Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
755 | n.0 | assur | 500 | 486 | 5769 | 68169 | **Nazgul** | 14.0 |
10465 | Cidade 1 | MetaDragão | 482 | 482 | 5900 | 49786 | Master | 25.5 |
11814 | madina | MetaDragão | 477 | 483 | 5987 | 49786 | Master | 28.6 |
10095 | City 2 | MetaDragão | 477 | 480 | 8056 | 49786 | Master | 30.5 |
4748 | City 1 | MetaDragão | 477 | 480 | 8743 | 49786 | Master | 30.5 |
14193 | G-55668-2 | Chambi433 | 524 | 474 | 8998 | 192417 | Equitetas | 35.4 |
932 | Esparta | elsamml03 | 525 | 509 | 9447 | 12274 | --- | 26.6 |
4152 | Cidade de SadamePT | SadamePT | 485 | 484 | 9447 | 29829 | Yoyodyne | 21.9 |
2109 | CS0212540101 | cafis27 | 501 | 475 | 9710 | 130963 | **Nazgul** | 25.0 |
12875 | 001 gargula1 | gargula1 | 477 | 483 | 9746 | 55022 | Yoyodyne | 28.6 |
505 | JBraze01 | jbraze | 482 | 499 | 9796 | 18648 | --- | 18.0 |
438 | Parvo 007 | O Parvo | 475 | 524 | 10220 | 47726 | --- | 34.7 |
65 | Bolt | marciolobo | 485 | 503 | 10365 | 98307 | --- | 15.3 |
13558 | Cidade de gargula1 6 | gargula1 | 474 | 471 | 10415 | 55022 | Yoyodyne | 38.9 |
9309 | GatoBravo | FM57 | 477 | 480 | 10608 | 38905 | Master | 30.5 |
510 | Muahah mais | marciolobo | 485 | 503 | 10639 | 98307 | --- | 15.3 |
2291 | 44 PT 001.2 | El Portuga | 493 | 486 | 10803 | 112062 | **Nazgul** | 15.7 |
322 | Pandora. | marciolobo | 485 | 503 | 11336 | 98307 | --- | 15.3 |
586 | Cidade de oZxi | marciolobo | 485 | 503 | 11449 | 98307 | --- | 15.3 |
4115 | 44 PT 002 | El Portuga | 485 | 484 | 11452 | 112062 | **Nazgul** | 21.9 |
905 | 44 PT 001 | El Portuga | 493 | 486 | 11582 | 112062 | **Nazgul** | 15.7 |
495 | ????o | marciolobo | 485 | 503 | 11871 | 98307 | --- | 15.3 |
2785 | MAAC 14 | maac1972 | 493 | 518 | 11996 | 189676 | *Os Renegados | 19.3 |
538 | Cidade de ZédaQuint | marciolobo | 485 | 503 | 12754 | 98307 | --- | 15.3 |
289 | 44 002 | Zexion | 482 | 499 | 12776 | 93863 | POWER PUFF 3.0 | 18.0 |
674 | 4123 | Zexion | 475 | 524 | 12776 | 93863 | POWER PUFF 3.0 | 34.7 |
7072 | Cidade de Zexion 4 | Zexion | 478 | 511 | 12776 | 93863 | POWER PUFF 3.0 | 24.6 |
2006 | G-55668-1 | Chambi433 | 524 | 474 | 13209 | 192417 | Equitetas | 35.4 |
687 | Acabou? | marciolobo | 485 | 503 | 14212 | 98307 | --- | 15.3 |
514 | Atlântida OC54 | jsvenancio | 500 | 486 | 14368 | 144987 | **Nazgul** | 14.0 |
788 | Jasmim OC54 | jsvenancio | 500 | 486 | 14598 | 144987 | **Nazgul** | 14.0 |
940 | CS0212440101 | cafis27 | 494 | 482 | 14851 | 130963 | **Nazgul** | 19.0 |
5396 | Cidade de clemens1 | marciolobo | 485 | 503 | 15681 | 98307 | --- | 15.3 |
Players list: assur; MetaDragão; Chambi433; elsamml03; SadamePT; cafis27; gargula1; jbraze; O Parvo; marciolobo; FM57; El Portuga; maac1972; Zexion; jsvenancio
[town]755[/town] 5769pts [player]assur[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]10465[/town] 5900pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 482/482 25.5
[town]11814[/town] 5987pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/483 28.6
[town]10095[/town] 8056pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]4748[/town] 8743pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]14193[/town] 8998pts [player]Chambi433[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]932[/town] 9447pts [player]elsamml03[/player] 525/509 26.6
[town]4152[/town] 9447pts [player]SadamePT[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]2109[/town] 9710pts [player]cafis27[/player] 501/475 25.0
[town]12875[/town] 9746pts [player]gargula1[/player] 477/483 28.6
[town]505[/town] 9796pts [player]jbraze[/player] 482/499 18.0
[town]438[/town] 10220pts [player]O Parvo[/player] 475/524 34.7
[town]65[/town] 10365pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]13558[/town] 10415pts [player]gargula1[/player] 474/471 38.9
[town]9309[/town] 10608pts [player]FM57[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]510[/town] 10639pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]2291[/town] 10803pts [player]El Portuga[/player] 493/486 15.7
[town]322[/town] 11336pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]586[/town] 11449pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]4115[/town] 11452pts [player]El Portuga[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]905[/town] 11582pts [player]El Portuga[/player] 493/486 15.7
[town]495[/town] 11871pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]2785[/town] 11996pts [player]maac1972[/player] 493/518 19.3
[town]538[/town] 12754pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]289[/town] 12776pts [player]Zexion[/player] 482/499 18.0
[town]674[/town] 12776pts [player]Zexion[/player] 475/524 34.7
[town]7072[/town] 12776pts [player]Zexion[/player] 478/511 24.6
[town]2006[/town] 13209pts [player]Chambi433[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]687[/town] 14212pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]514[/town] 14368pts [player]jsvenancio[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]788[/town] 14598pts [player]jsvenancio[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]940[/town] 14851pts [player]cafis27[/player] 494/482 19.0
[town]5396[/town] 15681pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]755[/town] 5769pts [player]assur[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]10465[/town] 5900pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 482/482 25.5
[town]11814[/town] 5987pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/483 28.6
[town]10095[/town] 8056pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]4748[/town] 8743pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]14193[/town] 8998pts [player]Chambi433[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]932[/town] 9447pts [player]elsamml03[/player] 525/509 26.6
[town]4152[/town] 9447pts [player]SadamePT[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]2109[/town] 9710pts [player]cafis27[/player] 501/475 25.0
[town]12875[/town] 9746pts [player]gargula1[/player] 477/483 28.6
[town]505[/town] 9796pts [player]jbraze[/player] 482/499 18.0
[town]438[/town] 10220pts [player]O Parvo[/player] 475/524 34.7
[town]65[/town] 10365pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]13558[/town] 10415pts [player]gargula1[/player] 474/471 38.9
[town]9309[/town] 10608pts [player]FM57[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]510[/town] 10639pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]2291[/town] 10803pts [player]El Portuga[/player] 493/486 15.7
[town]322[/town] 11336pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]586[/town] 11449pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]4115[/town] 11452pts [player]El Portuga[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]905[/town] 11582pts [player]El Portuga[/player] 493/486 15.7
[town]495[/town] 11871pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]2785[/town] 11996pts [player]maac1972[/player] 493/518 19.3
[town]538[/town] 12754pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]289[/town] 12776pts [player]Zexion[/player] 482/499 18.0
[town]674[/town] 12776pts [player]Zexion[/player] 475/524 34.7
[town]7072[/town] 12776pts [player]Zexion[/player] 478/511 24.6
[town]2006[/town] 13209pts [player]Chambi433[/player] 524/474 35.4
[town]687[/town] 14212pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]514[/town] 14368pts [player]jsvenancio[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]788[/town] 14598pts [player]jsvenancio[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]940[/town] 14851pts [player]cafis27[/player] 494/482 19.0
[town]5396[/town] 15681pts [player]marciolobo[/player] 485/503 15.3
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.