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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
936Brno H attacked playerpavkroc5205146098130187Medvídci24.4
4971Pobanu 3 attacked playerSkyfilmerCZ5115196296153324STRÁŽCI SCRIN22.0
6838Městečko.09 attacked playerMonna.kiki4925026469182011Alfa a Omega8.2
1851Brémy attacked playerSkyfilmerCZ5205146571153324STRÁŽCI SCRIN24.4
3948Pobanu 4 attacked playerSkyfilmerCZ5115196853153324STRÁŽCI SCRIN22.0
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801Skoroban 3 attacked playerSkyfilmerCZ4855227387153324STRÁŽCI SCRIN26.6
360Město hráče Wanderlust attacked playerhamsik294915147729149150Medvídci16.6
1341.45 Agropolis attacked playerAgrippina4965058307110977Medvídci6.4
925Brno attacked playerpavkroc5205148639130187Medvídci24.4
375Trapnost nad marnost attacked playerhamsik294915148773149150Medvídci16.6
42011. Nanporo attacked playerhamsik294915149082149150Medvídci16.6
149903. Tres attacked playerObelix2650652910376160736STRÁŽCI SCRIN29.6
157=06= attacked playerKousekCZ49650510710174848Medvídci6.4
800Byblos 04 attacked playerstanislav5551548511088132247STRÁŽCI SCRIN21.2
932Zachvíliban 1 attacked playerSkyfilmerCZ52051411816153324STRÁŽCI SCRIN24.4
655Bude i kolka ? attacked playerstanislav5549650512017132247STRÁŽCI SCRIN6.4
4181Městečko.04 attacked playerMonna.kiki47550312055182011Alfa a Omega25.2
1233Prepos attacked playerSkyfilmerCZ52651212851153324STRÁŽCI SCRIN28.6
1844Z91-MistřiBaník attacked playerSkyfilmerCZ52651212990153324STRÁŽCI SCRIN28.6
429Ch. Baris 2 attacked playerhamsik2949151413819149150Medvídci16.6

Players list: pavkroc; SkyfilmerCZ; Monna.kiki; hamsik29; Agrippina; Obelix26; KousekCZ; stanislav55
[town]936[/town] 6098pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 520/514 24.4
[town]4971[/town] 6296pts [player]SkyfilmerCZ[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]6838[/town] 6469pts [player]Monna.kiki[/player] 492/502 8.2
[town]1851[/town] 6571pts [player]SkyfilmerCZ[/player] 520/514 24.4
[town]3948[/town] 6853pts [player]SkyfilmerCZ[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]801[/town] 7387pts [player]SkyfilmerCZ[/player] 485/522 26.6
[town]360[/town] 7729pts [player]hamsik29[/player] 491/514 16.6
[town]134[/town] 8307pts [player]Agrippina[/player] 496/505 6.4
[town]925[/town] 8639pts [player]pavkroc[/player] 520/514 24.4
[town]375[/town] 8773pts [player]hamsik29[/player] 491/514 16.6
[town]420[/town] 9082pts [player]hamsik29[/player] 491/514 16.6
[town]1499[/town] 10376pts [player]Obelix26[/player] 506/529 29.6
[town]157[/town] 10710pts [player]KousekCZ[/player] 496/505 6.4
[town]800[/town] 11088pts [player]stanislav55[/player] 515/485 21.2
[town]932[/town] 11816pts [player]SkyfilmerCZ[/player] 520/514 24.4
[town]655[/town] 12017pts [player]stanislav55[/player] 496/505 6.4
[town]4181[/town] 12055pts [player]Monna.kiki[/player] 475/503 25.2
[town]1233[/town] 12851pts [player]SkyfilmerCZ[/player] 526/512 28.6
[town]1844[/town] 12990pts [player]SkyfilmerCZ[/player] 526/512 28.6
[town]429[/town] 13819pts [player]hamsik29[/player] 491/514 16.6

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.