Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
11743 | A. Pennsylvania. | Arrogance | 491 | 504 | 5054 | 88903 | Take It All | 9.8 |
11522 | A. South Carolina. | Arrogance | 491 | 504 | 5165 | 88903 | Take It All | 9.8 |
11744 | A. New Jersey. | Arrogance | 491 | 504 | 5225 | 88903 | Take It All | 9.8 |
11748 | A. Delaware. | Arrogance | 491 | 504 | 5402 | 88903 | Take It All | 9.8 |
11709 | 025 pepsi max | layla b.a. | 524 | 480 | 5492 | 5492 | --- | 31.2 |
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3047 | 55.5 Napoli | Heraklion6 | 521 | 512 | 5554 | 52239 | Arcadische Bond Glaucus | 24.2 |
11520 | A. Georgia. | Arrogance | 491 | 504 | 5617 | 88903 | Take It All | 9.8 |
11521 | A. New York | Arrogance | 491 | 504 | 5774 | 88903 | Take It All | 9.8 |
11742 | A. North Carolina. | Arrogance | 491 | 504 | 5866 | 88903 | Take It All | 9.8 |
11749 | A. Maryland. | Arrogance | 491 | 504 | 6098 | 88903 | Take It All | 9.8 |
10466 | 45 - Fectio - 1 | Qu-Bu | 472 | 513 | 6857 | 85995 | Pax Romana | 30.9 |
2722 | Pella | Xenazyprexa | 529 | 516 | 6976 | 96168 | Arcadische Bond Leonidas | 33.1 |
2930 | 45 - Fletio - 1 | Qu-Bu | 472 | 513 | 7429 | 85995 | Pax Romana | 30.9 |
2085 | Stad | sonya-anne | 486 | 471 | 7793 | 116551 | T.H.C. | 32.2 |
12470 | Pa 45-01 He | Sjuip | 490 | 508 | 8239 | 119197 | Arcadische Bond Glaucus | 12.8 |
302 | Stad van thomas227 | thomas227 | 499 | 511 | 9802 | 18156 | Alone | 11.0 |
2910 | Stad van mmeewis 2 | mmeewis | 521 | 471 | 10173 | 49056 | *LBS* | 35.8 |
799 | Ik haat moraal | Nimosammie | 494 | 477 | 10229 | 10229 | Refuuge camp | 23.8 |
189 | A Goudhakker | TeleTuberZ | 496 | 504 | 10816 | 10816 | De Golddigers | 5.7 |
2844 | 55.4 Barcelona | Heraklion6 | 521 | 512 | 11476 | 52239 | Arcadische Bond Glaucus | 24.2 |
2203 | 09 Urbis Qilin | Maclight | 486 | 471 | 11876 | 152063 | Destiny | 32.2 |
1674 | Ignation | sonya-anne | 486 | 471 | 11924 | 116551 | T.H.C. | 32.2 |
1938 | Mojo 0.1* | Mojo | 480 | 518 | 11988 | 24984 | --- | 26.9 |
4726 | Stad van swimmer | swimmer | 503 | 476 | 12034 | 81385 | *LBS* | 24.2 |
2909 | P-A-2 | Maclight | 486 | 471 | 12155 | 152063 | Destiny | 32.2 |
2709 | Wauw 2.1 54 | RampageGhostz | 500 | 474 | 12217 | 132317 | Droeftoeters | 26.0 |
3456 | 54.Venus | serpentis | 513 | 474 | 12783 | 123607 | *LBS.* | 29.1 |
2517 | Oke | serpentis | 513 | 474 | 13312 | 123607 | *LBS.* | 29.1 |
3944 | LEGION-2 | 33LEGION33 | 529 | 516 | 13652 | 73116 | --- | 33.1 |
3506 | Wauw 1.1 44 | RampageGhostz | 496 | 472 | 13683 | 132317 | Droeftoeters | 28.3 |
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3375 | Wauw 2.2 54 | RampageGhostz | 500 | 474 | 13770 | 132317 | Droeftoeters | 26.0 |
3963 | El Jap Jap | snellejassie | 485 | 498 | 14358 | 23049 | --- | 15.1 |
65 | RAKA | SGCStylezZ | 513 | 501 | 14561 | 14561 | --- | 13.0 |
2672 | 14. Xi | Lotiq | 515 | 496 | 14586 | 46169 | --- | 15.5 |
2220 | 13. Nu | Lotiq | 515 | 496 | 14791 | 46169 | --- | 15.5 |
5739 | 54. Aqua Town | serpentis | 513 | 474 | 15004 | 123607 | *LBS.* | 29.1 |
2182 | Mekbar | serpentis | 513 | 474 | 15159 | 123607 | *LBS.* | 29.1 |
313 | Paga | arnoke1996 | 499 | 511 | 15176 | 172166 | Outlast | 11.0 |
2512 | Thessaloniki | Xenazyprexa | 529 | 516 | 15661 | 96168 | Arcadische Bond Leonidas | 33.1 |
1407 | KnolDorp027 | knol21 | 471 | 520 | 16849 | 16849 | --- | 35.2 |
Players list: Arrogance; layla b.a.; Heraklion6; Qu-Bu; Xenazyprexa; sonya-anne; Sjuip; thomas227; mmeewis; Nimosammie; TeleTuberZ; Maclight; Mojo; swimmer; RampageGhostz; serpentis; 33LEGION33; snellejassie; SGCStylezZ; Lotiq; arnoke1996; knol21
[town]11743[/town] 5054pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11522[/town] 5165pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11744[/town] 5225pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11748[/town] 5402pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11709[/town] 5492pts [player]layla b.a.[/player] 524/480 31.2
[town]3047[/town] 5554pts [player]Heraklion6[/player] 521/512 24.2
[town]11520[/town] 5617pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11521[/town] 5774pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11742[/town] 5866pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11749[/town] 6098pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]10466[/town] 6857pts [player]Qu-Bu[/player] 472/513 30.9
[town]2722[/town] 6976pts [player]Xenazyprexa[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]2930[/town] 7429pts [player]Qu-Bu[/player] 472/513 30.9
[town]2085[/town] 7793pts [player]sonya-anne[/player] 486/471 32.2
[town]12470[/town] 8239pts [player]Sjuip[/player] 490/508 12.8
[town]302[/town] 9802pts [player]thomas227[/player] 499/511 11.0
[town]2910[/town] 10173pts [player]mmeewis[/player] 521/471 35.8
[town]799[/town] 10229pts [player]Nimosammie[/player] 494/477 23.8
[town]189[/town] 10816pts [player]TeleTuberZ[/player] 496/504 5.7
[town]2844[/town] 11476pts [player]Heraklion6[/player] 521/512 24.2
[town]2203[/town] 11876pts [player]Maclight[/player] 486/471 32.2
[town]1674[/town] 11924pts [player]sonya-anne[/player] 486/471 32.2
[town]1938[/town] 11988pts [player]Mojo[/player] 480/518 26.9
[town]4726[/town] 12034pts [player]swimmer[/player] 503/476 24.2
[town]2909[/town] 12155pts [player]Maclight[/player] 486/471 32.2
[town]2709[/town] 12217pts [player]RampageGhostz[/player] 500/474 26.0
[town]3456[/town] 12783pts [player]serpentis[/player] 513/474 29.1
[town]2517[/town] 13312pts [player]serpentis[/player] 513/474 29.1
[town]3944[/town] 13652pts [player]33LEGION33[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]3506[/town] 13683pts [player]RampageGhostz[/player] 496/472 28.3
[town]3375[/town] 13770pts [player]RampageGhostz[/player] 500/474 26.0
[town]3963[/town] 14358pts [player]snellejassie[/player] 485/498 15.1
[town]65[/town] 14561pts [player]SGCStylezZ[/player] 513/501 13.0
[town]2672[/town] 14586pts [player]Lotiq[/player] 515/496 15.5
[town]2220[/town] 14791pts [player]Lotiq[/player] 515/496 15.5
[town]5739[/town] 15004pts [player]serpentis[/player] 513/474 29.1
[town]2182[/town] 15159pts [player]serpentis[/player] 513/474 29.1
[town]313[/town] 15176pts [player]arnoke1996[/player] 499/511 11.0
[town]2512[/town] 15661pts [player]Xenazyprexa[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]1407[/town] 16849pts [player]knol21[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]11743[/town] 5054pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11522[/town] 5165pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11744[/town] 5225pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11748[/town] 5402pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11709[/town] 5492pts [player]layla b.a.[/player] 524/480 31.2
[town]3047[/town] 5554pts [player]Heraklion6[/player] 521/512 24.2
[town]11520[/town] 5617pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11521[/town] 5774pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11742[/town] 5866pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]11749[/town] 6098pts [player]Arrogance[/player] 491/504 9.8
[town]10466[/town] 6857pts [player]Qu-Bu[/player] 472/513 30.9
[town]2722[/town] 6976pts [player]Xenazyprexa[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]2930[/town] 7429pts [player]Qu-Bu[/player] 472/513 30.9
[town]2085[/town] 7793pts [player]sonya-anne[/player] 486/471 32.2
[town]12470[/town] 8239pts [player]Sjuip[/player] 490/508 12.8
[town]302[/town] 9802pts [player]thomas227[/player] 499/511 11.0
[town]2910[/town] 10173pts [player]mmeewis[/player] 521/471 35.8
[town]799[/town] 10229pts [player]Nimosammie[/player] 494/477 23.8
[town]189[/town] 10816pts [player]TeleTuberZ[/player] 496/504 5.7
[town]2844[/town] 11476pts [player]Heraklion6[/player] 521/512 24.2
[town]2203[/town] 11876pts [player]Maclight[/player] 486/471 32.2
[town]1674[/town] 11924pts [player]sonya-anne[/player] 486/471 32.2
[town]1938[/town] 11988pts [player]Mojo[/player] 480/518 26.9
[town]4726[/town] 12034pts [player]swimmer[/player] 503/476 24.2
[town]2909[/town] 12155pts [player]Maclight[/player] 486/471 32.2
[town]2709[/town] 12217pts [player]RampageGhostz[/player] 500/474 26.0
[town]3456[/town] 12783pts [player]serpentis[/player] 513/474 29.1
[town]2517[/town] 13312pts [player]serpentis[/player] 513/474 29.1
[town]3944[/town] 13652pts [player]33LEGION33[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]3506[/town] 13683pts [player]RampageGhostz[/player] 496/472 28.3
[town]3375[/town] 13770pts [player]RampageGhostz[/player] 500/474 26.0
[town]3963[/town] 14358pts [player]snellejassie[/player] 485/498 15.1
[town]65[/town] 14561pts [player]SGCStylezZ[/player] 513/501 13.0
[town]2672[/town] 14586pts [player]Lotiq[/player] 515/496 15.5
[town]2220[/town] 14791pts [player]Lotiq[/player] 515/496 15.5
[town]5739[/town] 15004pts [player]serpentis[/player] 513/474 29.1
[town]2182[/town] 15159pts [player]serpentis[/player] 513/474 29.1
[town]313[/town] 15176pts [player]arnoke1996[/player] 499/511 11.0
[town]2512[/town] 15661pts [player]Xenazyprexa[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]1407[/town] 16849pts [player]knol21[/player] 471/520 35.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.