Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
633 | Aniibal | cálico electrónico. | 485 | 484 | 5015 | 124489 | POP CORN | 21.9 |
9495 | 09CT | KamposCT | 472 | 529 | 5093 | 147305 | URSUS | 40.3 |
10005 | Valle del Elqui | litoxeno | 481 | 480 | 5251 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 27.6 |
5416 | 005 | seryi99 | 525 | 516 | 5536 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 29.7 |
2334 | Vaillo | litoxeno | 481 | 480 | 5543 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 27.6 |
9073 | SC02-Liz Lucertolone | Tigredebengala.27 | 526 | 471 | 5705 | 152555 | KING OF KING | 38.9 |
9917 | Villarrica | litoxeno | 509 | 486 | 5782 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 16.6 |
9075 | SC01-Mon the Monkey | Tigredebengala.27 | 513 | 471 | 6188 | 152555 | KING OF KING | 31.8 |
653 | Prision21 | cálico electrónico. | 485 | 484 | 6238 | 124489 | POP CORN | 21.9 |
536 | NATAGOOD | cálico electrónico. | 483 | 496 | 6325 | 124489 | POP CORN | 17.5 |
3876 | 004 | seryi99 | 516 | 501 | 6508 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 16.0 |
834 | 007 | seryi99 | 526 | 518 | 7206 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 31.6 |
2277 | 006 | seryi99 | 497 | 523 | 7376 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 23.2 |
315 | 008 | seryi99 | 521 | 508 | 7419 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 22.5 |
405 | 11. Guiri | Jorge prooooo | 516 | 518 | 8546 | 199773 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 24.1 |
935 | 1. Jorgito | Jorge prooooo | 526 | 518 | 8820 | 199773 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 31.6 |
9202 | briga 5 | Holly | 526 | 471 | 8882 | 147385 | Inmortales Elite Persa | 38.9 |
931 | 6. Grolsch | Jorge prooooo | 526 | 518 | 9027 | 199773 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 31.6 |
946 | cálico eléctronico | cálico electrónico. | 485 | 484 | 9160 | 124489 | POP CORN | 21.9 |
923 | 3. Satanael | Jorge prooooo | 526 | 518 | 9216 | 199773 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 31.6 |
238 | 8. Potasio | Jorge prooooo | 511 | 507 | 9636 | 199773 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 13.0 |
1166 | 002 | seryi99 | 510 | 522 | 9638 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 24.2 |
563 | 012 | seryi99 | 510 | 522 | 9716 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 24.2 |
1631 | 003 | seryi99 | 526 | 518 | 9788 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 31.6 |
8604 | Puerto Octay | litoxeno | 473 | 472 | 10034 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 38.9 |
521 | NATAMONTANA | cálico electrónico. | 483 | 496 | 10195 | 124489 | POP CORN | 17.5 |
1932 | Toledo | Gallardo | 520 | 526 | 10291 | 192230 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 32.8 |
1017 | Benamaurel | Gallardo | 520 | 526 | 10304 | 192230 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 32.8 |
9157 | Bahía inglesa | litoxeno | 506 | 479 | 10565 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 21.8 |
8646 | Puente alto | litoxeno | 482 | 471 | 10699 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 34.1 |
381 | 001 | seryi99 | 516 | 518 | 11012 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 24.1 |
552 | futuro 4 mar 45 | mihaileonard | 484 | 511 | 11083 | 100119 | KING OF KINGS | 19.4 |
1353 | MX1-4 | Holly | 511 | 507 | 11090 | 147385 | Inmortales Elite Persa | 13.0 |
8621 | La Florida | litoxeno | 482 | 471 | 11468 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 34.1 |
7604 | Horcón | litoxeno | 485 | 473 | 11676 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 30.9 |
713 | futuro 5 mar 45 | mihaileonard | 491 | 523 | 11792 | 100119 | KING OF KINGS | 24.7 |
854 | futuro 10 mar 45 | mihaileonard | 495 | 520 | 11974 | 100119 | KING OF KINGS | 20.6 |
499 | arturito045 mar 45 | mihaileonard | 491 | 523 | 12008 | 100119 | KING OF KINGS | 24.7 |
464 | futuro 7 mar 45 | mihaileonard | 491 | 523 | 12019 | 100119 | KING OF KINGS | 24.7 |
5202 | 0Z. | litoxeno | 473 | 472 | 12630 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 38.9 |
1262 | Ciudad de AKINO | cálico electrónico. | 471 | 492 | 12794 | 124489 | POP CORN | 30.1 |
58 | Furia-01 | moron2 | 511 | 497 | 12876 | 99230 | Inmortales Elite Persa | 11.4 |
236 | ro 5 | Holly | 511 | 507 | 12888 | 147385 | Inmortales Elite Persa | 13.0 |
1240 | 12 Zamora Washi 45 | Diabla73 | 484 | 511 | 13613 | 158152 | CORN POP | 19.4 |
948 | se me estanhinchando | tupuuu | 475 | 522 | 14058 | 123795 | URSUS | 33.3 |
5515 | 45SD.- Alondra | Diabla73 | 471 | 506 | 14181 | 158152 | CORN POP | 29.6 |
56 | Furia-05 | moron2 | 511 | 497 | 14271 | 99230 | Inmortales Elite Persa | 11.4 |
6596 | Catienso IV | Catienso | 472 | 529 | 14336 | 63161 | URSUS | 40.3 |
309 | 011 | seryi99 | 501 | 519 | 14658 | 120702 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 19.0 |
650 | Blas de Lezo | *Blas de Lezo* | 485 | 484 | 15072 | 196417 | CORN POP | 21.9 |
1661 | Litoxeno City | litoxeno | 482 | 471 | 15294 | 192453 | KING OF KINGS | 34.1 |
875 | Base | *Blas de Lezo* | 477 | 492 | 15333 | 196417 | CORN POP | 24.4 |
295 | 13. Gdma | Jorge prooooo | 521 | 508 | 15612 | 199773 | Taberna de Anarquistas | 22.5 |
323 | Fortín Sant Fernando | *Blas de Lezo* | 490 | 486 | 15811 | 196417 | CORN POP | 17.2 |
Players list: cálico electrónico.; KamposCT; litoxeno; seryi99; Tigredebengala.27; Jorge prooooo; Holly; Gallardo; mihaileonard; moron2; Diabla73; tupuuu; Catienso; *Blas de Lezo*
[town]633[/town] 5015pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]9495[/town] 5093pts [player]KamposCT[/player] 472/529 40.3
[town]10005[/town] 5251pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 481/480 27.6
[town]5416[/town] 5536pts [player]seryi99[/player] 525/516 29.7
[town]2334[/town] 5543pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 481/480 27.6
[town]9073[/town] 5705pts [player]Tigredebengala.27[/player] 526/471 38.9
[town]9917[/town] 5782pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 509/486 16.6
[town]9075[/town] 6188pts [player]Tigredebengala.27[/player] 513/471 31.8
[town]653[/town] 6238pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]536[/town] 6325pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 483/496 17.5
[town]3876[/town] 6508pts [player]seryi99[/player] 516/501 16.0
[town]834[/town] 7206pts [player]seryi99[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]2277[/town] 7376pts [player]seryi99[/player] 497/523 23.2
[town]315[/town] 7419pts [player]seryi99[/player] 521/508 22.5
[town]405[/town] 8546pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 516/518 24.1
[town]935[/town] 8820pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]9202[/town] 8882pts [player]Holly[/player] 526/471 38.9
[town]931[/town] 9027pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]946[/town] 9160pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]923[/town] 9216pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]238[/town] 9636pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 511/507 13.0
[town]1166[/town] 9638pts [player]seryi99[/player] 510/522 24.2
[town]563[/town] 9716pts [player]seryi99[/player] 510/522 24.2
[town]1631[/town] 9788pts [player]seryi99[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]8604[/town] 10034pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]521[/town] 10195pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 483/496 17.5
[town]1932[/town] 10291pts [player]Gallardo[/player] 520/526 32.8
[town]1017[/town] 10304pts [player]Gallardo[/player] 520/526 32.8
[town]9157[/town] 10565pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 506/479 21.8
[town]8646[/town] 10699pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 482/471 34.1
[town]381[/town] 11012pts [player]seryi99[/player] 516/518 24.1
[town]552[/town] 11083pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]1353[/town] 11090pts [player]Holly[/player] 511/507 13.0
[town]8621[/town] 11468pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 482/471 34.1
[town]7604[/town] 11676pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]713[/town] 11792pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 491/523 24.7
[town]854[/town] 11974pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 495/520 20.6
[town]499[/town] 12008pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 491/523 24.7
[town]464[/town] 12019pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 491/523 24.7
[town]5202[/town] 12630pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]1262[/town] 12794pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 471/492 30.1
[town]58[/town] 12876pts [player]moron2[/player] 511/497 11.4
[town]236[/town] 12888pts [player]Holly[/player] 511/507 13.0
[town]1240[/town] 13613pts [player]Diabla73[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]948[/town] 14058pts [player]tupuuu[/player] 475/522 33.3
[town]5515[/town] 14181pts [player]Diabla73[/player] 471/506 29.6
[town]56[/town] 14271pts [player]moron2[/player] 511/497 11.4
[town]6596[/town] 14336pts [player]Catienso[/player] 472/529 40.3
[town]309[/town] 14658pts [player]seryi99[/player] 501/519 19.0
[town]650[/town] 15072pts [player]*Blas de Lezo*[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]1661[/town] 15294pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 482/471 34.1
[town]875[/town] 15333pts [player]*Blas de Lezo*[/player] 477/492 24.4
[town]295[/town] 15612pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 521/508 22.5
[town]323[/town] 15811pts [player]*Blas de Lezo*[/player] 490/486 17.2
[town]633[/town] 5015pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]9495[/town] 5093pts [player]KamposCT[/player] 472/529 40.3
[town]10005[/town] 5251pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 481/480 27.6
[town]5416[/town] 5536pts [player]seryi99[/player] 525/516 29.7
[town]2334[/town] 5543pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 481/480 27.6
[town]9073[/town] 5705pts [player]Tigredebengala.27[/player] 526/471 38.9
[town]9917[/town] 5782pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 509/486 16.6
[town]9075[/town] 6188pts [player]Tigredebengala.27[/player] 513/471 31.8
[town]653[/town] 6238pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]536[/town] 6325pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 483/496 17.5
[town]3876[/town] 6508pts [player]seryi99[/player] 516/501 16.0
[town]834[/town] 7206pts [player]seryi99[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]2277[/town] 7376pts [player]seryi99[/player] 497/523 23.2
[town]315[/town] 7419pts [player]seryi99[/player] 521/508 22.5
[town]405[/town] 8546pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 516/518 24.1
[town]935[/town] 8820pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]9202[/town] 8882pts [player]Holly[/player] 526/471 38.9
[town]931[/town] 9027pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]946[/town] 9160pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]923[/town] 9216pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]238[/town] 9636pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 511/507 13.0
[town]1166[/town] 9638pts [player]seryi99[/player] 510/522 24.2
[town]563[/town] 9716pts [player]seryi99[/player] 510/522 24.2
[town]1631[/town] 9788pts [player]seryi99[/player] 526/518 31.6
[town]8604[/town] 10034pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]521[/town] 10195pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 483/496 17.5
[town]1932[/town] 10291pts [player]Gallardo[/player] 520/526 32.8
[town]1017[/town] 10304pts [player]Gallardo[/player] 520/526 32.8
[town]9157[/town] 10565pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 506/479 21.8
[town]8646[/town] 10699pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 482/471 34.1
[town]381[/town] 11012pts [player]seryi99[/player] 516/518 24.1
[town]552[/town] 11083pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]1353[/town] 11090pts [player]Holly[/player] 511/507 13.0
[town]8621[/town] 11468pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 482/471 34.1
[town]7604[/town] 11676pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 485/473 30.9
[town]713[/town] 11792pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 491/523 24.7
[town]854[/town] 11974pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 495/520 20.6
[town]499[/town] 12008pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 491/523 24.7
[town]464[/town] 12019pts [player]mihaileonard[/player] 491/523 24.7
[town]5202[/town] 12630pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]1262[/town] 12794pts [player]cálico electrónico.[/player] 471/492 30.1
[town]58[/town] 12876pts [player]moron2[/player] 511/497 11.4
[town]236[/town] 12888pts [player]Holly[/player] 511/507 13.0
[town]1240[/town] 13613pts [player]Diabla73[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]948[/town] 14058pts [player]tupuuu[/player] 475/522 33.3
[town]5515[/town] 14181pts [player]Diabla73[/player] 471/506 29.6
[town]56[/town] 14271pts [player]moron2[/player] 511/497 11.4
[town]6596[/town] 14336pts [player]Catienso[/player] 472/529 40.3
[town]309[/town] 14658pts [player]seryi99[/player] 501/519 19.0
[town]650[/town] 15072pts [player]*Blas de Lezo*[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]1661[/town] 15294pts [player]litoxeno[/player] 482/471 34.1
[town]875[/town] 15333pts [player]*Blas de Lezo*[/player] 477/492 24.4
[town]295[/town] 15612pts [player]Jorge prooooo[/player] 521/508 22.5
[town]323[/town] 15811pts [player]*Blas de Lezo*[/player] 490/486 17.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.