Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
979 | 13.44 - | ShadowHunter98 | 496 | 485 | 5034 | 115860 | The Fam | 15.5 |
11842 | Astragalis Garden | Astragalis | 505 | 519 | 5140 | 166429 | The Fam | 19.6 |
623 | Yanze 15 | Yanze65 | 495 | 526 | 5161 | 117672 | The Fam | 26.5 |
13757 | EzBotMan's city 3 | EzBotMan | 504 | 487 | 5210 | 56113 | Rhen's Waffle Squad | 13.6 |
671 | Yanze 14 | Yanze65 | 495 | 526 | 5496 | 117672 | The Fam | 26.5 |
10408 | andydart02 city 3. | andydart02 | 492 | 482 | 5525 | 33071 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 19.7 |
4237 | pk44's city 3 | pk44 | 474 | 471 | 5888 | 34237 | xxStarKingdomsxx | 38.9 |
11680 | 09.55 - Blastoise | ShadowHunter98 | 505 | 501 | 5889 | 115860 | The Fam | 5.1 |
12574 | Allisson city | gau335 | 529 | 522 | 6202 | 16978 | The Fam | 36.4 |
654 | 45 Creation | Taiaha | 495 | 526 | 7044 | 191407 | The Fam | 26.5 |
1158 | Doc town | 61marc | 475 | 487 | 7555 | 55080 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 28.2 |
11235 | 02.54 - Ivysaur | ShadowHunter98 | 507 | 476 | 7658 | 115860 | The Fam | 25.0 |
4217 | XXXX1 | longjack00 | 523 | 515 | 8672 | 127684 | --- | 27.5 |
744 | Alabang | TMNEC | 517 | 471 | 8754 | 194315 | Rhen's Waffle Squad | 33.6 |
524 | SN44.U2 | Saemsen | 496 | 489 | 9310 | 187160 | Vikings Ragnarok | 11.7 |
453 | 08.44 | Barbie | 480 | 493 | 9471 | 89085 | xxStarKingdomsxx | 21.2 |
1042 | 0 Mr t | Astragalis | 480 | 524 | 9584 | 166429 | The Fam | 31.2 |
418 | IV. Numbers | CTiano | 483 | 501 | 9745 | 47719 | Ragnarok | 17.0 |
2390 | 45 02 Shubejejae | theoldestdear | 475 | 518 | 9770 | 167059 | Ragnarok | 30.8 |
782 | 011 | GONZI00 | 498 | 499 | 9822 | 153776 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 2.2 |
12444 | Otters Cute V1 | Otterscute | 529 | 522 | 9893 | 194013 | The Fam | 36.4 |
529 | Starfish | TMNEC | 506 | 471 | 10193 | 194315 | Rhen's Waffle Squad | 29.6 |
11719 | .THE FOGGY DEW | Queensrych | 496 | 485 | 10280 | 59777 | Golden Wings | 15.5 |
4312 | 009 | GONZI00 | 471 | 511 | 10338 | 153776 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 31.0 |
777 | brk | brkovi | 471 | 502 | 10461 | 106461 | Vikings Ragnarok | 29.1 |
318 | Troy | Patricore | 495 | 511 | 10796 | 78247 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 12.1 |
11982 | Otterscute.2 | Otterscute | 529 | 522 | 10960 | 194013 | The Fam | 36.4 |
3934 | Man vs bot v1 | Otterscute | 529 | 522 | 10998 | 194013 | The Fam | 36.4 |
1760 | SOON AWOL | longjack00 | 528 | 515 | 11006 | 127684 | --- | 31.8 |
8533 | Thanatos | Patricore | 475 | 487 | 11282 | 78247 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 28.2 |
1372 | Future Echoes | Margery | 503 | 523 | 11663 | 94135 | Ragnarok | 23.2 |
1047 | 04.44 - Charmander | ShadowHunter98 | 492 | 482 | 11729 | 115860 | The Fam | 19.7 |
7539 | brk 4 | brkovi | 474 | 506 | 11832 | 106461 | Vikings Ragnarok | 26.7 |
12439 | Otters Cute V2 | Otterscute | 529 | 522 | 11867 | 194013 | The Fam | 36.4 |
752 | Alarm test | TMNEC | 517 | 471 | 11898 | 194315 | Rhen's Waffle Squad | 33.6 |
425 | 001 | thunderball1 | 496 | 489 | 12048 | 90990 | Vikings Ragnarok | 11.7 |
382 | Bugged city RMN | TMNEC | 507 | 476 | 12300 | 194315 | Rhen's Waffle Squad | 25.0 |
1009 | Queensrych's | Queensrych | 480 | 493 | 12397 | 59777 | Golden Wings | 21.2 |
11668 | Joe Rox's city 3 | ZANTHIG | 488 | 477 | 12401 | 100529 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 25.9 |
3881 | 006 | GONZI00 | 474 | 471 | 12440 | 153776 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 38.9 |
6171 | brk 3 | brkovi | 474 | 506 | 12469 | 106461 | Vikings Ragnarok | 26.7 |
2607 | Openness | dogman12 | 505 | 519 | 12634 | 185008 | Vikings Ragnarok | 19.6 |
1145 | 003 | GONZI00 | 475 | 487 | 12843 | 153776 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 28.2 |
2375 | OttersCute | Otterscute | 529 | 522 | 12952 | 194013 | The Fam | 36.4 |
2517 | brk 2 | brkovi | 474 | 506 | 13107 | 106461 | Vikings Ragnarok | 26.7 |
812 | Agreeableness | dogman12 | 502 | 514 | 13122 | 185008 | Vikings Ragnarok | 14.1 |
1211 | Neuroticism | dogman12 | 511 | 513 | 13122 | 185008 | Vikings Ragnarok | 17.0 |
2455 | Extroversion | dogman12 | 517 | 510 | 13377 | 185008 | Vikings Ragnarok | 19.7 |
1200 | Conscientiousness | dogman12 | 512 | 511 | 13522 | 185008 | Vikings Ragnarok | 16.3 |
1189 | 13Tavoy | Dimsim88 | 471 | 490 | 14414 | 198739 | xxStarKingdomsxx | 30.7 |
585 | ABGille Newsoul 01 . | deleuran | 502 | 514 | 14551 | 133834 | The Fam | 14.1 |
12493 | Bill's Globe | ariggsc | 474 | 471 | 15829 | 100208 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 38.9 |
291 | Ergates | u1950035 | 519 | 497 | 17786 | 184449 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 19.2 |
12247 | Therma | hjhgjg | 493 | 490 | 17786 | 26469 | xxMoonKingdomsxx | 12.2 |
Players list: ShadowHunter98; Astragalis; Yanze65; EzBotMan; andydart02; pk44; gau335; Taiaha; 61marc; longjack00; TMNEC; Saemsen; Barbie; CTiano; theoldestdear; GONZI00; Otterscute; Queensrych; brkovi; Patricore; Margery; thunderball1; ZANTHIG; dogman12; Dimsim88; deleuran; ariggsc; u1950035; hjhgjg
[town]979[/town] 5034pts [player]ShadowHunter98[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]11842[/town] 5140pts [player]Astragalis[/player] 505/519 19.6
[town]623[/town] 5161pts [player]Yanze65[/player] 495/526 26.5
[town]13757[/town] 5210pts [player]EzBotMan[/player] 504/487 13.6
[town]671[/town] 5496pts [player]Yanze65[/player] 495/526 26.5
[town]10408[/town] 5525pts [player]andydart02[/player] 492/482 19.7
[town]4237[/town] 5888pts [player]pk44[/player] 474/471 38.9
[town]11680[/town] 5889pts [player]ShadowHunter98[/player] 505/501 5.1
[town]12574[/town] 6202pts [player]gau335[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]654[/town] 7044pts [player]Taiaha[/player] 495/526 26.5
[town]1158[/town] 7555pts [player]61marc[/player] 475/487 28.2
[town]11235[/town] 7658pts [player]ShadowHunter98[/player] 507/476 25.0
[town]4217[/town] 8672pts [player]longjack00[/player] 523/515 27.5
[town]744[/town] 8754pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 517/471 33.6
[town]524[/town] 9310pts [player]Saemsen[/player] 496/489 11.7
[town]453[/town] 9471pts [player]Barbie[/player] 480/493 21.2
[town]1042[/town] 9584pts [player]Astragalis[/player] 480/524 31.2
[town]418[/town] 9745pts [player]CTiano[/player] 483/501 17.0
[town]2390[/town] 9770pts [player]theoldestdear[/player] 475/518 30.8
[town]782[/town] 9822pts [player]GONZI00[/player] 498/499 2.2
[town]12444[/town] 9893pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]529[/town] 10193pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 506/471 29.6
[town]11719[/town] 10280pts [player]Queensrych[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]4312[/town] 10338pts [player]GONZI00[/player] 471/511 31.0
[town]777[/town] 10461pts [player]brkovi[/player] 471/502 29.1
[town]318[/town] 10796pts [player]Patricore[/player] 495/511 12.1
[town]11982[/town] 10960pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]3934[/town] 10998pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]1760[/town] 11006pts [player]longjack00[/player] 528/515 31.8
[town]8533[/town] 11282pts [player]Patricore[/player] 475/487 28.2
[town]1372[/town] 11663pts [player]Margery[/player] 503/523 23.2
[town]1047[/town] 11729pts [player]ShadowHunter98[/player] 492/482 19.7
[town]7539[/town] 11832pts [player]brkovi[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]12439[/town] 11867pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]752[/town] 11898pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 517/471 33.6
[town]425[/town] 12048pts [player]thunderball1[/player] 496/489 11.7
[town]382[/town] 12300pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 507/476 25.0
[town]1009[/town] 12397pts [player]Queensrych[/player] 480/493 21.2
[town]11668[/town] 12401pts [player]ZANTHIG[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]3881[/town] 12440pts [player]GONZI00[/player] 474/471 38.9
[town]6171[/town] 12469pts [player]brkovi[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]2607[/town] 12634pts [player]dogman12[/player] 505/519 19.6
[town]1145[/town] 12843pts [player]GONZI00[/player] 475/487 28.2
[town]2375[/town] 12952pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]2517[/town] 13107pts [player]brkovi[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]812[/town] 13122pts [player]dogman12[/player] 502/514 14.1
[town]1211[/town] 13122pts [player]dogman12[/player] 511/513 17.0
[town]2455[/town] 13377pts [player]dogman12[/player] 517/510 19.7
[town]1200[/town] 13522pts [player]dogman12[/player] 512/511 16.3
[town]1189[/town] 14414pts [player]Dimsim88[/player] 471/490 30.7
[town]585[/town] 14551pts [player]deleuran[/player] 502/514 14.1
[town]12493[/town] 15829pts [player]ariggsc[/player] 474/471 38.9
[town]291[/town] 17786pts [player]u1950035[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]12247[/town] 17786pts [player]hjhgjg[/player] 493/490 12.2
[town]979[/town] 5034pts [player]ShadowHunter98[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]11842[/town] 5140pts [player]Astragalis[/player] 505/519 19.6
[town]623[/town] 5161pts [player]Yanze65[/player] 495/526 26.5
[town]13757[/town] 5210pts [player]EzBotMan[/player] 504/487 13.6
[town]671[/town] 5496pts [player]Yanze65[/player] 495/526 26.5
[town]10408[/town] 5525pts [player]andydart02[/player] 492/482 19.7
[town]4237[/town] 5888pts [player]pk44[/player] 474/471 38.9
[town]11680[/town] 5889pts [player]ShadowHunter98[/player] 505/501 5.1
[town]12574[/town] 6202pts [player]gau335[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]654[/town] 7044pts [player]Taiaha[/player] 495/526 26.5
[town]1158[/town] 7555pts [player]61marc[/player] 475/487 28.2
[town]11235[/town] 7658pts [player]ShadowHunter98[/player] 507/476 25.0
[town]4217[/town] 8672pts [player]longjack00[/player] 523/515 27.5
[town]744[/town] 8754pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 517/471 33.6
[town]524[/town] 9310pts [player]Saemsen[/player] 496/489 11.7
[town]453[/town] 9471pts [player]Barbie[/player] 480/493 21.2
[town]1042[/town] 9584pts [player]Astragalis[/player] 480/524 31.2
[town]418[/town] 9745pts [player]CTiano[/player] 483/501 17.0
[town]2390[/town] 9770pts [player]theoldestdear[/player] 475/518 30.8
[town]782[/town] 9822pts [player]GONZI00[/player] 498/499 2.2
[town]12444[/town] 9893pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]529[/town] 10193pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 506/471 29.6
[town]11719[/town] 10280pts [player]Queensrych[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]4312[/town] 10338pts [player]GONZI00[/player] 471/511 31.0
[town]777[/town] 10461pts [player]brkovi[/player] 471/502 29.1
[town]318[/town] 10796pts [player]Patricore[/player] 495/511 12.1
[town]11982[/town] 10960pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]3934[/town] 10998pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]1760[/town] 11006pts [player]longjack00[/player] 528/515 31.8
[town]8533[/town] 11282pts [player]Patricore[/player] 475/487 28.2
[town]1372[/town] 11663pts [player]Margery[/player] 503/523 23.2
[town]1047[/town] 11729pts [player]ShadowHunter98[/player] 492/482 19.7
[town]7539[/town] 11832pts [player]brkovi[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]12439[/town] 11867pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]752[/town] 11898pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 517/471 33.6
[town]425[/town] 12048pts [player]thunderball1[/player] 496/489 11.7
[town]382[/town] 12300pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 507/476 25.0
[town]1009[/town] 12397pts [player]Queensrych[/player] 480/493 21.2
[town]11668[/town] 12401pts [player]ZANTHIG[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]3881[/town] 12440pts [player]GONZI00[/player] 474/471 38.9
[town]6171[/town] 12469pts [player]brkovi[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]2607[/town] 12634pts [player]dogman12[/player] 505/519 19.6
[town]1145[/town] 12843pts [player]GONZI00[/player] 475/487 28.2
[town]2375[/town] 12952pts [player]Otterscute[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]2517[/town] 13107pts [player]brkovi[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]812[/town] 13122pts [player]dogman12[/player] 502/514 14.1
[town]1211[/town] 13122pts [player]dogman12[/player] 511/513 17.0
[town]2455[/town] 13377pts [player]dogman12[/player] 517/510 19.7
[town]1200[/town] 13522pts [player]dogman12[/player] 512/511 16.3
[town]1189[/town] 14414pts [player]Dimsim88[/player] 471/490 30.7
[town]585[/town] 14551pts [player]deleuran[/player] 502/514 14.1
[town]12493[/town] 15829pts [player]ariggsc[/player] 474/471 38.9
[town]291[/town] 17786pts [player]u1950035[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]12247[/town] 17786pts [player]hjhgjg[/player] 493/490 12.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.