Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
23452 | City 8 | roland ned | 502 | 496 | 5223 | 172512 | Confusion | 4.5 |
3693 | 55.01 Starcity | jianwei | 524 | 502 | 5389 | 31026 | Team solo | 24.1 |
2256 | Wanda | Vos503 | 512 | 483 | 5540 | 187843 | Make my Day | 20.8 |
22540 | Stad van saliknots1 7 | saliknots1 | 487 | 482 | 5830 | 112417 | --- | 22.2 |
14959 | Stad van the1nb | the1nb | 494 | 479 | 6834 | 31827 | Scorpio | 21.8 |
810 | Bien 25 | sabientjuh | 511 | 526 | 6968 | 121433 | --- | 28.2 |
3558 | T-04-A | PT1999 | 527 | 476 | 7649 | 123015 | Pasta Pesto | 36.1 |
14668 | Boston Celtics | Hero | 528 | 472 | 7880 | 118423 | Make my Day | 39.6 |
21757 | Stad van saliknots1 6 | saliknots1 | 489 | 487 | 8076 | 112417 | --- | 17.0 |
1089 | 55.03 Starcity | jianwei | 527 | 508 | 8255 | 31026 | Team solo | 28.2 |
4371 | Bakban | the1nb | 491 | 476 | 8936 | 31827 | Scorpio | 25.6 |
3065 | Stad van Interloper 2 | Interloper | 489 | 484 | 8972 | 79106 | ghosts of therompylae | 19.4 |
1078 | 55.01.07 | roland ned | 527 | 508 | 9005 | 172512 | Confusion | 28.2 |
22702 | City 7 | roland ned | 507 | 491 | 9497 | 172512 | Confusion | 11.4 |
18281 | Bien 22 | sabientjuh | 511 | 526 | 9536 | 121433 | --- | 28.2 |
4200 | Wokpan | the1nb | 494 | 477 | 9635 | 31827 | Scorpio | 23.8 |
19331 | Stad van saliknots1 3 | saliknots1 | 494 | 482 | 9680 | 112417 | --- | 19.0 |
19918 | Stad van Talin | Talin | 518 | 519 | 10197 | 23876 | --- | 26.2 |
22032 | Kazan | Vos503 | 512 | 483 | 10300 | 187843 | Make my Day | 20.8 |
18310 | Bien 02 | sabientjuh | 499 | 485 | 10350 | 121433 | --- | 15.0 |
22323 | City 5 | roland ned | 515 | 491 | 10509 | 172512 | Confusion | 17.5 |
13329 | Rivkah 1 | Vos503 | 497 | 475 | 10568 | 187843 | Make my Day | 25.2 |
21252 | City 1 | roland ned | 510 | 494 | 10589 | 172512 | Confusion | 11.7 |
3458 | 11.0 luco boss | nofun? | 529 | 484 | 10739 | 157378 | Elan Heroes | 33.1 |
21947 | Wodan | Vos503 | 512 | 483 | 10970 | 187843 | Make my Day | 20.8 |
19379 | Stad van saliknots1 4 | saliknots1 | 491 | 480 | 10987 | 112417 | --- | 21.9 |
22394 | City 6 | roland ned | 524 | 488 | 11144 | 172512 | Confusion | 26.8 |
20178 | Stad van saliknots1 5 | saliknots1 | 487 | 482 | 11207 | 112417 | --- | 22.2 |
3711 | Sparta West | saliknots1 | 491 | 480 | 11213 | 112417 | --- | 21.9 |
1288 | Tar 001 | 15Anthony15 | 505 | 480 | 11275 | 182313 | The Law | 20.6 |
1392 | E04 Droeftoeterts | DAGGER6666 | 494 | 479 | 11550 | 41557 | The Tempeliers | 21.8 |
1660 | E01 Pannekoek. | DAGGER6666 | 479 | 476 | 12021 | 41557 | The Tempeliers | 31.9 |
2689 | Stad van Vos503 a | Vos503 | 516 | 479 | 12063 | 187843 | Make my Day | 26.4 |
1527 | wie maakt me los? | VanDutch | 517 | 529 | 12423 | 12423 | --- | 33.6 |
7511 | Nimrod | Vos503 | 512 | 483 | 12725 | 187843 | Make my Day | 20.8 |
1205 | 04.0 goedemorgen0 | nofun? | 499 | 485 | 13033 | 157378 | Elan Heroes | 15.0 |
2193 | E02 Sjapsjaak | DAGGER6666 | 473 | 472 | 13225 | 41557 | The Tempeliers | 38.9 |
1604 | T-05-A | PT1999 | 524 | 488 | 13551 | 123015 | Pasta Pesto | 26.8 |
19578 | 55.04.09 | Talin | 518 | 519 | 13679 | 23876 | --- | 26.2 |
2877 | 03. Angband | saliknots1 | 494 | 482 | 13829 | 112417 | --- | 19.0 |
18498 | City 2 | roland ned | 519 | 499 | 13857 | 172512 | Confusion | 19.0 |
1510 | Rivkah | Vos503 | 497 | 475 | 13876 | 187843 | Make my Day | 25.2 |
1493 | Rmbnation1.2 | roland ned | 522 | 497 | 14090 | 172512 | Confusion | 22.2 |
1498 | The Temple of Hades | roland ned | 522 | 497 | 14547 | 172512 | Confusion | 22.2 |
2208 | Jakku | roland ned | 519 | 499 | 14778 | 172512 | Confusion | 19.0 |
19257 | City 3 | roland ned | 519 | 499 | 14817 | 172512 | Confusion | 19.0 |
9254 | Olivier | Vos503 | 512 | 483 | 14946 | 187843 | Make my Day | 20.8 |
13340 | Atlanta Hawks | Hero | 528 | 472 | 15025 | 118423 | Make my Day | 39.6 |
1491 | CapR | roland ned | 522 | 497 | 15055 | 172512 | Confusion | 22.2 |
1960 | Stad van papa12 | roland ned | 522 | 497 | 15496 | 172512 | Confusion | 22.2 |
4055 | Stad van saliknots1 2 | saliknots1 | 494 | 482 | 17286 | 112417 | --- | 19.0 |
6148 | Stad van saliknots1 | saliknots1 | 494 | 482 | 17286 | 112417 | --- | 19.0 |
Players list: roland ned; jianwei; Vos503; saliknots1; the1nb; sabientjuh; PT1999; Hero; Interloper; Talin; nofun?; 15Anthony15; DAGGER6666; VanDutch
[town]23452[/town] 5223pts [player]roland ned[/player] 502/496 4.5
[town]3693[/town] 5389pts [player]jianwei[/player] 524/502 24.1
[town]2256[/town] 5540pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]22540[/town] 5830pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 487/482 22.2
[town]14959[/town] 6834pts [player]the1nb[/player] 494/479 21.8
[town]810[/town] 6968pts [player]sabientjuh[/player] 511/526 28.2
[town]3558[/town] 7649pts [player]PT1999[/player] 527/476 36.1
[town]14668[/town] 7880pts [player]Hero[/player] 528/472 39.6
[town]21757[/town] 8076pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 489/487 17.0
[town]1089[/town] 8255pts [player]jianwei[/player] 527/508 28.2
[town]4371[/town] 8936pts [player]the1nb[/player] 491/476 25.6
[town]3065[/town] 8972pts [player]Interloper[/player] 489/484 19.4
[town]1078[/town] 9005pts [player]roland ned[/player] 527/508 28.2
[town]22702[/town] 9497pts [player]roland ned[/player] 507/491 11.4
[town]18281[/town] 9536pts [player]sabientjuh[/player] 511/526 28.2
[town]4200[/town] 9635pts [player]the1nb[/player] 494/477 23.8
[town]19331[/town] 9680pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 494/482 19.0
[town]19918[/town] 10197pts [player]Talin[/player] 518/519 26.2
[town]22032[/town] 10300pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]18310[/town] 10350pts [player]sabientjuh[/player] 499/485 15.0
[town]22323[/town] 10509pts [player]roland ned[/player] 515/491 17.5
[town]13329[/town] 10568pts [player]Vos503[/player] 497/475 25.2
[town]21252[/town] 10589pts [player]roland ned[/player] 510/494 11.7
[town]3458[/town] 10739pts [player]nofun?[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]21947[/town] 10970pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]19379[/town] 10987pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 491/480 21.9
[town]22394[/town] 11144pts [player]roland ned[/player] 524/488 26.8
[town]20178[/town] 11207pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 487/482 22.2
[town]3711[/town] 11213pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 491/480 21.9
[town]1288[/town] 11275pts [player]15Anthony15[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]1392[/town] 11550pts [player]DAGGER6666[/player] 494/479 21.8
[town]1660[/town] 12021pts [player]DAGGER6666[/player] 479/476 31.9
[town]2689[/town] 12063pts [player]Vos503[/player] 516/479 26.4
[town]1527[/town] 12423pts [player]VanDutch[/player] 517/529 33.6
[town]7511[/town] 12725pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]1205[/town] 13033pts [player]nofun?[/player] 499/485 15.0
[town]2193[/town] 13225pts [player]DAGGER6666[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]1604[/town] 13551pts [player]PT1999[/player] 524/488 26.8
[town]19578[/town] 13679pts [player]Talin[/player] 518/519 26.2
[town]2877[/town] 13829pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 494/482 19.0
[town]18498[/town] 13857pts [player]roland ned[/player] 519/499 19.0
[town]1510[/town] 13876pts [player]Vos503[/player] 497/475 25.2
[town]1493[/town] 14090pts [player]roland ned[/player] 522/497 22.2
[town]1498[/town] 14547pts [player]roland ned[/player] 522/497 22.2
[town]2208[/town] 14778pts [player]roland ned[/player] 519/499 19.0
[town]19257[/town] 14817pts [player]roland ned[/player] 519/499 19.0
[town]9254[/town] 14946pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]13340[/town] 15025pts [player]Hero[/player] 528/472 39.6
[town]1491[/town] 15055pts [player]roland ned[/player] 522/497 22.2
[town]1960[/town] 15496pts [player]roland ned[/player] 522/497 22.2
[town]4055[/town] 17286pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 494/482 19.0
[town]6148[/town] 17286pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 494/482 19.0
[town]23452[/town] 5223pts [player]roland ned[/player] 502/496 4.5
[town]3693[/town] 5389pts [player]jianwei[/player] 524/502 24.1
[town]2256[/town] 5540pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]22540[/town] 5830pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 487/482 22.2
[town]14959[/town] 6834pts [player]the1nb[/player] 494/479 21.8
[town]810[/town] 6968pts [player]sabientjuh[/player] 511/526 28.2
[town]3558[/town] 7649pts [player]PT1999[/player] 527/476 36.1
[town]14668[/town] 7880pts [player]Hero[/player] 528/472 39.6
[town]21757[/town] 8076pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 489/487 17.0
[town]1089[/town] 8255pts [player]jianwei[/player] 527/508 28.2
[town]4371[/town] 8936pts [player]the1nb[/player] 491/476 25.6
[town]3065[/town] 8972pts [player]Interloper[/player] 489/484 19.4
[town]1078[/town] 9005pts [player]roland ned[/player] 527/508 28.2
[town]22702[/town] 9497pts [player]roland ned[/player] 507/491 11.4
[town]18281[/town] 9536pts [player]sabientjuh[/player] 511/526 28.2
[town]4200[/town] 9635pts [player]the1nb[/player] 494/477 23.8
[town]19331[/town] 9680pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 494/482 19.0
[town]19918[/town] 10197pts [player]Talin[/player] 518/519 26.2
[town]22032[/town] 10300pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]18310[/town] 10350pts [player]sabientjuh[/player] 499/485 15.0
[town]22323[/town] 10509pts [player]roland ned[/player] 515/491 17.5
[town]13329[/town] 10568pts [player]Vos503[/player] 497/475 25.2
[town]21252[/town] 10589pts [player]roland ned[/player] 510/494 11.7
[town]3458[/town] 10739pts [player]nofun?[/player] 529/484 33.1
[town]21947[/town] 10970pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]19379[/town] 10987pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 491/480 21.9
[town]22394[/town] 11144pts [player]roland ned[/player] 524/488 26.8
[town]20178[/town] 11207pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 487/482 22.2
[town]3711[/town] 11213pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 491/480 21.9
[town]1288[/town] 11275pts [player]15Anthony15[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]1392[/town] 11550pts [player]DAGGER6666[/player] 494/479 21.8
[town]1660[/town] 12021pts [player]DAGGER6666[/player] 479/476 31.9
[town]2689[/town] 12063pts [player]Vos503[/player] 516/479 26.4
[town]1527[/town] 12423pts [player]VanDutch[/player] 517/529 33.6
[town]7511[/town] 12725pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]1205[/town] 13033pts [player]nofun?[/player] 499/485 15.0
[town]2193[/town] 13225pts [player]DAGGER6666[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]1604[/town] 13551pts [player]PT1999[/player] 524/488 26.8
[town]19578[/town] 13679pts [player]Talin[/player] 518/519 26.2
[town]2877[/town] 13829pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 494/482 19.0
[town]18498[/town] 13857pts [player]roland ned[/player] 519/499 19.0
[town]1510[/town] 13876pts [player]Vos503[/player] 497/475 25.2
[town]1493[/town] 14090pts [player]roland ned[/player] 522/497 22.2
[town]1498[/town] 14547pts [player]roland ned[/player] 522/497 22.2
[town]2208[/town] 14778pts [player]roland ned[/player] 519/499 19.0
[town]19257[/town] 14817pts [player]roland ned[/player] 519/499 19.0
[town]9254[/town] 14946pts [player]Vos503[/player] 512/483 20.8
[town]13340[/town] 15025pts [player]Hero[/player] 528/472 39.6
[town]1491[/town] 15055pts [player]roland ned[/player] 522/497 22.2
[town]1960[/town] 15496pts [player]roland ned[/player] 522/497 22.2
[town]4055[/town] 17286pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 494/482 19.0
[town]6148[/town] 17286pts [player]saliknots1[/player] 494/482 19.0
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.