Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
2213 | pozas | AleN92 | 503 | 498 | 5542 | 113814 | Bad Boys | 3.6 |
540 | REFLEJO PERFIDO | lady-carol | 483 | 477 | 6772 | 154697 | Bad Boys | 28.6 |
14335 | Ignitus | Iiol | 481 | 484 | 6945 | 199755 | Bad Boys | 24.8 |
2524 | SMALL BANG | lady-carol | 482 | 481 | 7022 | 154697 | Bad Boys | 26.2 |
1566 | CAOS INDOMABLE | lady-carol | 478 | 475 | 7076 | 154697 | Bad Boys | 33.3 |
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2902 | COSMOS PELIGROSO | lady-carol | 476 | 482 | 7080 | 154697 | Bad Boys | 30.0 |
297 | 016. Atenas | Reale Seguros | 510 | 490 | 7519 | 43330 | Liga del Peloponeso | 14.1 |
8885 | Ciudad de Gambito 2 | Gambito | 482 | 481 | 7622 | 82518 | Bad Boys | 26.2 |
7548 | Ciudad de Gambito | Gambito | 491 | 479 | 7847 | 82518 | Bad Boys | 22.8 |
189 | Ciudad de Lawfall | Gambito | 490 | 495 | 7861 | 82518 | Bad Boys | 11.2 |
11147 | 54.Honor Patosus | hiruma95 | 525 | 475 | 7968 | 184684 | Liga del Peloponeso | 35.4 |
2244 | Ibisaaa | Gambito | 476 | 508 | 8065 | 82518 | Bad Boys | 25.3 |
8457 | 006. Patinete | Reale Seguros | 499 | 491 | 8569 | 43330 | Liga del Peloponeso | 9.1 |
2935 | 06-Thaylenah | monterato | 510 | 471 | 8613 | 106764 | Agencia Tributaria | 30.7 |
11909 | UTERO | dolorica | 483 | 472 | 9108 | 166059 | Bad Boys | 32.8 |
8516 | 08-Nueva Natanan | monterato | 506 | 479 | 9238 | 106764 | Agencia Tributaria | 21.8 |
178 | MATRIZ | dolorica | 490 | 495 | 9367 | 166059 | Bad Boys | 11.2 |
485 | Mayurka | Gambito | 483 | 477 | 9809 | 82518 | Bad Boys | 28.6 |
7980 | 07-Karbranth | monterato | 497 | 479 | 9845 | 106764 | Agencia Tributaria | 21.2 |
1207 | tortoreos | AleN92 | 494 | 490 | 10033 | 113814 | Bad Boys | 11.7 |
1302 | Epicuro | aelezeta | 510 | 505 | 10075 | 34492 | MORITURI TE SALUTANT | 11.2 |
927 | Dandi..666 | ANGUN CHLOEY | 478 | 475 | 10151 | 179094 | Bad Boys | 33.3 |
12093 | santa marta | AleN92 | 487 | 494 | 10218 | 113814 | Bad Boys | 14.3 |
180 | 011.- Telita hostia | igalvez | 490 | 495 | 10387 | 153679 | Liga del Peloponeso | 11.2 |
1401 | A12 MUNI B | elgrangas | 494 | 481 | 10390 | 129910 | *ANTROPOFAGOS* | 19.9 |
225 | CASTILLO BURBUJEANTE | lady-carol | 494 | 481 | 10447 | 154697 | Bad Boys | 19.9 |
3394 | Asmodeo.666 | ANGUN CHLOEY | 476 | 482 | 10568 | 179094 | Bad Boys | 30.0 |
2106 | Ciudad de Zausin | Skully7 | 501 | 487 | 10603 | 10603 | --- | 13.0 |
142 | 11. CRUZCAMPO | Sr Cerveza | 498 | 495 | 10635 | 34251 | Liga del Peloponeso | 5.4 |
158 | costa | AleN92 | 499 | 491 | 10750 | 113814 | Bad Boys | 9.1 |
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1785 | Ciudad de Pablo | Pabloai | 476 | 482 | 10780 | 105623 | Bad Boys | 30.0 |
369 | 010.- PapitoDios | igalvez | 499 | 500 | 10997 | 153679 | Liga del Peloponeso | 1.0 |
3459 | pousa | AleN92 | 487 | 494 | 11019 | 113814 | Bad Boys | 14.3 |
854 | 54.Honor chachi1972 | hiruma95 | 520 | 480 | 11299 | 184684 | Liga del Peloponeso | 28.3 |
269 | 12. JORGE | Sr Cerveza | 506 | 492 | 11311 | 34251 | Liga del Peloponeso | 10.0 |
672 | 005.- PadreLIfe | igalvez | 492 | 504 | 11438 | 153679 | Liga del Peloponeso | 8.9 |
11696 | TEBAS | hectordan10 | 491 | 479 | 11678 | 192985 | Liga del Peloponeso | 22.8 |
10063 | Ciudad de ayax07 5 | ayax07 | 525 | 475 | 11752 | 144286 | Agencia Tributaria | 35.4 |
2608 | Ciudad de H | Hals | 505 | 489 | 12080 | 140399 | Agencia Tributaria | 12.1 |
549 | TRIPOLI | hectordan10 | 483 | 477 | 12096 | 192985 | Liga del Peloponeso | 28.6 |
674 | KHALON | Iiol | 476 | 482 | 12292 | 199755 | Bad Boys | 30.0 |
377 | 13. SKOL | Sr Cerveza | 510 | 490 | 12305 | 34251 | Liga del Peloponeso | 14.1 |
1360 | a estacion | AleN92 | 490 | 495 | 12313 | 113814 | Bad Boys | 11.2 |
183 | ITACA | hectordan10 | 490 | 495 | 12620 | 192985 | Liga del Peloponeso | 11.2 |
131 | CESAREA | dolorica | 498 | 495 | 12634 | 166059 | Bad Boys | 5.4 |
929 | ARCADIA | hectordan10 | 478 | 475 | 12830 | 192985 | Liga del Peloponeso | 33.3 |
234 | A12 MUNI A | elgrangas | 494 | 481 | 12891 | 129910 | *ANTROPOFAGOS* | 19.9 |
190 | RODAS | hectordan10 | 490 | 495 | 12916 | 192985 | Liga del Peloponeso | 11.2 |
573 | 001.- Datonsito | igalvez | 499 | 507 | 13299 | 153679 | Liga del Peloponeso | 7.1 |
908 | Gael..666 | ANGUN CHLOEY | 476 | 482 | 13328 | 179094 | Bad Boys | 30.0 |
2270 | 007.- EdgarSITO | igalvez | 475 | 502 | 13545 | 153679 | Liga del Peloponeso | 25.1 |
2127 | fermil | AleN92 | 501 | 487 | 13757 | 113814 | Bad Boys | 13.0 |
8535 | A11 BEROMAMA | elgrangas | 491 | 479 | 13896 | 129910 | *ANTROPOFAGOS* | 22.8 |
905 | B1 CASI A | patateraman | 476 | 482 | 13966 | 103230 | Bad Boys | 30.0 |
428 | Zamael..666 | ANGUN CHLOEY | 482 | 481 | 14121 | 179094 | Bad Boys | 26.2 |
571 | Marenco..666 | ANGUN CHLOEY | 483 | 477 | 14545 | 179094 | Bad Boys | 28.6 |
2568 | a jugar | PARRIMAN | 527 | 510 | 15131 | 160808 | Liga del Peloponeso | 28.8 |
784 | 004 Vergel Radiante | LuisAlfredo92 | 476 | 482 | 15292 | 176688 | Bad Boys | 30.0 |
598 | 001 Renacer | LuisAlfredo92 | 476 | 482 | 15561 | 176688 | Bad Boys | 30.0 |
230 | A12 MUNI C | elgrangas | 494 | 481 | 16084 | 129910 | *ANTROPOFAGOS* | 19.9 |
653 | B1 CASI B | elgrangas | 476 | 482 | 17786 | 129910 | *ANTROPOFAGOS* | 30.0 |
Players list: AleN92; lady-carol; Iiol; Reale Seguros; Gambito; hiruma95; monterato; dolorica; aelezeta; ANGUN CHLOEY; igalvez; elgrangas; Skully7; Sr Cerveza; Pabloai; hectordan10; ayax07; Hals; patateraman; PARRIMAN; LuisAlfredo92
[town]2213[/town] 5542pts [player]AleN92[/player] 503/498 3.6
[town]540[/town] 6772pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 483/477 28.6
[town]14335[/town] 6945pts [player]Iiol[/player] 481/484 24.8
[town]2524[/town] 7022pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 482/481 26.2
[town]1566[/town] 7076pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 478/475 33.3
[town]2902[/town] 7080pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]297[/town] 7519pts [player]Reale Seguros[/player] 510/490 14.1
[town]8885[/town] 7622pts [player]Gambito[/player] 482/481 26.2
[town]7548[/town] 7847pts [player]Gambito[/player] 491/479 22.8
[town]189[/town] 7861pts [player]Gambito[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]11147[/town] 7968pts [player]hiruma95[/player] 525/475 35.4
[town]2244[/town] 8065pts [player]Gambito[/player] 476/508 25.3
[town]8457[/town] 8569pts [player]Reale Seguros[/player] 499/491 9.1
[town]2935[/town] 8613pts [player]monterato[/player] 510/471 30.7
[town]11909[/town] 9108pts [player]dolorica[/player] 483/472 32.8
[town]8516[/town] 9238pts [player]monterato[/player] 506/479 21.8
[town]178[/town] 9367pts [player]dolorica[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]485[/town] 9809pts [player]Gambito[/player] 483/477 28.6
[town]7980[/town] 9845pts [player]monterato[/player] 497/479 21.2
[town]1207[/town] 10033pts [player]AleN92[/player] 494/490 11.7
[town]1302[/town] 10075pts [player]aelezeta[/player] 510/505 11.2
[town]927[/town] 10151pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 478/475 33.3
[town]12093[/town] 10218pts [player]AleN92[/player] 487/494 14.3
[town]180[/town] 10387pts [player]igalvez[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]1401[/town] 10390pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 494/481 19.9
[town]225[/town] 10447pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 494/481 19.9
[town]3394[/town] 10568pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]2106[/town] 10603pts [player]Skully7[/player] 501/487 13.0
[town]142[/town] 10635pts [player]Sr Cerveza[/player] 498/495 5.4
[town]158[/town] 10750pts [player]AleN92[/player] 499/491 9.1
[town]1785[/town] 10780pts [player]Pabloai[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]369[/town] 10997pts [player]igalvez[/player] 499/500 1.0
[town]3459[/town] 11019pts [player]AleN92[/player] 487/494 14.3
[town]854[/town] 11299pts [player]hiruma95[/player] 520/480 28.3
[town]269[/town] 11311pts [player]Sr Cerveza[/player] 506/492 10.0
[town]672[/town] 11438pts [player]igalvez[/player] 492/504 8.9
[town]11696[/town] 11678pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 491/479 22.8
[town]10063[/town] 11752pts [player]ayax07[/player] 525/475 35.4
[town]2608[/town] 12080pts [player]Hals[/player] 505/489 12.1
[town]549[/town] 12096pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 483/477 28.6
[town]674[/town] 12292pts [player]Iiol[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]377[/town] 12305pts [player]Sr Cerveza[/player] 510/490 14.1
[town]1360[/town] 12313pts [player]AleN92[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]183[/town] 12620pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]131[/town] 12634pts [player]dolorica[/player] 498/495 5.4
[town]929[/town] 12830pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 478/475 33.3
[town]234[/town] 12891pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 494/481 19.9
[town]190[/town] 12916pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]573[/town] 13299pts [player]igalvez[/player] 499/507 7.1
[town]908[/town] 13328pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]2270[/town] 13545pts [player]igalvez[/player] 475/502 25.1
[town]2127[/town] 13757pts [player]AleN92[/player] 501/487 13.0
[town]8535[/town] 13896pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 491/479 22.8
[town]905[/town] 13966pts [player]patateraman[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]428[/town] 14121pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 482/481 26.2
[town]571[/town] 14545pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 483/477 28.6
[town]2568[/town] 15131pts [player]PARRIMAN[/player] 527/510 28.8
[town]784[/town] 15292pts [player]LuisAlfredo92[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]598[/town] 15561pts [player]LuisAlfredo92[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]230[/town] 16084pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 494/481 19.9
[town]653[/town] 17786pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]2213[/town] 5542pts [player]AleN92[/player] 503/498 3.6
[town]540[/town] 6772pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 483/477 28.6
[town]14335[/town] 6945pts [player]Iiol[/player] 481/484 24.8
[town]2524[/town] 7022pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 482/481 26.2
[town]1566[/town] 7076pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 478/475 33.3
[town]2902[/town] 7080pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]297[/town] 7519pts [player]Reale Seguros[/player] 510/490 14.1
[town]8885[/town] 7622pts [player]Gambito[/player] 482/481 26.2
[town]7548[/town] 7847pts [player]Gambito[/player] 491/479 22.8
[town]189[/town] 7861pts [player]Gambito[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]11147[/town] 7968pts [player]hiruma95[/player] 525/475 35.4
[town]2244[/town] 8065pts [player]Gambito[/player] 476/508 25.3
[town]8457[/town] 8569pts [player]Reale Seguros[/player] 499/491 9.1
[town]2935[/town] 8613pts [player]monterato[/player] 510/471 30.7
[town]11909[/town] 9108pts [player]dolorica[/player] 483/472 32.8
[town]8516[/town] 9238pts [player]monterato[/player] 506/479 21.8
[town]178[/town] 9367pts [player]dolorica[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]485[/town] 9809pts [player]Gambito[/player] 483/477 28.6
[town]7980[/town] 9845pts [player]monterato[/player] 497/479 21.2
[town]1207[/town] 10033pts [player]AleN92[/player] 494/490 11.7
[town]1302[/town] 10075pts [player]aelezeta[/player] 510/505 11.2
[town]927[/town] 10151pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 478/475 33.3
[town]12093[/town] 10218pts [player]AleN92[/player] 487/494 14.3
[town]180[/town] 10387pts [player]igalvez[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]1401[/town] 10390pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 494/481 19.9
[town]225[/town] 10447pts [player]lady-carol[/player] 494/481 19.9
[town]3394[/town] 10568pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]2106[/town] 10603pts [player]Skully7[/player] 501/487 13.0
[town]142[/town] 10635pts [player]Sr Cerveza[/player] 498/495 5.4
[town]158[/town] 10750pts [player]AleN92[/player] 499/491 9.1
[town]1785[/town] 10780pts [player]Pabloai[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]369[/town] 10997pts [player]igalvez[/player] 499/500 1.0
[town]3459[/town] 11019pts [player]AleN92[/player] 487/494 14.3
[town]854[/town] 11299pts [player]hiruma95[/player] 520/480 28.3
[town]269[/town] 11311pts [player]Sr Cerveza[/player] 506/492 10.0
[town]672[/town] 11438pts [player]igalvez[/player] 492/504 8.9
[town]11696[/town] 11678pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 491/479 22.8
[town]10063[/town] 11752pts [player]ayax07[/player] 525/475 35.4
[town]2608[/town] 12080pts [player]Hals[/player] 505/489 12.1
[town]549[/town] 12096pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 483/477 28.6
[town]674[/town] 12292pts [player]Iiol[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]377[/town] 12305pts [player]Sr Cerveza[/player] 510/490 14.1
[town]1360[/town] 12313pts [player]AleN92[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]183[/town] 12620pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]131[/town] 12634pts [player]dolorica[/player] 498/495 5.4
[town]929[/town] 12830pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 478/475 33.3
[town]234[/town] 12891pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 494/481 19.9
[town]190[/town] 12916pts [player]hectordan10[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]573[/town] 13299pts [player]igalvez[/player] 499/507 7.1
[town]908[/town] 13328pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]2270[/town] 13545pts [player]igalvez[/player] 475/502 25.1
[town]2127[/town] 13757pts [player]AleN92[/player] 501/487 13.0
[town]8535[/town] 13896pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 491/479 22.8
[town]905[/town] 13966pts [player]patateraman[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]428[/town] 14121pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 482/481 26.2
[town]571[/town] 14545pts [player]ANGUN CHLOEY[/player] 483/477 28.6
[town]2568[/town] 15131pts [player]PARRIMAN[/player] 527/510 28.8
[town]784[/town] 15292pts [player]LuisAlfredo92[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]598[/town] 15561pts [player]LuisAlfredo92[/player] 476/482 30.0
[town]230[/town] 16084pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 494/481 19.9
[town]653[/town] 17786pts [player]elgrangas[/player] 476/482 30.0
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.