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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
13682Ciudad de jose5 attacked playerjose5525476510289011* LA ACADEMIA 2 *34.7
942745.02 Por prisas F attacked playermrvik497509531133082Por el oro y esas cosas9.5
13495seis attacked playerjose5525476584989011* LA ACADEMIA 2 *34.7
450144.01 git attacked playermrvik495480711933082Por el oro y esas cosas20.6
429955.01 vim attacked playermrvik500502719233082Por el oro y esas cosas2.0
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505354- oro attacked playerChronosslave501493727139019---7.1
2140Ciudad de juanalix attacked playerjuanalix514479800816519---25.2
4578.-MI VIDA attacked playerangry swicher527513804792594HEROES OF SILENCE30.0
394Ciudad de hera- attacked playerMezten5085258637123457HEROES OF SILENCE26.2
329Conejita attacked playerMezten5085258876123457HEROES OF SILENCE26.2
459Esparta 06 attacked playerMezten5275138912123457HEROES OF SILENCE30.0
467Esparta 05 attacked playerMezten5275138950123457HEROES OF SILENCE30.0
4656Quilmes attacked playerkodhek477524934560194ASTURES33.2
242745.01 oh-my-zsh attacked playermrvik497509940433082Por el oro y esas cosas9.5
67832. Atardecer attacked playerjose5525476972989011* LA ACADEMIA 2 *34.7
11142Lentini 5 attacked playerPatosus529502983446386* LA ACADEMIA 2 *29.1
346013.Antrax attacked playerANTONIOJESUSTAURO50048110007153996Hello Kitty19.0
44610. Supermodel attacked playerelmacanonmorado52751310482157005HEROES OF SILENCE30.0
8312.- HONOR A PALOMA attacked playerangry swicher5205271054392594HEROES OF SILENCE33.6
764Rocax attacked playerronaldo brasileño49451410597131373---15.2
20455.1 attacked playerFernanditoDP52350510606146041HEROES OF SILENCE23.5
3660UY QUE MIEDO attacked playerKILLITO15085211098226089*** The Mandalorian ***22.5
36604-01 Aqueos attacked playerFernanditoDP50852511198146041HEROES OF SILENCE26.2
9912Lentini 2 attacked playerPatosus4764921132146386* LA ACADEMIA 2 *25.3
2096E01 20-07-2022 12AM attacked playerDon Aberria II5224801156225675---29.7
1831SI PUEDO J... JAJAJA attacked playerKILLITO15085211227926089*** The Mandalorian ***22.5
7181.-VAS A BAILAR attacked playerangry swicher5275201228392594HEROES OF SILENCE33.6
11989tres attacked playerjose55254761253389011* LA ACADEMIA 2 *34.7
212945- oro attacked playerChronosslave4875011253839019---13.0
186344- oro attacked playerChronosslave4814911259339019---21.0
11195dos attacked playerjose55254761348089011* LA ACADEMIA 2 *34.7
1919quatro attacked playerjose55254761356689011* LA ACADEMIA 2 *34.7
1472Trajano attacked playernisla52350814089166823HEROES OF SILENCE24.4
2429uno attacked playerjose55254761536089011* LA ACADEMIA 2 *34.7

Players list: jose5; mrvik; Chronosslave; juanalix; angry swicher; Mezten; kodhek; Patosus; ANTONIOJESUSTAURO; elmacanonmorado; ronaldo brasileño; FernanditoDP; KILLITO1; Don Aberria II; nisla
[town]13682[/town] 5102pts [player]jose5[/player] 525/476 34.7
[town]9427[/town] 5311pts [player]mrvik[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]13495[/town] 5849pts [player]jose5[/player] 525/476 34.7
[town]4501[/town] 7119pts [player]mrvik[/player] 495/480 20.6
[town]4299[/town] 7192pts [player]mrvik[/player] 500/502 2.0
[town]5053[/town] 7271pts [player]Chronosslave[/player] 501/493 7.1
[town]2140[/town] 8008pts [player]juanalix[/player] 514/479 25.2
[town]457[/town] 8047pts [player]angry swicher[/player] 527/513 30.0
[town]394[/town] 8637pts [player]Mezten[/player] 508/525 26.2
[town]329[/town] 8876pts [player]Mezten[/player] 508/525 26.2
[town]459[/town] 8912pts [player]Mezten[/player] 527/513 30.0
[town]467[/town] 8950pts [player]Mezten[/player] 527/513 30.0
[town]4656[/town] 9345pts [player]kodhek[/player] 477/524 33.2
[town]2427[/town] 9404pts [player]mrvik[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]6783[/town] 9729pts [player]jose5[/player] 525/476 34.7
[town]11142[/town] 9834pts [player]Patosus[/player] 529/502 29.1
[town]346[/town] 10007pts [player]ANTONIOJESUSTAURO[/player] 500/481 19.0
[town]446[/town] 10482pts [player]elmacanonmorado[/player] 527/513 30.0
[town]831[/town] 10543pts [player]angry swicher[/player] 520/527 33.6
[town]764[/town] 10597pts [player]ronaldo brasileño[/player] 494/514 15.2
[town]204[/town] 10606pts [player]FernanditoDP[/player] 523/505 23.5
[town]3660[/town] 10982pts [player]KILLITO1[/player] 508/521 22.5
[town]366[/town] 11198pts [player]FernanditoDP[/player] 508/525 26.2
[town]9912[/town] 11321pts [player]Patosus[/player] 476/492 25.3
[town]2096[/town] 11562pts [player]Don Aberria II[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]1831[/town] 12279pts [player]KILLITO1[/player] 508/521 22.5
[town]718[/town] 12283pts [player]angry swicher[/player] 527/520 33.6
[town]11989[/town] 12533pts [player]jose5[/player] 525/476 34.7
[town]2129[/town] 12538pts [player]Chronosslave[/player] 487/501 13.0
[town]1863[/town] 12593pts [player]Chronosslave[/player] 481/491 21.0
[town]11195[/town] 13480pts [player]jose5[/player] 525/476 34.7
[town]1919[/town] 13566pts [player]jose5[/player] 525/476 34.7
[town]1472[/town] 14089pts [player]nisla[/player] 523/508 24.4
[town]2429[/town] 15360pts [player]jose5[/player] 525/476 34.7

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.