Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
12316 | 5502 ![]() | Hekate | 523 | 512 | 5171 | 41153 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 25.9 |
12317 | 5503 ![]() | Hekate | 523 | 512 | 5356 | 41153 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 25.9 |
14285 | ΑΙΜΙΛΙΟΣ E13 | emiliosboukas | 497 | 496 | 5482 | 195851 | ΟΙ ΜΥΡΜΙΔΟΝΕΣ | 5.0 |
12321 | 5504 ![]() | Hekate | 523 | 512 | 5570 | 41153 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 25.9 |
12324 | 5505 ![]() | Hekate | 523 | 512 | 6537 | 41153 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 25.9 |
11986 | ΕΓΩ0 | k0stas1968 | 492 | 501 | 6941 | 126933 | --- | 8.1 |
360 | ΑΜΠΑΤΖΗ | cris iraklis | 503 | 475 | 7750 | 198685 | La Familia Goatfather S | 25.2 |
206 | Hellas 003 | Athanasios Diakos | 505 | 480 | 7867 | 71991 | *FIGHTERS* | 20.6 |
397 | Ritos2 | kassandra7 | 488 | 477 | 7974 | 85975 | *FIGHTERS* | 25.9 |
174 | ΧΕΙΡΩΝ | arisS3neapolis | 518 | 493 | 8555 | 108254 | ΟΙ ΜΥΡΜΙΔΟΝΕΣ | 19.3 |
1964 | 44.02.Aincrad ![]() | b4erebus | 471 | 472 | 8616 | 75742 | Πάνθεον | 40.3 |
7800 | ksanakaiksana ![]() | ksanakaiksana | 526 | 519 | 8624 | 34704 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 32.2 |
244 | 0001 ![]() | vaggelis 3 | 499 | 481 | 8710 | 40554 | La Familia Goatfather SS | 19.0 |
148 | ΑΙΜΙΛΙΟΣ 01 | emiliosboukas | 497 | 501 | 8746 | 195851 | ΟΙ ΜΥΡΜΙΔΟΝΕΣ | 3.2 |
3886 | 44.03.GHOST ![]() | b4erebus | 479 | 472 | 8832 | 75742 | Πάνθεον | 35.0 |
211 | Hellas 004 | Athanasios Diakos | 505 | 480 | 8940 | 71991 | *FIGHTERS* | 20.6 |
369 | ΚΑΣΙΜΑΤΗΣ | cris iraklis | 503 | 475 | 9134 | 198685 | La Familia Goatfather S | 25.2 |
2588 | 44.01.Stormwind ![]() | b4erebus | 471 | 472 | 9307 | 75742 | Πάνθεον | 40.3 |
8192 | Πόλη του παίκτη elkambi 7 ![]() | elkambi | 526 | 519 | 9575 | 70109 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 32.2 |
115 | ΕΓΩ | k0stas1968 | 497 | 501 | 9589 | 126933 | --- | 3.2 |
1337 | PLUS ![]() | plus13 | 494 | 485 | 9671 | 98112 | --- | 16.2 |
7770 | Πόλη του παίκτη elkambi 2 ![]() | elkambi | 526 | 519 | 9754 | 70109 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 32.2 |
8057 | Πόλη του παίκτη elkambi 6 ![]() | elkambi | 526 | 519 | 9777 | 70109 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 32.2 |
7771 | Πόλη του παίκτη elkambi 3 ![]() | elkambi | 526 | 519 | 9943 | 70109 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 32.2 |
10405 | Loster 26 | kassandra7 | 494 | 485 | 9979 | 85975 | *FIGHTERS* | 16.2 |
7901 | Πόλη του παίκτη elkambi 4 ![]() | elkambi | 526 | 519 | 10296 | 70109 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 32.2 |
7762 | Πόλη του παίκτη elkambi ![]() | elkambi | 526 | 519 | 10363 | 70109 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 32.2 |
7951 | Πόλη του παίκτη elkambi 5 ![]() | elkambi | 526 | 519 | 10401 | 70109 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 32.2 |
178 | ΜΑΥΡΙΤΑΝΙΑ | kostas bjh | 494 | 485 | 10481 | 180454 | La Familia Goatfather S | 16.2 |
262 | 54.03.Ironforge ![]() | b4erebus | 499 | 481 | 10682 | 75742 | Πάνθεον | 19.0 |
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325 | Πόλη του παίκτη akon | kassandra7 | 503 | 475 | 10691 | 85975 | *FIGHTERS* | 25.2 |
212 | kassandra7 | kassandra7 | 499 | 481 | 10751 | 85975 | *FIGHTERS* | 19.0 |
270 | 54.01.Ελέα ![]() | b4erebus | 505 | 480 | 11101 | 75742 | Πάνθεον | 20.6 |
384 | URBS AMPHIPOLIS | the hunter | 515 | 476 | 11341 | 193622 | *FIGHTERS* | 28.3 |
7185 | 003 | ti katalabes | 488 | 514 | 11421 | 153804 | --- | 18.4 |
367 | ΦΑΣΟΛΑΚΗΣ | kostas bjh | 503 | 475 | 11579 | 180454 | La Familia Goatfather S | 25.2 |
7184 | 002 | ti katalabes | 488 | 514 | 11615 | 153804 | --- | 18.4 |
10304 | 02. ![]() | kerveros454 | 471 | 517 | 11733 | 57043 | --- | 33.6 |
390 | URBS TARENTI | the hunter | 515 | 476 | 11856 | 193622 | *FIGHTERS* | 28.3 |
7206 | 004 | ti katalabes | 488 | 514 | 11902 | 153804 | --- | 18.4 |
794 | URBS MEGARORUM | the hunter | 526 | 477 | 12115 | 193622 | *FIGHTERS* | 34.7 |
7183 | 001 | ti katalabes | 488 | 514 | 12653 | 153804 | --- | 18.4 |
7123 | 005 | ti katalabes | 488 | 514 | 12670 | 153804 | --- | 18.4 |
7144 | 006 | ti katalabes | 488 | 514 | 13170 | 153804 | --- | 18.4 |
253 | ΑΔΗΣ | kostas bjh | 503 | 475 | 13401 | 180454 | La Familia Goatfather S | 25.2 |
233 | Hellas 001 | Athanasios Diakos | 505 | 480 | 13848 | 71991 | *FIGHTERS* | 20.6 |
34 | URBS ROMAE | the hunter | 513 | 486 | 14264 | 193622 | *FIGHTERS* | 19.1 |
3284 | ΓΑΝΔΗ | kostas bjh | 479 | 472 | 14924 | 180454 | La Familia Goatfather S | 35.0 |
10262 | 01. ![]() | kerveros454 | 471 | 517 | 15092 | 57043 | --- | 33.6 |
10303 | 03. ![]() | kerveros454 | 471 | 517 | 15092 | 57043 | --- | 33.6 |
10502 | ηγγγ ![]() | kerveros454 | 471 | 517 | 15126 | 57043 | --- | 33.6 |
263 | ειρηνη .1 | eirhnhmatuaioy | 499 | 481 | 15623 | 96454 | 3 ΚΑΙ Ο ΚΟΥΚΟΣ | 19.0 |
792 | 001 | trap 25 | 526 | 477 | 16562 | 99779 | *FIGHTERS* | 34.7 |
Players list: Hekate; emiliosboukas; k0stas1968; cris iraklis; Athanasios Diakos; kassandra7; arisS3neapolis; b4erebus; ksanakaiksana; vaggelis 3; elkambi; plus13; kostas bjh; the hunter; ti katalabes; kerveros454; eirhnhmatuaioy; trap 25
[town]12316[/town] 5171pts [player]Hekate[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]12317[/town] 5356pts [player]Hekate[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]14285[/town] 5482pts [player]emiliosboukas[/player] 497/496 5.0
[town]12321[/town] 5570pts [player]Hekate[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]12324[/town] 6537pts [player]Hekate[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]11986[/town] 6941pts [player]k0stas1968[/player] 492/501 8.1
[town]360[/town] 7750pts [player]cris iraklis[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]206[/town] 7867pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]397[/town] 7974pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]174[/town] 8555pts [player]arisS3neapolis[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]1964[/town] 8616pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]7800[/town] 8624pts [player]ksanakaiksana[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]244[/town] 8710pts [player]vaggelis 3[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]148[/town] 8746pts [player]emiliosboukas[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]3886[/town] 8832pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]211[/town] 8940pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]369[/town] 9134pts [player]cris iraklis[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]2588[/town] 9307pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]8192[/town] 9575pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]115[/town] 9589pts [player]k0stas1968[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1337[/town] 9671pts [player]plus13[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]7770[/town] 9754pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]8057[/town] 9777pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]7771[/town] 9943pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]10405[/town] 9979pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]7901[/town] 10296pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]7762[/town] 10363pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]7951[/town] 10401pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]178[/town] 10481pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]262[/town] 10682pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]325[/town] 10691pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]212[/town] 10751pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]270[/town] 11101pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]384[/town] 11341pts [player]the hunter[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]7185[/town] 11421pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]367[/town] 11579pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]7184[/town] 11615pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]10304[/town] 11733pts [player]kerveros454[/player] 471/517 33.6
[town]390[/town] 11856pts [player]the hunter[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]7206[/town] 11902pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]794[/town] 12115pts [player]the hunter[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]7183[/town] 12653pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]7123[/town] 12670pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]7144[/town] 13170pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]253[/town] 13401pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]233[/town] 13848pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]34[/town] 14264pts [player]the hunter[/player] 513/486 19.1
[town]3284[/town] 14924pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]10262[/town] 15092pts [player]kerveros454[/player] 471/517 33.6
[town]10303[/town] 15092pts [player]kerveros454[/player] 471/517 33.6
[town]10502[/town] 15126pts [player]kerveros454[/player] 471/517 33.6
[town]263[/town] 15623pts [player]eirhnhmatuaioy[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]792[/town] 16562pts [player]trap 25[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]12316[/town] 5171pts [player]Hekate[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]12317[/town] 5356pts [player]Hekate[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]14285[/town] 5482pts [player]emiliosboukas[/player] 497/496 5.0
[town]12321[/town] 5570pts [player]Hekate[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]12324[/town] 6537pts [player]Hekate[/player] 523/512 25.9
[town]11986[/town] 6941pts [player]k0stas1968[/player] 492/501 8.1
[town]360[/town] 7750pts [player]cris iraklis[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]206[/town] 7867pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]397[/town] 7974pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]174[/town] 8555pts [player]arisS3neapolis[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]1964[/town] 8616pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]7800[/town] 8624pts [player]ksanakaiksana[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]244[/town] 8710pts [player]vaggelis 3[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]148[/town] 8746pts [player]emiliosboukas[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]3886[/town] 8832pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]211[/town] 8940pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]369[/town] 9134pts [player]cris iraklis[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]2588[/town] 9307pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]8192[/town] 9575pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]115[/town] 9589pts [player]k0stas1968[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1337[/town] 9671pts [player]plus13[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]7770[/town] 9754pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]8057[/town] 9777pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]7771[/town] 9943pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]10405[/town] 9979pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]7901[/town] 10296pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]7762[/town] 10363pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]7951[/town] 10401pts [player]elkambi[/player] 526/519 32.2
[town]178[/town] 10481pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]262[/town] 10682pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]325[/town] 10691pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]212[/town] 10751pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]270[/town] 11101pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]384[/town] 11341pts [player]the hunter[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]7185[/town] 11421pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]367[/town] 11579pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]7184[/town] 11615pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]10304[/town] 11733pts [player]kerveros454[/player] 471/517 33.6
[town]390[/town] 11856pts [player]the hunter[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]7206[/town] 11902pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]794[/town] 12115pts [player]the hunter[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]7183[/town] 12653pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]7123[/town] 12670pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]7144[/town] 13170pts [player]ti katalabes[/player] 488/514 18.4
[town]253[/town] 13401pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]233[/town] 13848pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]34[/town] 14264pts [player]the hunter[/player] 513/486 19.1
[town]3284[/town] 14924pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]10262[/town] 15092pts [player]kerveros454[/player] 471/517 33.6
[town]10303[/town] 15092pts [player]kerveros454[/player] 471/517 33.6
[town]10502[/town] 15126pts [player]kerveros454[/player] 471/517 33.6
[town]263[/town] 15623pts [player]eirhnhmatuaioy[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]792[/town] 16562pts [player]trap 25[/player] 526/477 34.7
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.