Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
47 | tester | tester | 490 | 499 | 5037 | 8706 | ГреПОбеда | 10.0 |
111 | 55.ТХ.1 | TAРХ | 502 | 510 | 5057 | 10246 | --- | 10.2 |
596 | уват | paradigma44 | 492 | 525 | 5087 | 8794 | как то так | 26.2 |
73 | 001 | Проходимец | 493 | 517 | 5131 | 7931 | BLEF | 18.4 |
100 | Олимпиакос | Arhimedes | 493 | 517 | 5186 | 10224 | =All In= | 18.4 |
109 | Городок | gorkavenko | 493 | 517 | 5209 | 12247 | BLEF | 18.4 |
224 | город 1 | igmak03 | 493 | 487 | 5233 | 10657 | BLEF | 14.8 |
28 | город 1 | Aleventu | 490 | 499 | 5261 | 14478 | =All In= | 10.0 |
25 | Строй | Строй | 501 | 498 | 5266 | 9049 | BLEF | 2.2 |
171 | Арканар | Vangard12 | 508 | 513 | 5311 | 15409 | BLEF | 15.3 |
365 | Хоп так | Bubligum524 | 486 | 516 | 5357 | 10073 | BLEF | 21.3 |
26 | -5- | Diger59 | 501 | 498 | 5390 | 28235 | All In | 2.2 |
41 | 54.001 | SVARA | 501 | 498 | 5394 | 12943 | All In | 2.2 |
189 | АналаГавНет | Romulus48russ | 510 | 487 | 5460 | 10144 | =All In= | 16.4 |
341 | 001 | Веселый Фермер | 486 | 516 | 5486 | 13419 | BLEF | 21.3 |
35 | Фолей | Фолей | 501 | 498 | 5805 | 5805 | --- | 2.2 |
132 | Афины | Agronomik | 490 | 499 | 5808 | 10244 | =All In= | 10.0 |
91 | 45-город alex-arti 1 | alex-arti | 493 | 517 | 5812 | 8805 | All In | 18.4 |
122 | 4501 | yurgenen | 490 | 499 | 5839 | 14699 | BLEF | 10.0 |
76 | Эх0 | astrosergio | 512 | 502 | 5842 | 9908 | All In | 12.2 |
5 | На волне | Magyar | 493 | 517 | 5843 | 10584 | BLEF | 18.4 |
162 | TIFLIS | dato77 | 512 | 502 | 5844 | 14737 | =All In= | 12.2 |
60 | Троя | 8lucky4 | 512 | 502 | 5845 | 16663 | All In | 12.2 |
106 | 0. Мадрид | Venden75 | 493 | 517 | 5954 | 12356 | BLEF | 18.4 |
179 | карапец | xary | 508 | 513 | 5964 | 10689 | =All In= | 15.3 |
62 | Южноукраинск | Ajiadb | 488 | 494 | 5997 | 14650 | All In | 13.4 |
107 | Агат | darada | 501 | 498 | 6061 | 12390 | All In | 2.2 |
49 | Пиво | mouseHappy | 510 | 487 | 6129 | 10430 | Сисячный террор | 16.4 |
362 | город 001 | Sanch0s | 512 | 516 | 6195 | 12806 | =All In= | 20.0 |
147 | неа | svcher | 510 | 487 | 6308 | 10489 | BLEF | 16.4 |
93 | Орхан. | stavros1970 | 512 | 502 | 6310 | 12483 | All In | 12.2 |
176 | город | Dimas192 | 481 | 503 | 6419 | 15309 | BLEF | 19.2 |
43 | Бухта | Hornblower | 510 | 487 | 6456 | 13706 | All In | 16.4 |
61 | Челентано | Остап Блендер Микс | 488 | 494 | 6613 | 14746 | All In | 13.4 |
30 | ЦУР | yakser | 490 | 499 | 6632 | 12008 | BLEF | 10.0 |
37 | 55.уник | MaXMIX | 501 | 498 | 6645 | 22088 | All In | 2.2 |
87 | ОDIN | ОDIN | 517 | 483 | 6739 | 8459 | ГреПОбеда | 24.0 |
353 | Berlin | Zimaleto | 517 | 483 | 6994 | 14965 | =All In= | 24.0 |
164 | 55-001 | Руслан 46 | 512 | 502 | 7100 | 15190 | BLEF | 12.2 |
9 | 0000 | Шарамыжник | 501 | 498 | 7130 | 14647 | All In | 2.2 |
34 | Wormald | Wormald | 501 | 498 | 7199 | 8931 | BLEF | 2.2 |
50 | 1.1 ЧИСТИЛИЩЕ | Злоумышленник | 510 | 487 | 7306 | 14513 | Сисячный террор | 16.4 |
72 | 44.001 | Peace4All | 488 | 494 | 7358 | 17186 | All In | 13.4 |
20 | Vino | Vino | 501 | 498 | 7660 | 14766 | BLEF | 2.2 |
83 | 00001 | Serg2024 | 493 | 517 | 7754 | 21129 | All In | 18.4 |
240 | город | колхозник 404 | 481 | 503 | 7945 | 17101 | BLEF | 19.2 |
66 | 01.Волшебный город | Miraclе | 488 | 494 | 7958 | 21971 | All In | 13.4 |
86 | кумм | кумм | 493 | 517 | 8366 | 16636 | All In | 18.4 |
184 | 001.Rome | R.B.C. | 481 | 503 | 9035 | 16766 | BLEF | 19.2 |
13 | -1- | Diger59 | 502 | 510 | 10130 | 28235 | All In | 10.2 |
Players list: tester; TAРХ; paradigma44; Проходимец; Arhimedes; gorkavenko; igmak03; Aleventu; Строй; Vangard12; Bubligum524; Diger59; SVARA; Romulus48russ; Веселый Фермер; Фолей; Agronomik; alex-arti; yurgenen; astrosergio; Magyar; dato77; 8lucky4; Venden75; xary; Ajiadb; darada; mouseHappy; Sanch0s; svcher; stavros1970; Dimas192; Hornblower; Остап Блендер Микс; yakser; MaXMIX; ОDIN; Zimaleto; Руслан 46; Шарамыжник; Wormald; Злоумышленник; Peace4All; Vino; Serg2024; колхозник 404; Miraclе; кумм; R.B.C.
[town]47[/town] 5037pts [player]tester[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]111[/town] 5057pts [player]TAРХ[/player] 502/510 10.2
[town]596[/town] 5087pts [player]paradigma44[/player] 492/525 26.2
[town]73[/town] 5131pts [player]Проходимец[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]100[/town] 5186pts [player]Arhimedes[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]109[/town] 5209pts [player]gorkavenko[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]224[/town] 5233pts [player]igmak03[/player] 493/487 14.8
[town]28[/town] 5261pts [player]Aleventu[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]25[/town] 5266pts [player]Строй[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]171[/town] 5311pts [player]Vangard12[/player] 508/513 15.3
[town]365[/town] 5357pts [player]Bubligum524[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]26[/town] 5390pts [player]Diger59[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]41[/town] 5394pts [player]SVARA[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]189[/town] 5460pts [player]Romulus48russ[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]341[/town] 5486pts [player]Веселый Фермер[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]35[/town] 5805pts [player]Фолей[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]132[/town] 5808pts [player]Agronomik[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]91[/town] 5812pts [player]alex-arti[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]122[/town] 5839pts [player]yurgenen[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]76[/town] 5842pts [player]astrosergio[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]5[/town] 5843pts [player]Magyar[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]162[/town] 5844pts [player]dato77[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]60[/town] 5845pts [player]8lucky4[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]106[/town] 5954pts [player]Venden75[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]179[/town] 5964pts [player]xary[/player] 508/513 15.3
[town]62[/town] 5997pts [player]Ajiadb[/player] 488/494 13.4
[town]107[/town] 6061pts [player]darada[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]49[/town] 6129pts [player]mouseHappy[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]362[/town] 6195pts [player]Sanch0s[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]147[/town] 6308pts [player]svcher[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]93[/town] 6310pts [player]stavros1970[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]176[/town] 6419pts [player]Dimas192[/player] 481/503 19.2
[town]43[/town] 6456pts [player]Hornblower[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]61[/town] 6613pts [player]Остап Блендер Микс[/player] 488/494 13.4
[town]30[/town] 6632pts [player]yakser[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]37[/town] 6645pts [player]MaXMIX[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]87[/town] 6739pts [player]ОDIN[/player] 517/483 24.0
[town]353[/town] 6994pts [player]Zimaleto[/player] 517/483 24.0
[town]164[/town] 7100pts [player]Руслан 46[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]9[/town] 7130pts [player]Шарамыжник[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]34[/town] 7199pts [player]Wormald[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]50[/town] 7306pts [player]Злоумышленник[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]72[/town] 7358pts [player]Peace4All[/player] 488/494 13.4
[town]20[/town] 7660pts [player]Vino[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]83[/town] 7754pts [player]Serg2024[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]240[/town] 7945pts [player]колхозник 404[/player] 481/503 19.2
[town]66[/town] 7958pts [player]Miraclе[/player] 488/494 13.4
[town]86[/town] 8366pts [player]кумм[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]184[/town] 9035pts [player]R.B.C.[/player] 481/503 19.2
[town]13[/town] 10130pts [player]Diger59[/player] 502/510 10.2
[town]47[/town] 5037pts [player]tester[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]111[/town] 5057pts [player]TAРХ[/player] 502/510 10.2
[town]596[/town] 5087pts [player]paradigma44[/player] 492/525 26.2
[town]73[/town] 5131pts [player]Проходимец[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]100[/town] 5186pts [player]Arhimedes[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]109[/town] 5209pts [player]gorkavenko[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]224[/town] 5233pts [player]igmak03[/player] 493/487 14.8
[town]28[/town] 5261pts [player]Aleventu[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]25[/town] 5266pts [player]Строй[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]171[/town] 5311pts [player]Vangard12[/player] 508/513 15.3
[town]365[/town] 5357pts [player]Bubligum524[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]26[/town] 5390pts [player]Diger59[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]41[/town] 5394pts [player]SVARA[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]189[/town] 5460pts [player]Romulus48russ[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]341[/town] 5486pts [player]Веселый Фермер[/player] 486/516 21.3
[town]35[/town] 5805pts [player]Фолей[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]132[/town] 5808pts [player]Agronomik[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]91[/town] 5812pts [player]alex-arti[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]122[/town] 5839pts [player]yurgenen[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]76[/town] 5842pts [player]astrosergio[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]5[/town] 5843pts [player]Magyar[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]162[/town] 5844pts [player]dato77[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]60[/town] 5845pts [player]8lucky4[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]106[/town] 5954pts [player]Venden75[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]179[/town] 5964pts [player]xary[/player] 508/513 15.3
[town]62[/town] 5997pts [player]Ajiadb[/player] 488/494 13.4
[town]107[/town] 6061pts [player]darada[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]49[/town] 6129pts [player]mouseHappy[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]362[/town] 6195pts [player]Sanch0s[/player] 512/516 20.0
[town]147[/town] 6308pts [player]svcher[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]93[/town] 6310pts [player]stavros1970[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]176[/town] 6419pts [player]Dimas192[/player] 481/503 19.2
[town]43[/town] 6456pts [player]Hornblower[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]61[/town] 6613pts [player]Остап Блендер Микс[/player] 488/494 13.4
[town]30[/town] 6632pts [player]yakser[/player] 490/499 10.0
[town]37[/town] 6645pts [player]MaXMIX[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]87[/town] 6739pts [player]ОDIN[/player] 517/483 24.0
[town]353[/town] 6994pts [player]Zimaleto[/player] 517/483 24.0
[town]164[/town] 7100pts [player]Руслан 46[/player] 512/502 12.2
[town]9[/town] 7130pts [player]Шарамыжник[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]34[/town] 7199pts [player]Wormald[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]50[/town] 7306pts [player]Злоумышленник[/player] 510/487 16.4
[town]72[/town] 7358pts [player]Peace4All[/player] 488/494 13.4
[town]20[/town] 7660pts [player]Vino[/player] 501/498 2.2
[town]83[/town] 7754pts [player]Serg2024[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]240[/town] 7945pts [player]колхозник 404[/player] 481/503 19.2
[town]66[/town] 7958pts [player]Miraclе[/player] 488/494 13.4
[town]86[/town] 8366pts [player]кумм[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]184[/town] 9035pts [player]R.B.C.[/player] 481/503 19.2
[town]13[/town] 10130pts [player]Diger59[/player] 502/510 10.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.