Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
7813 | Città di di mauro 1b iti | di mauro 1b iti | 488 | 472 | 5072 | 36191 | --- | 30.5 |
9823 | 45.16 Selinunte | kastore | 473 | 518 | 5233 | 164801 | 2 di Picche 2 | 32.4 |
9397 | LORD 15 11 I | Lord15 | 473 | 518 | 5356 | 88588 | 2 di Picche 2 | 32.4 |
5134 | Capitan America C08 | Capitan America | 474 | 481 | 5471 | 177448 | Memento morì** | 32.2 |
8214 | Città di ganifu | ganifu | 471 | 520 | 5631 | 183598 | 2 di Picche 2 | 35.2 |
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6996 | HUGH 10 I | Hugh79 | 471 | 520 | 5786 | 94552 | 2 di Picche 2 | 35.2 |
552 | B 002 - 44 | di mauro 1b iti | 476 | 490 | 5862 | 36191 | --- | 26.0 |
9541 | 45.15 Eregion | kastore | 477 | 528 | 5968 | 164801 | 2 di Picche 2 | 36.2 |
2960 | Blue Moon | ganifu | 489 | 527 | 5985 | 183598 | 2 di Picche 2 | 29.2 |
8218 | Città di ganifu 2 | ganifu | 471 | 520 | 6079 | 183598 | 2 di Picche 2 | 35.2 |
9264 | ANNA 14 | annalisa74 | 472 | 509 | 6209 | 76231 | 2 di Picche 2 | 29.4 |
5669 | 08. Cnosso | soffio00 | 505 | 475 | 6581 | 193235 | --- | 25.5 |
2706 | L. L4 P47474 | Auranera | 477 | 475 | 6882 | 147736 | La lista nera | 34.0 |
1072 | 02. | checcuz97 | 510 | 500 | 7020 | 22869 | GLI ASSOCIALI | 10.0 |
5500 | 07. Sparta | soffio00 | 509 | 475 | 7043 | 193235 | --- | 26.6 |
8787 | 45.12 Gla | kastore | 473 | 514 | 7058 | 164801 | 2 di Picche 2 | 30.4 |
1114 | 03. | checcuz97 | 515 | 493 | 7060 | 22869 | GLI ASSOCIALI | 16.6 |
8002 | 45.11 Attusha | kastore | 476 | 523 | 7203 | 164801 | 2 di Picche 2 | 33.2 |
9592 | Città di maximo1967 2 | maximo1967 | 508 | 495 | 7600 | 180010 | Amici per sempre | 9.4 |
5092 | 06. Costantinopoli | soffio00 | 509 | 475 | 8197 | 193235 | --- | 26.6 |
1547 | 04. | checcuz97 | 512 | 491 | 8789 | 22869 | GLI ASSOCIALI | 15.0 |
2730 | Augusta Praetoria | Wolfg4ng | 473 | 474 | 9078 | 91999 | DITTA SGOMBERI | 37.5 |
4812 | 05. Tebe | soffio00 | 505 | 475 | 9141 | 193235 | --- | 25.5 |
1534 | 02. Drusomagus | soffio00 | 505 | 471 | 9188 | 193235 | --- | 29.4 |
152 | 027. Regalo | percy200998 | 493 | 485 | 9692 | 70455 | --- | 16.6 |
4824 | B 007 - 44 | di mauro 1b iti | 473 | 492 | 9931 | 36191 | --- | 28.2 |
1262 | 03. Atene | soffio00 | 505 | 471 | 10358 | 193235 | --- | 29.4 |
4506 | F. Cip e Ciop | Auranera | 474 | 479 | 10410 | 147736 | La lista nera | 33.4 |
1552 | 01. Excingomagus | soffio00 | 505 | 471 | 10486 | 193235 | --- | 29.4 |
5304 | 029. Scoglietto | percy200998 | 474 | 481 | 10938 | 70455 | --- | 32.2 |
2757 | Ago | Nautilux | 525 | 527 | 11175 | 176306 | 2 di Picche 2 | 36.8 |
1899 | 07 Colica | radious | 480 | 520 | 11237 | 133071 | 2 di Picche 2 | 28.3 |
163 | 015. El conquistador | percy200998 | 493 | 485 | 11292 | 70455 | --- | 16.6 |
4856 | M. D3LUD3NT3 | Auranera | 488 | 472 | 11675 | 147736 | La lista nera | 30.5 |
166 | The Boys city 0.1 | BlackNigth | 493 | 485 | 12553 | 141674 | Memento morì** | 16.6 |
356 | 034. Doppiogioco | percy200998 | 480 | 472 | 12663 | 70455 | --- | 34.4 |
2477 | 02 Uckland | radious | 482 | 529 | 12703 | 133071 | 2 di Picche 2 | 34.1 |
3119 | 10. Venezia | soffio00 | 505 | 475 | 12892 | 193235 | --- | 25.5 |
1247 | 09. Creta | soffio00 | 505 | 471 | 13732 | 193235 | --- | 29.4 |
3457 | Furetto di Teo | Elenide | 526 | 481 | 13919 | 111032 | Grande Armata | 32.2 |
1788 | cap 04 | massiambro | 474 | 496 | 14567 | 103852 | 2 di Picche 2 | 26.3 |
Players list: di mauro 1b iti; kastore; Lord15; Capitan America; ganifu; Hugh79; annalisa74; soffio00; Auranera; checcuz97; maximo1967; Wolfg4ng; percy200998; Nautilux; radious; BlackNigth; Elenide; massiambro
[town]7813[/town] 5072pts [player]di mauro 1b iti[/player] 488/472 30.5
[town]9823[/town] 5233pts [player]kastore[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]9397[/town] 5356pts [player]Lord15[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]5134[/town] 5471pts [player]Capitan America[/player] 474/481 32.2
[town]8214[/town] 5631pts [player]ganifu[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]6996[/town] 5786pts [player]Hugh79[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]552[/town] 5862pts [player]di mauro 1b iti[/player] 476/490 26.0
[town]9541[/town] 5968pts [player]kastore[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]2960[/town] 5985pts [player]ganifu[/player] 489/527 29.2
[town]8218[/town] 6079pts [player]ganifu[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]9264[/town] 6209pts [player]annalisa74[/player] 472/509 29.4
[town]5669[/town] 6581pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/475 25.5
[town]2706[/town] 6882pts [player]Auranera[/player] 477/475 34.0
[town]1072[/town] 7020pts [player]checcuz97[/player] 510/500 10.0
[town]5500[/town] 7043pts [player]soffio00[/player] 509/475 26.6
[town]8787[/town] 7058pts [player]kastore[/player] 473/514 30.4
[town]1114[/town] 7060pts [player]checcuz97[/player] 515/493 16.6
[town]8002[/town] 7203pts [player]kastore[/player] 476/523 33.2
[town]9592[/town] 7600pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 508/495 9.4
[town]5092[/town] 8197pts [player]soffio00[/player] 509/475 26.6
[town]1547[/town] 8789pts [player]checcuz97[/player] 512/491 15.0
[town]2730[/town] 9078pts [player]Wolfg4ng[/player] 473/474 37.5
[town]4812[/town] 9141pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/475 25.5
[town]1534[/town] 9188pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]152[/town] 9692pts [player]percy200998[/player] 493/485 16.6
[town]4824[/town] 9931pts [player]di mauro 1b iti[/player] 473/492 28.2
[town]1262[/town] 10358pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]4506[/town] 10410pts [player]Auranera[/player] 474/479 33.4
[town]1552[/town] 10486pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]5304[/town] 10938pts [player]percy200998[/player] 474/481 32.2
[town]2757[/town] 11175pts [player]Nautilux[/player] 525/527 36.8
[town]1899[/town] 11237pts [player]radious[/player] 480/520 28.3
[town]163[/town] 11292pts [player]percy200998[/player] 493/485 16.6
[town]4856[/town] 11675pts [player]Auranera[/player] 488/472 30.5
[town]166[/town] 12553pts [player]BlackNigth[/player] 493/485 16.6
[town]356[/town] 12663pts [player]percy200998[/player] 480/472 34.4
[town]2477[/town] 12703pts [player]radious[/player] 482/529 34.1
[town]3119[/town] 12892pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/475 25.5
[town]1247[/town] 13732pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]3457[/town] 13919pts [player]Elenide[/player] 526/481 32.2
[town]1788[/town] 14567pts [player]massiambro[/player] 474/496 26.3
[town]7813[/town] 5072pts [player]di mauro 1b iti[/player] 488/472 30.5
[town]9823[/town] 5233pts [player]kastore[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]9397[/town] 5356pts [player]Lord15[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]5134[/town] 5471pts [player]Capitan America[/player] 474/481 32.2
[town]8214[/town] 5631pts [player]ganifu[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]6996[/town] 5786pts [player]Hugh79[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]552[/town] 5862pts [player]di mauro 1b iti[/player] 476/490 26.0
[town]9541[/town] 5968pts [player]kastore[/player] 477/528 36.2
[town]2960[/town] 5985pts [player]ganifu[/player] 489/527 29.2
[town]8218[/town] 6079pts [player]ganifu[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]9264[/town] 6209pts [player]annalisa74[/player] 472/509 29.4
[town]5669[/town] 6581pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/475 25.5
[town]2706[/town] 6882pts [player]Auranera[/player] 477/475 34.0
[town]1072[/town] 7020pts [player]checcuz97[/player] 510/500 10.0
[town]5500[/town] 7043pts [player]soffio00[/player] 509/475 26.6
[town]8787[/town] 7058pts [player]kastore[/player] 473/514 30.4
[town]1114[/town] 7060pts [player]checcuz97[/player] 515/493 16.6
[town]8002[/town] 7203pts [player]kastore[/player] 476/523 33.2
[town]9592[/town] 7600pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 508/495 9.4
[town]5092[/town] 8197pts [player]soffio00[/player] 509/475 26.6
[town]1547[/town] 8789pts [player]checcuz97[/player] 512/491 15.0
[town]2730[/town] 9078pts [player]Wolfg4ng[/player] 473/474 37.5
[town]4812[/town] 9141pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/475 25.5
[town]1534[/town] 9188pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]152[/town] 9692pts [player]percy200998[/player] 493/485 16.6
[town]4824[/town] 9931pts [player]di mauro 1b iti[/player] 473/492 28.2
[town]1262[/town] 10358pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]4506[/town] 10410pts [player]Auranera[/player] 474/479 33.4
[town]1552[/town] 10486pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]5304[/town] 10938pts [player]percy200998[/player] 474/481 32.2
[town]2757[/town] 11175pts [player]Nautilux[/player] 525/527 36.8
[town]1899[/town] 11237pts [player]radious[/player] 480/520 28.3
[town]163[/town] 11292pts [player]percy200998[/player] 493/485 16.6
[town]4856[/town] 11675pts [player]Auranera[/player] 488/472 30.5
[town]166[/town] 12553pts [player]BlackNigth[/player] 493/485 16.6
[town]356[/town] 12663pts [player]percy200998[/player] 480/472 34.4
[town]2477[/town] 12703pts [player]radious[/player] 482/529 34.1
[town]3119[/town] 12892pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/475 25.5
[town]1247[/town] 13732pts [player]soffio00[/player] 505/471 29.4
[town]3457[/town] 13919pts [player]Elenide[/player] 526/481 32.2
[town]1788[/town] 14567pts [player]massiambro[/player] 474/496 26.3
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.