Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
11053 | 44 Goldy Gold 3 | Dusanopopulos | 480 | 494 | 5048 | 35578 | Gold for Gold | 20.9 |
9686 | 11 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 515 | 473 | 5171 | 119575 | --- | 30.9 |
10850 | 55 Goldy Gold 2 | Dusanopopulos | 506 | 522 | 5218 | 35578 | Gold for Gold | 22.8 |
10090 | 023 - Tornado Top | 1kge0r | 487 | 514 | 5657 | 147402 | Zero Bans Alliance | 19.1 |
11809 | 5. aga 44 | aga289 | 474 | 492 | 5988 | 48243 | Red Riding Hood | 27.2 |
9327 | 10 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 520 | 475 | 6434 | 119575 | --- | 32.0 |
10548 | Take 003 | GL II | 483 | 517 | 6817 | 10759 | --- | 24.0 |
7380 | 003 Milhafre | rcrncec | 501 | 499 | 6990 | 115912 | Legija stranaca | 1.4 |
11193 | 3. aga 55 | aga289 | 523 | 500 | 7110 | 48243 | Red Riding Hood | 23.0 |
8483 | 09 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 507 | 483 | 7789 | 119575 | --- | 18.4 |
10197 | 45NF-A1 | WaffleDonkey | 491 | 513 | 7922 | 110451 | Zero Bans Alliance | 15.8 |
11228 | 4. aga 54 | aga289 | 518 | 472 | 7963 | 48243 | Red Riding Hood | 33.3 |
2302 | rock sheep 1 | extrachilli | 527 | 488 | 8028 | 35912 | SHEEP LEGENDS | 29.5 |
2233 | 1. Rhun | The Star of the West | 473 | 482 | 8350 | 137889 | Unstable Connections | 32.4 |
9489 | rock sheep 2 | extrachilli | 527 | 488 | 8351 | 35912 | SHEEP LEGENDS | 29.5 |
10127 | 051. Build | 1kge0r | 487 | 514 | 8466 | 147402 | Zero Bans Alliance | 19.1 |
9485 | TOL ERISEJA | bc2010 | 525 | 484 | 8645 | 53310 | SHEEP LEGENDS | 29.7 |
10489 | 055 - Silver Rain | 1kge0r | 487 | 511 | 8662 | 147402 | Zero Bans Alliance | 17.0 |
9510 | MORIJA | bc2010 | 529 | 485 | 8715 | 53310 | SHEEP LEGENDS | 32.6 |
9437 | MINAS TIRITH | bc2010 | 525 | 484 | 8734 | 53310 | SHEEP LEGENDS | 29.7 |
9462 | MINAS ANOR | bc2010 | 524 | 487 | 8760 | 53310 | SHEEP LEGENDS | 27.3 |
6892 | zdxcnt's city 1 | ValkyrieofValhalla | 501 | 497 | 8773 | 40006 | Victory | 3.2 |
9475 | 21 U | Margot | 529 | 485 | 8978 | 16442 | SHEEP LEGENDS | 32.6 |
9351 | 45 Goldy Gold 1 | Dusanopopulos | 479 | 526 | 8980 | 35578 | Gold for Gold | 33.4 |
59 | Kitchen Sink Metro | Sir Spoon | 513 | 518 | 9158 | 168031 | Zero Bans Alliance | 22.2 |
11566 | The Gates of Vaxx | awildbrysen | 496 | 484 | 9215 | 92739 | Dinner is Served | 16.5 |
9903 | 2.aga 55 | aga289 | 507 | 510 | 9417 | 48243 | Red Riding Hood | 12.2 |
4017 | Princ Hektor's city | Princ Hektor | 481 | 480 | 9541 | 141979 | Victory | 27.6 |
6545 | 1 Hobbit | Kating | 524 | 481 | 9544 | 173180 | --- | 30.6 |
7169 | 03 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 507 | 483 | 10170 | 119575 | --- | 18.4 |
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3475 | Princ Hektor's city 3 | Princ Hektor | 480 | 491 | 10172 | 141979 | Victory | 21.9 |
2147 | St Davids | 2015Maiden75 | 485 | 505 | 10350 | 33001 | Swinging Cats | 15.8 |
6865 | 08 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 508 | 476 | 10350 | 119575 | --- | 25.3 |
2322 | Princ Hektor's city 5 | Princ Hektor | 495 | 512 | 10404 | 141979 | Victory | 13.0 |
6244 | 01 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 507 | 479 | 10444 | 119575 | --- | 22.1 |
990 | 44 02D | lucifers nephew | 488 | 471 | 10513 | 117403 | --- | 31.4 |
3735 | 45.02.Atlantia | FazeWalker | 485 | 505 | 10722 | 181435 | The Golden Convent | 15.8 |
6274 | 07 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 513 | 476 | 10744 | 119575 | --- | 27.3 |
7196 | 1.aga 45 | aga289 | 495 | 524 | 10907 | 48243 | Red Riding Hood | 24.5 |
4378 | Princ Hektor's city 4 | Princ Hektor | 481 | 480 | 10916 | 141979 | Victory | 27.6 |
499 | Spork Village | Sir Spoon | 513 | 518 | 10938 | 168031 | Zero Bans Alliance | 22.2 |
2773 | Whomever it Concerns | ValkyrieofValhalla | 501 | 499 | 10974 | 40006 | Victory | 1.4 |
8813 | Diamond dog2 | Egikutya | 508 | 516 | 11021 | 76861 | --- | 17.9 |
5165 | 06 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 499 | 480 | 11068 | 119575 | --- | 20.0 |
820 | 44 10 | lucifers nephew | 488 | 479 | 11272 | 117403 | --- | 24.2 |
957 | 45.01.Titania | FazeWalker | 485 | 500 | 11401 | 181435 | The Golden Convent | 15.0 |
907 | 44 02 | lucifers nephew | 488 | 471 | 11447 | 117403 | --- | 31.4 |
2561 | 02 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 528 | 475 | 11464 | 119575 | --- | 37.5 |
1907 | Hobbiton | Drew411 | 524 | 481 | 11830 | 33282 | SHEEP LEGENDS | 30.6 |
10549 | 45.03.Skypea | FazeWalker | 482 | 515 | 11844 | 181435 | The Golden Convent | 23.4 |
4044 | 05 dipsy14's city | dipsy14 | 507 | 483 | 12113 | 119575 | --- | 18.4 |
7378 | Mirkwood | deleuran63 | 507 | 479 | 12126 | 72495 | YMML | 22.1 |
3783 | 1 Helms deep | Kating | 524 | 481 | 12250 | 173180 | --- | 30.6 |
10547 | 45.04.7th Hype | FazeWalker | 483 | 517 | 12358 | 181435 | The Golden Convent | 24.0 |
4969 | 1 khazad-Dum | Kating | 524 | 481 | 12493 | 173180 | --- | 30.6 |
3657 | 1 Amon Sul | Kating | 524 | 481 | 12570 | 173180 | --- | 30.6 |
578 | 44 101 | lucifers nephew | 489 | 485 | 12580 | 117403 | --- | 18.6 |
3505 | 54.02.Core | FazeWalker | 501 | 497 | 12654 | 181435 | The Golden Convent | 3.2 |
4863 | 1 Barad Dur | Kating | 524 | 481 | 12918 | 173180 | --- | 30.6 |
6621 | Ithillien. | deleuran63 | 527 | 478 | 12969 | 72495 | YMML | 34.8 |
1386 | S006 | STEFAN2209 | 528 | 475 | 13282 | 81489 | --- | 37.5 |
1441 | S004 | STEFAN2209 | 528 | 475 | 13563 | 81489 | --- | 37.5 |
45 | Shot Glass City | Sir Spoon | 513 | 518 | 14616 | 168031 | Zero Bans Alliance | 22.2 |
2007 | Silverstone | 2015Maiden75 | 485 | 505 | 14705 | 33001 | Swinging Cats | 15.8 |
Players list: Dusanopopulos; dipsy14; 1kge0r; aga289; GL II; rcrncec; WaffleDonkey; extrachilli; The Star of the West; bc2010; ValkyrieofValhalla; Margot; Sir Spoon; awildbrysen; Princ Hektor; Kating; 2015Maiden75; lucifers nephew; FazeWalker; Egikutya; Drew411; deleuran63; STEFAN2209
[town]11053[/town] 5048pts [player]Dusanopopulos[/player] 480/494 20.9
[town]9686[/town] 5171pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 515/473 30.9
[town]10850[/town] 5218pts [player]Dusanopopulos[/player] 506/522 22.8
[town]10090[/town] 5657pts [player]1kge0r[/player] 487/514 19.1
[town]11809[/town] 5988pts [player]aga289[/player] 474/492 27.2
[town]9327[/town] 6434pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 520/475 32.0
[town]10548[/town] 6817pts [player]GL II[/player] 483/517 24.0
[town]7380[/town] 6990pts [player]rcrncec[/player] 501/499 1.4
[town]11193[/town] 7110pts [player]aga289[/player] 523/500 23.0
[town]8483[/town] 7789pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 507/483 18.4
[town]10197[/town] 7922pts [player]WaffleDonkey[/player] 491/513 15.8
[town]11228[/town] 7963pts [player]aga289[/player] 518/472 33.3
[town]2302[/town] 8028pts [player]extrachilli[/player] 527/488 29.5
[town]2233[/town] 8350pts [player]The Star of the West[/player] 473/482 32.4
[town]9489[/town] 8351pts [player]extrachilli[/player] 527/488 29.5
[town]10127[/town] 8466pts [player]1kge0r[/player] 487/514 19.1
[town]9485[/town] 8645pts [player]bc2010[/player] 525/484 29.7
[town]10489[/town] 8662pts [player]1kge0r[/player] 487/511 17.0
[town]9510[/town] 8715pts [player]bc2010[/player] 529/485 32.6
[town]9437[/town] 8734pts [player]bc2010[/player] 525/484 29.7
[town]9462[/town] 8760pts [player]bc2010[/player] 524/487 27.3
[town]6892[/town] 8773pts [player]ValkyrieofValhalla[/player] 501/497 3.2
[town]9475[/town] 8978pts [player]Margot[/player] 529/485 32.6
[town]9351[/town] 8980pts [player]Dusanopopulos[/player] 479/526 33.4
[town]59[/town] 9158pts [player]Sir Spoon[/player] 513/518 22.2
[town]11566[/town] 9215pts [player]awildbrysen[/player] 496/484 16.5
[town]9903[/town] 9417pts [player]aga289[/player] 507/510 12.2
[town]4017[/town] 9541pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 481/480 27.6
[town]6545[/town] 9544pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]7169[/town] 10170pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 507/483 18.4
[town]3475[/town] 10172pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 480/491 21.9
[town]2147[/town] 10350pts [player]2015Maiden75[/player] 485/505 15.8
[town]6865[/town] 10350pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 508/476 25.3
[town]2322[/town] 10404pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 495/512 13.0
[town]6244[/town] 10444pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 507/479 22.1
[town]990[/town] 10513pts [player]lucifers nephew[/player] 488/471 31.4
[town]3735[/town] 10722pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 485/505 15.8
[town]6274[/town] 10744pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 513/476 27.3
[town]7196[/town] 10907pts [player]aga289[/player] 495/524 24.5
[town]4378[/town] 10916pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 481/480 27.6
[town]499[/town] 10938pts [player]Sir Spoon[/player] 513/518 22.2
[town]2773[/town] 10974pts [player]ValkyrieofValhalla[/player] 501/499 1.4
[town]8813[/town] 11021pts [player]Egikutya[/player] 508/516 17.9
[town]5165[/town] 11068pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 499/480 20.0
[town]820[/town] 11272pts [player]lucifers nephew[/player] 488/479 24.2
[town]957[/town] 11401pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 485/500 15.0
[town]907[/town] 11447pts [player]lucifers nephew[/player] 488/471 31.4
[town]2561[/town] 11464pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]1907[/town] 11830pts [player]Drew411[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]10549[/town] 11844pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 482/515 23.4
[town]4044[/town] 12113pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 507/483 18.4
[town]7378[/town] 12126pts [player]deleuran63[/player] 507/479 22.1
[town]3783[/town] 12250pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]10547[/town] 12358pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 483/517 24.0
[town]4969[/town] 12493pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]3657[/town] 12570pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]578[/town] 12580pts [player]lucifers nephew[/player] 489/485 18.6
[town]3505[/town] 12654pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 501/497 3.2
[town]4863[/town] 12918pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]6621[/town] 12969pts [player]deleuran63[/player] 527/478 34.8
[town]1386[/town] 13282pts [player]STEFAN2209[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]1441[/town] 13563pts [player]STEFAN2209[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]45[/town] 14616pts [player]Sir Spoon[/player] 513/518 22.2
[town]2007[/town] 14705pts [player]2015Maiden75[/player] 485/505 15.8
[town]11053[/town] 5048pts [player]Dusanopopulos[/player] 480/494 20.9
[town]9686[/town] 5171pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 515/473 30.9
[town]10850[/town] 5218pts [player]Dusanopopulos[/player] 506/522 22.8
[town]10090[/town] 5657pts [player]1kge0r[/player] 487/514 19.1
[town]11809[/town] 5988pts [player]aga289[/player] 474/492 27.2
[town]9327[/town] 6434pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 520/475 32.0
[town]10548[/town] 6817pts [player]GL II[/player] 483/517 24.0
[town]7380[/town] 6990pts [player]rcrncec[/player] 501/499 1.4
[town]11193[/town] 7110pts [player]aga289[/player] 523/500 23.0
[town]8483[/town] 7789pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 507/483 18.4
[town]10197[/town] 7922pts [player]WaffleDonkey[/player] 491/513 15.8
[town]11228[/town] 7963pts [player]aga289[/player] 518/472 33.3
[town]2302[/town] 8028pts [player]extrachilli[/player] 527/488 29.5
[town]2233[/town] 8350pts [player]The Star of the West[/player] 473/482 32.4
[town]9489[/town] 8351pts [player]extrachilli[/player] 527/488 29.5
[town]10127[/town] 8466pts [player]1kge0r[/player] 487/514 19.1
[town]9485[/town] 8645pts [player]bc2010[/player] 525/484 29.7
[town]10489[/town] 8662pts [player]1kge0r[/player] 487/511 17.0
[town]9510[/town] 8715pts [player]bc2010[/player] 529/485 32.6
[town]9437[/town] 8734pts [player]bc2010[/player] 525/484 29.7
[town]9462[/town] 8760pts [player]bc2010[/player] 524/487 27.3
[town]6892[/town] 8773pts [player]ValkyrieofValhalla[/player] 501/497 3.2
[town]9475[/town] 8978pts [player]Margot[/player] 529/485 32.6
[town]9351[/town] 8980pts [player]Dusanopopulos[/player] 479/526 33.4
[town]59[/town] 9158pts [player]Sir Spoon[/player] 513/518 22.2
[town]11566[/town] 9215pts [player]awildbrysen[/player] 496/484 16.5
[town]9903[/town] 9417pts [player]aga289[/player] 507/510 12.2
[town]4017[/town] 9541pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 481/480 27.6
[town]6545[/town] 9544pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]7169[/town] 10170pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 507/483 18.4
[town]3475[/town] 10172pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 480/491 21.9
[town]2147[/town] 10350pts [player]2015Maiden75[/player] 485/505 15.8
[town]6865[/town] 10350pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 508/476 25.3
[town]2322[/town] 10404pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 495/512 13.0
[town]6244[/town] 10444pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 507/479 22.1
[town]990[/town] 10513pts [player]lucifers nephew[/player] 488/471 31.4
[town]3735[/town] 10722pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 485/505 15.8
[town]6274[/town] 10744pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 513/476 27.3
[town]7196[/town] 10907pts [player]aga289[/player] 495/524 24.5
[town]4378[/town] 10916pts [player]Princ Hektor[/player] 481/480 27.6
[town]499[/town] 10938pts [player]Sir Spoon[/player] 513/518 22.2
[town]2773[/town] 10974pts [player]ValkyrieofValhalla[/player] 501/499 1.4
[town]8813[/town] 11021pts [player]Egikutya[/player] 508/516 17.9
[town]5165[/town] 11068pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 499/480 20.0
[town]820[/town] 11272pts [player]lucifers nephew[/player] 488/479 24.2
[town]957[/town] 11401pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 485/500 15.0
[town]907[/town] 11447pts [player]lucifers nephew[/player] 488/471 31.4
[town]2561[/town] 11464pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]1907[/town] 11830pts [player]Drew411[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]10549[/town] 11844pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 482/515 23.4
[town]4044[/town] 12113pts [player]dipsy14[/player] 507/483 18.4
[town]7378[/town] 12126pts [player]deleuran63[/player] 507/479 22.1
[town]3783[/town] 12250pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]10547[/town] 12358pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 483/517 24.0
[town]4969[/town] 12493pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]3657[/town] 12570pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]578[/town] 12580pts [player]lucifers nephew[/player] 489/485 18.6
[town]3505[/town] 12654pts [player]FazeWalker[/player] 501/497 3.2
[town]4863[/town] 12918pts [player]Kating[/player] 524/481 30.6
[town]6621[/town] 12969pts [player]deleuran63[/player] 527/478 34.8
[town]1386[/town] 13282pts [player]STEFAN2209[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]1441[/town] 13563pts [player]STEFAN2209[/player] 528/475 37.5
[town]45[/town] 14616pts [player]Sir Spoon[/player] 513/518 22.2
[town]2007[/town] 14705pts [player]2015Maiden75[/player] 485/505 15.8
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.