Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
925 | 3.Amsterdam | bonovox09 | 517 | 475 | 5101 | 5101 | --- | 30.2 |
2104 | Ville de Michou59 | Michou59 | 498 | 488 | 5129 | 20304 | Union des Cités Gelées | 12.2 |
19706 | Ville de AntoineLtz 6 | AntoineLtz | 489 | 528 | 5293 | 114368 | --- | 30.1 |
9417 | Pontologie | moutete | 490 | 495 | 5331 | 33924 | Union des Cités Gelées | 11.2 |
10647 | Ville de partouche 3 | partouche | 512 | 521 | 5403 | 41636 | LES VOYAGEURS | 24.2 |
13592 | Ville de partouche 4 | partouche | 518 | 521 | 5506 | 41636 | LES VOYAGEURS | 27.7 |
1067 | 55*qsd*04 | qsdfghjklm123456789 | 520 | 525 | 5549 | 39970 | Les Walkyries | 32.0 |
17852 | City 54.09 | rome820 | 521 | 478 | 5564 | 39766 | --- | 30.4 |
570 | 54Juju01 | 10MaX | 509 | 483 | 5830 | 30094 | --- | 19.2 |
1795 | gold3 | jjguilleux | 487 | 507 | 5860 | 5860 | ............ | 14.8 |
4225 | Ville de partouche 2 | partouche | 520 | 525 | 5915 | 41636 | LES VOYAGEURS | 32.0 |
844 | 55*qsd*02 | qsdfghjklm123456789 | 507 | 529 | 6068 | 39970 | Les Walkyries | 29.8 |
266 | L 214 - 13 | luchadores | 506 | 489 | 6078 | 142931 | --- | 12.5 |
16190 | Ville de para073 2 | para073 | 480 | 499 | 6086 | 16211 | CELTES | 20.0 |
7960 | L 214 - 16 | luchadores | 525 | 496 | 6326 | 142931 | --- | 25.3 |
8817 | Ville de ManulaC 2 | ManulaC | 486 | 505 | 6559 | 11844 | Union des cités rotiques | 14.9 |
597 | Etre ina ça paye | maximus74 | 506 | 481 | 6647 | 11423 | Rose Rouge | 19.9 |
871 | 45-000 | partouche | 496 | 525 | 6683 | 41636 | LES VOYAGEURS | 25.3 |
3780 | FACTOR 06 | jctiti | 473 | 472 | 6809 | 63054 | --- | 38.9 |
17578 | Ville de AntoineLtz 3 | AntoineLtz | 489 | 528 | 6986 | 114368 | --- | 30.1 |
18428 | Ville de AntoineLtz 5 | AntoineLtz | 477 | 528 | 6986 | 114368 | --- | 36.2 |
16373 | Ville de AntoineLtz 4 | AntoineLtz | 489 | 528 | 7008 | 114368 | --- | 30.1 |
2825 | L 214 - 14 | luchadores | 523 | 501 | 7473 | 142931 | --- | 23.0 |
288 | *001.A* | Michou59 | 502 | 487 | 7584 | 20304 | Union des Cités Gelées | 13.2 |
8712 | Topologie | moutete | 498 | 488 | 7632 | 33924 | Union des Cités Gelées | 12.2 |
1364 | Orto | AntoineLtz | 477 | 528 | 7641 | 114368 | --- | 36.2 |
1374 | Ville de StingEucliff55 | AntoineLtz | 477 | 528 | 7709 | 114368 | --- | 36.2 |
14883 | Ville de AntoineLtz 2 | AntoineLtz | 477 | 528 | 7872 | 114368 | --- | 36.2 |
11536 | Kayou Flip | steav | 508 | 478 | 7934 | 47893 | Rose Rouge | 23.4 |
1023 | Ville de oikjtrd | AntoineLtz | 489 | 528 | 7970 | 114368 | --- | 30.1 |
13626 | Ville de AntoineLtz | AntoineLtz | 489 | 528 | 8164 | 114368 | --- | 30.1 |
1021 | Iasos | AntoineLtz | 489 | 528 | 8241 | 114368 | --- | 30.1 |
3499 | Argent 2 | AntoineLtz | 489 | 528 | 8329 | 114368 | --- | 30.1 |
1388 | Ville de TranB | AntoineLtz | 477 | 528 | 8357 | 114368 | --- | 36.2 |
17641 | Ville de poulet 2 | poulet tony | 508 | 478 | 8399 | 97041 | Rose Rouge | 23.4 |
15022 | 08 SETHI | chris611 | 499 | 519 | 8602 | 105208 | * KAMELOTT * | 19.0 |
8573 | Feur 05 | orangina77 | 508 | 478 | 8618 | 58879 | Rose Rouge | 23.4 |
839 | 55*qsd*01 | qsdfghjklm123456789 | 507 | 529 | 8774 | 39970 | Les Walkyries | 29.8 |
732 | MYTILENE | Dom030567 | 526 | 512 | 8904 | 11754 | --- | 28.6 |
3797 | Chantologie | moutete | 517 | 475 | 8917 | 33924 | Union des Cités Gelées | 30.2 |
1363 | 6-Non-A | AntoineLtz | 477 | 528 | 8939 | 114368 | --- | 36.2 |
12319 | 05 ATLANTIS | chris611 | 496 | 525 | 9197 | 105208 | * KAMELOTT * | 25.3 |
1017 | Ville de AntoineLtzz | AntoineLtz | 489 | 528 | 9327 | 114368 | --- | 30.1 |
461 | I TC 44 | Turk And Caicos | 478 | 494 | 9331 | 49445 | la neutralite suisse | 22.8 |
905 | L 214 - 03 | luchadores | 519 | 484 | 9524 | 142931 | --- | 24.8 |
653 | ville de armen 5 | gatouille | 514 | 501 | 9845 | 34464 | --- | 14.0 |
640 | L 214 - 10 | luchadores | 506 | 481 | 9870 | 142931 | --- | 19.9 |
4763 | Feur 04 | orangina77 | 517 | 475 | 9877 | 58879 | Rose Rouge | 30.2 |
160 | L 214 - 06 | luchadores | 500 | 498 | 9938 | 142931 | --- | 2.0 |
1658 | L 214 - 11 | luchadores | 500 | 498 | 10001 | 142931 | --- | 2.0 |
579 | Or merci | The king 07 | 514 | 501 | 10043 | 10043 | --- | 14.0 |
413 | Pintes Mei poulet | poulet tony | 506 | 481 | 10060 | 97041 | Rose Rouge | 19.9 |
7654 | L 214 - 08 | luchadores | 518 | 492 | 10149 | 142931 | --- | 19.7 |
727 | L 214 - 07 | luchadores | 519 | 484 | 10161 | 142931 | --- | 24.8 |
430 | agde | lafeeclochette | 498 | 494 | 10282 | 39215 | --- | 6.3 |
2485 | L 214 - 04 | luchadores | 515 | 480 | 10290 | 142931 | --- | 25.0 |
392 | Ville de KaoZdu62 | poulet tony | 502 | 483 | 10403 | 97041 | Rose Rouge | 17.1 |
371 | bezier | lafeeclochette | 498 | 494 | 10556 | 39215 | --- | 6.3 |
2678 | L 214 - 05 | luchadores | 519 | 484 | 10638 | 142931 | --- | 24.8 |
1855 | Ville de Gorion | Gorion | 507 | 504 | 10740 | 38842 | Les AristoRats | 8.1 |
278 | L 214 - 09 | luchadores | 506 | 489 | 10763 | 142931 | --- | 12.5 |
589 | Rosa | steav | 506 | 481 | 10837 | 47893 | Rose Rouge | 19.9 |
863 | factor 01* | jctiti | 478 | 474 | 10990 | 63054 | --- | 34.1 |
16761 | Ville de poulet 1 | poulet tony | 508 | 478 | 11001 | 97041 | Rose Rouge | 23.4 |
14643 | Ville de poulet | poulet tony | 508 | 478 | 11287 | 97041 | Rose Rouge | 23.4 |
17599 | 55-Portail | TDM13 | 507 | 529 | 11289 | 87157 | deadpool | 29.8 |
20031 | factor 05 | jctiti | 489 | 484 | 11470 | 63054 | --- | 19.4 |
7318 | remilc 6 | remilc | 483 | 521 | 11676 | 118861 | CELTES | 27.0 |
7228 | remilc 5 | remilc | 483 | 521 | 11890 | 118861 | CELTES | 27.0 |
493 | Gold | Gorion | 478 | 494 | 12037 | 38842 | Les AristoRats | 22.8 |
895 | 01 ATLANTIS | chris611 | 496 | 525 | 12441 | 105208 | * KAMELOTT * | 25.3 |
2161 | 02 ATLANTIS | chris611 | 496 | 525 | 12503 | 105208 | * KAMELOTT * | 25.3 |
3247 | L 214 - 02 | luchadores | 515 | 480 | 12552 | 142931 | --- | 25.0 |
4182 | L 214 - 01 | luchadores | 515 | 480 | 13170 | 142931 | --- | 25.0 |
7924 | FACTOR 03 | jctiti | 489 | 484 | 13756 | 63054 | --- | 19.4 |
7060 | remilc 4 | remilc | 483 | 521 | 13941 | 118861 | CELTES | 27.0 |
458 | I A1 mongeneral | mongeneral | 478 | 494 | 13969 | 95235 | la neutralite suisse | 22.8 |
203 | golda | alexios08 | 498 | 494 | 14430 | 30832 | Les AristoChats | 6.3 |
866 | Feur 08 | orangina77 | 517 | 475 | 14528 | 58879 | Rose Rouge | 30.2 |
651 | ville de armen 2 | gatouille | 514 | 501 | 15580 | 34464 | --- | 14.0 |
Liste des joueurs: bonovox09; Michou59; AntoineLtz; moutete; partouche; qsdfghjklm123456789; rome820; 10MaX; jjguilleux; luchadores; para073; ManulaC; maximus74; jctiti; steav; poulet tony; chris611; orangina77; Dom030567; Turk And Caicos; gatouille; The king 07; lafeeclochette; Gorion; TDM13; remilc; mongeneral; alexios08
[town]925[/town] 5101pts [player]bonovox09[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]2104[/town] 5129pts [player]Michou59[/player] 498/488 12.2
[town]19706[/town] 5293pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]9417[/town] 5331pts [player]moutete[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]10647[/town] 5403pts [player]partouche[/player] 512/521 24.2
[town]13592[/town] 5506pts [player]partouche[/player] 518/521 27.7
[town]1067[/town] 5549pts [player]qsdfghjklm123456789[/player] 520/525 32.0
[town]17852[/town] 5564pts [player]rome820[/player] 521/478 30.4
[town]570[/town] 5830pts [player]10MaX[/player] 509/483 19.2
[town]1795[/town] 5860pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 487/507 14.8
[town]4225[/town] 5915pts [player]partouche[/player] 520/525 32.0
[town]844[/town] 6068pts [player]qsdfghjklm123456789[/player] 507/529 29.8
[town]266[/town] 6078pts [player]luchadores[/player] 506/489 12.5
[town]16190[/town] 6086pts [player]para073[/player] 480/499 20.0
[town]7960[/town] 6326pts [player]luchadores[/player] 525/496 25.3
[town]8817[/town] 6559pts [player]ManulaC[/player] 486/505 14.9
[town]597[/town] 6647pts [player]maximus74[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]871[/town] 6683pts [player]partouche[/player] 496/525 25.3
[town]3780[/town] 6809pts [player]jctiti[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]17578[/town] 6986pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]18428[/town] 6986pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]16373[/town] 7008pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]2825[/town] 7473pts [player]luchadores[/player] 523/501 23.0
[town]288[/town] 7584pts [player]Michou59[/player] 502/487 13.2
[town]8712[/town] 7632pts [player]moutete[/player] 498/488 12.2
[town]1364[/town] 7641pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]1374[/town] 7709pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]14883[/town] 7872pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]11536[/town] 7934pts [player]steav[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]1023[/town] 7970pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]13626[/town] 8164pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]1021[/town] 8241pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]3499[/town] 8329pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]1388[/town] 8357pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]17641[/town] 8399pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]15022[/town] 8602pts [player]chris611[/player] 499/519 19.0
[town]8573[/town] 8618pts [player]orangina77[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]839[/town] 8774pts [player]qsdfghjklm123456789[/player] 507/529 29.8
[town]732[/town] 8904pts [player]Dom030567[/player] 526/512 28.6
[town]3797[/town] 8917pts [player]moutete[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]1363[/town] 8939pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]12319[/town] 9197pts [player]chris611[/player] 496/525 25.3
[town]1017[/town] 9327pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]461[/town] 9331pts [player]Turk And Caicos[/player] 478/494 22.8
[town]905[/town] 9524pts [player]luchadores[/player] 519/484 24.8
[town]653[/town] 9845pts [player]gatouille[/player] 514/501 14.0
[town]640[/town] 9870pts [player]luchadores[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]4763[/town] 9877pts [player]orangina77[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]160[/town] 9938pts [player]luchadores[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]1658[/town] 10001pts [player]luchadores[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]579[/town] 10043pts [player]The king 07[/player] 514/501 14.0
[town]413[/town] 10060pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]7654[/town] 10149pts [player]luchadores[/player] 518/492 19.7
[town]727[/town] 10161pts [player]luchadores[/player] 519/484 24.8
[town]430[/town] 10282pts [player]lafeeclochette[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]2485[/town] 10290pts [player]luchadores[/player] 515/480 25.0
[town]392[/town] 10403pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 502/483 17.1
[town]371[/town] 10556pts [player]lafeeclochette[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]2678[/town] 10638pts [player]luchadores[/player] 519/484 24.8
[town]1855[/town] 10740pts [player]Gorion[/player] 507/504 8.1
[town]278[/town] 10763pts [player]luchadores[/player] 506/489 12.5
[town]589[/town] 10837pts [player]steav[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]863[/town] 10990pts [player]jctiti[/player] 478/474 34.1
[town]16761[/town] 11001pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]14643[/town] 11287pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]17599[/town] 11289pts [player]TDM13[/player] 507/529 29.8
[town]20031[/town] 11470pts [player]jctiti[/player] 489/484 19.4
[town]7318[/town] 11676pts [player]remilc[/player] 483/521 27.0
[town]7228[/town] 11890pts [player]remilc[/player] 483/521 27.0
[town]493[/town] 12037pts [player]Gorion[/player] 478/494 22.8
[town]895[/town] 12441pts [player]chris611[/player] 496/525 25.3
[town]2161[/town] 12503pts [player]chris611[/player] 496/525 25.3
[town]3247[/town] 12552pts [player]luchadores[/player] 515/480 25.0
[town]4182[/town] 13170pts [player]luchadores[/player] 515/480 25.0
[town]7924[/town] 13756pts [player]jctiti[/player] 489/484 19.4
[town]7060[/town] 13941pts [player]remilc[/player] 483/521 27.0
[town]458[/town] 13969pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 478/494 22.8
[town]203[/town] 14430pts [player]alexios08[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]866[/town] 14528pts [player]orangina77[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]651[/town] 15580pts [player]gatouille[/player] 514/501 14.0
[town]925[/town] 5101pts [player]bonovox09[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]2104[/town] 5129pts [player]Michou59[/player] 498/488 12.2
[town]19706[/town] 5293pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]9417[/town] 5331pts [player]moutete[/player] 490/495 11.2
[town]10647[/town] 5403pts [player]partouche[/player] 512/521 24.2
[town]13592[/town] 5506pts [player]partouche[/player] 518/521 27.7
[town]1067[/town] 5549pts [player]qsdfghjklm123456789[/player] 520/525 32.0
[town]17852[/town] 5564pts [player]rome820[/player] 521/478 30.4
[town]570[/town] 5830pts [player]10MaX[/player] 509/483 19.2
[town]1795[/town] 5860pts [player]jjguilleux[/player] 487/507 14.8
[town]4225[/town] 5915pts [player]partouche[/player] 520/525 32.0
[town]844[/town] 6068pts [player]qsdfghjklm123456789[/player] 507/529 29.8
[town]266[/town] 6078pts [player]luchadores[/player] 506/489 12.5
[town]16190[/town] 6086pts [player]para073[/player] 480/499 20.0
[town]7960[/town] 6326pts [player]luchadores[/player] 525/496 25.3
[town]8817[/town] 6559pts [player]ManulaC[/player] 486/505 14.9
[town]597[/town] 6647pts [player]maximus74[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]871[/town] 6683pts [player]partouche[/player] 496/525 25.3
[town]3780[/town] 6809pts [player]jctiti[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]17578[/town] 6986pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]18428[/town] 6986pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]16373[/town] 7008pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]2825[/town] 7473pts [player]luchadores[/player] 523/501 23.0
[town]288[/town] 7584pts [player]Michou59[/player] 502/487 13.2
[town]8712[/town] 7632pts [player]moutete[/player] 498/488 12.2
[town]1364[/town] 7641pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]1374[/town] 7709pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]14883[/town] 7872pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]11536[/town] 7934pts [player]steav[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]1023[/town] 7970pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]13626[/town] 8164pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]1021[/town] 8241pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]3499[/town] 8329pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]1388[/town] 8357pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]17641[/town] 8399pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]15022[/town] 8602pts [player]chris611[/player] 499/519 19.0
[town]8573[/town] 8618pts [player]orangina77[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]839[/town] 8774pts [player]qsdfghjklm123456789[/player] 507/529 29.8
[town]732[/town] 8904pts [player]Dom030567[/player] 526/512 28.6
[town]3797[/town] 8917pts [player]moutete[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]1363[/town] 8939pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]12319[/town] 9197pts [player]chris611[/player] 496/525 25.3
[town]1017[/town] 9327pts [player]AntoineLtz[/player] 489/528 30.1
[town]461[/town] 9331pts [player]Turk And Caicos[/player] 478/494 22.8
[town]905[/town] 9524pts [player]luchadores[/player] 519/484 24.8
[town]653[/town] 9845pts [player]gatouille[/player] 514/501 14.0
[town]640[/town] 9870pts [player]luchadores[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]4763[/town] 9877pts [player]orangina77[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]160[/town] 9938pts [player]luchadores[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]1658[/town] 10001pts [player]luchadores[/player] 500/498 2.0
[town]579[/town] 10043pts [player]The king 07[/player] 514/501 14.0
[town]413[/town] 10060pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]7654[/town] 10149pts [player]luchadores[/player] 518/492 19.7
[town]727[/town] 10161pts [player]luchadores[/player] 519/484 24.8
[town]430[/town] 10282pts [player]lafeeclochette[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]2485[/town] 10290pts [player]luchadores[/player] 515/480 25.0
[town]392[/town] 10403pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 502/483 17.1
[town]371[/town] 10556pts [player]lafeeclochette[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]2678[/town] 10638pts [player]luchadores[/player] 519/484 24.8
[town]1855[/town] 10740pts [player]Gorion[/player] 507/504 8.1
[town]278[/town] 10763pts [player]luchadores[/player] 506/489 12.5
[town]589[/town] 10837pts [player]steav[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]863[/town] 10990pts [player]jctiti[/player] 478/474 34.1
[town]16761[/town] 11001pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]14643[/town] 11287pts [player]poulet tony[/player] 508/478 23.4
[town]17599[/town] 11289pts [player]TDM13[/player] 507/529 29.8
[town]20031[/town] 11470pts [player]jctiti[/player] 489/484 19.4
[town]7318[/town] 11676pts [player]remilc[/player] 483/521 27.0
[town]7228[/town] 11890pts [player]remilc[/player] 483/521 27.0
[town]493[/town] 12037pts [player]Gorion[/player] 478/494 22.8
[town]895[/town] 12441pts [player]chris611[/player] 496/525 25.3
[town]2161[/town] 12503pts [player]chris611[/player] 496/525 25.3
[town]3247[/town] 12552pts [player]luchadores[/player] 515/480 25.0
[town]4182[/town] 13170pts [player]luchadores[/player] 515/480 25.0
[town]7924[/town] 13756pts [player]jctiti[/player] 489/484 19.4
[town]7060[/town] 13941pts [player]remilc[/player] 483/521 27.0
[town]458[/town] 13969pts [player]mongeneral[/player] 478/494 22.8
[town]203[/town] 14430pts [player]alexios08[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]866[/town] 14528pts [player]orangina77[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]651[/town] 15580pts [player]gatouille[/player] 514/501 14.0
= Ce joueur a une seule ville donc son académie risque de ne pas être très développée.
= Ce joueur a perdu des points durant la semaine dernière et pourrait être inactif.
= Ce joueur est inactif ou en mode vacances.
N.B.: Le "rayon" de recherche est "carré", donc si X=400 et Y=500, pour un rayon de 10, la recherche se fera dans une zone carrée avec X entre 390 et 410 et Y entre 490 et 510. Ainsi un rayon de 50, permet de couvrir une mer.