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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
214Dla sąsiada attacked playersch6408498479677163769Dolary21.1
19711m45 Miasto d no1y attacked playerno1y472514746258477---31.3
62203 Kreska attacked playerVisBullet4834869204124136Huczne Lisy22.0
559Cześć sąsiad. Tu też attacked playersch6408526483966763769Dolary31.1
1907707 Black Perls attacked playerVisBullet47347610486124136Huczne Lisy36.1
451103 Kropka attacked playerVisBullet48348611044124136Huczne Lisy22.0
71202 Mocny F. attacked playerVisBullet48049011440124136Huczne Lisy22.4
3809Fiumicino attacked playerheroska5105251188389275Bogowie26.9
9493Legowisko. attacked playerdamian090051450712422181844Pandora15.7
692Florencja attacked playerheroska5105251364489275Bogowie26.9
400704.Ju 87 attacked playeradas141448849514012140819**Lisy w Kurniku**13.0
137Naboo attacked playerPanPodziemi50948414057186556MAFIA WĘGLOWA18.4
554OGRVI attacked playerPanPodziemi51347114111186556MAFIA WĘGLOWA31.8
25434Broklyn attacked playerdamian090052952214349181844Pandora36.4
454705.Fw 190 attacked playeradas141449649914852140819**Lisy w Kurniku**4.1
734olm55 4 attacked playerheroska5105251500089275Bogowie26.9
13512Sulęcin attacked playerdamian090051251415825181844Pandora18.4
134Cimicirimci attacked playerPanPodziemi50948415834186556MAFIA WĘGLOWA18.4
433Florum attacked playerPanPodziemi50948416950186556MAFIA WĘGLOWA18.4

Players list: sch6408; no1y; VisBullet; heroska; damian0900; adas1414; PanPodziemi
[town]214[/town] 6771pts [player]sch6408[/player] 498/479 21.1
[town]19711[/town] 7462pts [player]no1y[/player] 472/514 31.3
[town]622[/town] 9204pts [player]VisBullet[/player] 483/486 22.0
[town]559[/town] 9667pts [player]sch6408[/player] 526/483 31.1
[town]19077[/town] 10486pts [player]VisBullet[/player] 473/476 36.1
[town]4511[/town] 11044pts [player]VisBullet[/player] 483/486 22.0
[town]712[/town] 11440pts [player]VisBullet[/player] 480/490 22.4
[town]3809[/town] 11883pts [player]heroska[/player] 510/525 26.9
[town]9493[/town] 12422pts [player]damian0900[/player] 514/507 15.7
[town]692[/town] 13644pts [player]heroska[/player] 510/525 26.9
[town]4007[/town] 14012pts [player]adas1414[/player] 488/495 13.0
[town]137[/town] 14057pts [player]PanPodziemi[/player] 509/484 18.4
[town]554[/town] 14111pts [player]PanPodziemi[/player] 513/471 31.8
[town]25434[/town] 14349pts [player]damian0900[/player] 529/522 36.4
[town]4547[/town] 14852pts [player]adas1414[/player] 496/499 4.1
[town]734[/town] 15000pts [player]heroska[/player] 510/525 26.9
[town]13512[/town] 15825pts [player]damian0900[/player] 512/514 18.4
[town]134[/town] 15834pts [player]PanPodziemi[/player] 509/484 18.4
[town]433[/town] 16950pts [player]PanPodziemi[/player] 509/484 18.4

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.