
[town]5122[/town] 10796pts [player]AresSpear8[/player] 488/500 12.0
[town]3459[/town] 10969pts [player]Angusmecoatup[/player] 472/494 28.6
[town]652[/town] 11137pts [player]Milisav971[/player] 475/525 35.4
[town]3021[/town] 11308pts [player]GreatArvid[/player] 487/506 14.3
[town]16743[/town] 11625pts [player]GreatArvid[/player] 523/519 29.8
[town]1979[/town] 11660pts [player]AresSpear8[/player] 487/506 14.3
[town]13846[/town] 11896pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/514 21.3
[town]1678[/town] 12099pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 499/502 2.2
[town]13518[/town] 12711pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/514 21.3
[town]18593[/town] 12848pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 494/516 17.1
[town]2725[/town] 12874pts [player]KingVasillias[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]2814[/town] 13202pts [player]Evil MeIinoe[/player] 502/473 27.1
[town]14198[/town] 13489pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/514 21.3
[town]2616[/town] 13672pts [player]msNordic[/player] 471/496 29.3
[town]7686[/town] 13700pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/514 21.3
[town]1211[/town] 13742pts [player]tw3stars[/player] 511/525 27.3
[town]3704[/town] 13868pts [player]Pisces18[/player] 511/506 12.5
[town]2505[/town] 13932pts [player]brkovi[/player] 491/528 29.4
[town]5216[/town] 14024pts [player]brkovi[/player] 484/519 24.8
[town]788[/town] 14106pts [player]brkovi[/player] 474/519 32.2
[town]740[/town] 14947pts [player]Pisces18[/player] 475/509 26.6
[town]984[/town] 16715pts [player]Evil MeIinoe[/player] 511/471 31.0
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.