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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
710Pylos attacked playertheolambert5095285922191967ArkencieL29.4
39928Ville de trial 11 attacked playertrial5265025993143843la reléve26.1
40346Ville de toulouse attacked playersavarino48748559959041---19.8
39601Ville de trial 4 attacked playertrial5265026156143843la reléve26.1
744010. attacked playertheolambert5095286397191967ArkencieL29.4
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535009. attacked playertheolambert4995266638191967ArkencieL26.0
530006. attacked playertheolambert4995267684191967ArkencieL26.0
34517003 attacked playerk1ka498482849979420ArkencieL18.1
37868Ville de amis10 2 attacked playerpartouche4995268559124300ArkencieL26.0
38945Ville de B attacked playertrial5265028932143843la reléve26.1
34314002 attacked playerk1ka487503903179420ArkencieL13.3
25070Ville de trial 2 attacked playertrial5204999974143843la reléve20.0
27503Ville de trial 3 attacked playertrial5204999974143843la reléve20.0
28223Ville de trial 5 attacked playertrial52049910244143843la reléve20.0
39169Ville de fredericuslablanchycus 4 only one grepolis town attacked playerfredericuslablanchycus5285201296412964goldmann34.4
40666ORIKOCHELKTY 21.03 attacked playerMICHELKTY48047413107189516Moi meme32.8
40613ORIKOCHELKTY 21.01 attacked playerMICHELKTY48047413596189516Moi meme32.8
40628ORIKOCHELKTY 21.02 attacked playerMICHELKTY48047414490189516Moi meme32.8
40611ORIKOCHELKTY 20.01 attacked playerMICHELKTY48447615479189516Moi meme28.8
40355ORIKOCHELKTY 16 01 attacked playerMICHELKTY47449215730189516Moi meme27.2
40627ORIKOCHELKTY 20.02 attacked playerMICHELKTY48447615746189516Moi meme28.8
397O A3 mongeneral attacked playermongeneral49250515829151366la neutralite suisse9.4
355020 55 2 attacked playermongeneral52051815888151366la neutralite suisse26.9
3589255 CANCHE attacked playerbois-colombes50952817786131920duo d'enfer29.4
4009845 BECQUE attacked playerbois-colombes49152617786131920duo d'enfer27.5

Liste des joueurs: theolambert; trial; savarino; k1ka; partouche; fredericuslablanchycus; MICHELKTY; mongeneral; bois-colombes
[town]710[/town] 5922pts [player]theolambert[/player] 509/528 29.4
[town]39928[/town] 5993pts [player]trial[/player] 526/502 26.1
[town]40346[/town] 5995pts [player]savarino[/player] 487/485 19.8
[town]39601[/town] 6156pts [player]trial[/player] 526/502 26.1
[town]744[/town] 6397pts [player]theolambert[/player] 509/528 29.4
[town]535[/town] 6638pts [player]theolambert[/player] 499/526 26.0
[town]530[/town] 7684pts [player]theolambert[/player] 499/526 26.0
[town]34517[/town] 8499pts [player]k1ka[/player] 498/482 18.1
[town]37868[/town] 8559pts [player]partouche[/player] 499/526 26.0
[town]38945[/town] 8932pts [player]trial[/player] 526/502 26.1
[town]34314[/town] 9031pts [player]k1ka[/player] 487/503 13.3
[town]25070[/town] 9974pts [player]trial[/player] 520/499 20.0
[town]27503[/town] 9974pts [player]trial[/player] 520/499 20.0
[town]28223[/town] 10244pts [player]trial[/player] 520/499 20.0
[town]39169[/town] 12964pts [player]fredericuslablanchycus[/player] 528/520 34.4
[town]40666[/town] 13107pts [player]MICHELKTY[/player] 480/474 32.8
[town]40613[/town] 13596pts [player]MICHELKTY[/player] 480/474 32.8
[town]40628[/town] 14490pts [player]MICHELKTY[/player] 480/474 32.8
[town]40611[/town] 15479pts [player]MICHELKTY[/player] 484/476 28.8
[town]40355[/town] 15730pts [player]MICHELKTY[/player] 474/492 27.2
[town]40627[/town] 15746pts [player]MICHELKTY[/player] 484/476 28.8
[town]397[/town] 15829pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 492/505 9.4
[town]35502[/town] 15888pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 520/518 26.9
[town]35892[/town] 17786pts [player]bois-colombes[/player] 509/528 29.4
[town]40098[/town] 17786pts [player]bois-colombes[/player] 491/526 27.5

. = Ce joueur a une seule ville donc son académie risque de ne pas être très développée.

. = Ce joueur a perdu des points durant la semaine dernière et pourrait être inactif.

. = Ce joueur est inactif ou en mode vacances.

N.B.: Le "rayon" de recherche est "carré", donc si X=400 et Y=500, pour un rayon de 10, la recherche se fera dans une zone carrée avec X entre 390 et 410 et Y entre 490 et 510. Ainsi un rayon de 50, permet de couvrir une mer.