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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
12987Huan Hound's city 3Huan Hound493514516654379---15.7
13095Huan Hound's city 4Huan Hound493514534554379---15.7
12767Huan Hound's city 2Huan Hound493514559154379---15.7
12732Huan Hound's cityHuan Hound493514568854379---15.7
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3066Anywhere's cityAnywhere502505883940550Sunshine5.4
1100pk44's citypk44478475886549326Grim Reaper Lords33.3
8810Numb 014Numb5225209354190909Air Fortress Suppliers29.7
157811 IS-2 attacked playerDenDave694725259703178381Sunshine37.5
294745 01 MorganaHuan Hound493514975354379---15.7
807cotavean's 2cotavean4714851040982163THE ARMY OF ROME32.6
11344-01 NowhereAnywhere4954851042140550Sunshine15.8
806cotavean's 1cotavean4714851095382163THE ARMY OF ROME32.6
1320045 Mantisjaws202248052511336134080Sunshine32.0
187607. Bechafenhommeschampus52047411458181950Owllusion..32.8
1245007Ornaba47351212126104497HeAvY mEtAl29.5
1869003Ornaba50052412734104497HeAvY mEtAl24.0
749Red Rum sleeping playerJoostin5225101302946380Air Fortress Suppliers24.2
19mat640's city attacked playerbigmac.smack50749613185132190Air Fortress Suppliers8.1
290Sparti attacked playerbigmac.smack51350913188132190Air Fortress Suppliers15.8
197106 Puma attacked playerDenDave6950052413872178381Sunshine24.0
31Boombay attacked playerbigmac.smack50749616007132190Air Fortress Suppliers8.1

Liste des joueurs: Anywhere; Huan Hound; pk44; Numb; DenDave69; cotavean; jaws2022; hommeschampus; Ornaba; Joostin; bigmac.smack; Daryl67; hoggarth
[town]11423[/town] 5072pts [player]Anywhere[/player] 503/487 13.3
[town]12987[/town] 5166pts [player]Huan Hound[/player] 493/514 15.7
[town]13095[/town] 5345pts [player]Huan Hound[/player] 493/514 15.7
[town]12767[/town] 5591pts [player]Huan Hound[/player] 493/514 15.7
[town]12732[/town] 5688pts [player]Huan Hound[/player] 493/514 15.7
[town]3066[/town] 8839pts [player]Anywhere[/player] 502/505 5.4
[town]1100[/town] 8865pts [player]pk44[/player] 478/475 33.3
[town]8810[/town] 9354pts [player]Numb[/player] 522/520 29.7
[town]1578[/town] 9703pts [player]DenDave69[/player] 472/525 37.5
[town]2947[/town] 9753pts [player]Huan Hound[/player] 493/514 15.7
[town]807[/town] 10409pts [player]cotavean[/player] 471/485 32.6
[town]113[/town] 10421pts [player]Anywhere[/player] 495/485 15.8
[town]806[/town] 10953pts [player]cotavean[/player] 471/485 32.6
[town]1320[/town] 11336pts [player]jaws2022[/player] 480/525 32.0
[town]1876[/town] 11458pts [player]hommeschampus[/player] 520/474 32.8
[town]1245[/town] 12126pts [player]Ornaba[/player] 473/512 29.5
[town]1869[/town] 12734pts [player]Ornaba[/player] 500/524 24.0
[town]749[/town] 13029pts [player]Joostin[/player] 522/510 24.2
[town]19[/town] 13185pts [player]bigmac.smack[/player] 507/496 8.1
[town]290[/town] 13188pts [player]bigmac.smack[/player] 513/509 15.8
[town]1812[/town] 13815pts [player]Daryl67[/player] 520/474 32.8
[town]1971[/town] 13872pts [player]DenDave69[/player] 500/524 24.0
[town]680[/town] 14903pts [player]hoggarth[/player] 500/524 24.0
[town]31[/town] 16007pts [player]bigmac.smack[/player] 507/496 8.1

. = Ce joueur a une seule ville donc son académie risque de ne pas être très développée.

. = Ce joueur a perdu des points durant la semaine dernière et pourrait être inactif.

. = Ce joueur est inactif ou en mode vacances.

N.B.: Le "rayon" de recherche est "carré", donc si X=400 et Y=500, pour un rayon de 10, la recherche se fera dans une zone carrée avec X entre 390 et 410 et Y entre 490 et 510. Ainsi un rayon de 50, permet de couvrir une mer.