Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
17362 | Jul02 | 10MaX | 517 | 505 | 7750 | 147885 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 17.7 |
19455 | Ville de moutete 2 | moutete | 512 | 483 | 8008 | 33005 | A l'écoute du marché | 20.8 |
20981 | Ville de jjguilleux 6 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 8098 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
26574 | Ville de jjguilleux 16 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 8369 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
26281 | Ville de jjguilleux 14 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 8405 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
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26523 | Ville de jjguilleux 15 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 8436 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
25528 | Ville de jjguilleux 13 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 8438 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
26955 | Ville de jjguilleux 18 | jjguilleux | 509 | 474 | 8446 | 199317 | ............ | 27.5 |
4016 | 45.01 Caillou | Lc2096 | 493 | 515 | 8556 | 88108 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 16.6 |
14536 | Ville de jjguilleux 3 | jjguilleux | 506 | 477 | 8604 | 199317 | ............ | 23.8 |
26993 | Ville de jjguilleux 19 | jjguilleux | 509 | 474 | 8613 | 199317 | ............ | 27.5 |
26898 | Ville de jjguilleux 17 | jjguilleux | 509 | 474 | 8632 | 199317 | ............ | 27.5 |
26927 | Ville de jjguilleux 5 | jjguilleux | 509 | 474 | 8696 | 199317 | ............ | 27.5 |
19266 | THE END | jjguilleux | 506 | 477 | 8716 | 199317 | ............ | 23.8 |
18318 | Ville de moutete | moutete | 507 | 478 | 8747 | 33005 | A l'écoute du marché | 23.1 |
24944 | Ville de jjguilleux 9 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 8815 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
25090 | Ville de jjguilleux 11 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 8876 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
2281 | F55.001 | 1aaaaaaa | 504 | 518 | 8882 | 47667 | Les Gaulois | 18.4 |
6861 | Ville de jjguilleux | jjguilleux | 506 | 477 | 8921 | 199317 | ............ | 23.8 |
23459 | Ville de jjguilleux 7 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 8935 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
89 | 54.02 BamosAlaPlaya | Lc2096 | 501 | 488 | 8965 | 88108 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 12.0 |
9913 | Ville de jjguilleux 2 | jjguilleux | 506 | 477 | 8994 | 199317 | ............ | 23.8 |
18935 | Ville de jjguilleux 4 | jjguilleux | 506 | 477 | 9027 | 199317 | ............ | 23.8 |
25171 | Ville de jjguilleux 12 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 9043 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
25010 | Ville de jjguilleux 10 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 9102 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
4875 | 002 | jjguilleux | 506 | 477 | 9510 | 199317 | ............ | 23.8 |
24309 | Ville de jjguilleux 8 | jjguilleux | 507 | 478 | 9732 | 199317 | ............ | 23.1 |
922 | Dadidadouda | moutete | 500 | 478 | 9846 | 33005 | A l'écoute du marché | 22.0 |
3150 | 45 04 Riri | yrwen59 | 489 | 501 | 10176 | 150243 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 11.0 |
1902 | 55-01 | axel68200 | 522 | 529 | 10183 | 157789 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 36.4 |
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3880 | 55=03 | rintintin | 511 | 522 | 10373 | 159659 | Les Gaulois | 24.6 |
328 | gold | jjguilleux | 500 | 478 | 10504 | 199317 | ............ | 22.0 |
636 | 55=04 | rintintin | 504 | 518 | 10784 | 159659 | Les Gaulois | 18.4 |
10902 | 54 C1 MaDeKe | yrwen59 | 507 | 494 | 10813 | 150243 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 9.2 |
2812 | 45 05 MESSINE | yrwen59 | 480 | 505 | 11229 | 150243 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 20.6 |
5741 | honneur | goldenlover | 502 | 516 | 11310 | 24406 | --- | 16.1 |
2633 | 55 03 Golden Hour | yrwen59 | 500 | 509 | 11555 | 150243 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 9.0 |
1757 | xenophon | Philoloup | 493 | 515 | 12123 | 158542 | La Louve | 16.6 |
3580 | 54.K1 Laure.Dure | yrwen59 | 529 | 472 | 12451 | 150243 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 40.3 |
1393 | PROPHETIE 53- | fkiri | 515 | 526 | 13468 | 133922 | ***La Brigade Fantôme*** | 30.0 |
312 | 54.01 PougyPougy | Lc2096 | 500 | 485 | 13936 | 88108 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 15.0 |
876 | 1111 | fkiri | 504 | 525 | 14196 | 133922 | ***La Brigade Fantôme*** | 25.3 |
3944 | 45 01 MKS | yrwen59 | 489 | 501 | 14373 | 150243 | PÉDRO PÉDRO PÉDRO | 11.0 |
2029 | Aerus | Philoloup | 494 | 518 | 14441 | 158542 | La Louve | 19.0 |
3408 | 000 | fkiri | 499 | 522 | 14717 | 133922 | ***La Brigade Fantôme*** | 22.0 |
621 | F A1 mongeneral | mongeneral | 476 | 489 | 14754 | 93536 | la neutralite suisse | 26.4 |
33 | lokas | gorgetteLM | 502 | 500 | 15771 | 165795 | LE CARTEL DU DOG | 2.0 |
19057 | 55 - nord | bois-colombes | 523 | 512 | 17786 | 158679 | Les Goldeurs | 25.9 |
22043 | 54 - est | bois-colombes | 507 | 494 | 17786 | 158679 | Les Goldeurs | 9.2 |
26897 | 45 - montparnasse | bois-colombes | 490 | 514 | 17786 | 158679 | Les Goldeurs | 17.2 |
Liste des joueurs: 10MaX; moutete; jjguilleux; Lc2096; 1aaaaaaa; yrwen59; axel68200; rintintin; goldenlover; Philoloup; fkiri; mongeneral; gorgetteLM; bois-colombes
[town]17362[/town] 7750pts [player]10MaX[/player] 517/505 17.7
[town]19455[/town] 8008pts [player]moutete[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]20981[/town] 8098pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]26574[/town] 8369pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]26281[/town] 8405pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]26523[/town] 8436pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]25528[/town] 8438pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]26955[/town] 8446pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 509/474 27.5
[town]4016[/town] 8556pts [player]Lc2096[/player] 493/515 16.6
[town]14536[/town] 8604pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]26993[/town] 8613pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 509/474 27.5
[town]26898[/town] 8632pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 509/474 27.5
[town]26927[/town] 8696pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 509/474 27.5
[town]19266[/town] 8716pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]18318[/town] 8747pts [player]moutete[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]24944[/town] 8815pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]25090[/town] 8876pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]2281[/town] 8882pts [player]1aaaaaaa[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]6861[/town] 8921pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]23459[/town] 8935pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]89[/town] 8965pts [player]Lc2096[/player] 501/488 12.0
[town]9913[/town] 8994pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]18935[/town] 9027pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]25171[/town] 9043pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]25010[/town] 9102pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]4875[/town] 9510pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]24309[/town] 9732pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]922[/town] 9846pts [player]moutete[/player] 500/478 22.0
[town]3150[/town] 10176pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]1902[/town] 10183pts [player]axel68200[/player] 522/529 36.4
[town]3880[/town] 10373pts [player]rintintin[/player] 511/522 24.6
[town]328[/town] 10504pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 500/478 22.0
[town]636[/town] 10784pts [player]rintintin[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]10902[/town] 10813pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]2812[/town] 11229pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 480/505 20.6
[town]5741[/town] 11310pts [player]goldenlover[/player] 502/516 16.1
[town]2633[/town] 11555pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 500/509 9.0
[town]1757[/town] 12123pts [player]Philoloup[/player] 493/515 16.6
[town]3580[/town] 12451pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 529/472 40.3
[town]1393[/town] 13468pts [player]fkiri[/player] 515/526 30.0
[town]312[/town] 13936pts [player]Lc2096[/player] 500/485 15.0
[town]876[/town] 14196pts [player]fkiri[/player] 504/525 25.3
[town]3944[/town] 14373pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]2029[/town] 14441pts [player]Philoloup[/player] 494/518 19.0
[town]3408[/town] 14717pts [player]fkiri[/player] 499/522 22.0
[town]621[/town] 14754pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 476/489 26.4
[town]33[/town] 15771pts [player]gorgetteLM[/player] 502/500 2.0
[town]19057[/town] 17786pts [player]bois-colombes[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]22043[/town] 17786pts [player]bois-colombes[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]26897[/town] 17786pts [player]bois-colombes[/player] 490/514 17.2
[town]17362[/town] 7750pts [player]10MaX[/player] 517/505 17.7
[town]19455[/town] 8008pts [player]moutete[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]20981[/town] 8098pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]26574[/town] 8369pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]26281[/town] 8405pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]26523[/town] 8436pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]25528[/town] 8438pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]26955[/town] 8446pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 509/474 27.5
[town]4016[/town] 8556pts [player]Lc2096[/player] 493/515 16.6
[town]14536[/town] 8604pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]26993[/town] 8613pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 509/474 27.5
[town]26898[/town] 8632pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 509/474 27.5
[town]26927[/town] 8696pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 509/474 27.5
[town]19266[/town] 8716pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]18318[/town] 8747pts [player]moutete[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]24944[/town] 8815pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]25090[/town] 8876pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]2281[/town] 8882pts [player]1aaaaaaa[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]6861[/town] 8921pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]23459[/town] 8935pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]89[/town] 8965pts [player]Lc2096[/player] 501/488 12.0
[town]9913[/town] 8994pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]18935[/town] 9027pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]25171[/town] 9043pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]25010[/town] 9102pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]4875[/town] 9510pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 506/477 23.8
[town]24309[/town] 9732pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]922[/town] 9846pts [player]moutete[/player] 500/478 22.0
[town]3150[/town] 10176pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]1902[/town] 10183pts [player]axel68200[/player] 522/529 36.4
[town]3880[/town] 10373pts [player]rintintin[/player] 511/522 24.6
[town]328[/town] 10504pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 500/478 22.0
[town]636[/town] 10784pts [player]rintintin[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]10902[/town] 10813pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]2812[/town] 11229pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 480/505 20.6
[town]5741[/town] 11310pts [player]goldenlover[/player] 502/516 16.1
[town]2633[/town] 11555pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 500/509 9.0
[town]1757[/town] 12123pts [player]Philoloup[/player] 493/515 16.6
[town]3580[/town] 12451pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 529/472 40.3
[town]1393[/town] 13468pts [player]fkiri[/player] 515/526 30.0
[town]312[/town] 13936pts [player]Lc2096[/player] 500/485 15.0
[town]876[/town] 14196pts [player]fkiri[/player] 504/525 25.3
[town]3944[/town] 14373pts [player]yrwen59[/player] 489/501 11.0
[town]2029[/town] 14441pts [player]Philoloup[/player] 494/518 19.0
[town]3408[/town] 14717pts [player]fkiri[/player] 499/522 22.0
[town]621[/town] 14754pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 476/489 26.4
[town]33[/town] 15771pts [player]gorgetteLM[/player] 502/500 2.0
[town]19057[/town] 17786pts [player]bois-colombes[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]22043[/town] 17786pts [player]bois-colombes[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]26897[/town] 17786pts [player]bois-colombes[/player] 490/514 17.2
= Ce joueur a une seule ville donc son académie risque de ne pas être très développée.
= Ce joueur a perdu des points durant la semaine dernière et pourrait être inactif.
= Ce joueur est inactif ou en mode vacances.
N.B.: Le "rayon" de recherche est "carré", donc si X=400 et Y=500, pour un rayon de 10, la recherche se fera dans une zone carrée avec X entre 390 et 410 et Y entre 490 et 510. Ainsi un rayon de 50, permet de couvrir une mer.