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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
7813Città di di mauro 1b iti sleeping playerdi mauro 1b iti488472507236191---30.5
982345.16 Selinuntekastore47351852331649572 di Picche 232.4
9397LORD 15 11 ILord154735185356885882 di Picche 232.4
5134Capitan America C08 sleeping playerCapitan America4744815471177414Memento morì**32.2
8214Città di ganifuganifu47152056311835982 di Picche 235.2
552B 002 - 44 sleeping playerdi mauro 1b iti476490586236191---26.0
6996HUGH 10 IHugh794715205942951182 di Picche 235.2
2960Blue Moonganifu48952759851835982 di Picche 229.2
8218Città di ganifu 2ganifu47152060791835982 di Picche 235.2
954145.15 Eregionkastore47752861241649572 di Picche 236.2
9264ANNA 14annalisa744725096346762312 di Picche 229.4
566908. Cnosso sleeping playersoffio005054756581176386---25.5
2706L. L4 P47474 attacked playerAuranera4774756882147736La lista nera34.0
107202. attacked playercheccuz97510500702022869GLI ASSOCIALI10.0
550007. Sparta sleeping playersoffio005094757043176386---26.6
878745.12 Glakastore47351470581649572 di Picche 230.4
111403. attacked playercheccuz97515493706022869GLI ASSOCIALI16.6
800245.11 Attushakastore47652372031649572 di Picche 233.2
9592Città di maximo1967 2maximo19675084957600180010Amici per sempre9.4
509206. Costantinopoli sleeping playersoffio005094758197176386---26.6
154704. attacked playercheccuz97512491878922869GLI ASSOCIALI15.0
2730Augusta Praetoria sleeping playerWolfg4ng473474907891999DITTA SGOMBERI37.5
481205. Tebe sleeping playersoffio005054759141176386---25.5
153402. Drusomagus sleeping playersoffio005054719188176386---29.4
152027. Regalo sleeping playerpercy200998493485969270455---16.6
4824B 007 - 44 sleeping playerdi mauro 1b iti473492993136191---28.2
126203. Atene sleeping playersoffio0050547110358176386---29.4
4506F. Cip e Ciop attacked playerAuranera47447910410147736La lista nera33.4
155201. Excingomagus sleeping playersoffio0050547110486176386---29.4
5304029. Scoglietto sleeping playerpercy2009984744811093870455---32.2
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2757AgoNautilux525527111751763062 di Picche 236.8
189907 Colica attacked playerradious480520112371330712 di Picche 228.3
163015. El conquistador sleeping playerpercy2009984934851129270455---16.6
4856M. D3LUD3NT3 attacked playerAuranera48847211675147736La lista nera30.5
166The Boys city 0.1 attacked playerBlackNigth49348512553141674Memento morì**16.6
356034. Doppiogioco sleeping playerpercy2009984804721266370455---34.4
247702 Uckland attacked playerradious482529127031330712 di Picche 234.1
311910. Venezia sleeping playersoffio0050547512892176386---25.5
124709. Creta sleeping playersoffio0050547113732176386---29.4
3457Furetto di TeoElenide52648113919111032Grande Armata32.2
1788cap 04massiambro474496145671041422 di Picche 226.3

Players list: di mauro 1b iti; kastore; Lord15; Capitan America; ganifu; Hugh79; annalisa74; soffio00; Auranera; checcuz97; maximo1967; Wolfg4ng; percy200998; Nautilux; radious; BlackNigth; Elenide; massiambro
[town]7813[/town] 5072pts [player]di mauro 1b iti[/player] 488/472 30.5
[town]9823[/town] 5233pts [player]kastore[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]9397[/town] 5356pts [player]Lord15[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]5134[/town] 5471pts [player]Capitan America[/player] 474/481 32.2
[town]8214[/town] 5631pts [player]ganifu[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]552[/town] 5862pts [player]di mauro 1b iti[/player] 476/490 26.0
[town]6996[/town] 5942pts [player]Hugh79[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]2960[/town] 5985pts [player]ganifu[/player] 489/527 29.2
[town]8218[/town] 6079pts [player]ganifu[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]9541[/town] 6124pts [player]kastore[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]9264[/town] 6346pts [player]annalisa74[/player] 472/509 29.4
[town]5669[/town] 6581pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/475 25.5
[town]2706[/town] 6882pts [player]Auranera[/player] 477/475 34.0
[town]1072[/town] 7020pts [player]checcuz97[/player] 510/500 10.0
[town]5500[/town] 7043pts [player]soffio00[/player] 509/475 26.6
[town]8787[/town] 7058pts [player]kastore[/player] 473/514 30.4
[town]1114[/town] 7060pts [player]checcuz97[/player] 515/493 16.6
[town]8002[/town] 7203pts [player]kastore[/player] 476/523 33.2
[town]9592[/town] 7600pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 508/495 9.4
[town]5092[/town] 8197pts [player]soffio00[/player] 509/475 26.6
[town]1547[/town] 8789pts [player]checcuz97[/player] 512/491 15.0
[town]2730[/town] 9078pts [player]Wolfg4ng[/player] 473/474 37.5
[town]4812[/town] 9141pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/475 25.5
[town]1534[/town] 9188pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]152[/town] 9692pts [player]percy200998[/player] 493/485 16.6
[town]4824[/town] 9931pts [player]di mauro 1b iti[/player] 473/492 28.2
[town]1262[/town] 10358pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]4506[/town] 10410pts [player]Auranera[/player] 474/479 33.4
[town]1552[/town] 10486pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]5304[/town] 10938pts [player]percy200998[/player] 474/481 32.2
[town]2757[/town] 11175pts [player]Nautilux[/player] 525/527 36.8
[town]1899[/town] 11237pts [player]radious[/player] 480/520 28.3
[town]163[/town] 11292pts [player]percy200998[/player] 493/485 16.6
[town]4856[/town] 11675pts [player]Auranera[/player] 488/472 30.5
[town]166[/town] 12553pts [player]BlackNigth[/player] 493/485 16.6
[town]356[/town] 12663pts [player]percy200998[/player] 480/472 34.4
[town]2477[/town] 12703pts [player]radious[/player] 482/529 34.1
[town]3119[/town] 12892pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/475 25.5
[town]1247[/town] 13732pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]3457[/town] 13919pts [player]Elenide[/player] 526/481 32.2
[town]1788[/town] 14567pts [player]massiambro[/player] 474/496 26.3

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.