Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
1116 | Va por ti Malp | Fluck | 522 | 474 | 5429 | 46734 | NEO IMPERIUM | 34.1 |
477 | 55.04 | Argron | 509 | 515 | 5451 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 17.5 |
5532 | Kalenderis.54001 | tonybelga | 521 | 486 | 5730 | 42988 | Purple Rain | 25.2 |
5936 | 54 - 001 | Neptuno 15 | 520 | 480 | 6470 | 150310 | NEO IMPERIUM | 28.3 |
6431 | 45-01-esca01 | yloyaces | 477 | 518 | 6599 | 48602 | NEO IMPERIUM | 29.2 |
934 | SULTAN 000 | Enrisro | 483 | 479 | 6751 | 56105 | Tesalia | 27.0 |
164 | 55.05 | Argron | 510 | 509 | 7524 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 13.5 |
58 | 11. Islas Emperatriz | LordBati | 510 | 509 | 8367 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 13.5 |
1479 | 19. Shirohige | LordBati | 475 | 524 | 9117 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 34.7 |
491 | 12. Abeir | LordBati | 509 | 515 | 9254 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 17.5 |
5290 | 05. Philidor | LordBati | 491 | 507 | 9689 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 11.4 |
158 | 08. Tlalocan | LordBati | 487 | 497 | 10668 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 13.3 |
7657 | 001 saiya | El saiyajin | 505 | 513 | 10680 | 37143 | Un PiKiTo? | 13.9 |
508 | 002 bandida | El saiyajin | 517 | 506 | 10698 | 37143 | Un PiKiTo? | 18.0 |
226 | 55.02 | Argron | 505 | 513 | 10735 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 13.9 |
157 | 44.01 | Argron | 487 | 497 | 10779 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 13.3 |
1110 | 55.01 | Argron | 500 | 520 | 10854 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 20.0 |
1131 | 02. Akalas | LordBati | 497 | 509 | 10934 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 9.5 |
579 | 55.03 | Argron | 509 | 520 | 11047 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 21.9 |
296 | 54.01 | Argron | 502 | 481 | 11147 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 19.1 |
142 | 06 Central Park | -Bugs Bunny- | 491 | 507 | 11149 | 183467 | Un PiKiTo? | 11.4 |
90 | 16. Suguru geto | LordBati | 492 | 494 | 11326 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 10.0 |
170 | 10. Hyades | LordBati | 517 | 506 | 11389 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 18.0 |
1078 | 45.02 | Argron | 497 | 509 | 11404 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 9.5 |
7452 | 08 Torre de agua | -Bugs Bunny- | 474 | 517 | 11410 | 183467 | Un PiKiTo? | 31.1 |
1726 | 03. Zoryse | LordBati | 477 | 518 | 11451 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 29.2 |
24 | 01. Zechiel | LordBati | 491 | 500 | 11487 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 9.0 |
541 | 06. Clisson | LordBati | 494 | 511 | 11716 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 12.5 |
500 | 45.01 | Argron | 494 | 511 | 11718 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 12.5 |
362 | Honor ALIJO73 | MIRANDO A CUENCA | 518 | 487 | 11799 | 167115 | Un PiKiTo? | 22.2 |
754 | 05 Lago del P. Lucas | -Bugs Bunny- | 495 | 525 | 11844 | 183467 | Un PiKiTo? | 25.5 |
434 | 45.03 | Argron | 491 | 507 | 11975 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 11.4 |
45 | 09. Hibernia | LordBati | 491 | 500 | 11998 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 9.0 |
1260 | 07. Thrane | LordBati | 505 | 513 | 12059 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 13.9 |
6965 | TESLA Infante | MIRANDO A CUENCA | 474 | 517 | 12064 | 167115 | Un PiKiTo? | 31.1 |
8 | 04. Gelda | LordBati | 492 | 494 | 12177 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 10.0 |
608 | 45.04 | Argron | 479 | 507 | 12250 | 149585 | Un PiKiTo? | 22.1 |
298 | 15. Pan de Navidad | LordBati | 502 | 481 | 12473 | 199799 | Bandidas Club | 19.1 |
6181 | 07 Cabaña de Elmer | -Bugs Bunny- | 477 | 518 | 12565 | 183467 | Un PiKiTo? | 29.2 |
5724 | 06. | bandida | 473 | 513 | 13955 | 36441 | Un PiKiTo? | 30.0 |
72 | 003 reki | El saiyajin | 510 | 509 | 14070 | 37143 | Un PiKiTo? | 13.5 |
Players list: Fluck; Argron; tonybelga; Neptuno 15; yloyaces; Enrisro; LordBati; El saiyajin; -Bugs Bunny-; MIRANDO A CUENCA; bandida
[town]1116[/town] 5429pts [player]Fluck[/player] 522/474 34.1
[town]477[/town] 5451pts [player]Argron[/player] 509/515 17.5
[town]5532[/town] 5730pts [player]tonybelga[/player] 521/486 25.2
[town]5936[/town] 6470pts [player]Neptuno 15[/player] 520/480 28.3
[town]6431[/town] 6599pts [player]yloyaces[/player] 477/518 29.2
[town]934[/town] 6751pts [player]Enrisro[/player] 483/479 27.0
[town]164[/town] 7524pts [player]Argron[/player] 510/509 13.5
[town]58[/town] 8367pts [player]LordBati[/player] 510/509 13.5
[town]1479[/town] 9117pts [player]LordBati[/player] 475/524 34.7
[town]491[/town] 9254pts [player]LordBati[/player] 509/515 17.5
[town]5290[/town] 9689pts [player]LordBati[/player] 491/507 11.4
[town]158[/town] 10668pts [player]LordBati[/player] 487/497 13.3
[town]7657[/town] 10680pts [player]El saiyajin[/player] 505/513 13.9
[town]508[/town] 10698pts [player]El saiyajin[/player] 517/506 18.0
[town]226[/town] 10735pts [player]Argron[/player] 505/513 13.9
[town]157[/town] 10779pts [player]Argron[/player] 487/497 13.3
[town]1110[/town] 10854pts [player]Argron[/player] 500/520 20.0
[town]1131[/town] 10934pts [player]LordBati[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]579[/town] 11047pts [player]Argron[/player] 509/520 21.9
[town]296[/town] 11147pts [player]Argron[/player] 502/481 19.1
[town]142[/town] 11149pts [player]-Bugs Bunny-[/player] 491/507 11.4
[town]90[/town] 11326pts [player]LordBati[/player] 492/494 10.0
[town]170[/town] 11389pts [player]LordBati[/player] 517/506 18.0
[town]1078[/town] 11404pts [player]Argron[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]7452[/town] 11410pts [player]-Bugs Bunny-[/player] 474/517 31.1
[town]1726[/town] 11451pts [player]LordBati[/player] 477/518 29.2
[town]24[/town] 11487pts [player]LordBati[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]541[/town] 11716pts [player]LordBati[/player] 494/511 12.5
[town]500[/town] 11718pts [player]Argron[/player] 494/511 12.5
[town]362[/town] 11799pts [player]MIRANDO A CUENCA[/player] 518/487 22.2
[town]754[/town] 11844pts [player]-Bugs Bunny-[/player] 495/525 25.5
[town]434[/town] 11975pts [player]Argron[/player] 491/507 11.4
[town]45[/town] 11998pts [player]LordBati[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]1260[/town] 12059pts [player]LordBati[/player] 505/513 13.9
[town]6965[/town] 12064pts [player]MIRANDO A CUENCA[/player] 474/517 31.1
[town]8[/town] 12177pts [player]LordBati[/player] 492/494 10.0
[town]608[/town] 12250pts [player]Argron[/player] 479/507 22.1
[town]298[/town] 12473pts [player]LordBati[/player] 502/481 19.1
[town]6181[/town] 12565pts [player]-Bugs Bunny-[/player] 477/518 29.2
[town]5724[/town] 13955pts [player]bandida[/player] 473/513 30.0
[town]72[/town] 14070pts [player]El saiyajin[/player] 510/509 13.5
[town]1116[/town] 5429pts [player]Fluck[/player] 522/474 34.1
[town]477[/town] 5451pts [player]Argron[/player] 509/515 17.5
[town]5532[/town] 5730pts [player]tonybelga[/player] 521/486 25.2
[town]5936[/town] 6470pts [player]Neptuno 15[/player] 520/480 28.3
[town]6431[/town] 6599pts [player]yloyaces[/player] 477/518 29.2
[town]934[/town] 6751pts [player]Enrisro[/player] 483/479 27.0
[town]164[/town] 7524pts [player]Argron[/player] 510/509 13.5
[town]58[/town] 8367pts [player]LordBati[/player] 510/509 13.5
[town]1479[/town] 9117pts [player]LordBati[/player] 475/524 34.7
[town]491[/town] 9254pts [player]LordBati[/player] 509/515 17.5
[town]5290[/town] 9689pts [player]LordBati[/player] 491/507 11.4
[town]158[/town] 10668pts [player]LordBati[/player] 487/497 13.3
[town]7657[/town] 10680pts [player]El saiyajin[/player] 505/513 13.9
[town]508[/town] 10698pts [player]El saiyajin[/player] 517/506 18.0
[town]226[/town] 10735pts [player]Argron[/player] 505/513 13.9
[town]157[/town] 10779pts [player]Argron[/player] 487/497 13.3
[town]1110[/town] 10854pts [player]Argron[/player] 500/520 20.0
[town]1131[/town] 10934pts [player]LordBati[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]579[/town] 11047pts [player]Argron[/player] 509/520 21.9
[town]296[/town] 11147pts [player]Argron[/player] 502/481 19.1
[town]142[/town] 11149pts [player]-Bugs Bunny-[/player] 491/507 11.4
[town]90[/town] 11326pts [player]LordBati[/player] 492/494 10.0
[town]170[/town] 11389pts [player]LordBati[/player] 517/506 18.0
[town]1078[/town] 11404pts [player]Argron[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]7452[/town] 11410pts [player]-Bugs Bunny-[/player] 474/517 31.1
[town]1726[/town] 11451pts [player]LordBati[/player] 477/518 29.2
[town]24[/town] 11487pts [player]LordBati[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]541[/town] 11716pts [player]LordBati[/player] 494/511 12.5
[town]500[/town] 11718pts [player]Argron[/player] 494/511 12.5
[town]362[/town] 11799pts [player]MIRANDO A CUENCA[/player] 518/487 22.2
[town]754[/town] 11844pts [player]-Bugs Bunny-[/player] 495/525 25.5
[town]434[/town] 11975pts [player]Argron[/player] 491/507 11.4
[town]45[/town] 11998pts [player]LordBati[/player] 491/500 9.0
[town]1260[/town] 12059pts [player]LordBati[/player] 505/513 13.9
[town]6965[/town] 12064pts [player]MIRANDO A CUENCA[/player] 474/517 31.1
[town]8[/town] 12177pts [player]LordBati[/player] 492/494 10.0
[town]608[/town] 12250pts [player]Argron[/player] 479/507 22.1
[town]298[/town] 12473pts [player]LordBati[/player] 502/481 19.1
[town]6181[/town] 12565pts [player]-Bugs Bunny-[/player] 477/518 29.2
[town]5724[/town] 13955pts [player]bandida[/player] 473/513 30.0
[town]72[/town] 14070pts [player]El saiyajin[/player] 510/509 13.5
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.