Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
18809 | DYRECK000's city 3 | DYRECK000 | 496 | 494 | 5168 | 22116 | The Spartan | 7.2 |
18790 | DYRECK000's city 2 | DYRECK000 | 504 | 495 | 5228 | 22116 | The Spartan | 6.4 |
218 | LIVADA | mikulaaaa | 494 | 497 | 5485 | 184312 | The Flying Circus | 6.7 |
3116 | Dokos Gold 55 | misterlego | 503 | 514 | 5511 | 37416 | Gold Again | 14.3 |
16945 | StrategicSquid's city 5 | StrategicSquid | 514 | 510 | 5687 | 37516 | Play No Games | 17.2 |
16943 | StrategicSquid's cit | StrategicSquid | 495 | 504 | 5691 | 37516 | Play No Games | 6.4 |
3561 | Ardalan | Princ Hektor | 512 | 516 | 5782 | 42246 | Screamadelica | 20.0 |
867 | Mr.sNOOBall | Shipuga Shipi | 526 | 502 | 6785 | 6785 | --- | 26.1 |
3515 | mbggh's city | Princ Hektor | 511 | 518 | 7013 | 42246 | Screamadelica | 21.1 |
10265 | Iamacabbage's city 3 | Sir jeffo of swift | 479 | 501 | 7152 | 74796 | Leprechauns | 21.0 |
3057 | Jagerfly 3 | Kasito93 | 519 | 487 | 7362 | 32460 | Leprechauns | 23.0 |
2913 | brk Dew | brkovi | 529 | 498 | 7398 | 140963 | Silent Storm | 29.1 |
18236 | rock 44 | pandora10 | 490 | 483 | 7441 | 68951 | KeepingItLocal | 19.7 |
3217 | SCREWUBORIS | MICHEAL MCEVOY | 529 | 501 | 7769 | 126926 | Response Error | 29.0 |
10518 | Bratislava | ShadowChapter | 473 | 473 | 8057 | 112921 | Order of Anarchy | 38.2 |
17855 | Sir jeffo of swift's city 2 | Sir jeffo of swift | 476 | 499 | 8478 | 74796 | Leprechauns | 24.0 |
5526 | MICHEAL MCEVOY's cit | MICHEAL MCEVOY | 514 | 510 | 8669 | 126926 | Response Error | 17.2 |
9018 | MICHEAL MCEVOY's cit 2 | MICHEAL MCEVOY | 515 | 497 | 9017 | 126926 | Response Error | 15.3 |
9796 | Scared Squid | StrategicSquid | 508 | 483 | 9052 | 37516 | Play No Games | 18.8 |
3489 | 3kilall's city | Princ Hektor | 511 | 518 | 9084 | 42246 | Screamadelica | 21.1 |
17379 | Sir jeffo of swift's city | Sir jeffo of swift | 476 | 499 | 9467 | 74796 | Leprechauns | 24.0 |
1284 | 13 Dewton | DEWTON | 508 | 528 | 9562 | 175206 | Rampant Simmers | 29.1 |
4349 | 2 ED. | Princ Hektor | 511 | 518 | 9754 | 42246 | Screamadelica | 21.1 |
2426 | 02 Dewton | DEWTON | 523 | 515 | 9779 | 175206 | Rampant Simmers | 27.5 |
2638 | 03 Dewton | DEWTON | 523 | 515 | 9801 | 175206 | Rampant Simmers | 27.5 |
11238 | 002. ROCK | kamidela | 508 | 483 | 9976 | 20951 | --- | 18.8 |
4257 | faraway b | MICHEAL MCEVOY | 516 | 507 | 10138 | 126926 | Response Error | 17.5 |
6015 | tremadok's city | tremadok | 505 | 523 | 10333 | 24268 | --- | 23.5 |
3036 | CD 01 | et33 | 509 | 506 | 10472 | 162036 | Order of Anarchy | 10.8 |
1240 | 12 Dewton | DEWTON | 508 | 528 | 10588 | 175206 | Rampant Simmers | 29.1 |
3109 | 1 ED. | Princ Hektor | 511 | 518 | 10613 | 42246 | Screamadelica | 21.1 |
1752 | city . | domb03 | 516 | 507 | 10688 | 20358 | --- | 17.5 |
17013 | Battledrums's city 3 | Battledrums | 512 | 516 | 10760 | 54820 | GOLD - TRADERS | 20.0 |
1183 | 14 Dewton | DEWTON | 515 | 527 | 10862 | 175206 | Rampant Simmers | 30.9 |
14827 | mikulaaaa's city 7 | mikulaaaa | 500 | 490 | 10884 | 184312 | The Flying Circus | 10.0 |
3573 | 09 Dewton | DEWTON | 529 | 501 | 10928 | 175206 | Rampant Simmers | 29.0 |
9445 | 003. ROCK | kamidela | 500 | 500 | 10975 | 20951 | --- | 0.0 |
14826 | mikulaaaa's city 6 | mikulaaaa | 500 | 490 | 11123 | 184312 | The Flying Circus | 10.0 |
1099 | haha | Sir jeffo of swift | 475 | 492 | 11481 | 74796 | Leprechauns | 26.2 |
13071 | Rock 54 | CuffyCat | 515 | 497 | 11491 | 47164 | --- | 15.3 |
14325 | mikulaaaa's city 5 | mikulaaaa | 500 | 492 | 11537 | 184312 | The Flying Circus | 8.0 |
597 | 16 Dewton | DEWTON | 516 | 514 | 11564 | 175206 | Rampant Simmers | 21.3 |
9642 | Rock 44 | CuffyCat | 488 | 490 | 11623 | 47164 | --- | 15.6 |
2673 | 02.1 Halmstad | Sir jeffo of swift | 489 | 498 | 11701 | 74796 | Leprechauns | 11.2 |
2772 | brk Pulsar 2 | brkovi | 521 | 490 | 11746 | 140963 | Silent Storm | 23.3 |
6761 | mikulaaaa's city 2 | mikulaaaa | 500 | 492 | 11780 | 184312 | The Flying Circus | 8.0 |
12286 | Rock 45 | CuffyCat | 480 | 523 | 11928 | 47164 | --- | 30.5 |
3044 | 08 Dewton | DEWTON | 491 | 529 | 12015 | 175206 | Rampant Simmers | 30.4 |
6180 | Rock 55 | CuffyCat | 502 | 516 | 12122 | 47164 | --- | 16.1 |
10880 | mikulaaaa's city 4 | mikulaaaa | 500 | 492 | 12239 | 184312 | The Flying Circus | 8.0 |
3126 | mikulaaaa's city | mikulaaaa | 500 | 492 | 12476 | 184312 | The Flying Circus | 8.0 |
16517 | Battledrums's city 2 | Battledrums | 487 | 485 | 12484 | 54820 | GOLD - TRADERS | 19.8 |
3699 | Dirt Cheap | keuka | 508 | 483 | 12572 | 40222 | A Training Team | 18.8 |
4856 | keuka's city | keuka | 517 | 483 | 12671 | 40222 | A Training Team | 24.0 |
17471 | 21. Szczecin | Zooza | 516 | 525 | 12722 | 135346 | The Flying Circus | 29.7 |
13744 | Mygeeto | Emperor Palpatine | 480 | 506 | 12802 | 110214 | Galactic Banking Clan | 20.9 |
8100 | Shkodra | Sir jeffo of swift | 478 | 490 | 12833 | 74796 | Leprechauns | 24.2 |
7502 | mikulaaaa's city 3 | mikulaaaa | 500 | 492 | 12900 | 184312 | The Flying Circus | 8.0 |
6247 | brk Pulsar | brkovi | 526 | 494 | 13100 | 140963 | Silent Storm | 26.7 |
3330 | Cadmium | Sir jeffo of swift | 476 | 499 | 13684 | 74796 | Leprechauns | 24.0 |
3736 | Jupitor | XxGanicusxX | 503 | 508 | 13735 | 175010 | --- | 8.5 |
13065 | 04. crazy 45 | Battledrums | 486 | 508 | 14393 | 54820 | GOLD - TRADERS | 16.1 |
11222 | 020 Rock Island II | nightmare4u | 508 | 483 | 15184 | 81798 | back soon Simmers | 18.8 |
10316 | Battledrums's city | Battledrums | 486 | 508 | 17183 | 54820 | GOLD - TRADERS | 16.1 |
Players list: DYRECK000; mikulaaaa; misterlego; StrategicSquid; Princ Hektor; Shipuga Shipi; Sir jeffo of swift; Kasito93; brkovi; pandora10; MICHEAL MCEVOY; ShadowChapter; DEWTON; kamidela; tremadok; et33; domb03; Battledrums; CuffyCat; keuka; Zooza; Emperor Palpatine; XxGanicusxX; nightmare4u
[town]18809[/town] 5168pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 496/494 7.2
[town]18790[/town] 5228pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 504/495 6.4
[town]218[/town] 5485pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 494/497 6.7
[town]3116[/town] 5511pts [player]misterlego[/player] 503/514 14.3
[town]16945[/town] 5687pts [player]StrategicSquid[/player] 514/510 17.2
[town]16943[/town] 5691pts [player]StrategicSquid[/player] 495/504 6.4
[town]3561[/town] 5782pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]867[/town] 6785pts [player]Shipuga Shipi[/player] 526/502 26.1
[town]3515[/town] 7013pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 511/518 21.1
[town]10265[/town] 7152pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 479/501 21.0
[town]3057[/town] 7362pts [player]Kasito93[/player] 519/487 23.0
[town]2913[/town] 7398pts [player]brkovi[/player] 529/498 29.1
[town]18236[/town] 7441pts [player]pandora10[/player] 490/483 19.7
[town]3217[/town] 7769pts [player]MICHEAL MCEVOY[/player] 529/501 29.0
[town]10518[/town] 8057pts [player]ShadowChapter[/player] 473/473 38.2
[town]17855[/town] 8478pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 476/499 24.0
[town]5526[/town] 8669pts [player]MICHEAL MCEVOY[/player] 514/510 17.2
[town]9018[/town] 9017pts [player]MICHEAL MCEVOY[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]9796[/town] 9052pts [player]StrategicSquid[/player] 508/483 18.8
[town]3489[/town] 9084pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 511/518 21.1
[town]17379[/town] 9467pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 476/499 24.0
[town]1284[/town] 9562pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 508/528 29.1
[town]4349[/town] 9754pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 511/518 21.1
[town]2426[/town] 9779pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 523/515 27.5
[town]2638[/town] 9801pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 523/515 27.5
[town]11238[/town] 9976pts [player]kamidela[/player] 508/483 18.8
[town]4257[/town] 10138pts [player]MICHEAL MCEVOY[/player] 516/507 17.5
[town]6015[/town] 10333pts [player]tremadok[/player] 505/523 23.5
[town]3036[/town] 10472pts [player]et33[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]1240[/town] 10588pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 508/528 29.1
[town]3109[/town] 10613pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 511/518 21.1
[town]1752[/town] 10688pts [player]domb03[/player] 516/507 17.5
[town]17013[/town] 10760pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]1183[/town] 10862pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 515/527 30.9
[town]14827[/town] 10884pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/490 10.0
[town]3573[/town] 10928pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 529/501 29.0
[town]9445[/town] 10975pts [player]kamidela[/player] 500/500 0.0
[town]14826[/town] 11123pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/490 10.0
[town]1099[/town] 11481pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 475/492 26.2
[town]13071[/town] 11491pts [player]CuffyCat[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]14325[/town] 11537pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]597[/town] 11564pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 516/514 21.3
[town]9642[/town] 11623pts [player]CuffyCat[/player] 488/490 15.6
[town]2673[/town] 11701pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 489/498 11.2
[town]2772[/town] 11746pts [player]brkovi[/player] 521/490 23.3
[town]6761[/town] 11780pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]12286[/town] 11928pts [player]CuffyCat[/player] 480/523 30.5
[town]3044[/town] 12015pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 491/529 30.4
[town]6180[/town] 12122pts [player]CuffyCat[/player] 502/516 16.1
[town]10880[/town] 12239pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]3126[/town] 12476pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]16517[/town] 12484pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 487/485 19.8
[town]3699[/town] 12572pts [player]keuka[/player] 508/483 18.8
[town]4856[/town] 12671pts [player]keuka[/player] 517/483 24.0
[town]17471[/town] 12722pts [player]Zooza[/player] 516/525 29.7
[town]13744[/town] 12802pts [player]Emperor Palpatine[/player] 480/506 20.9
[town]8100[/town] 12833pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 478/490 24.2
[town]7502[/town] 12900pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]6247[/town] 13100pts [player]brkovi[/player] 526/494 26.7
[town]3330[/town] 13684pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 476/499 24.0
[town]3736[/town] 13735pts [player]XxGanicusxX[/player] 503/508 8.5
[town]13065[/town] 14393pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]11222[/town] 15184pts [player]nightmare4u[/player] 508/483 18.8
[town]10316[/town] 17183pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]18809[/town] 5168pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 496/494 7.2
[town]18790[/town] 5228pts [player]DYRECK000[/player] 504/495 6.4
[town]218[/town] 5485pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 494/497 6.7
[town]3116[/town] 5511pts [player]misterlego[/player] 503/514 14.3
[town]16945[/town] 5687pts [player]StrategicSquid[/player] 514/510 17.2
[town]16943[/town] 5691pts [player]StrategicSquid[/player] 495/504 6.4
[town]3561[/town] 5782pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]867[/town] 6785pts [player]Shipuga Shipi[/player] 526/502 26.1
[town]3515[/town] 7013pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 511/518 21.1
[town]10265[/town] 7152pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 479/501 21.0
[town]3057[/town] 7362pts [player]Kasito93[/player] 519/487 23.0
[town]2913[/town] 7398pts [player]brkovi[/player] 529/498 29.1
[town]18236[/town] 7441pts [player]pandora10[/player] 490/483 19.7
[town]3217[/town] 7769pts [player]MICHEAL MCEVOY[/player] 529/501 29.0
[town]10518[/town] 8057pts [player]ShadowChapter[/player] 473/473 38.2
[town]17855[/town] 8478pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 476/499 24.0
[town]5526[/town] 8669pts [player]MICHEAL MCEVOY[/player] 514/510 17.2
[town]9018[/town] 9017pts [player]MICHEAL MCEVOY[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]9796[/town] 9052pts [player]StrategicSquid[/player] 508/483 18.8
[town]3489[/town] 9084pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 511/518 21.1
[town]17379[/town] 9467pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 476/499 24.0
[town]1284[/town] 9562pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 508/528 29.1
[town]4349[/town] 9754pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 511/518 21.1
[town]2426[/town] 9779pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 523/515 27.5
[town]2638[/town] 9801pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 523/515 27.5
[town]11238[/town] 9976pts [player]kamidela[/player] 508/483 18.8
[town]4257[/town] 10138pts [player]MICHEAL MCEVOY[/player] 516/507 17.5
[town]6015[/town] 10333pts [player]tremadok[/player] 505/523 23.5
[town]3036[/town] 10472pts [player]et33[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]1240[/town] 10588pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 508/528 29.1
[town]3109[/town] 10613pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 511/518 21.1
[town]1752[/town] 10688pts [player]domb03[/player] 516/507 17.5
[town]17013[/town] 10760pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]1183[/town] 10862pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 515/527 30.9
[town]14827[/town] 10884pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/490 10.0
[town]3573[/town] 10928pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 529/501 29.0
[town]9445[/town] 10975pts [player]kamidela[/player] 500/500 0.0
[town]14826[/town] 11123pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/490 10.0
[town]1099[/town] 11481pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 475/492 26.2
[town]13071[/town] 11491pts [player]CuffyCat[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]14325[/town] 11537pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]597[/town] 11564pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 516/514 21.3
[town]9642[/town] 11623pts [player]CuffyCat[/player] 488/490 15.6
[town]2673[/town] 11701pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 489/498 11.2
[town]2772[/town] 11746pts [player]brkovi[/player] 521/490 23.3
[town]6761[/town] 11780pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]12286[/town] 11928pts [player]CuffyCat[/player] 480/523 30.5
[town]3044[/town] 12015pts [player]DEWTON[/player] 491/529 30.4
[town]6180[/town] 12122pts [player]CuffyCat[/player] 502/516 16.1
[town]10880[/town] 12239pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]3126[/town] 12476pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]16517[/town] 12484pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 487/485 19.8
[town]3699[/town] 12572pts [player]keuka[/player] 508/483 18.8
[town]4856[/town] 12671pts [player]keuka[/player] 517/483 24.0
[town]17471[/town] 12722pts [player]Zooza[/player] 516/525 29.7
[town]13744[/town] 12802pts [player]Emperor Palpatine[/player] 480/506 20.9
[town]8100[/town] 12833pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 478/490 24.2
[town]7502[/town] 12900pts [player]mikulaaaa[/player] 500/492 8.0
[town]6247[/town] 13100pts [player]brkovi[/player] 526/494 26.7
[town]3330[/town] 13684pts [player]Sir jeffo of swift[/player] 476/499 24.0
[town]3736[/town] 13735pts [player]XxGanicusxX[/player] 503/508 8.5
[town]13065[/town] 14393pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]11222[/town] 15184pts [player]nightmare4u[/player] 508/483 18.8
[town]10316[/town] 17183pts [player]Battledrums[/player] 486/508 16.1
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.