Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
771 | 5501 | rexaiakos | 525 | 499 | 5011 | 8674 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 25.0 |
623 | Law01 | Lawthegreat | 526 | 473 | 5017 | 7391 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 37.5 |
284 | 45.05 | perseas90 | 486 | 502 | 5020 | 42396 | Dreadfleet | 14.1 |
183 | Πόλη του παίκτη chri | chrisli | 474 | 506 | 5036 | 7371 | Dreadfleet | 26.7 |
613 | 001 | afro | 506 | 484 | 5037 | 4822 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 17.1 |
524 | Πόλη του παίκτη | Μπασαβιολας | 471 | 513 | 5052 | 6477 | Dreadfleet | 31.8 |
702 | 0101.YPG | nikossis | 521 | 513 | 5090 | 15116 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 24.7 |
962 | AvilioBruno | AvilioBruno | 521 | 508 | 5124 | 7724 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 22.5 |
630 | 45.03 | perseas90 | 491 | 519 | 5141 | 42396 | Dreadfleet | 21.0 |
660 | MolonLabe01 | MolonLabe | 485 | 480 | 5156 | 9326 | greek | 25.0 |
447 | ΗΡΑ | ΡΕΞ. | 511 | 490 | 5168 | 10044 | ΑΠΑΡΑΔΕΚΤΟΙ | 14.9 |
90 | URBS ROMAE | the hunter | 526 | 473 | 5174 | 9806 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 37.5 |
256 | Dragonfire | mariaxara. | 479 | 504 | 5227 | 12915 | Dreadfleet | 21.4 |
1493 | 002. | D O O M | 497 | 493 | 5261 | 10975 | Dreadfleet | 7.6 |
195 | 01.Walter White | SIN1STER | 474 | 506 | 5273 | 11815 | Dreadfleet | 26.7 |
1369 | αρασ | kostaras42 | 486 | 498 | 5289 | 5289 | aaaaa | 14.1 |
930 | -100- | oldman22 | 521 | 508 | 5309 | 16073 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 22.5 |
265 | Shibuya | GojoSatoru | 526 | 473 | 5312 | 5312 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 37.5 |
182 | 001 | Gregory | 474 | 506 | 5321 | 9622 | Dreadfleet | 26.7 |
171 | 7004 EL TRUCOOO | Skoy | 474 | 506 | 5328 | 17907 | Dreadfleet | 26.7 |
788 | 001 jim | jim76 | 521 | 513 | 5371 | 9198 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 24.7 |
587 | 000. | jimsader | 474 | 506 | 5384 | 8273 | Dreadfleet | 26.7 |
222 | 005. Outrage | Ellippo | 486 | 502 | 5440 | 37768 | Dreadfleet | 14.1 |
158 | 00001. | mitsos567 | 526 | 473 | 5476 | 8092 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 37.5 |
451 | 001 | NoMorePain | 486 | 512 | 5479 | 23396 | Dreadfleet | 18.4 |
816 | 01. Μίνας Τίριθ | MakisNikis | 522 | 480 | 5535 | 10653 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 29.7 |
682 | 001.Ηρακλειo | panos1313 | 471 | 513 | 5704 | 7076 | Dreadfleet | 31.8 |
237 | 001. | D O O M | 479 | 504 | 5714 | 10975 | Dreadfleet | 21.4 |
176 | 001 losthry | thrylos05 | 479 | 504 | 5751 | 15831 | Dreadfleet | 21.4 |
1244 | polh 0 | KefalGeo | 526 | 473 | 5755 | 8877 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 37.5 |
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145 | Elden Ring | Witcher97 | 479 | 504 | 5806 | 8433 | Dreadfleet | 21.4 |
36 | 54.01 | AIGON 1 | 501 | 497 | 5897 | 37879 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 3.2 |
376 | 001 Polaris | Εξολοθρευτης | 497 | 484 | 5925 | 12221 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 16.3 |
1279 | ΞΑΔΕΛΦΟΣ | aggelos69 | 520 | 500 | 6032 | 8188 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 20.0 |
251 | 004. Earthquake | Ellippo | 480 | 514 | 6127 | 37768 | Dreadfleet | 24.4 |
773 | 55.02 | AIGON 1 | 520 | 500 | 6264 | 37879 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 20.0 |
361 | 01. | AJAX1 | 479 | 504 | 6369 | 9269 | Dreadfleet | 21.4 |
703 | -001- | oldman22 | 521 | 513 | 6376 | 16073 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 24.7 |
180 | 001. ΚΑΜΑΡΕΣ | nikmav11 | 481 | 508 | 6386 | 10055 | Dreadfleet | 20.6 |
382 | Loster | Loster | 474 | 506 | 6390 | 11447 | Dreadfleet | 26.7 |
878 | kakosliakos1 | kakosliakos | 480 | 514 | 6399 | 12300 | Dreadfleet | 24.4 |
501 | 001.Easy Rider | Cheque7 | 474 | 506 | 6409 | 16604 | Dreadfleet | 26.7 |
211 | 001.*terk* | terk | 481 | 508 | 6551 | 19755 | Dreadfleet | 20.6 |
568 | 44.Α.Ε.Λ. | jefta | 491 | 477 | 6608 | 10869 | champion 88 | 24.7 |
550 | 001.EURO 2004 WINNER | IrK4 | 481 | 508 | 6666 | 12392 | Dreadfleet | 20.6 |
73 | 10001Days | Bochum | 526 | 473 | 6733 | 15177 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 37.5 |
1406 | 55.04 | AIGON 1 | 506 | 503 | 6798 | 37879 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 6.7 |
471 | 001 | avgerinos300 | 486 | 512 | 6878 | 15145 | Dreadfleet | 18.4 |
65 | νιαου | leyterisaek | 503 | 500 | 6970 | 15515 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 3.0 |
327 | 001 | 77papanoly77 | 474 | 506 | 7070 | 20545 | Dreadfleet | 26.7 |
286 | 001.Ellippo | Boulis10 | 481 | 508 | 7099 | 10849 | Dreadfleet | 20.6 |
161 | 7001 MARLBORO | Skoy | 479 | 504 | 7104 | 17907 | Dreadfleet | 21.4 |
868 | 01 ΑΝΤΙΦΑΝΗΣ | ARISTOFANIS 22 | 484 | 475 | 7140 | 10854 | ΑΠΑΡΑΔΕΚΤΟΙ | 29.7 |
758 | 001.Miraak | kritikoc | 485 | 520 | 7766 | 21890 | Dreadfleet | 25.0 |
342 | 01.IbizaCupra | MrDragonχ | 486 | 502 | 7927 | 22245 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 14.1 |
1021 | ΑΤΛΑΝΤΙΔΑ | fon karagian | 523 | 474 | 7954 | 11068 | ΜΠΑΚΟΥΡΙΑ | 34.7 |
32 | 45. | dontfightme | 492 | 506 | 8252 | 14025 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 10.0 |
84 | 55.01 | AIGON 1 | 503 | 500 | 8896 | 37879 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 3.0 |
208 | 001. Thunder | Ellippo | 479 | 504 | 9084 | 37768 | Dreadfleet | 21.4 |
959 | 001.OLYMPIAKOS | SexyKaltsa | 526 | 473 | 9692 | 15546 | *UndeR ConstructioN* | 37.5 |
149 | 45.001 | Angelaria | 479 | 504 | 9753 | 17086 | Dreadfleet | 21.4 |
699 | 01.Καλαμαριά | pegios | 521 | 513 | 10350 | 19872 | ΟΙ ΑΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΣΤΟΙ | 24.7 |
279 | 45.01 | perseas90 | 479 | 504 | 11417 | 42396 | Dreadfleet | 21.4 |
Players list: rexaiakos; Lawthegreat; perseas90; chrisli; afro; Μπασαβιολας; nikossis; AvilioBruno; MolonLabe; ΡΕΞ.; the hunter; mariaxara.; D O O M; SIN1STER; kostaras42; oldman22; GojoSatoru; Gregory; Skoy; jim76; jimsader; Ellippo; mitsos567; NoMorePain; MakisNikis; panos1313; thrylos05; KefalGeo; Witcher97; AIGON 1; Εξολοθρευτης; aggelos69; AJAX1; nikmav11; Loster; kakosliakos; Cheque7; terk; jefta; IrK4; Bochum; avgerinos300; leyterisaek; 77papanoly77; Boulis10; ARISTOFANIS 22; kritikoc; MrDragonχ; fon karagian; dontfightme; SexyKaltsa; Angelaria; pegios
[town]771[/town] 5011pts [player]rexaiakos[/player] 525/499 25.0
[town]623[/town] 5017pts [player]Lawthegreat[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]284[/town] 5020pts [player]perseas90[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]183[/town] 5036pts [player]chrisli[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]613[/town] 5037pts [player]afro[/player] 506/484 17.1
[town]524[/town] 5052pts [player]Μπασαβιολας[/player] 471/513 31.8
[town]702[/town] 5090pts [player]nikossis[/player] 521/513 24.7
[town]962[/town] 5124pts [player]AvilioBruno[/player] 521/508 22.5
[town]630[/town] 5141pts [player]perseas90[/player] 491/519 21.0
[town]660[/town] 5156pts [player]MolonLabe[/player] 485/480 25.0
[town]447[/town] 5168pts [player]ΡΕΞ.[/player] 511/490 14.9
[town]90[/town] 5174pts [player]the hunter[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]256[/town] 5227pts [player]mariaxara.[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]1493[/town] 5261pts [player]D O O M[/player] 497/493 7.6
[town]195[/town] 5273pts [player]SIN1STER[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]1369[/town] 5289pts [player]kostaras42[/player] 486/498 14.1
[town]930[/town] 5309pts [player]oldman22[/player] 521/508 22.5
[town]265[/town] 5312pts [player]GojoSatoru[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]182[/town] 5321pts [player]Gregory[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]171[/town] 5328pts [player]Skoy[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]788[/town] 5371pts [player]jim76[/player] 521/513 24.7
[town]587[/town] 5384pts [player]jimsader[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]222[/town] 5440pts [player]Ellippo[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]158[/town] 5476pts [player]mitsos567[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]451[/town] 5479pts [player]NoMorePain[/player] 486/512 18.4
[town]816[/town] 5535pts [player]MakisNikis[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]682[/town] 5704pts [player]panos1313[/player] 471/513 31.8
[town]237[/town] 5714pts [player]D O O M[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]176[/town] 5751pts [player]thrylos05[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]1244[/town] 5755pts [player]KefalGeo[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]145[/town] 5806pts [player]Witcher97[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]36[/town] 5897pts [player]AIGON 1[/player] 501/497 3.2
[town]376[/town] 5925pts [player]Εξολοθρευτης[/player] 497/484 16.3
[town]1279[/town] 6032pts [player]aggelos69[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]251[/town] 6127pts [player]Ellippo[/player] 480/514 24.4
[town]773[/town] 6264pts [player]AIGON 1[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]361[/town] 6369pts [player]AJAX1[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]703[/town] 6376pts [player]oldman22[/player] 521/513 24.7
[town]180[/town] 6386pts [player]nikmav11[/player] 481/508 20.6
[town]382[/town] 6390pts [player]Loster[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]878[/town] 6399pts [player]kakosliakos[/player] 480/514 24.4
[town]501[/town] 6409pts [player]Cheque7[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]211[/town] 6551pts [player]terk[/player] 481/508 20.6
[town]568[/town] 6608pts [player]jefta[/player] 491/477 24.7
[town]550[/town] 6666pts [player]IrK4[/player] 481/508 20.6
[town]73[/town] 6733pts [player]Bochum[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]1406[/town] 6798pts [player]AIGON 1[/player] 506/503 6.7
[town]471[/town] 6878pts [player]avgerinos300[/player] 486/512 18.4
[town]65[/town] 6970pts [player]leyterisaek[/player] 503/500 3.0
[town]327[/town] 7070pts [player]77papanoly77[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]286[/town] 7099pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 481/508 20.6
[town]161[/town] 7104pts [player]Skoy[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]868[/town] 7140pts [player]ARISTOFANIS 22[/player] 484/475 29.7
[town]758[/town] 7766pts [player]kritikoc[/player] 485/520 25.0
[town]342[/town] 7927pts [player]MrDragonχ[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]1021[/town] 7954pts [player]fon karagian[/player] 523/474 34.7
[town]32[/town] 8252pts [player]dontfightme[/player] 492/506 10.0
[town]84[/town] 8896pts [player]AIGON 1[/player] 503/500 3.0
[town]208[/town] 9084pts [player]Ellippo[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]959[/town] 9692pts [player]SexyKaltsa[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]149[/town] 9753pts [player]Angelaria[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]699[/town] 10350pts [player]pegios[/player] 521/513 24.7
[town]279[/town] 11417pts [player]perseas90[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]771[/town] 5011pts [player]rexaiakos[/player] 525/499 25.0
[town]623[/town] 5017pts [player]Lawthegreat[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]284[/town] 5020pts [player]perseas90[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]183[/town] 5036pts [player]chrisli[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]613[/town] 5037pts [player]afro[/player] 506/484 17.1
[town]524[/town] 5052pts [player]Μπασαβιολας[/player] 471/513 31.8
[town]702[/town] 5090pts [player]nikossis[/player] 521/513 24.7
[town]962[/town] 5124pts [player]AvilioBruno[/player] 521/508 22.5
[town]630[/town] 5141pts [player]perseas90[/player] 491/519 21.0
[town]660[/town] 5156pts [player]MolonLabe[/player] 485/480 25.0
[town]447[/town] 5168pts [player]ΡΕΞ.[/player] 511/490 14.9
[town]90[/town] 5174pts [player]the hunter[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]256[/town] 5227pts [player]mariaxara.[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]1493[/town] 5261pts [player]D O O M[/player] 497/493 7.6
[town]195[/town] 5273pts [player]SIN1STER[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]1369[/town] 5289pts [player]kostaras42[/player] 486/498 14.1
[town]930[/town] 5309pts [player]oldman22[/player] 521/508 22.5
[town]265[/town] 5312pts [player]GojoSatoru[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]182[/town] 5321pts [player]Gregory[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]171[/town] 5328pts [player]Skoy[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]788[/town] 5371pts [player]jim76[/player] 521/513 24.7
[town]587[/town] 5384pts [player]jimsader[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]222[/town] 5440pts [player]Ellippo[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]158[/town] 5476pts [player]mitsos567[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]451[/town] 5479pts [player]NoMorePain[/player] 486/512 18.4
[town]816[/town] 5535pts [player]MakisNikis[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]682[/town] 5704pts [player]panos1313[/player] 471/513 31.8
[town]237[/town] 5714pts [player]D O O M[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]176[/town] 5751pts [player]thrylos05[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]1244[/town] 5755pts [player]KefalGeo[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]145[/town] 5806pts [player]Witcher97[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]36[/town] 5897pts [player]AIGON 1[/player] 501/497 3.2
[town]376[/town] 5925pts [player]Εξολοθρευτης[/player] 497/484 16.3
[town]1279[/town] 6032pts [player]aggelos69[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]251[/town] 6127pts [player]Ellippo[/player] 480/514 24.4
[town]773[/town] 6264pts [player]AIGON 1[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]361[/town] 6369pts [player]AJAX1[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]703[/town] 6376pts [player]oldman22[/player] 521/513 24.7
[town]180[/town] 6386pts [player]nikmav11[/player] 481/508 20.6
[town]382[/town] 6390pts [player]Loster[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]878[/town] 6399pts [player]kakosliakos[/player] 480/514 24.4
[town]501[/town] 6409pts [player]Cheque7[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]211[/town] 6551pts [player]terk[/player] 481/508 20.6
[town]568[/town] 6608pts [player]jefta[/player] 491/477 24.7
[town]550[/town] 6666pts [player]IrK4[/player] 481/508 20.6
[town]73[/town] 6733pts [player]Bochum[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]1406[/town] 6798pts [player]AIGON 1[/player] 506/503 6.7
[town]471[/town] 6878pts [player]avgerinos300[/player] 486/512 18.4
[town]65[/town] 6970pts [player]leyterisaek[/player] 503/500 3.0
[town]327[/town] 7070pts [player]77papanoly77[/player] 474/506 26.7
[town]286[/town] 7099pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 481/508 20.6
[town]161[/town] 7104pts [player]Skoy[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]868[/town] 7140pts [player]ARISTOFANIS 22[/player] 484/475 29.7
[town]758[/town] 7766pts [player]kritikoc[/player] 485/520 25.0
[town]342[/town] 7927pts [player]MrDragonχ[/player] 486/502 14.1
[town]1021[/town] 7954pts [player]fon karagian[/player] 523/474 34.7
[town]32[/town] 8252pts [player]dontfightme[/player] 492/506 10.0
[town]84[/town] 8896pts [player]AIGON 1[/player] 503/500 3.0
[town]208[/town] 9084pts [player]Ellippo[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]959[/town] 9692pts [player]SexyKaltsa[/player] 526/473 37.5
[town]149[/town] 9753pts [player]Angelaria[/player] 479/504 21.4
[town]699[/town] 10350pts [player]pegios[/player] 521/513 24.7
[town]279[/town] 11417pts [player]perseas90[/player] 479/504 21.4
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.