Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
345 | Tombstone 2 | tombolis | 491 | 515 | 5733 | 5733 | Within Temptation | 17.5 |
1265 | KRRRRRRR | dvdking | 515 | 472 | 5765 | 42093 | Bushwackers | 31.8 |
1458 | AR my hero | Bolt | 474 | 473 | 6931 | 189229 | The Lab | 37.5 |
1744 | thomas-the-viking sin by 2 | thomas-the-viking | 473 | 522 | 7207 | 83574 | Shadow Walker | 34.8 |
665 | peace10 | peaceout | 508 | 512 | 8438 | 47869 | --- | 14.4 |
1069 | GGGGRRRRRRR | dvdking | 474 | 473 | 8747 | 42093 | Bushwackers | 37.5 |
868 | Allasan The Boss | Bolt | 473 | 482 | 9031 | 189229 | The Lab | 32.4 |
974 | Færder Fyr | Eleutherios | 485 | 512 | 9035 | 53102 | Koryos | 19.2 |
732 | Peace6 | peaceout | 484 | 519 | 9092 | 47869 | --- | 24.8 |
1262 | BZZZZZZZZZZ | dvdking | 485 | 484 | 9144 | 42093 | Bushwackers | 21.9 |
850 | Unicorn The Angel | Bolt | 478 | 480 | 9235 | 189229 | The Lab | 29.7 |
1095 | peaceX | peaceout | 503 | 512 | 9289 | 47869 | --- | 12.4 |
146 | Fiskebøl | Eleutherios | 519 | 505 | 9406 | 53102 | Koryos | 19.6 |
672 | Florø | Eleutherios | 485 | 512 | 9857 | 53102 | Koryos | 19.2 |
1753 | wotan sin by 3 | wotan | 484 | 528 | 10165 | 180703 | Shadow Walker | 32.2 |
650 | Peace5 | peaceout | 494 | 518 | 10351 | 47869 | --- | 19.0 |
938 | Harpyja Min Skat | Bolt | 478 | 489 | 10376 | 189229 | The Lab | 24.6 |
1427 | kongA sin by | kongA | 502 | 502 | 10550 | 182004 | The Lab | 2.8 |
172 | Peace1 | peaceout | 494 | 518 | 10699 | 47869 | --- | 19.0 |
1824 | drogskiien sin by | drogskiien | 527 | 474 | 10789 | 184870 | The Lab | 37.5 |
1486 | Twopoint sin by 4 | Twopoint | 474 | 473 | 10806 | 118142 | Bushwackers | 37.5 |
593 | 05 Oslo | Bolt | 494 | 518 | 10818 | 189229 | The Lab | 19.0 |
907 | Adabella My Star | Bolt | 478 | 480 | 10857 | 189229 | The Lab | 29.7 |
622 | Konstantinopel | Bolt | 508 | 506 | 11203 | 189229 | The Lab | 10.0 |
1428 | Maaloy | thomas-the-viking | 496 | 526 | 11303 | 83574 | Shadow Walker | 26.3 |
754 | Twopoint sin by 3 | Twopoint | 485 | 484 | 11398 | 118142 | Bushwackers | 21.9 |
161 | Unknown - 002 | Bolt | 492 | 484 | 11497 | 189229 | The Lab | 17.9 |
1055 | Kon Tiki | wotan | 496 | 526 | 11497 | 180703 | Shadow Walker | 26.3 |
1429 | kongA sin by 2 | kongA | 505 | 500 | 11592 | 182004 | The Lab | 5.0 |
346 | Farao | Eleutherios | 485 | 512 | 11759 | 53102 | Koryos | 19.2 |
1424 | Konflikt | wotan | 496 | 526 | 11765 | 180703 | Shadow Walker | 26.3 |
843 | tredemøllen | kongA | 496 | 475 | 11969 | 182004 | The Lab | 25.3 |
269 | Wotan Town | wotan | 503 | 505 | 12055 | 180703 | Shadow Walker | 5.8 |
602 | 001 Stjørdal | drogskiien | 527 | 474 | 12093 | 184870 | The Lab | 37.5 |
988 | Aramis Bay | wotan | 508 | 506 | 12204 | 180703 | Shadow Walker | 10.0 |
624 | Ikaros | Bolt | 502 | 502 | 12276 | 189229 | The Lab | 2.8 |
1518 | thomas-the-viking sin by | thomas-the-viking | 473 | 522 | 12350 | 83574 | Shadow Walker | 34.8 |
227 | 003 Vedhogst | kongA | 502 | 502 | 12436 | 182004 | The Lab | 2.8 |
673 | Bump | Bolt | 481 | 504 | 12534 | 189229 | The Lab | 19.4 |
557 | Crossroads | wotan | 503 | 505 | 12774 | 180703 | Shadow Walker | 5.8 |
1151 | Twopoint | Twopoint | 473 | 482 | 12813 | 118142 | Bushwackers | 32.4 |
860 | 010 Hellu | kongA | 502 | 502 | 12890 | 182004 | The Lab | 2.8 |
430 | Casablanca | wotan | 503 | 505 | 12968 | 180703 | Shadow Walker | 5.8 |
626 | Fauske | Eleutherios | 485 | 512 | 13045 | 53102 | Koryos | 19.2 |
986 | Buh | Bolt | 481 | 504 | 13362 | 189229 | The Lab | 19.4 |
1396 | snow | thomas-the-viking | 473 | 522 | 13363 | 83574 | Shadow Walker | 34.8 |
1237 | 013 Kalvingssesong | kongA | 524 | 488 | 13536 | 182004 | The Lab | 26.8 |
54 | Unknown - 014 | drogskiien | 527 | 474 | 13692 | 184870 | The Lab | 37.5 |
541 | 004 Gullerjakt | kongA | 506 | 489 | 13981 | 182004 | The Lab | 12.5 |
359 | awesomebro.03 | Bolt | 481 | 504 | 14001 | 189229 | The Lab | 19.4 |
505 | 007 Trang fødsel | kongA | 524 | 488 | 14097 | 182004 | The Lab | 26.8 |
1392 | Ode to the king | kongA | 474 | 473 | 14518 | 182004 | The Lab | 37.5 |
802 | AF7 | magmaking | 516 | 529 | 14634 | 125767 | Lerums | 33.1 |
332 | 002 Bondeopprør | kongA | 497 | 521 | 14668 | 182004 | The Lab | 21.2 |
1147 | AF6 | magmaking | 516 | 529 | 17107 | 125767 | Lerums | 33.1 |
899 | Robert007 sin by 001 | Robert007 | 505 | 493 | 17786 | 165744 | Within Temptation | 8.6 |
Players list: tombolis; dvdking; Bolt; thomas-the-viking; peaceout; Eleutherios; wotan; kongA; drogskiien; Twopoint; magmaking; Robert007
[town]345[/town] 5733pts [player]tombolis[/player] 491/515 17.5
[town]1265[/town] 5765pts [player]dvdking[/player] 515/472 31.8
[town]1458[/town] 6931pts [player]Bolt[/player] 474/473 37.5
[town]1744[/town] 7207pts [player]thomas-the-viking[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]665[/town] 8438pts [player]peaceout[/player] 508/512 14.4
[town]1069[/town] 8747pts [player]dvdking[/player] 474/473 37.5
[town]868[/town] 9031pts [player]Bolt[/player] 473/482 32.4
[town]974[/town] 9035pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 485/512 19.2
[town]732[/town] 9092pts [player]peaceout[/player] 484/519 24.8
[town]1262[/town] 9144pts [player]dvdking[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]850[/town] 9235pts [player]Bolt[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]1095[/town] 9289pts [player]peaceout[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]146[/town] 9406pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 519/505 19.6
[town]672[/town] 9857pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 485/512 19.2
[town]1753[/town] 10165pts [player]wotan[/player] 484/528 32.2
[town]650[/town] 10351pts [player]peaceout[/player] 494/518 19.0
[town]938[/town] 10376pts [player]Bolt[/player] 478/489 24.6
[town]1427[/town] 10550pts [player]kongA[/player] 502/502 2.8
[town]172[/town] 10699pts [player]peaceout[/player] 494/518 19.0
[town]1824[/town] 10789pts [player]drogskiien[/player] 527/474 37.5
[town]1486[/town] 10806pts [player]Twopoint[/player] 474/473 37.5
[town]593[/town] 10818pts [player]Bolt[/player] 494/518 19.0
[town]907[/town] 10857pts [player]Bolt[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]622[/town] 11203pts [player]Bolt[/player] 508/506 10.0
[town]1428[/town] 11303pts [player]thomas-the-viking[/player] 496/526 26.3
[town]754[/town] 11398pts [player]Twopoint[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]161[/town] 11497pts [player]Bolt[/player] 492/484 17.9
[town]1055[/town] 11497pts [player]wotan[/player] 496/526 26.3
[town]1429[/town] 11592pts [player]kongA[/player] 505/500 5.0
[town]346[/town] 11759pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 485/512 19.2
[town]1424[/town] 11765pts [player]wotan[/player] 496/526 26.3
[town]843[/town] 11969pts [player]kongA[/player] 496/475 25.3
[town]269[/town] 12055pts [player]wotan[/player] 503/505 5.8
[town]602[/town] 12093pts [player]drogskiien[/player] 527/474 37.5
[town]988[/town] 12204pts [player]wotan[/player] 508/506 10.0
[town]624[/town] 12276pts [player]Bolt[/player] 502/502 2.8
[town]1518[/town] 12350pts [player]thomas-the-viking[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]227[/town] 12436pts [player]kongA[/player] 502/502 2.8
[town]673[/town] 12534pts [player]Bolt[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]557[/town] 12774pts [player]wotan[/player] 503/505 5.8
[town]1151[/town] 12813pts [player]Twopoint[/player] 473/482 32.4
[town]860[/town] 12890pts [player]kongA[/player] 502/502 2.8
[town]430[/town] 12968pts [player]wotan[/player] 503/505 5.8
[town]626[/town] 13045pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 485/512 19.2
[town]986[/town] 13362pts [player]Bolt[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]1396[/town] 13363pts [player]thomas-the-viking[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]1237[/town] 13536pts [player]kongA[/player] 524/488 26.8
[town]54[/town] 13692pts [player]drogskiien[/player] 527/474 37.5
[town]541[/town] 13981pts [player]kongA[/player] 506/489 12.5
[town]359[/town] 14001pts [player]Bolt[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]505[/town] 14097pts [player]kongA[/player] 524/488 26.8
[town]1392[/town] 14518pts [player]kongA[/player] 474/473 37.5
[town]802[/town] 14634pts [player]magmaking[/player] 516/529 33.1
[town]332[/town] 14668pts [player]kongA[/player] 497/521 21.2
[town]1147[/town] 17107pts [player]magmaking[/player] 516/529 33.1
[town]899[/town] 17786pts [player]Robert007[/player] 505/493 8.6
[town]345[/town] 5733pts [player]tombolis[/player] 491/515 17.5
[town]1265[/town] 5765pts [player]dvdking[/player] 515/472 31.8
[town]1458[/town] 6931pts [player]Bolt[/player] 474/473 37.5
[town]1744[/town] 7207pts [player]thomas-the-viking[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]665[/town] 8438pts [player]peaceout[/player] 508/512 14.4
[town]1069[/town] 8747pts [player]dvdking[/player] 474/473 37.5
[town]868[/town] 9031pts [player]Bolt[/player] 473/482 32.4
[town]974[/town] 9035pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 485/512 19.2
[town]732[/town] 9092pts [player]peaceout[/player] 484/519 24.8
[town]1262[/town] 9144pts [player]dvdking[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]850[/town] 9235pts [player]Bolt[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]1095[/town] 9289pts [player]peaceout[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]146[/town] 9406pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 519/505 19.6
[town]672[/town] 9857pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 485/512 19.2
[town]1753[/town] 10165pts [player]wotan[/player] 484/528 32.2
[town]650[/town] 10351pts [player]peaceout[/player] 494/518 19.0
[town]938[/town] 10376pts [player]Bolt[/player] 478/489 24.6
[town]1427[/town] 10550pts [player]kongA[/player] 502/502 2.8
[town]172[/town] 10699pts [player]peaceout[/player] 494/518 19.0
[town]1824[/town] 10789pts [player]drogskiien[/player] 527/474 37.5
[town]1486[/town] 10806pts [player]Twopoint[/player] 474/473 37.5
[town]593[/town] 10818pts [player]Bolt[/player] 494/518 19.0
[town]907[/town] 10857pts [player]Bolt[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]622[/town] 11203pts [player]Bolt[/player] 508/506 10.0
[town]1428[/town] 11303pts [player]thomas-the-viking[/player] 496/526 26.3
[town]754[/town] 11398pts [player]Twopoint[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]161[/town] 11497pts [player]Bolt[/player] 492/484 17.9
[town]1055[/town] 11497pts [player]wotan[/player] 496/526 26.3
[town]1429[/town] 11592pts [player]kongA[/player] 505/500 5.0
[town]346[/town] 11759pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 485/512 19.2
[town]1424[/town] 11765pts [player]wotan[/player] 496/526 26.3
[town]843[/town] 11969pts [player]kongA[/player] 496/475 25.3
[town]269[/town] 12055pts [player]wotan[/player] 503/505 5.8
[town]602[/town] 12093pts [player]drogskiien[/player] 527/474 37.5
[town]988[/town] 12204pts [player]wotan[/player] 508/506 10.0
[town]624[/town] 12276pts [player]Bolt[/player] 502/502 2.8
[town]1518[/town] 12350pts [player]thomas-the-viking[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]227[/town] 12436pts [player]kongA[/player] 502/502 2.8
[town]673[/town] 12534pts [player]Bolt[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]557[/town] 12774pts [player]wotan[/player] 503/505 5.8
[town]1151[/town] 12813pts [player]Twopoint[/player] 473/482 32.4
[town]860[/town] 12890pts [player]kongA[/player] 502/502 2.8
[town]430[/town] 12968pts [player]wotan[/player] 503/505 5.8
[town]626[/town] 13045pts [player]Eleutherios[/player] 485/512 19.2
[town]986[/town] 13362pts [player]Bolt[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]1396[/town] 13363pts [player]thomas-the-viking[/player] 473/522 34.8
[town]1237[/town] 13536pts [player]kongA[/player] 524/488 26.8
[town]54[/town] 13692pts [player]drogskiien[/player] 527/474 37.5
[town]541[/town] 13981pts [player]kongA[/player] 506/489 12.5
[town]359[/town] 14001pts [player]Bolt[/player] 481/504 19.4
[town]505[/town] 14097pts [player]kongA[/player] 524/488 26.8
[town]1392[/town] 14518pts [player]kongA[/player] 474/473 37.5
[town]802[/town] 14634pts [player]magmaking[/player] 516/529 33.1
[town]332[/town] 14668pts [player]kongA[/player] 497/521 21.2
[town]1147[/town] 17107pts [player]magmaking[/player] 516/529 33.1
[town]899[/town] 17786pts [player]Robert007[/player] 505/493 8.6
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.