Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
5672 | Città di black wild wolf 4 | black wild wolf | 492 | 529 | 5048 | 34135 | --- | 30.1 |
8107 | Città di corri68 2 | corri68 | 491 | 496 | 5090 | 46102 | --- | 9.8 |
58 | Città di giandonato | corri68 | 491 | 496 | 5133 | 46102 | --- | 9.8 |
32 | 04.SUPERDRAG0 | liseu 10 | 502 | 497 | 5219 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 3.6 |
1157 | 54.92 SURICEDDU | liseu 10 | 527 | 494 | 5453 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 27.7 |
7772 | Città di shah rukh 12 | shah rukh | 489 | 518 | 5717 | 118346 | BLACK STORM | 21.1 |
5473 | Città di black wild wolf | black wild wolf | 492 | 529 | 5783 | 34135 | --- | 30.1 |
17 | 03.SUPERDRAG0 | liseu 10 | 502 | 497 | 5877 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 3.6 |
4931 | Città di mikelemagnum1 2 | mikelemagnum1 | 485 | 527 | 6126 | 26931 | --- | 30.9 |
260 | it-001 | SonoUnPro | 487 | 511 | 6182 | 177213 | --xXx-- | 17.0 |
3339 | Città di andrea.civitella 2 | andrea.civitella | 524 | 522 | 6291 | 20230 | --- | 32.6 |
378 | M45.House10 | Neuron95 | 481 | 504 | 6353 | 101736 | --xXx-- | 19.4 |
7639 | Città di corri68 | corri68 | 491 | 496 | 6456 | 46102 | --- | 9.8 |
5728 | 55.01 | rebel55 | 497 | 514 | 6676 | 39095 | --- | 14.3 |
3650 | Città di andrea.civitella 3 | andrea.civitella | 519 | 524 | 6710 | 20230 | --- | 30.6 |
282 | Antipatrea | liseu 10 | 490 | 484 | 6853 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 18.9 |
3852 | Città di NAPAN 2 | SkyZone | 511 | 519 | 6968 | 25680 | Popoli Del Mare | 22.0 |
1438 | Eraclea | pimpinicchio | 525 | 513 | 7096 | 72791 | WANTED LIFE | 28.2 |
3043 | Città di andrea.civitella | andrea.civitella | 485 | 527 | 7229 | 20230 | --- | 30.9 |
8538 | Città di spadone69 | spadone69 | 472 | 474 | 7236 | 58884 | --xXx-- | 38.2 |
5154 | 01 phoneix city 100 | pimpinicchio | 512 | 507 | 7390 | 72791 | WANTED LIFE | 13.9 |
876 | BA- 002A | Black-Arrow | 487 | 524 | 7432 | 27654 | S. P. A. | 27.3 |
4019 | Città di SkyZone 3 | SkyZone | 511 | 519 | 7651 | 25680 | Popoli Del Mare | 22.0 |
1621 | 06 Panzergrenadier | DoNkEy | 525 | 484 | 7783 | 159115 | IL NONO | 29.7 |
1318 | 05.SUPERDRAGO | liseu 10 | 527 | 494 | 8104 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 27.7 |
1680 | Città di SkyZone | SkyZone | 511 | 519 | 8418 | 25680 | Popoli Del Mare | 22.0 |
1169 | 55.04 | rebel55 | 489 | 505 | 8511 | 39095 | --- | 12.1 |
2165 | 55.02 | rebel55 | 497 | 514 | 8538 | 39095 | --- | 14.3 |
279 | M45.House1 | Neuron95 | 481 | 504 | 8565 | 101736 | --xXx-- | 19.4 |
884 | miri | tizianazeta | 471 | 509 | 9218 | 167319 | --xXx-- | 30.4 |
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4449 | Ombra | spadone69 | 472 | 474 | 9222 | 58884 | --xXx-- | 38.2 |
767 | BA- 002B | Black-Arrow | 487 | 524 | 9606 | 27654 | S. P. A. | 27.3 |
1175 | 06.SUPERDRAGO | liseu 10 | 527 | 498 | 9850 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 27.1 |
2319 | 54-GIOV1 | liseu 10 | 505 | 474 | 9972 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 26.5 |
5055 | 55...Diomeda26 | toto45 | 511 | 503 | 10742 | 112949 | 1MM0RT4L1 | 11.4 |
881 | 03.55 x missioni | mirko 98 | 502 | 505 | 10804 | 42542 | Vengeance | 5.4 |
19 | 02.SUPERDRAG0 | liseu 10 | 502 | 497 | 10871 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 3.6 |
899 | 01.SUPERDRAG0 | liseu 10 | 527 | 494 | 11010 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 27.7 |
1030 | 000 | spadone69 | 474 | 478 | 11049 | 58884 | --xXx-- | 34.1 |
898 | .008. Pyke | liseu 10 | 505 | 474 | 11363 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 26.5 |
71 | corri68 | corri68 | 491 | 496 | 11364 | 46102 | --- | 9.8 |
171 | Su che devo fare pb | rebel55 | 499 | 510 | 11634 | 39095 | --- | 10.0 |
2444 | 03.nuova caledonia | ScassaLeo | 477 | 488 | 12158 | 33232 | --- | 25.9 |
76 | SUPERDRAD0 | liseu 10 | 506 | 490 | 12633 | 151421 | --xXx-- | 11.7 |
1119 | Capitan America A15 | pimpinicchio | 497 | 501 | 13919 | 72791 | WANTED LIFE | 3.2 |
1832 | Capitan America A16 | pimpinicchio | 497 | 501 | 14259 | 72791 | WANTED LIFE | 3.2 |
1401 | Capitan America A14 | pimpinicchio | 497 | 501 | 15758 | 72791 | WANTED LIFE | 3.2 |
1669 | Acanto2 | Domen | 497 | 501 | 16144 | 16144 | Popoli Del Mare | 3.2 |
Players list: black wild wolf; corri68; liseu 10; shah rukh; mikelemagnum1; SonoUnPro; andrea.civitella; Neuron95; rebel55; SkyZone; pimpinicchio; spadone69; Black-Arrow; DoNkEy; tizianazeta; toto45; mirko 98; ScassaLeo; Domen
[town]5672[/town] 5048pts [player]black wild wolf[/player] 492/529 30.1
[town]8107[/town] 5090pts [player]corri68[/player] 491/496 9.8
[town]58[/town] 5133pts [player]corri68[/player] 491/496 9.8
[town]32[/town] 5219pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]1157[/town] 5453pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 527/494 27.7
[town]7772[/town] 5717pts [player]shah rukh[/player] 489/518 21.1
[town]5473[/town] 5783pts [player]black wild wolf[/player] 492/529 30.1
[town]17[/town] 5877pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]4931[/town] 6126pts [player]mikelemagnum1[/player] 485/527 30.9
[town]260[/town] 6182pts [player]SonoUnPro[/player] 487/511 17.0
[town]3339[/town] 6291pts [player]andrea.civitella[/player] 524/522 32.6
[town]378[/town] 6353pts [player]Neuron95[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]7639[/town] 6456pts [player]corri68[/player] 491/496 9.8
[town]5728[/town] 6676pts [player]rebel55[/player] 497/514 14.3
[town]3650[/town] 6710pts [player]andrea.civitella[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]282[/town] 6853pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 490/484 18.9
[town]3852[/town] 6968pts [player]SkyZone[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]1438[/town] 7096pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 525/513 28.2
[town]3043[/town] 7229pts [player]andrea.civitella[/player] 485/527 30.9
[town]8538[/town] 7236pts [player]spadone69[/player] 472/474 38.2
[town]5154[/town] 7390pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 512/507 13.9
[town]876[/town] 7432pts [player]Black-Arrow[/player] 487/524 27.3
[town]4019[/town] 7651pts [player]SkyZone[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]1621[/town] 7783pts [player]DoNkEy[/player] 525/484 29.7
[town]1318[/town] 8104pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 527/494 27.7
[town]1680[/town] 8418pts [player]SkyZone[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]1169[/town] 8511pts [player]rebel55[/player] 489/505 12.1
[town]2165[/town] 8538pts [player]rebel55[/player] 497/514 14.3
[town]279[/town] 8565pts [player]Neuron95[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]884[/town] 9218pts [player]tizianazeta[/player] 471/509 30.4
[town]4449[/town] 9222pts [player]spadone69[/player] 472/474 38.2
[town]767[/town] 9606pts [player]Black-Arrow[/player] 487/524 27.3
[town]1175[/town] 9850pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 527/498 27.1
[town]2319[/town] 9972pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 505/474 26.5
[town]5055[/town] 10742pts [player]toto45[/player] 511/503 11.4
[town]881[/town] 10804pts [player]mirko 98[/player] 502/505 5.4
[town]19[/town] 10871pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]899[/town] 11010pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 527/494 27.7
[town]1030[/town] 11049pts [player]spadone69[/player] 474/478 34.1
[town]898[/town] 11363pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 505/474 26.5
[town]71[/town] 11364pts [player]corri68[/player] 491/496 9.8
[town]171[/town] 11634pts [player]rebel55[/player] 499/510 10.0
[town]2444[/town] 12158pts [player]ScassaLeo[/player] 477/488 25.9
[town]76[/town] 12633pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 506/490 11.7
[town]1119[/town] 13919pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1832[/town] 14259pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1401[/town] 15758pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1669[/town] 16144pts [player]Domen[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]5672[/town] 5048pts [player]black wild wolf[/player] 492/529 30.1
[town]8107[/town] 5090pts [player]corri68[/player] 491/496 9.8
[town]58[/town] 5133pts [player]corri68[/player] 491/496 9.8
[town]32[/town] 5219pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]1157[/town] 5453pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 527/494 27.7
[town]7772[/town] 5717pts [player]shah rukh[/player] 489/518 21.1
[town]5473[/town] 5783pts [player]black wild wolf[/player] 492/529 30.1
[town]17[/town] 5877pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]4931[/town] 6126pts [player]mikelemagnum1[/player] 485/527 30.9
[town]260[/town] 6182pts [player]SonoUnPro[/player] 487/511 17.0
[town]3339[/town] 6291pts [player]andrea.civitella[/player] 524/522 32.6
[town]378[/town] 6353pts [player]Neuron95[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]7639[/town] 6456pts [player]corri68[/player] 491/496 9.8
[town]5728[/town] 6676pts [player]rebel55[/player] 497/514 14.3
[town]3650[/town] 6710pts [player]andrea.civitella[/player] 519/524 30.6
[town]282[/town] 6853pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 490/484 18.9
[town]3852[/town] 6968pts [player]SkyZone[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]1438[/town] 7096pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 525/513 28.2
[town]3043[/town] 7229pts [player]andrea.civitella[/player] 485/527 30.9
[town]8538[/town] 7236pts [player]spadone69[/player] 472/474 38.2
[town]5154[/town] 7390pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 512/507 13.9
[town]876[/town] 7432pts [player]Black-Arrow[/player] 487/524 27.3
[town]4019[/town] 7651pts [player]SkyZone[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]1621[/town] 7783pts [player]DoNkEy[/player] 525/484 29.7
[town]1318[/town] 8104pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 527/494 27.7
[town]1680[/town] 8418pts [player]SkyZone[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]1169[/town] 8511pts [player]rebel55[/player] 489/505 12.1
[town]2165[/town] 8538pts [player]rebel55[/player] 497/514 14.3
[town]279[/town] 8565pts [player]Neuron95[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]884[/town] 9218pts [player]tizianazeta[/player] 471/509 30.4
[town]4449[/town] 9222pts [player]spadone69[/player] 472/474 38.2
[town]767[/town] 9606pts [player]Black-Arrow[/player] 487/524 27.3
[town]1175[/town] 9850pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 527/498 27.1
[town]2319[/town] 9972pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 505/474 26.5
[town]5055[/town] 10742pts [player]toto45[/player] 511/503 11.4
[town]881[/town] 10804pts [player]mirko 98[/player] 502/505 5.4
[town]19[/town] 10871pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 502/497 3.6
[town]899[/town] 11010pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 527/494 27.7
[town]1030[/town] 11049pts [player]spadone69[/player] 474/478 34.1
[town]898[/town] 11363pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 505/474 26.5
[town]71[/town] 11364pts [player]corri68[/player] 491/496 9.8
[town]171[/town] 11634pts [player]rebel55[/player] 499/510 10.0
[town]2444[/town] 12158pts [player]ScassaLeo[/player] 477/488 25.9
[town]76[/town] 12633pts [player]liseu 10[/player] 506/490 11.7
[town]1119[/town] 13919pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1832[/town] 14259pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1401[/town] 15758pts [player]pimpinicchio[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1669[/town] 16144pts [player]Domen[/player] 497/501 3.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.