Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
5088 | 54 anfipoli Gianpy 2 | -Gianpy64- | 511 | 483 | 5656 | 85392 | Asterope | 20.2 |
2543 | Anphipoli scoglio | Elenide | 508 | 488 | 5669 | 38683 | Aghia Eleni | 14.4 |
444 | AN.009 Kaer Morhen | patrizioternali | 506 | 481 | 6136 | 95818 | - Asterope - | 19.9 |
1883 | 20 Barrafranca | Sharko00 | 526 | 527 | 7253 | 184681 | 4 Amici al BAR | 37.5 |
2828 | Città di renared 4 | renared | 474 | 504 | 7297 | 90411 | Aghia Eleni | 26.3 |
2940 | Città di renared 5 | renared | 474 | 504 | 7554 | 90411 | Aghia Eleni | 26.3 |
2746 | Città di renared 3 | renared | 474 | 504 | 7833 | 90411 | Aghia Eleni | 26.3 |
4714 | 007. Insane | homoti | 514 | 488 | 8512 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 18.4 |
150 | 54.02-1 | annad | 502 | 497 | 8559 | 69189 | *Asterope* | 3.6 |
2785 | 001. Layla | homoti | 515 | 473 | 8648 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 30.9 |
2641 | Città di renared 2 | renared | 474 | 504 | 8710 | 90411 | Aghia Eleni | 26.3 |
774 | A37.02 | annad | 495 | 514 | 8755 | 69189 | *Asterope* | 14.9 |
664 | AN.008 White Orchard | patrizioternali | 500 | 486 | 8787 | 95818 | - Asterope - | 14.0 |
168 | 005. Glory Days | homoti | 502 | 497 | 8789 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 3.6 |
4588 | 006. Sign Me Up | homoti | 520 | 490 | 8877 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 22.4 |
122 | 44 - 02 | semidio 1233 | 493 | 490 | 8935 | 183178 | Asterope | 12.2 |
492 | 003. Badlands | homoti | 511 | 483 | 9164 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 20.2 |
431 | 07 Butera | Sharko00 | 514 | 513 | 9188 | 184681 | 4 Amici al BAR | 19.1 |
73 | AN.001 Cintra | patrizioternali | 502 | 497 | 9243 | 95818 | - Asterope - | 3.6 |
899 | rosaso 4 | rosaso | 514 | 521 | 9306 | 88026 | Lucumonia Tetia | 25.2 |
505 | AN.010 Ciri | patrizioternali | 511 | 483 | 9490 | 95818 | - Asterope - | 20.2 |
336 | 44 - 05 Tabriz | semidio 1233 | 488 | 488 | 9884 | 183178 | Asterope | 17.0 |
3353 | 55*01 | LAVRA | 524 | 512 | 9947 | 152562 | Lucumonia Tetia | 26.8 |
195 | 54.01-1 | annad | 511 | 495 | 10226 | 69189 | *Asterope* | 12.1 |
78 | 54.02-2 | annad | 502 | 497 | 10344 | 69189 | *Asterope* | 3.6 |
1409 | AN.007 Vizima | patrizioternali | 488 | 488 | 10380 | 95818 | - Asterope - | 17.0 |
435 | AN.011 Hans | patrizioternali | 490 | 483 | 10459 | 95818 | - Asterope - | 19.7 |
1029 | 55*03 | LAVRA | 514 | 521 | 10534 | 152562 | Lucumonia Tetia | 25.2 |
87 | 44.3 Psiche | morriscoopers | 493 | 490 | 10652 | 112778 | *Asterope* | 12.2 |
2499 | AN.005 SC-A | patrizioternali | 524 | 480 | 10737 | 95818 | - Asterope - | 31.2 |
1549 | 54 anfipoli Gianpy | -Gianpy64- | 506 | 481 | 11123 | 85392 | Asterope | 19.9 |
439 | 55.01-1 | annad | 516 | 502 | 11142 | 69189 | *Asterope* | 16.1 |
243 | 54.2 Doinald Duck | morriscoopers | 510 | 491 | 11171 | 112778 | *Asterope* | 13.5 |
360 | 009. Look Back At It | homoti | 514 | 488 | 11389 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 18.4 |
331 | AN.003 Novigrad | patrizioternali | 488 | 488 | 11417 | 95818 | - Asterope - | 17.0 |
311 | 004. The River | homoti | 500 | 486 | 11606 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 14.0 |
1045 | ANFIPOLI 005 | Mao1967 | 497 | 524 | 11688 | 79294 | 4 Amici al BAR | 24.2 |
186 | 010. Forever | homoti | 511 | 495 | 11846 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 12.1 |
790 | 008. Yours | homoti | 502 | 497 | 11920 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 3.6 |
255 | 002. Downbound Train | homoti | 489 | 503 | 12082 | 102833 | - Asterope - | 11.4 |
357 | ANGIZIA | LAVRA | 514 | 513 | 12356 | 152562 | Lucumonia Tetia | 19.1 |
864 | 55*02 | LAVRA | 504 | 518 | 12741 | 152562 | Lucumonia Tetia | 18.4 |
129 | 44 - 01 | semidio 1233 | 493 | 490 | 12917 | 183178 | Asterope | 12.2 |
Players list: -Gianpy64-; Elenide; patrizioternali; Sharko00; renared; homoti; annad; semidio 1233; rosaso; LAVRA; morriscoopers; Mao1967
[town]5088[/town] 5656pts [player]-Gianpy64-[/player] 511/483 20.2
[town]2543[/town] 5669pts [player]Elenide[/player] 508/488 14.4
[town]444[/town] 6136pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]1883[/town] 7253pts [player]Sharko00[/player] 526/527 37.5
[town]2828[/town] 7297pts [player]renared[/player] 474/504 26.3
[town]2940[/town] 7554pts [player]renared[/player] 474/504 26.3
[town]2746[/town] 7833pts [player]renared[/player] 474/504 26.3
[town]4714[/town] 8512pts [player]homoti[/player] 514/488 18.4
[town]150[/town] 8559pts [player]annad[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]2785[/town] 8648pts [player]homoti[/player] 515/473 30.9
[town]2641[/town] 8710pts [player]renared[/player] 474/504 26.3
[town]774[/town] 8755pts [player]annad[/player] 495/514 14.9
[town]664[/town] 8787pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]168[/town] 8789pts [player]homoti[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]4588[/town] 8877pts [player]homoti[/player] 520/490 22.4
[town]122[/town] 8935pts [player]semidio 1233[/player] 493/490 12.2
[town]492[/town] 9164pts [player]homoti[/player] 511/483 20.2
[town]431[/town] 9188pts [player]Sharko00[/player] 514/513 19.1
[town]73[/town] 9243pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]899[/town] 9306pts [player]rosaso[/player] 514/521 25.2
[town]505[/town] 9490pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 511/483 20.2
[town]336[/town] 9884pts [player]semidio 1233[/player] 488/488 17.0
[town]3353[/town] 9947pts [player]LAVRA[/player] 524/512 26.8
[town]195[/town] 10226pts [player]annad[/player] 511/495 12.1
[town]78[/town] 10344pts [player]annad[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]1409[/town] 10380pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 488/488 17.0
[town]435[/town] 10459pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 490/483 19.7
[town]1029[/town] 10534pts [player]LAVRA[/player] 514/521 25.2
[town]87[/town] 10652pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 493/490 12.2
[town]2499[/town] 10737pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 524/480 31.2
[town]1549[/town] 11123pts [player]-Gianpy64-[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]439[/town] 11142pts [player]annad[/player] 516/502 16.1
[town]243[/town] 11171pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 510/491 13.5
[town]360[/town] 11389pts [player]homoti[/player] 514/488 18.4
[town]331[/town] 11417pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 488/488 17.0
[town]311[/town] 11606pts [player]homoti[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]1045[/town] 11688pts [player]Mao1967[/player] 497/524 24.2
[town]186[/town] 11846pts [player]homoti[/player] 511/495 12.1
[town]790[/town] 11920pts [player]homoti[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]255[/town] 12082pts [player]homoti[/player] 489/503 11.4
[town]357[/town] 12356pts [player]LAVRA[/player] 514/513 19.1
[town]864[/town] 12741pts [player]LAVRA[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]129[/town] 12917pts [player]semidio 1233[/player] 493/490 12.2
[town]5088[/town] 5656pts [player]-Gianpy64-[/player] 511/483 20.2
[town]2543[/town] 5669pts [player]Elenide[/player] 508/488 14.4
[town]444[/town] 6136pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]1883[/town] 7253pts [player]Sharko00[/player] 526/527 37.5
[town]2828[/town] 7297pts [player]renared[/player] 474/504 26.3
[town]2940[/town] 7554pts [player]renared[/player] 474/504 26.3
[town]2746[/town] 7833pts [player]renared[/player] 474/504 26.3
[town]4714[/town] 8512pts [player]homoti[/player] 514/488 18.4
[town]150[/town] 8559pts [player]annad[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]2785[/town] 8648pts [player]homoti[/player] 515/473 30.9
[town]2641[/town] 8710pts [player]renared[/player] 474/504 26.3
[town]774[/town] 8755pts [player]annad[/player] 495/514 14.9
[town]664[/town] 8787pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]168[/town] 8789pts [player]homoti[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]4588[/town] 8877pts [player]homoti[/player] 520/490 22.4
[town]122[/town] 8935pts [player]semidio 1233[/player] 493/490 12.2
[town]492[/town] 9164pts [player]homoti[/player] 511/483 20.2
[town]431[/town] 9188pts [player]Sharko00[/player] 514/513 19.1
[town]73[/town] 9243pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]899[/town] 9306pts [player]rosaso[/player] 514/521 25.2
[town]505[/town] 9490pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 511/483 20.2
[town]336[/town] 9884pts [player]semidio 1233[/player] 488/488 17.0
[town]3353[/town] 9947pts [player]LAVRA[/player] 524/512 26.8
[town]195[/town] 10226pts [player]annad[/player] 511/495 12.1
[town]78[/town] 10344pts [player]annad[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]1409[/town] 10380pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 488/488 17.0
[town]435[/town] 10459pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 490/483 19.7
[town]1029[/town] 10534pts [player]LAVRA[/player] 514/521 25.2
[town]87[/town] 10652pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 493/490 12.2
[town]2499[/town] 10737pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 524/480 31.2
[town]1549[/town] 11123pts [player]-Gianpy64-[/player] 506/481 19.9
[town]439[/town] 11142pts [player]annad[/player] 516/502 16.1
[town]243[/town] 11171pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 510/491 13.5
[town]360[/town] 11389pts [player]homoti[/player] 514/488 18.4
[town]331[/town] 11417pts [player]patrizioternali[/player] 488/488 17.0
[town]311[/town] 11606pts [player]homoti[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]1045[/town] 11688pts [player]Mao1967[/player] 497/524 24.2
[town]186[/town] 11846pts [player]homoti[/player] 511/495 12.1
[town]790[/town] 11920pts [player]homoti[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]255[/town] 12082pts [player]homoti[/player] 489/503 11.4
[town]357[/town] 12356pts [player]LAVRA[/player] 514/513 19.1
[town]864[/town] 12741pts [player]LAVRA[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]129[/town] 12917pts [player]semidio 1233[/player] 493/490 12.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.