Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
6125 | 07. San Bernardino | anti-ajax | 508 | 511 | 5258 | 55073 | SPQR | 13.6 |
132 | mi gold | Ferya | 502 | 520 | 5746 | 6743 | Goudwolven | 20.1 |
3720 | Jackcity 01 | JSPO | 485 | 503 | 5956 | 155840 | *LBS.* | 15.3 |
7148 | 0.3 | DenDaaik | 480 | 473 | 6203 | 111304 | Diamond Compass | 33.6 |
4887 | DORMAN | warrior lady | 513 | 475 | 6434 | 34772 | Muren en Torens | 28.2 |
5597 | 44B2 | Eureka | 494 | 472 | 6504 | 191153 | Flake's Belastings geld | 28.6 |
3452 | BORTEL | warrior lady | 513 | 475 | 6770 | 34772 | Muren en Torens | 28.2 |
7451 | Grapje | Herman de Redder | 483 | 476 | 6775 | 6775 | --- | 29.4 |
6421 | Jackcity 09 | JSPO | 479 | 506 | 6864 | 155840 | *LBS.* | 21.8 |
7250 | 0.4 | DenDaaik | 480 | 473 | 6990 | 111304 | Diamond Compass | 33.6 |
5032 | AMERONGE | warrior lady | 513 | 475 | 7295 | 34772 | Muren en Torens | 28.2 |
5357 | 54B1 | Eureka | 501 | 477 | 7355 | 191153 | Flake's Belastings geld | 23.0 |
3770 | CLOVERS | warrior lady | 513 | 475 | 7498 | 34772 | Muren en Torens | 28.2 |
443 | 002.45.Jupiler | jonasketje | 479 | 497 | 7597 | 141446 | Diamond Compass | 21.2 |
4766 | 06. Fresno | anti-ajax | 503 | 512 | 8169 | 55073 | SPQR | 12.4 |
3328 | Dipidolor | anadis | 473 | 518 | 8172 | 63961 | Diamond Compass | 32.4 |
4072 | 04. Merced | anti-ajax | 502 | 503 | 8336 | 55073 | SPQR | 3.6 |
4321 | Jackcity 02 G | JSPO | 502 | 503 | 8520 | 155840 | *LBS.* | 3.6 |
1252 | 44F3 In the End | Bourgeoisie | 473 | 495 | 8558 | 117349 | StofZuigBrigade | 27.5 |
4201 | 05. Inyo | anti-ajax | 513 | 510 | 8568 | 55073 | SPQR | 16.4 |
795 | 54B2 eva | Johanvld | 511 | 473 | 8585 | 190616 | Flake's Belastings geld | 29.2 |
563 | 004.45.Chouffe | jonasketje | 493 | 528 | 8862 | 141446 | Diamond Compass | 28.9 |
399 | 54A4 Francescoli | Johanvld | 511 | 482 | 8886 | 190616 | Flake's Belastings geld | 21.1 |
4315 | Bacuna | Taurus99 | 479 | 500 | 9144 | 62018 | Enigma's Compass | 21.0 |
633 | 45b2 | ender66 | 471 | 506 | 9256 | 22377 | dodo | 29.6 |
1039 | 05.ilA rotkoB | General Khan | 514 | 494 | 9702 | 97815 | Enigma's Compass | 15.2 |
2718 | Mustang E GT | Marcel gijzen | 513 | 515 | 9767 | 86415 | --- | 19.8 |
2903 | Alexandrios | Taurus99 | 479 | 500 | 9787 | 62018 | Enigma's Compass | 21.0 |
1449 | 06. Ali torBok | General Khan | 480 | 527 | 9933 | 97815 | Enigma's Compass | 33.6 |
146 | Stad 2 | Johanvld | 521 | 512 | 10028 | 190616 | Flake's Belastings geld | 24.2 |
1350 | 45b1 | ender66 | 471 | 506 | 10054 | 22377 | dodo | 29.6 |
2692 | 54G1 | Eureka | 527 | 479 | 10152 | 191153 | Flake's Belastings geld | 34.2 |
4991 | Carvacal | Taurus99 | 479 | 500 | 10158 | 62018 | Enigma's Compass | 21.0 |
729 | 54F1 | Eureka | 523 | 490 | 10251 | 191153 | Flake's Belastings geld | 25.1 |
212 | Stad | Johanvld | 521 | 512 | 10564 | 190616 | Flake's Belastings geld | 24.2 |
2222 | 44.Mooi stadje | jonasketje | 481 | 488 | 10766 | 141446 | Diamond Compass | 22.5 |
2184 | Almere | jeangenie | 509 | 517 | 11080 | 78483 | *LBS* | 19.2 |
4419 | 5.01 Pella | Geronimo81 | 492 | 483 | 11161 | 182079 | Golden Compass | 18.8 |
153 | 45A4 Het eiland | Bourgeoisie | 482 | 500 | 11264 | 117349 | StofZuigBrigade | 18.0 |
3336 | 03. Stanislaus | anti-ajax | 508 | 506 | 11285 | 55073 | SPQR | 10.0 |
107 | 54A5 | Eureka | 517 | 484 | 11331 | 191153 | Flake's Belastings geld | 23.3 |
1688 | Mustang GT2 | Marcel gijzen | 522 | 528 | 11480 | 86415 | --- | 35.6 |
221 | erts | platoscaveman | 518 | 491 | 11590 | 108693 | Diamond Compass | 20.1 |
277 | 1.3 Delphi | Geronimo81 | 496 | 485 | 12237 | 182079 | Golden Compass | 15.5 |
973 | 1.2 Athina | Geronimo81 | 496 | 485 | 12337 | 182079 | Golden Compass | 15.5 |
1216 | 2.1 Nea Makri | Geronimo81 | 472 | 480 | 12387 | 182079 | Golden Compass | 34.4 |
1398 | 2.2 Marathonas | Geronimo81 | 472 | 480 | 12444 | 182079 | Golden Compass | 34.4 |
167 | 1.1 Sparta | Geronimo81 | 496 | 485 | 12458 | 182079 | Golden Compass | 15.5 |
470 | 55F3 Rocket Power | Bourgeoisie | 528 | 500 | 13011 | 117349 | StofZuigBrigade | 28.0 |
838 | 44B3 Vance | Bourgeoisie | 486 | 474 | 13034 | 117349 | StofZuigBrigade | 29.5 |
466 | Pilatus | Taurus99 | 479 | 497 | 13083 | 62018 | Enigma's Compass | 21.2 |
369 | 55F3 DeDuitser 2 | Eureka | 528 | 500 | 13272 | 191153 | Flake's Belastings geld | 28.0 |
4567 | 3.1 Knossos | Geronimo81 | 483 | 476 | 13301 | 182079 | Golden Compass | 29.4 |
520 | 44B1 ZZZ | Johanvld | 492 | 476 | 13447 | 190616 | Flake's Belastings geld | 25.3 |
860 | 002 Oldtown | Redbone | 494 | 472 | 13645 | 183518 | Enigma's Compass | 28.6 |
497 | 44.07 Fatima | Levenslied | 492 | 476 | 14180 | 14180 | Silver Compass | 25.3 |
942 | 16 Jeff Town | psv pipo | 486 | 474 | 15170 | 176229 | Diamond Compass | 29.5 |
2207 | 54-NR.IFF 1.1 | Tempelier14 | 518 | 489 | 15470 | 79906 | Hear me Roar | 21.1 |
2337 | 54-NR.IFF 1.2 | Tempelier14 | 518 | 489 | 15470 | 79906 | Hear me Roar | 21.1 |
41 | 54A1 Checkpointt | Bourgeoisie | 506 | 493 | 15688 | 117349 | StofZuigBrigade | 9.2 |
271 | 45B1 DeDuitser 6 | Eureka | 492 | 521 | 16494 | 191153 | Flake's Belastings geld | 22.5 |
329 | 55F2 | Johanvld | 521 | 516 | 17310 | 190616 | Flake's Belastings geld | 26.4 |
Players list: anti-ajax; Ferya; JSPO; DenDaaik; warrior lady; Eureka; Herman de Redder; jonasketje; anadis; Bourgeoisie; Johanvld; Taurus99; ender66; General Khan; Marcel gijzen; jeangenie; Geronimo81; platoscaveman; Redbone; Levenslied; psv pipo; Tempelier14
[town]6125[/town] 5258pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 508/511 13.6
[town]132[/town] 5746pts [player]Ferya[/player] 502/520 20.1
[town]3720[/town] 5956pts [player]JSPO[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]7148[/town] 6203pts [player]DenDaaik[/player] 480/473 33.6
[town]4887[/town] 6434pts [player]warrior lady[/player] 513/475 28.2
[town]5597[/town] 6504pts [player]Eureka[/player] 494/472 28.6
[town]3452[/town] 6770pts [player]warrior lady[/player] 513/475 28.2
[town]7451[/town] 6775pts [player]Herman de Redder[/player] 483/476 29.4
[town]6421[/town] 6864pts [player]JSPO[/player] 479/506 21.8
[town]7250[/town] 6990pts [player]DenDaaik[/player] 480/473 33.6
[town]5032[/town] 7295pts [player]warrior lady[/player] 513/475 28.2
[town]5357[/town] 7355pts [player]Eureka[/player] 501/477 23.0
[town]3770[/town] 7498pts [player]warrior lady[/player] 513/475 28.2
[town]443[/town] 7597pts [player]jonasketje[/player] 479/497 21.2
[town]4766[/town] 8169pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]3328[/town] 8172pts [player]anadis[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]4072[/town] 8336pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 502/503 3.6
[town]4321[/town] 8520pts [player]JSPO[/player] 502/503 3.6
[town]1252[/town] 8558pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 473/495 27.5
[town]4201[/town] 8568pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 513/510 16.4
[town]795[/town] 8585pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 511/473 29.2
[town]563[/town] 8862pts [player]jonasketje[/player] 493/528 28.9
[town]399[/town] 8886pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 511/482 21.1
[town]4315[/town] 9144pts [player]Taurus99[/player] 479/500 21.0
[town]633[/town] 9256pts [player]ender66[/player] 471/506 29.6
[town]1039[/town] 9702pts [player]General Khan[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]2718[/town] 9767pts [player]Marcel gijzen[/player] 513/515 19.8
[town]2903[/town] 9787pts [player]Taurus99[/player] 479/500 21.0
[town]1449[/town] 9933pts [player]General Khan[/player] 480/527 33.6
[town]146[/town] 10028pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 521/512 24.2
[town]1350[/town] 10054pts [player]ender66[/player] 471/506 29.6
[town]2692[/town] 10152pts [player]Eureka[/player] 527/479 34.2
[town]4991[/town] 10158pts [player]Taurus99[/player] 479/500 21.0
[town]729[/town] 10251pts [player]Eureka[/player] 523/490 25.1
[town]212[/town] 10564pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 521/512 24.2
[town]2222[/town] 10766pts [player]jonasketje[/player] 481/488 22.5
[town]2184[/town] 11080pts [player]jeangenie[/player] 509/517 19.2
[town]4419[/town] 11161pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 492/483 18.8
[town]153[/town] 11264pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 482/500 18.0
[town]3336[/town] 11285pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 508/506 10.0
[town]107[/town] 11331pts [player]Eureka[/player] 517/484 23.3
[town]1688[/town] 11480pts [player]Marcel gijzen[/player] 522/528 35.6
[town]221[/town] 11590pts [player]platoscaveman[/player] 518/491 20.1
[town]277[/town] 12237pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]973[/town] 12337pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]1216[/town] 12387pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 472/480 34.4
[town]1398[/town] 12444pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 472/480 34.4
[town]167[/town] 12458pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]470[/town] 13011pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 528/500 28.0
[town]838[/town] 13034pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 486/474 29.5
[town]466[/town] 13083pts [player]Taurus99[/player] 479/497 21.2
[town]369[/town] 13272pts [player]Eureka[/player] 528/500 28.0
[town]4567[/town] 13301pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 483/476 29.4
[town]520[/town] 13447pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 492/476 25.3
[town]860[/town] 13645pts [player]Redbone[/player] 494/472 28.6
[town]497[/town] 14180pts [player]Levenslied[/player] 492/476 25.3
[town]942[/town] 15170pts [player]psv pipo[/player] 486/474 29.5
[town]2207[/town] 15470pts [player]Tempelier14[/player] 518/489 21.1
[town]2337[/town] 15470pts [player]Tempelier14[/player] 518/489 21.1
[town]41[/town] 15688pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 506/493 9.2
[town]271[/town] 16494pts [player]Eureka[/player] 492/521 22.5
[town]329[/town] 17310pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 521/516 26.4
[town]6125[/town] 5258pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 508/511 13.6
[town]132[/town] 5746pts [player]Ferya[/player] 502/520 20.1
[town]3720[/town] 5956pts [player]JSPO[/player] 485/503 15.3
[town]7148[/town] 6203pts [player]DenDaaik[/player] 480/473 33.6
[town]4887[/town] 6434pts [player]warrior lady[/player] 513/475 28.2
[town]5597[/town] 6504pts [player]Eureka[/player] 494/472 28.6
[town]3452[/town] 6770pts [player]warrior lady[/player] 513/475 28.2
[town]7451[/town] 6775pts [player]Herman de Redder[/player] 483/476 29.4
[town]6421[/town] 6864pts [player]JSPO[/player] 479/506 21.8
[town]7250[/town] 6990pts [player]DenDaaik[/player] 480/473 33.6
[town]5032[/town] 7295pts [player]warrior lady[/player] 513/475 28.2
[town]5357[/town] 7355pts [player]Eureka[/player] 501/477 23.0
[town]3770[/town] 7498pts [player]warrior lady[/player] 513/475 28.2
[town]443[/town] 7597pts [player]jonasketje[/player] 479/497 21.2
[town]4766[/town] 8169pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]3328[/town] 8172pts [player]anadis[/player] 473/518 32.4
[town]4072[/town] 8336pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 502/503 3.6
[town]4321[/town] 8520pts [player]JSPO[/player] 502/503 3.6
[town]1252[/town] 8558pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 473/495 27.5
[town]4201[/town] 8568pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 513/510 16.4
[town]795[/town] 8585pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 511/473 29.2
[town]563[/town] 8862pts [player]jonasketje[/player] 493/528 28.9
[town]399[/town] 8886pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 511/482 21.1
[town]4315[/town] 9144pts [player]Taurus99[/player] 479/500 21.0
[town]633[/town] 9256pts [player]ender66[/player] 471/506 29.6
[town]1039[/town] 9702pts [player]General Khan[/player] 514/494 15.2
[town]2718[/town] 9767pts [player]Marcel gijzen[/player] 513/515 19.8
[town]2903[/town] 9787pts [player]Taurus99[/player] 479/500 21.0
[town]1449[/town] 9933pts [player]General Khan[/player] 480/527 33.6
[town]146[/town] 10028pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 521/512 24.2
[town]1350[/town] 10054pts [player]ender66[/player] 471/506 29.6
[town]2692[/town] 10152pts [player]Eureka[/player] 527/479 34.2
[town]4991[/town] 10158pts [player]Taurus99[/player] 479/500 21.0
[town]729[/town] 10251pts [player]Eureka[/player] 523/490 25.1
[town]212[/town] 10564pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 521/512 24.2
[town]2222[/town] 10766pts [player]jonasketje[/player] 481/488 22.5
[town]2184[/town] 11080pts [player]jeangenie[/player] 509/517 19.2
[town]4419[/town] 11161pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 492/483 18.8
[town]153[/town] 11264pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 482/500 18.0
[town]3336[/town] 11285pts [player]anti-ajax[/player] 508/506 10.0
[town]107[/town] 11331pts [player]Eureka[/player] 517/484 23.3
[town]1688[/town] 11480pts [player]Marcel gijzen[/player] 522/528 35.6
[town]221[/town] 11590pts [player]platoscaveman[/player] 518/491 20.1
[town]277[/town] 12237pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]973[/town] 12337pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]1216[/town] 12387pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 472/480 34.4
[town]1398[/town] 12444pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 472/480 34.4
[town]167[/town] 12458pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 496/485 15.5
[town]470[/town] 13011pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 528/500 28.0
[town]838[/town] 13034pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 486/474 29.5
[town]466[/town] 13083pts [player]Taurus99[/player] 479/497 21.2
[town]369[/town] 13272pts [player]Eureka[/player] 528/500 28.0
[town]4567[/town] 13301pts [player]Geronimo81[/player] 483/476 29.4
[town]520[/town] 13447pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 492/476 25.3
[town]860[/town] 13645pts [player]Redbone[/player] 494/472 28.6
[town]497[/town] 14180pts [player]Levenslied[/player] 492/476 25.3
[town]942[/town] 15170pts [player]psv pipo[/player] 486/474 29.5
[town]2207[/town] 15470pts [player]Tempelier14[/player] 518/489 21.1
[town]2337[/town] 15470pts [player]Tempelier14[/player] 518/489 21.1
[town]41[/town] 15688pts [player]Bourgeoisie[/player] 506/493 9.2
[town]271[/town] 16494pts [player]Eureka[/player] 492/521 22.5
[town]329[/town] 17310pts [player]Johanvld[/player] 521/516 26.4
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.