Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
487 | Bikák Hada | Utolsó Lovag | 482 | 509 | 5005 | 64114 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 20.1 |
166 | 012. Békés barát | Kicky22 | 505 | 490 | 5028 | 124968 | DominiuM | 11.2 |
331 | CITY 02 | He-Man | 486 | 508 | 5028 | 76844 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 16.1 |
1169 | T54-G001 | insusi | 526 | 474 | 5034 | 64462 | DominiuM | 36.8 |
80 | lánc lánc eszterlánc | boksolo822 | 505 | 490 | 5088 | 35686 | DominiuM | 11.2 |
245 | 004. Koko a Krokodil | Kicky22 | 497 | 484 | 5127 | 124968 | DominiuM | 16.3 |
139 | San Francisco | Zsombori | 496 | 487 | 5136 | 32279 | DominiuM | 13.6 |
1036 | csaba02 | csaba7810 | 487 | 479 | 5156 | 34458 | Jack Daniels | 24.7 |
183 | Alfa | Geopárd | 505 | 518 | 5159 | 26447 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 18.7 |
1538 | Botonod városa | Botoka | 528 | 527 | 5193 | 6906 | Első rend AK | 38.9 |
1166 | Konoha | troja200000 | 526 | 474 | 5195 | 50557 | DominiuM | 36.8 |
577 | TCHOR EGÉSZSÉGEDRE | Namblo | 471 | 505 | 5201 | 55821 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 29.4 |
692 | Yanni 05.2 | Yanni | 502 | 476 | 5207 | 81277 | Jack Daniels | 24.1 |
1420 | dög kút | laccy666 | 528 | 527 | 5212 | 15110 | Első rend | 38.9 |
2352 | probi1976 városa 3 | probi1976 | 486 | 508 | 5220 | 56118 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 16.1 |
107 | Kuka | *Morgó* | 507 | 514 | 5266 | 45967 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 15.7 |
1080 | 06. Bart | *BlackShadow* | 526 | 474 | 5266 | 38325 | DominiuM | 36.8 |
1312 | Második ![]() | Citrin | 528 | 527 | 5301 | 13050 | Első rend | 38.9 |
2230 | 04 A fejedelem | Anat77 | 516 | 525 | 5327 | 82982 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 29.7 |
176 | A láthatatlan légió ![]() | ExpendableHUN | 505 | 518 | 5364 | 12926 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 18.7 |
81 | 016 Euphorbia | Hubci | 505 | 508 | 5395 | 149264 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 9.4 |
996 | tábor4 | Titán pajzs | 497 | 529 | 5423 | 32783 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 29.2 |
1054 | piwo városa | piwo | 480 | 522 | 5433 | 35055 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 29.7 |
418 | DRÓN 1 | Namblo | 471 | 505 | 5465 | 55821 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 29.4 |
523 | ZBM-1 | Punkkiller | 521 | 501 | 5470 | 28359 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 21.0 |
1991 | Arany 6 | Losztrisz | 528 | 527 | 5472 | 47882 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 38.9 |
1034 | Ezredes hekus 02 | Ezredes hekus | 526 | 478 | 5509 | 26614 | DominiuM | 34.1 |
830 | Akraghar | batixsz | 471 | 505 | 5520 | 80804 | Partizánok | 29.4 |
280 | Pláza | Zsombori | 495 | 480 | 5531 | 32279 | DominiuM | 20.6 |
351 | Kovetkezo Future | batixsz | 476 | 504 | 5536 | 80804 | Partizánok | 24.3 |
1071 | 04. iOS | *BlackShadow* | 526 | 478 | 5550 | 38325 | DominiuM | 34.1 |
22 | mezoke városa | Taknorberto | 502 | 499 | 5551 | 92067 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 2.2 |
1306 | 05 Segesvár | Garrone | 519 | 491 | 5567 | 43914 | DominiuM | 21.0 |
683 | Parisz10 007 | Parisz10 | 502 | 476 | 5590 | 67154 | Jack Daniels | 24.1 |
1073 | Spárta.V | djbull6 | 526 | 478 | 5593 | 108566 | DominiuM | 34.1 |
96 | Kelevra 003 | blokix | 496 | 487 | 5606 | 35141 | DominiuM | 13.6 |
825 | 2. Amerigo Vaspunci | NokedliGamer | 497 | 529 | 5609 | 33373 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 29.2 |
634 | 05. Android | *BlackShadow* | 519 | 491 | 5615 | 38325 | DominiuM | 21.0 |
257 | 000 | eggo | 492 | 513 | 5621 | 173010 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 15.3 |
542 | Old traford küldi | GazsiJD | 518 | 511 | 5633 | 82556 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 21.1 |
485 | Adinino a bátor | papir159 | 521 | 501 | 5634 | 86831 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 21.0 |
92 | ramses 03 | robosztuska | 505 | 508 | 5665 | 81099 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 9.4 |
1380 | San Fransisco | Thámzn | 489 | 501 | 5681 | 78561 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 11.0 |
136 | Vlad | Anat77 | 507 | 514 | 5690 | 82982 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 15.7 |
555 | Soraka | Bekyhun98 | 518 | 511 | 5744 | 15350 | Mukik | 21.1 |
724 | Pülliken | Calippa | 502 | 472 | 5744 | 135104 | Jack Daniels | 28.1 |
1077 | 0.2.Lallybroch | fru... | 526 | 478 | 5745 | 27336 | DominiuM | 34.1 |
91 | Adamrrrrrr | papir159 | 505 | 508 | 5746 | 86831 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 9.4 |
835 | 017 | eggo | 520 | 518 | 5754 | 173010 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 26.9 |
426 | Lucifer | Csillámpóni | 495 | 480 | 5759 | 85610 | Jack Daniels | 20.6 |
182 | Királyvár | Szatyimester | 505 | 518 | 5760 | 26224 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 18.7 |
653 | molja66106 | molja66 | 521 | 501 | 5777 | 10531 | --- | 21.0 |
1098 | I.FV.01 | *Morgó* | 497 | 529 | 5789 | 45967 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 29.2 |
1193 | 005. Kicky The Wolf | troja200000 | 526 | 478 | 5805 | 50557 | DominiuM | 34.1 |
2226 | Tomorrowland04 | Dables | 528 | 527 | 5819 | 42750 | Első rend | 38.9 |
29 | -007-NED- | Apstrike | 495 | 509 | 5841 | 58086 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 10.3 |
347 | kircso04 | kircso | 504 | 523 | 5851 | 40696 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 23.3 |
106 | Kisfutik 01 | Trafficlamp | 495 | 509 | 5885 | 31040 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 10.3 |
2335 | 03. Pufi | Terror Macko | 528 | 527 | 5928 | 57127 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 38.9 |
861 | LuckyStar | Orchi | 526 | 514 | 5931 | 13179 | Első rend | 29.5 |
549 | 005 | davidibrahim | 518 | 511 | 5945 | 66468 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 21.1 |
162 | Spárta.VII | djbull6 | 505 | 490 | 5964 | 108566 | DominiuM | 11.2 |
1207 | Zsivány Ötösssss | Zsivány Egyes | 520 | 518 | 5976 | 48644 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 26.9 |
254 | 005. Pokoli utazás | Kicky22 | 495 | 480 | 5977 | 124968 | DominiuM | 20.6 |
623 | Cefi 55-1.1 | Cefre Király | 504 | 523 | 6006 | 55490 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 23.3 |
1107 | 002 | Argyelan123 | 526 | 478 | 6025 | 13812 | DominiuM | 34.1 |
479 | Arabsejk 7 | Deather | 521 | 501 | 6034 | 59848 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 21.0 |
1481 | nibantai | Taknorberto | 489 | 501 | 6053 | 92067 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 11.0 |
792 | 021 | eggo | 521 | 521 | 6084 | 173010 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 29.7 |
892 | 008.Kattegat | -IronsidE- | 528 | 486 | 6111 | 84660 | DominiuM | 31.3 |
1135 | .2. Jóó reggelt | John Wick | 521 | 521 | 6140 | 62455 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 29.7 |
438 | kaparotti | tetanusz | 481 | 497 | 6141 | 72934 | Jack Daniels | 19.2 |
340 | Bikák Harcosa | Utolsó Lovag | 486 | 508 | 6142 | 64114 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 16.1 |
566 | Nyíregyháza ![]() | ZeneOff | 518 | 511 | 6200 | 12031 | Mukik | 21.1 |
827 | Spárta.II | djbull6 | 513 | 473 | 6201 | 108566 | DominiuM | 30.0 |
372 | Al Capone | kriskindli | 481 | 497 | 6213 | 61619 | Jack Daniels | 19.2 |
1160 | B-2 | GazsiJD | 497 | 529 | 6221 | 82556 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 29.2 |
1549 | 00.2 | Calippa | 513 | 473 | 6222 | 135104 | Jack Daniels | 30.0 |
315 | 0.1.Fraser | fru... | 501 | 481 | 6256 | 27336 | DominiuM | 19.0 |
1017 | 003.csipdmeg-fogdmeg | -IronsidE- | 496 | 487 | 6301 | 84660 | DominiuM | 13.6 |
213 | Alapítvány | Geopárd | 505 | 518 | 6303 | 26447 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 18.7 |
889 | Steno városa 4 | 11extra | 526 | 514 | 6329 | 151658 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 29.5 |
515 | 06.Chapunasa | valerija72 | 481 | 484 | 6331 | 69620 | Jack Daniels | 24.8 |
167 | Deimos | Namblo | 489 | 501 | 6341 | 55821 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 11.0 |
1399 | 019 | eggo | 528 | 527 | 6387 | 173010 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 38.9 |
524 | T54-C001 | insusi | 501 | 481 | 6407 | 64462 | DominiuM | 19.0 |
833 | -Syndicate- | **Brother** | 528 | 486 | 6475 | 99733 | DominiuM | 31.3 |
1508 | alexusz2 | alexusz2000 | 526 | 514 | 6481 | 35788 | Mukik | 29.5 |
797 | Shop Stop | NemaBob | 513 | 473 | 6517 | 48569 | Jack Daniels | 30.0 |
1138 | Arany 5 | Losztrisz | 507 | 514 | 6555 | 47882 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 15.7 |
474 | 05-05 | Áram verte | 501 | 481 | 6585 | 60223 | DominiuM | 19.0 |
519 | blue 001. | Blue Butterfly | 481 | 484 | 6588 | 31429 | Jack Daniels | 24.8 |
619 | piwo városa 1 | piwo | 481 | 515 | 6596 | 35055 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 24.2 |
2975 | T54N KickyBro | janika5000 | 505 | 490 | 6616 | 140776 | DominiuM | 11.2 |
214 | 0.0 Istros Deres | EddardStark01 | 505 | 518 | 6625 | 17264 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 18.7 |
1912 | Silicium Valley | Thámzn | 480 | 522 | 6639 | 78561 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 29.7 |
1277 | Arabsejk 5 | Deather | 520 | 518 | 6653 | 59848 | Az előretolt helyőrség | 26.9 |
427 | 4.Ekko | Bishoc | 471 | 505 | 6667 | 60460 | Partizánok | 29.4 |
1303 | Kinga | Gergo05 | 474 | 513 | 6694 | 106664 | Ned Stark Lovagrend | 29.1 |
471 | Alexusz5 2 | alexusz2000 | 521 | 501 | 6739 | 35788 | Mukik | 21.0 |
Too much data. Limit your query. |
Players list: Utolsó Lovag; Kicky22; He-Man; insusi; boksolo822; Zsombori; csaba7810; Geopárd; Botoka; troja200000; Namblo; Yanni; laccy666; probi1976; *Morgó*; *BlackShadow*; Citrin; Anat77; ExpendableHUN; Hubci; Titán pajzs; piwo; Punkkiller; Losztrisz; Ezredes hekus; batixsz; Taknorberto; Garrone; Parisz10; djbull6; blokix; NokedliGamer; eggo; GazsiJD; papir159; robosztuska; Thámzn; Bekyhun98; Calippa; fru...; Csillámpóni; Szatyimester; molja66; Dables; Apstrike; kircso; Trafficlamp; Terror Macko; Orchi; davidibrahim; Zsivány Egyes; Cefre Király; Argyelan123; Deather; -IronsidE-; John Wick; tetanusz; ZeneOff; kriskindli; 11extra; valerija72; **Brother**; alexusz2000; NemaBob; Áram verte; Blue Butterfly; janika5000; EddardStark01; Bishoc; Gergo05
[town]487[/town] 5005pts [player]Utolsó Lovag[/player] 482/509 20.1
[town]166[/town] 5028pts [player]Kicky22[/player] 505/490 11.2
[town]331[/town] 5028pts [player]He-Man[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]1169[/town] 5034pts [player]insusi[/player] 526/474 36.8
[town]80[/town] 5088pts [player]boksolo822[/player] 505/490 11.2
[town]245[/town] 5127pts [player]Kicky22[/player] 497/484 16.3
[town]139[/town] 5136pts [player]Zsombori[/player] 496/487 13.6
[town]1036[/town] 5156pts [player]csaba7810[/player] 487/479 24.7
[town]183[/town] 5159pts [player]Geopárd[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]1538[/town] 5193pts [player]Botoka[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]1166[/town] 5195pts [player]troja200000[/player] 526/474 36.8
[town]577[/town] 5201pts [player]Namblo[/player] 471/505 29.4
[town]692[/town] 5207pts [player]Yanni[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]1420[/town] 5212pts [player]laccy666[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]2352[/town] 5220pts [player]probi1976[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]107[/town] 5266pts [player]*Morgó*[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]1080[/town] 5266pts [player]*BlackShadow*[/player] 526/474 36.8
[town]1312[/town] 5301pts [player]Citrin[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]2230[/town] 5327pts [player]Anat77[/player] 516/525 29.7
[town]176[/town] 5364pts [player]ExpendableHUN[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]81[/town] 5395pts [player]Hubci[/player] 505/508 9.4
[town]996[/town] 5423pts [player]Titán pajzs[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]1054[/town] 5433pts [player]piwo[/player] 480/522 29.7
[town]418[/town] 5465pts [player]Namblo[/player] 471/505 29.4
[town]523[/town] 5470pts [player]Punkkiller[/player] 521/501 21.0
[town]1991[/town] 5472pts [player]Losztrisz[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]1034[/town] 5509pts [player]Ezredes hekus[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]830[/town] 5520pts [player]batixsz[/player] 471/505 29.4
[town]280[/town] 5531pts [player]Zsombori[/player] 495/480 20.6
[town]351[/town] 5536pts [player]batixsz[/player] 476/504 24.3
[town]1071[/town] 5550pts [player]*BlackShadow*[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]22[/town] 5551pts [player]Taknorberto[/player] 502/499 2.2
[town]1306[/town] 5567pts [player]Garrone[/player] 519/491 21.0
[town]683[/town] 5590pts [player]Parisz10[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]1073[/town] 5593pts [player]djbull6[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]96[/town] 5606pts [player]blokix[/player] 496/487 13.6
[town]825[/town] 5609pts [player]NokedliGamer[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]634[/town] 5615pts [player]*BlackShadow*[/player] 519/491 21.0
[town]257[/town] 5621pts [player]eggo[/player] 492/513 15.3
[town]542[/town] 5633pts [player]GazsiJD[/player] 518/511 21.1
[town]485[/town] 5634pts [player]papir159[/player] 521/501 21.0
[town]92[/town] 5665pts [player]robosztuska[/player] 505/508 9.4
[town]1380[/town] 5681pts [player]Thámzn[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]136[/town] 5690pts [player]Anat77[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]555[/town] 5744pts [player]Bekyhun98[/player] 518/511 21.1
[town]724[/town] 5744pts [player]Calippa[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]1077[/town] 5745pts [player]fru...[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]91[/town] 5746pts [player]papir159[/player] 505/508 9.4
[town]835[/town] 5754pts [player]eggo[/player] 520/518 26.9
[town]426[/town] 5759pts [player]Csillámpóni[/player] 495/480 20.6
[town]182[/town] 5760pts [player]Szatyimester[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]653[/town] 5777pts [player]molja66[/player] 521/501 21.0
[town]1098[/town] 5789pts [player]*Morgó*[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]1193[/town] 5805pts [player]troja200000[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]2226[/town] 5819pts [player]Dables[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]29[/town] 5841pts [player]Apstrike[/player] 495/509 10.3
[town]347[/town] 5851pts [player]kircso[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]106[/town] 5885pts [player]Trafficlamp[/player] 495/509 10.3
[town]2335[/town] 5928pts [player]Terror Macko[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]861[/town] 5931pts [player]Orchi[/player] 526/514 29.5
[town]549[/town] 5945pts [player]davidibrahim[/player] 518/511 21.1
[town]162[/town] 5964pts [player]djbull6[/player] 505/490 11.2
[town]1207[/town] 5976pts [player]Zsivány Egyes[/player] 520/518 26.9
[town]254[/town] 5977pts [player]Kicky22[/player] 495/480 20.6
[town]623[/town] 6006pts [player]Cefre Király[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]1107[/town] 6025pts [player]Argyelan123[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]479[/town] 6034pts [player]Deather[/player] 521/501 21.0
[town]1481[/town] 6053pts [player]Taknorberto[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]792[/town] 6084pts [player]eggo[/player] 521/521 29.7
[town]892[/town] 6111pts [player]-IronsidE-[/player] 528/486 31.3
[town]1135[/town] 6140pts [player]John Wick[/player] 521/521 29.7
[town]438[/town] 6141pts [player]tetanusz[/player] 481/497 19.2
[town]340[/town] 6142pts [player]Utolsó Lovag[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]566[/town] 6200pts [player]ZeneOff[/player] 518/511 21.1
[town]827[/town] 6201pts [player]djbull6[/player] 513/473 30.0
[town]372[/town] 6213pts [player]kriskindli[/player] 481/497 19.2
[town]1160[/town] 6221pts [player]GazsiJD[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]1549[/town] 6222pts [player]Calippa[/player] 513/473 30.0
[town]315[/town] 6256pts [player]fru...[/player] 501/481 19.0
[town]1017[/town] 6301pts [player]-IronsidE-[/player] 496/487 13.6
[town]213[/town] 6303pts [player]Geopárd[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]889[/town] 6329pts [player]11extra[/player] 526/514 29.5
[town]515[/town] 6331pts [player]valerija72[/player] 481/484 24.8
[town]167[/town] 6341pts [player]Namblo[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]1399[/town] 6387pts [player]eggo[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]524[/town] 6407pts [player]insusi[/player] 501/481 19.0
[town]833[/town] 6475pts [player]**Brother**[/player] 528/486 31.3
[town]1508[/town] 6481pts [player]alexusz2000[/player] 526/514 29.5
[town]797[/town] 6517pts [player]NemaBob[/player] 513/473 30.0
[town]1138[/town] 6555pts [player]Losztrisz[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]474[/town] 6585pts [player]Áram verte[/player] 501/481 19.0
[town]519[/town] 6588pts [player]Blue Butterfly[/player] 481/484 24.8
[town]619[/town] 6596pts [player]piwo[/player] 481/515 24.2
[town]2975[/town] 6616pts [player]janika5000[/player] 505/490 11.2
[town]214[/town] 6625pts [player]EddardStark01[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]1912[/town] 6639pts [player]Thámzn[/player] 480/522 29.7
[town]1277[/town] 6653pts [player]Deather[/player] 520/518 26.9
[town]427[/town] 6667pts [player]Bishoc[/player] 471/505 29.4
[town]1303[/town] 6694pts [player]Gergo05[/player] 474/513 29.1
[town]471[/town] 6739pts [player]alexusz2000[/player] 521/501 21.0
[town]487[/town] 5005pts [player]Utolsó Lovag[/player] 482/509 20.1
[town]166[/town] 5028pts [player]Kicky22[/player] 505/490 11.2
[town]331[/town] 5028pts [player]He-Man[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]1169[/town] 5034pts [player]insusi[/player] 526/474 36.8
[town]80[/town] 5088pts [player]boksolo822[/player] 505/490 11.2
[town]245[/town] 5127pts [player]Kicky22[/player] 497/484 16.3
[town]139[/town] 5136pts [player]Zsombori[/player] 496/487 13.6
[town]1036[/town] 5156pts [player]csaba7810[/player] 487/479 24.7
[town]183[/town] 5159pts [player]Geopárd[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]1538[/town] 5193pts [player]Botoka[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]1166[/town] 5195pts [player]troja200000[/player] 526/474 36.8
[town]577[/town] 5201pts [player]Namblo[/player] 471/505 29.4
[town]692[/town] 5207pts [player]Yanni[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]1420[/town] 5212pts [player]laccy666[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]2352[/town] 5220pts [player]probi1976[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]107[/town] 5266pts [player]*Morgó*[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]1080[/town] 5266pts [player]*BlackShadow*[/player] 526/474 36.8
[town]1312[/town] 5301pts [player]Citrin[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]2230[/town] 5327pts [player]Anat77[/player] 516/525 29.7
[town]176[/town] 5364pts [player]ExpendableHUN[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]81[/town] 5395pts [player]Hubci[/player] 505/508 9.4
[town]996[/town] 5423pts [player]Titán pajzs[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]1054[/town] 5433pts [player]piwo[/player] 480/522 29.7
[town]418[/town] 5465pts [player]Namblo[/player] 471/505 29.4
[town]523[/town] 5470pts [player]Punkkiller[/player] 521/501 21.0
[town]1991[/town] 5472pts [player]Losztrisz[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]1034[/town] 5509pts [player]Ezredes hekus[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]830[/town] 5520pts [player]batixsz[/player] 471/505 29.4
[town]280[/town] 5531pts [player]Zsombori[/player] 495/480 20.6
[town]351[/town] 5536pts [player]batixsz[/player] 476/504 24.3
[town]1071[/town] 5550pts [player]*BlackShadow*[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]22[/town] 5551pts [player]Taknorberto[/player] 502/499 2.2
[town]1306[/town] 5567pts [player]Garrone[/player] 519/491 21.0
[town]683[/town] 5590pts [player]Parisz10[/player] 502/476 24.1
[town]1073[/town] 5593pts [player]djbull6[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]96[/town] 5606pts [player]blokix[/player] 496/487 13.6
[town]825[/town] 5609pts [player]NokedliGamer[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]634[/town] 5615pts [player]*BlackShadow*[/player] 519/491 21.0
[town]257[/town] 5621pts [player]eggo[/player] 492/513 15.3
[town]542[/town] 5633pts [player]GazsiJD[/player] 518/511 21.1
[town]485[/town] 5634pts [player]papir159[/player] 521/501 21.0
[town]92[/town] 5665pts [player]robosztuska[/player] 505/508 9.4
[town]1380[/town] 5681pts [player]Thámzn[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]136[/town] 5690pts [player]Anat77[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]555[/town] 5744pts [player]Bekyhun98[/player] 518/511 21.1
[town]724[/town] 5744pts [player]Calippa[/player] 502/472 28.1
[town]1077[/town] 5745pts [player]fru...[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]91[/town] 5746pts [player]papir159[/player] 505/508 9.4
[town]835[/town] 5754pts [player]eggo[/player] 520/518 26.9
[town]426[/town] 5759pts [player]Csillámpóni[/player] 495/480 20.6
[town]182[/town] 5760pts [player]Szatyimester[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]653[/town] 5777pts [player]molja66[/player] 521/501 21.0
[town]1098[/town] 5789pts [player]*Morgó*[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]1193[/town] 5805pts [player]troja200000[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]2226[/town] 5819pts [player]Dables[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]29[/town] 5841pts [player]Apstrike[/player] 495/509 10.3
[town]347[/town] 5851pts [player]kircso[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]106[/town] 5885pts [player]Trafficlamp[/player] 495/509 10.3
[town]2335[/town] 5928pts [player]Terror Macko[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]861[/town] 5931pts [player]Orchi[/player] 526/514 29.5
[town]549[/town] 5945pts [player]davidibrahim[/player] 518/511 21.1
[town]162[/town] 5964pts [player]djbull6[/player] 505/490 11.2
[town]1207[/town] 5976pts [player]Zsivány Egyes[/player] 520/518 26.9
[town]254[/town] 5977pts [player]Kicky22[/player] 495/480 20.6
[town]623[/town] 6006pts [player]Cefre Király[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]1107[/town] 6025pts [player]Argyelan123[/player] 526/478 34.1
[town]479[/town] 6034pts [player]Deather[/player] 521/501 21.0
[town]1481[/town] 6053pts [player]Taknorberto[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]792[/town] 6084pts [player]eggo[/player] 521/521 29.7
[town]892[/town] 6111pts [player]-IronsidE-[/player] 528/486 31.3
[town]1135[/town] 6140pts [player]John Wick[/player] 521/521 29.7
[town]438[/town] 6141pts [player]tetanusz[/player] 481/497 19.2
[town]340[/town] 6142pts [player]Utolsó Lovag[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]566[/town] 6200pts [player]ZeneOff[/player] 518/511 21.1
[town]827[/town] 6201pts [player]djbull6[/player] 513/473 30.0
[town]372[/town] 6213pts [player]kriskindli[/player] 481/497 19.2
[town]1160[/town] 6221pts [player]GazsiJD[/player] 497/529 29.2
[town]1549[/town] 6222pts [player]Calippa[/player] 513/473 30.0
[town]315[/town] 6256pts [player]fru...[/player] 501/481 19.0
[town]1017[/town] 6301pts [player]-IronsidE-[/player] 496/487 13.6
[town]213[/town] 6303pts [player]Geopárd[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]889[/town] 6329pts [player]11extra[/player] 526/514 29.5
[town]515[/town] 6331pts [player]valerija72[/player] 481/484 24.8
[town]167[/town] 6341pts [player]Namblo[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]1399[/town] 6387pts [player]eggo[/player] 528/527 38.9
[town]524[/town] 6407pts [player]insusi[/player] 501/481 19.0
[town]833[/town] 6475pts [player]**Brother**[/player] 528/486 31.3
[town]1508[/town] 6481pts [player]alexusz2000[/player] 526/514 29.5
[town]797[/town] 6517pts [player]NemaBob[/player] 513/473 30.0
[town]1138[/town] 6555pts [player]Losztrisz[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]474[/town] 6585pts [player]Áram verte[/player] 501/481 19.0
[town]519[/town] 6588pts [player]Blue Butterfly[/player] 481/484 24.8
[town]619[/town] 6596pts [player]piwo[/player] 481/515 24.2
[town]2975[/town] 6616pts [player]janika5000[/player] 505/490 11.2
[town]214[/town] 6625pts [player]EddardStark01[/player] 505/518 18.7
[town]1912[/town] 6639pts [player]Thámzn[/player] 480/522 29.7
[town]1277[/town] 6653pts [player]Deather[/player] 520/518 26.9
[town]427[/town] 6667pts [player]Bishoc[/player] 471/505 29.4
[town]1303[/town] 6694pts [player]Gergo05[/player] 474/513 29.1
[town]471[/town] 6739pts [player]alexusz2000[/player] 521/501 21.0
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.