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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
24354Ville de Thravok 6 attacked playerThravok517522501272472Tout pour Neige27.8
22822009-54 Jayjay 2 attacked playerJayjay5104805188180374Obelix22.4
7981ilo6 attacked playerLeNormand478508522912534---23.4
22697007-54Jay jay attacked playerJayjay5104805290180374Obelix22.4
22696005-54 Jayjay attacked playerJayjay5104805307180374Obelix22.4
22788008-54 Jayjay attacked playerJayjay5104805535180374Obelix22.4
23256Ville de Thravok 5 attacked playerThravok517522559972472Tout pour Neige27.8
22557012-54 Jayjay attacked playerJayjay5104805691180374Obelix22.4
25793H10Ville de Toulousa attacked playerToulousanglais492487651914350---15.3
1271Swixo - 54012 attacked playerSwixo5274846855178905Mamie etles Beaux Gosses31.4
7480ilo5 attacked playerLeNormand478508730512534---23.4
674Swixo - 54010 attacked playerSwixo5214887327178905Mamie etles Beaux Gosses24.2
22296Ville de moutete 6 attacked playermoutete471492780544407Pingouins Dorés30.1
20773H9Ville de Toulousan attacked playerToulousanglais481507783114350---20.2
6162koitof E1 attacked playerkoitof491484787021137LAGIDE EMPIRE18.4
1084Swixo - 54022 attacked playerSwixo5274848055178905Mamie etles Beaux Gosses31.4
9303003- 54 Döner 4 attacked playerJayjay5094838300180374Obelix19.2
7835001.44 bleu attacked playerJayjay4894858383180374Obelix18.6
681Swixo - 54027 attacked playerSwixo5214888413178905Mamie etles Beaux Gosses24.2
6175les corps saints attacked playerroyalbaby844914848461129943* RAS*18.4
1254Swixo - 54030 attacked playerSwixo5274848467178905Mamie etles Beaux Gosses31.4
591Swixo - 54007 attacked playerSwixo5214888579178905Mamie etles Beaux Gosses24.2
1267Swixo - 54013 attacked playerSwixo5274848798178905Mamie etles Beaux Gosses31.4
11979Ville de moutete 4 attacked playermoutete477503885544407Pingouins Dorés23.2
2693019.54 Mel attacked playerJayjay51048010302180374Obelix22.4
2836006-54 Gal3 attacked playerJayjay50349310597180374Obelix7.6
19999ville a prendre 3 only one grepolis town attacked playerBuzzfire20165284931095610956---28.9
811Swixo - 54001 attacked playerSwixo52148811074178905Mamie etles Beaux Gosses24.2
6172Ville de royalbaby84 attacked playerroyalbaby8450647811110129943* RAS*22.8
18959Ville de Thravok 2 attacked playerThravok5175221116472472Tout pour Neige27.8
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3083004-54 Violet attacked playerJayjay50948311410180374Obelix19.2
2517002-54 constance attacked playerJayjay50149611415180374Obelix4.1
12756Ville de Thravok 3 attacked playerThravok5225261308472472Tout pour Neige34.1
1779944-001-Kayou only one grepolis town attacked playerHitchyy4854971344113441---15.3
1614745 - BTH 002 - 134D attacked playerBoutch624735181350081226Les Guerriers32.4
1082645 - BTH 001 - 134D attacked playerBoutch624735181363881226Les Guerriers32.4
13148Ville de Thravok 4 attacked playerThravok5225261384272472Tout pour Neige34.1
20775ludeve E attacked playerludeve52649914027123675---26.0
12687Ville de Thravok 1 attacked playerThravok5225261465372472Tout pour Neige34.1
6079011-54 Kirito attacked playerJayjay51048016846180374Obelix22.4

Liste des joueurs: Thravok; Jayjay; LeNormand; Toulousanglais; Swixo; moutete; koitof; royalbaby84; Buzzfire2016; Hitchyy; Boutch62; ludeve
[town]24354[/town] 5012pts [player]Thravok[/player] 517/522 27.8
[town]22822[/town] 5188pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 510/480 22.4
[town]7981[/town] 5229pts [player]LeNormand[/player] 478/508 23.4
[town]22697[/town] 5290pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 510/480 22.4
[town]22696[/town] 5307pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 510/480 22.4
[town]22788[/town] 5535pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 510/480 22.4
[town]23256[/town] 5599pts [player]Thravok[/player] 517/522 27.8
[town]22557[/town] 5691pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 510/480 22.4
[town]25793[/town] 6519pts [player]Toulousanglais[/player] 492/487 15.3
[town]1271[/town] 6855pts [player]Swixo[/player] 527/484 31.4
[town]7480[/town] 7305pts [player]LeNormand[/player] 478/508 23.4
[town]674[/town] 7327pts [player]Swixo[/player] 521/488 24.2
[town]22296[/town] 7805pts [player]moutete[/player] 471/492 30.1
[town]20773[/town] 7831pts [player]Toulousanglais[/player] 481/507 20.2
[town]6162[/town] 7870pts [player]koitof[/player] 491/484 18.4
[town]1084[/town] 8055pts [player]Swixo[/player] 527/484 31.4
[town]9303[/town] 8300pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 509/483 19.2
[town]7835[/town] 8383pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 489/485 18.6
[town]681[/town] 8413pts [player]Swixo[/player] 521/488 24.2
[town]6175[/town] 8461pts [player]royalbaby84[/player] 491/484 18.4
[town]1254[/town] 8467pts [player]Swixo[/player] 527/484 31.4
[town]591[/town] 8579pts [player]Swixo[/player] 521/488 24.2
[town]1267[/town] 8798pts [player]Swixo[/player] 527/484 31.4
[town]11979[/town] 8855pts [player]moutete[/player] 477/503 23.2
[town]2693[/town] 10302pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 510/480 22.4
[town]2836[/town] 10597pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 503/493 7.6
[town]19999[/town] 10956pts [player]Buzzfire2016[/player] 528/493 28.9
[town]811[/town] 11074pts [player]Swixo[/player] 521/488 24.2
[town]6172[/town] 11110pts [player]royalbaby84[/player] 506/478 22.8
[town]18959[/town] 11164pts [player]Thravok[/player] 517/522 27.8
[town]3083[/town] 11410pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 509/483 19.2
[town]2517[/town] 11415pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 501/496 4.1
[town]12756[/town] 13084pts [player]Thravok[/player] 522/526 34.1
[town]17799[/town] 13441pts [player]Hitchyy[/player] 485/497 15.3
[town]16147[/town] 13500pts [player]Boutch62[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]10826[/town] 13638pts [player]Boutch62[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]13148[/town] 13842pts [player]Thravok[/player] 522/526 34.1
[town]20775[/town] 14027pts [player]ludeve[/player] 526/499 26.0
[town]12687[/town] 14653pts [player]Thravok[/player] 522/526 34.1
[town]6079[/town] 16846pts [player]Jayjay[/player] 510/480 22.4

. = Ce joueur a une seule ville donc son académie risque de ne pas être très développée.

. = Ce joueur a perdu des points durant la semaine dernière et pourrait être inactif.

. = Ce joueur est inactif ou en mode vacances.

N.B.: Le "rayon" de recherche est "carré", donc si X=400 et Y=500, pour un rayon de 10, la recherche se fera dans une zone carrée avec X entre 390 et 410 et Y entre 490 et 510. Ainsi un rayon de 50, permet de couvrir une mer.