Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
4876 | HorstDPAs3 | dokblanka | 472 | 513 | 5657 | 99255 | Jitrnice | 30.9 |
10684 | Město hráče pavkroc 7 | pavkroc | 520 | 508 | 5710 | 172713 | Chachaři | 21.5 |
10211 | Město hráče pavkroc 6 | pavkroc | 506 | 527 | 5912 | 172713 | Chachaři | 27.7 |
2002 | léto | finga | 507 | 476 | 6041 | 20598 | Tichý výr | 25.0 |
7123 | MO 1 | pavkroc | 502 | 527 | 6846 | 172713 | Chachaři | 27.1 |
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3768 | Krieger 2 | RiotAkT | 478 | 506 | 7557 | 161078 | Jelita | 22.8 |
804 | Vzor 003 | Dimy | 507 | 519 | 7879 | 167398 | Chachaři | 20.2 |
3292 | Vzor 007 | Dimy | 489 | 504 | 8011 | 167398 | Chachaři | 11.7 |
6021 | Mt-1 | pavkroc | 510 | 526 | 8057 | 172713 | Chachaři | 27.9 |
713 | Vzor 002 | Dimy | 507 | 519 | 8247 | 167398 | Chachaři | 20.2 |
6472 | 3..Budz ![]() | Trentline | 475 | 495 | 8392 | 68160 | Jelita | 25.5 |
1907 | Afrika ![]() | Kleopatra14 | 497 | 508 | 8407 | 93044 | Jelita | 8.5 |
232 | Vzor 005 u Marse | Dimy | 510 | 518 | 8448 | 167398 | Chachaři | 20.6 |
3030 | Egypt ![]() | Kleopatra14 | 482 | 516 | 8841 | 93044 | Jelita | 24.1 |
754 | Vzor 004 u Rosti | Dimy | 500 | 520 | 8963 | 167398 | Chachaři | 20.0 |
661 | Ooooo | RiotAkT | 476 | 500 | 9029 | 161078 | Jelita | 24.0 |
38 | Mezopotámie ![]() | Kleopatra14 | 494 | 510 | 9034 | 93044 | Jelita | 11.7 |
1422 | Persie ![]() | Kleopatra14 | 497 | 508 | 9092 | 93044 | Jelita | 8.5 |
4910 | W S 4910 | nevonl | 483 | 513 | 9092 | 88284 | Jelita | 21.4 |
5914 | Ekvádor ![]() | Kleopatra14 | 482 | 516 | 9144 | 93044 | Jelita | 24.1 |
220 | Vzor 001 | Dimy | 510 | 518 | 9363 | 167398 | Chachaři | 20.6 |
9475 | Město hráče gamač | gamač | 478 | 518 | 9710 | 109967 | Jitrnice | 28.4 |
1170 | Preveza | RiotAkT | 497 | 508 | 10108 | 161078 | Jelita | 8.5 |
1279 | Ostrov 2 | pavkroc | 525 | 514 | 10409 | 172713 | Chachaři | 28.7 |
41 | RiotAkT | RiotAkT | 494 | 510 | 10779 | 161078 | Jelita | 11.7 |
1019 | Ostrov | pavkroc | 519 | 511 | 10883 | 172713 | Chachaři | 22.0 |
347 | Expend | pavkroc | 501 | 510 | 11124 | 172713 | Chachaři | 10.0 |
612 | 5..seal ![]() | Trentline | 481 | 491 | 12136 | 68160 | Jelita | 21.0 |
1300 | CA - Klouzikpolis | mul2 | 475 | 519 | 12182 | 137258 | Jelita | 31.4 |
436 | StarSlinger | nevonl | 487 | 514 | 12317 | 88284 | Jelita | 19.1 |
1289 | 1..fallicz ![]() | Trentline | 475 | 492 | 12349 | 68160 | Jelita | 26.2 |
668 | BA - Tyrhos | mul2 | 474 | 515 | 12402 | 137258 | Jelita | 30.0 |
537 | Prostějov | sivko48 | 491 | 492 | 12772 | 131074 | Tuleni | 12.0 |
3005 | *113* | RiotAkT | 485 | 509 | 13176 | 161078 | Jelita | 17.5 |
8728 | gamac1 | gamač | 483 | 519 | 13989 | 109967 | Jitrnice | 25.5 |
6473 | Město hráče Budz 5 | Budz | 475 | 495 | 14342 | 166563 | transcendencia? | 25.5 |
1680 | Steel 1 | RiotAkT | 497 | 508 | 15121 | 161078 | Jelita | 8.5 |
343 | Omán | sivko48 | 491 | 492 | 15177 | 131074 | Tuleni | 12.0 |
7430 | *228* | gamač | 482 | 516 | 15350 | 109967 | Jitrnice | 24.1 |
928 | CS 928 S | nevonl | 492 | 512 | 15383 | 88284 | Jelita | 14.4 |
169 | CS 169 | nevonl | 494 | 513 | 16089 | 88284 | Jelita | 14.3 |
493 | Kadelus ![]() ![]() | kadelus | 489 | 518 | 16287 | 16287 | --- | 21.1 |
150 | Továreň 1 | sivko48 | 493 | 495 | 17786 | 131074 | Tuleni | 8.6 |
269 | chcete hamiska cislo | konishua1 | 514 | 527 | 17786 | 182904 | Chachaři | 30.4 |
295 | odpad vedle odpadu | konishua1 | 511 | 522 | 17786 | 182904 | Chachaři | 24.6 |
325 | u chlupaté anči | konishua1 | 514 | 527 | 17786 | 182904 | Chachaři | 30.4 |
447 | 1. Nerův dům | Neron | 487 | 514 | 17786 | 132450 | Jitrnice | 19.1 |
989 | anča dlaňová | konishua1 | 519 | 511 | 17786 | 182904 | Chachaři | 22.0 |
1436 | 2. Nerův dům | Neron | 475 | 519 | 17786 | 132450 | Jitrnice | 31.4 |
1817 | chlupatá zadnice | konishua1 | 493 | 502 | 17786 | 182904 | Chachaři | 7.3 |
Players list: dokblanka; pavkroc; finga; RiotAkT; Dimy; Trentline; Kleopatra14; nevonl; gamač; mul2; sivko48; Budz; kadelus; konishua1; Neron
[town]4876[/town] 5657pts [player]dokblanka[/player] 472/513 30.9
[town]10684[/town] 5710pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 520/508 21.5
[town]10211[/town] 5912pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 506/527 27.7
[town]2002[/town] 6041pts [player]finga[/player] 507/476 25.0
[town]7123[/town] 6846pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 502/527 27.1
[town]3768[/town] 7557pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 478/506 22.8
[town]804[/town] 7879pts [player]Dimy[/player] 507/519 20.2
[town]3292[/town] 8011pts [player]Dimy[/player] 489/504 11.7
[town]6021[/town] 8057pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 510/526 27.9
[town]713[/town] 8247pts [player]Dimy[/player] 507/519 20.2
[town]6472[/town] 8392pts [player]Trentline[/player] 475/495 25.5
[town]1907[/town] 8407pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 497/508 8.5
[town]232[/town] 8448pts [player]Dimy[/player] 510/518 20.6
[town]3030[/town] 8841pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 482/516 24.1
[town]754[/town] 8963pts [player]Dimy[/player] 500/520 20.0
[town]661[/town] 9029pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 476/500 24.0
[town]38[/town] 9034pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 494/510 11.7
[town]1422[/town] 9092pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 497/508 8.5
[town]4910[/town] 9092pts [player]nevonl[/player] 483/513 21.4
[town]5914[/town] 9144pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 482/516 24.1
[town]220[/town] 9363pts [player]Dimy[/player] 510/518 20.6
[town]9475[/town] 9710pts [player]gamač[/player] 478/518 28.4
[town]1170[/town] 10108pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 497/508 8.5
[town]1279[/town] 10409pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 525/514 28.7
[town]41[/town] 10779pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 494/510 11.7
[town]1019[/town] 10883pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 519/511 22.0
[town]347[/town] 11124pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 501/510 10.0
[town]612[/town] 12136pts [player]Trentline[/player] 481/491 21.0
[town]1300[/town] 12182pts [player]mul2[/player] 475/519 31.4
[town]436[/town] 12317pts [player]nevonl[/player] 487/514 19.1
[town]1289[/town] 12349pts [player]Trentline[/player] 475/492 26.2
[town]668[/town] 12402pts [player]mul2[/player] 474/515 30.0
[town]537[/town] 12772pts [player]sivko48[/player] 491/492 12.0
[town]3005[/town] 13176pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 485/509 17.5
[town]8728[/town] 13989pts [player]gamač[/player] 483/519 25.5
[town]6473[/town] 14342pts [player]Budz[/player] 475/495 25.5
[town]1680[/town] 15121pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 497/508 8.5
[town]343[/town] 15177pts [player]sivko48[/player] 491/492 12.0
[town]7430[/town] 15350pts [player]gamač[/player] 482/516 24.1
[town]928[/town] 15383pts [player]nevonl[/player] 492/512 14.4
[town]169[/town] 16089pts [player]nevonl[/player] 494/513 14.3
[town]493[/town] 16287pts [player]kadelus[/player] 489/518 21.1
[town]150[/town] 17786pts [player]sivko48[/player] 493/495 8.6
[town]269[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 514/527 30.4
[town]295[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 511/522 24.6
[town]325[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 514/527 30.4
[town]447[/town] 17786pts [player]Neron[/player] 487/514 19.1
[town]989[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 519/511 22.0
[town]1436[/town] 17786pts [player]Neron[/player] 475/519 31.4
[town]1817[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 493/502 7.3
[town]4876[/town] 5657pts [player]dokblanka[/player] 472/513 30.9
[town]10684[/town] 5710pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 520/508 21.5
[town]10211[/town] 5912pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 506/527 27.7
[town]2002[/town] 6041pts [player]finga[/player] 507/476 25.0
[town]7123[/town] 6846pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 502/527 27.1
[town]3768[/town] 7557pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 478/506 22.8
[town]804[/town] 7879pts [player]Dimy[/player] 507/519 20.2
[town]3292[/town] 8011pts [player]Dimy[/player] 489/504 11.7
[town]6021[/town] 8057pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 510/526 27.9
[town]713[/town] 8247pts [player]Dimy[/player] 507/519 20.2
[town]6472[/town] 8392pts [player]Trentline[/player] 475/495 25.5
[town]1907[/town] 8407pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 497/508 8.5
[town]232[/town] 8448pts [player]Dimy[/player] 510/518 20.6
[town]3030[/town] 8841pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 482/516 24.1
[town]754[/town] 8963pts [player]Dimy[/player] 500/520 20.0
[town]661[/town] 9029pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 476/500 24.0
[town]38[/town] 9034pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 494/510 11.7
[town]1422[/town] 9092pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 497/508 8.5
[town]4910[/town] 9092pts [player]nevonl[/player] 483/513 21.4
[town]5914[/town] 9144pts [player]Kleopatra14[/player] 482/516 24.1
[town]220[/town] 9363pts [player]Dimy[/player] 510/518 20.6
[town]9475[/town] 9710pts [player]gamač[/player] 478/518 28.4
[town]1170[/town] 10108pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 497/508 8.5
[town]1279[/town] 10409pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 525/514 28.7
[town]41[/town] 10779pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 494/510 11.7
[town]1019[/town] 10883pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 519/511 22.0
[town]347[/town] 11124pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 501/510 10.0
[town]612[/town] 12136pts [player]Trentline[/player] 481/491 21.0
[town]1300[/town] 12182pts [player]mul2[/player] 475/519 31.4
[town]436[/town] 12317pts [player]nevonl[/player] 487/514 19.1
[town]1289[/town] 12349pts [player]Trentline[/player] 475/492 26.2
[town]668[/town] 12402pts [player]mul2[/player] 474/515 30.0
[town]537[/town] 12772pts [player]sivko48[/player] 491/492 12.0
[town]3005[/town] 13176pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 485/509 17.5
[town]8728[/town] 13989pts [player]gamač[/player] 483/519 25.5
[town]6473[/town] 14342pts [player]Budz[/player] 475/495 25.5
[town]1680[/town] 15121pts [player]RiotAkT[/player] 497/508 8.5
[town]343[/town] 15177pts [player]sivko48[/player] 491/492 12.0
[town]7430[/town] 15350pts [player]gamač[/player] 482/516 24.1
[town]928[/town] 15383pts [player]nevonl[/player] 492/512 14.4
[town]169[/town] 16089pts [player]nevonl[/player] 494/513 14.3
[town]493[/town] 16287pts [player]kadelus[/player] 489/518 21.1
[town]150[/town] 17786pts [player]sivko48[/player] 493/495 8.6
[town]269[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 514/527 30.4
[town]295[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 511/522 24.6
[town]325[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 514/527 30.4
[town]447[/town] 17786pts [player]Neron[/player] 487/514 19.1
[town]989[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 519/511 22.0
[town]1436[/town] 17786pts [player]Neron[/player] 475/519 31.4
[town]1817[/town] 17786pts [player]konishua1[/player] 493/502 7.3
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.