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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
2984Cidade de Evil95 attacked playerEvil95506497504712510S Y N D I C A T E6.7
2974Cidade de boieng787 2 attacked playerboieng787506497631716958---6.7
1717Cidade de Evil95 2 attacked playerEvil95494516635312510S Y N D I C A T E17.1
1511Cidade Coimbra 001 attacked playerFalange496511642048732CRASSOS11.7
1715Cidade de boieng787 attacked playerboieng787496511669516958---11.7
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2811correia 2.45.008 attacked playercorreia 2475521711313520Danger Zone32.6
2549AIRESILVA 8 attacked playerairesilva492521732749458DIABOS VERMELHOS22.5
2424luna attacked playervieirapolis499508814189704=RESPECT=8.1
1314Fim do Mundo 2 attacked playerxportista14954888336133033FALTA 3 DIAS13.0
1445Fim do Mundo attacked playerxportista14954888562133033FALTA 3 DIAS13.0
8676Abutre attacked playerestou4754999522160351RED SKIN25.0
129017.55.VC only one grepolis town attacked playervera cruz5135111006710067NoLife17.0
1496estraga prazer attacked playerwolverine 3149548810118158787FALTA 3 DIAS13.0
2032Nestum attacked playerDAVIPOLIS48648511579189742FALTA 3 DIAS20.5
1172olandes voador attacked playerwolverine 3149548811747158787FALTA 3 DIAS13.0
367155 - Horus attacked playerNexusConqueror51151811982118268ISSO É TRAIÇÃO21.1
250955 - Anubis attacked playerNexusConqueror50351712142118268ISSO É TRAIÇÃO17.3
2416Aguia attacked playerestou47349613101160351RED SKIN27.3
1934Cidade 45-001 only one grepolis town attacked playerasterix gladiador5065071377913779RED SKIN9.2
141154 78.90 attacked playerqorpzz50148914300149206=RESPECT=11.0
1330Falcão attacked playerestou47349615091160351RED SKIN27.3
1834ATLANTIS attacked playerBrucutu49352515206118659=RESPECT=26.0

Players list: Evil95; boieng787; Falange; correia 2; airesilva; vieirapolis; xportista1; estou; vera cruz; wolverine 31; DAVIPOLIS; NexusConqueror; asterix gladiador; qorpzz; Brucutu
[town]2984[/town] 5047pts [player]Evil95[/player] 506/497 6.7
[town]2974[/town] 6317pts [player]boieng787[/player] 506/497 6.7
[town]1717[/town] 6353pts [player]Evil95[/player] 494/516 17.1
[town]1511[/town] 6420pts [player]Falange[/player] 496/511 11.7
[town]1715[/town] 6695pts [player]boieng787[/player] 496/511 11.7
[town]2811[/town] 7113pts [player]correia 2[/player] 475/521 32.6
[town]2549[/town] 7327pts [player]airesilva[/player] 492/521 22.5
[town]2424[/town] 8141pts [player]vieirapolis[/player] 499/508 8.1
[town]1314[/town] 8336pts [player]xportista1[/player] 495/488 13.0
[town]1445[/town] 8562pts [player]xportista1[/player] 495/488 13.0
[town]8676[/town] 9522pts [player]estou[/player] 475/499 25.0
[town]1290[/town] 10067pts [player]vera cruz[/player] 513/511 17.0
[town]1496[/town] 10118pts [player]wolverine 31[/player] 495/488 13.0
[town]2032[/town] 11579pts [player]DAVIPOLIS[/player] 486/485 20.5
[town]1172[/town] 11747pts [player]wolverine 31[/player] 495/488 13.0
[town]3671[/town] 11982pts [player]NexusConqueror[/player] 511/518 21.1
[town]2509[/town] 12142pts [player]NexusConqueror[/player] 503/517 17.3
[town]2416[/town] 13101pts [player]estou[/player] 473/496 27.3
[town]1934[/town] 13779pts [player]asterix gladiador[/player] 506/507 9.2
[town]1411[/town] 14300pts [player]qorpzz[/player] 501/489 11.0
[town]1330[/town] 15091pts [player]estou[/player] 473/496 27.3
[town]1834[/town] 15206pts [player]Brucutu[/player] 493/525 26.0

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.