Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
19406 | 44-044 | partouche | 482 | 476 | 5156 | 43311 | LES VOYAGEURS | 30.0 |
878 | pokémon | vegeta95150 | 492 | 472 | 5225 | 165207 | alone | 29.1 |
20000 | 54-000 | partouche | 516 | 482 | 5279 | 43311 | LES VOYAGEURS | 24.1 |
8543 | 44-003 | partouche | 492 | 474 | 5313 | 43311 | LES VOYAGEURS | 27.2 |
7523 | 44-004 | partouche | 492 | 474 | 5359 | 43311 | LES VOYAGEURS | 27.2 |
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17521 | 44-001 | partouche | 488 | 475 | 5471 | 43311 | LES VOYAGEURS | 27.7 |
20414 | one piece | vegeta95150 | 492 | 472 | 5558 | 165207 | alone | 29.1 |
22722 | ARGOS | PLmR25 | 511 | 525 | 5611 | 47942 | univers | 27.3 |
536 | 06- ECLATE AU SOL | Paul tyguen | 484 | 502 | 5718 | 154266 | LVDLHDMQRCUP | 16.1 |
1515 | 01- COUCOU | Paul tyguen | 476 | 473 | 6078 | 154266 | LVDLHDMQRCUP | 36.1 |
1664 | Em7 - A1 | Volgamarie | 519 | 524 | 7023 | 157661 | Born To Kill | 30.6 |
1617 | 55-06 Getes | Volgamarie | 519 | 524 | 7263 | 157661 | Born To Kill | 30.6 |
1659 | Q - B1 | Volgamarie | 519 | 524 | 7404 | 157661 | Born To Kill | 30.6 |
16567 | BANDOLEROS | PLmR25 | 513 | 528 | 7590 | 47942 | univers | 30.9 |
613 | 04- CA-FAIT-QUOI | Paul tyguen | 484 | 517 | 7693 | 154266 | LVDLHDMQRCUP | 23.3 |
898 | 28- PLUS GRANDE | Paul tyguen | 492 | 472 | 7941 | 154266 | LVDLHDMQRCUP | 29.1 |
4161 | HY BANZAI | Turk And Caicos | 521 | 528 | 8152 | 51496 | la neutralite suisse | 35.0 |
831 | 44-000 | partouche | 492 | 472 | 8293 | 43311 | LES VOYAGEURS | 29.1 |
424 | Popeye | Jacktarreur | 487 | 508 | 8527 | 8527 | --- | 15.3 |
897 | dumbo | vegeta95150 | 492 | 472 | 8973 | 165207 | alone | 29.1 |
1511 | kirikou | vegeta95150 | 476 | 473 | 9669 | 165207 | alone | 36.1 |
886 | babar | vegeta95150 | 492 | 472 | 9791 | 165207 | alone | 29.1 |
3848 | 44-09 Coup De Bol | Paul tyguen | 492 | 472 | 10101 | 154266 | LVDLHDMQRCUP | 29.1 |
877 | naruto | vegeta95150 | 492 | 472 | 10219 | 165207 | alone | 29.1 |
1558 | fantômette | vegeta95150 | 476 | 473 | 10257 | 165207 | alone | 36.1 |
868 | heidi | vegeta95150 | 492 | 472 | 10347 | 165207 | alone | 29.1 |
20577 | 03* Clem | coelacanthe | 511 | 525 | 10543 | 56892 | --- | 27.3 |
1647 | jayce | vegeta95150 | 476 | 473 | 10628 | 165207 | alone | 36.1 |
1591 | **55** 13 ORMENDO | Volgamarie | 519 | 524 | 11252 | 157661 | Born To Kill | 30.6 |
895 | 19- SERV | Paul tyguen | 492 | 472 | 11278 | 154266 | LVDLHDMQRCUP | 29.1 |
20578 | 03* Abbé | coelacanthe | 511 | 525 | 11567 | 56892 | --- | 27.3 |
1634 | isidore | vegeta95150 | 476 | 473 | 11613 | 165207 | alone | 36.1 |
1621 | Appogiature - A1 | Volgamarie | 519 | 524 | 11809 | 157661 | Born To Kill | 30.6 |
9627 | HY B2 mongeneral | mongeneral | 525 | 526 | 14346 | 136198 | la neutralite suisse | 36.1 |
7615 | HY B1 mongeneral | mongeneral | 525 | 526 | 14351 | 136198 | la neutralite suisse | 36.1 |
1849 | HY A1 mongeneral | mongeneral | 521 | 528 | 14427 | 136198 | la neutralite suisse | 35.0 |
887 | 44-Dymé | margharid | 492 | 472 | 14597 | 126298 | Twix Droit | 29.1 |
20827 | 44-Alpha | margharid | 476 | 473 | 15103 | 126298 | Twix Droit | 36.1 |
1852 | 55-34 MAYANS | ishaan51 | 521 | 528 | 15173 | 124566 | Les snipers | 35.0 |
20924 | 44-Pi | margharid | 476 | 473 | 15320 | 126298 | Twix Droit | 36.1 |
Liste des joueurs: partouche; vegeta95150; PLmR25; Paul tyguen; Volgamarie; Turk And Caicos; Jacktarreur; coelacanthe; mongeneral; margharid; ishaan51
[town]19406[/town] 5156pts [player]partouche[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]878[/town] 5225pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]20000[/town] 5279pts [player]partouche[/player] 516/482 24.1
[town]8543[/town] 5313pts [player]partouche[/player] 492/474 27.2
[town]7523[/town] 5359pts [player]partouche[/player] 492/474 27.2
[town]17521[/town] 5471pts [player]partouche[/player] 488/475 27.7
[town]20414[/town] 5558pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]22722[/town] 5611pts [player]PLmR25[/player] 511/525 27.3
[town]536[/town] 5718pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 484/502 16.1
[town]1515[/town] 6078pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]1664[/town] 7023pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]1617[/town] 7263pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]1659[/town] 7404pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]16567[/town] 7590pts [player]PLmR25[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]613[/town] 7693pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]898[/town] 7941pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]4161[/town] 8152pts [player]Turk And Caicos[/player] 521/528 35.0
[town]831[/town] 8293pts [player]partouche[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]424[/town] 8527pts [player]Jacktarreur[/player] 487/508 15.3
[town]897[/town] 8973pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]1511[/town] 9669pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]886[/town] 9791pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]3848[/town] 10101pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]877[/town] 10219pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]1558[/town] 10257pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]868[/town] 10347pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]20577[/town] 10543pts [player]coelacanthe[/player] 511/525 27.3
[town]1647[/town] 10628pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]1591[/town] 11252pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]895[/town] 11278pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]20578[/town] 11567pts [player]coelacanthe[/player] 511/525 27.3
[town]1634[/town] 11613pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]1621[/town] 11809pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]9627[/town] 14346pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 525/526 36.1
[town]7615[/town] 14351pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 525/526 36.1
[town]1849[/town] 14427pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 521/528 35.0
[town]887[/town] 14597pts [player]margharid[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]20827[/town] 15103pts [player]margharid[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]1852[/town] 15173pts [player]ishaan51[/player] 521/528 35.0
[town]20924[/town] 15320pts [player]margharid[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]19406[/town] 5156pts [player]partouche[/player] 482/476 30.0
[town]878[/town] 5225pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]20000[/town] 5279pts [player]partouche[/player] 516/482 24.1
[town]8543[/town] 5313pts [player]partouche[/player] 492/474 27.2
[town]7523[/town] 5359pts [player]partouche[/player] 492/474 27.2
[town]17521[/town] 5471pts [player]partouche[/player] 488/475 27.7
[town]20414[/town] 5558pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]22722[/town] 5611pts [player]PLmR25[/player] 511/525 27.3
[town]536[/town] 5718pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 484/502 16.1
[town]1515[/town] 6078pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]1664[/town] 7023pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]1617[/town] 7263pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]1659[/town] 7404pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]16567[/town] 7590pts [player]PLmR25[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]613[/town] 7693pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 484/517 23.3
[town]898[/town] 7941pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]4161[/town] 8152pts [player]Turk And Caicos[/player] 521/528 35.0
[town]831[/town] 8293pts [player]partouche[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]424[/town] 8527pts [player]Jacktarreur[/player] 487/508 15.3
[town]897[/town] 8973pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]1511[/town] 9669pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]886[/town] 9791pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]3848[/town] 10101pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]877[/town] 10219pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]1558[/town] 10257pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]868[/town] 10347pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]20577[/town] 10543pts [player]coelacanthe[/player] 511/525 27.3
[town]1647[/town] 10628pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]1591[/town] 11252pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]895[/town] 11278pts [player]Paul tyguen[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]20578[/town] 11567pts [player]coelacanthe[/player] 511/525 27.3
[town]1634[/town] 11613pts [player]vegeta95150[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]1621[/town] 11809pts [player]Volgamarie[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]9627[/town] 14346pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 525/526 36.1
[town]7615[/town] 14351pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 525/526 36.1
[town]1849[/town] 14427pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 521/528 35.0
[town]887[/town] 14597pts [player]margharid[/player] 492/472 29.1
[town]20827[/town] 15103pts [player]margharid[/player] 476/473 36.1
[town]1852[/town] 15173pts [player]ishaan51[/player] 521/528 35.0
[town]20924[/town] 15320pts [player]margharid[/player] 476/473 36.1
= Ce joueur a une seule ville donc son académie risque de ne pas être très développée.
= Ce joueur a perdu des points durant la semaine dernière et pourrait être inactif.
= Ce joueur est inactif ou en mode vacances.
N.B.: Le "rayon" de recherche est "carré", donc si X=400 et Y=500, pour un rayon de 10, la recherche se fera dans une zone carrée avec X entre 390 et 410 et Y entre 490 et 510. Ainsi un rayon de 50, permet de couvrir une mer.