Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
155 | 003 Inpud | Inpud | 492 | 509 | 5028 | 15532 | Inkvizíció | 12.0 |
555 | Bohócok | AngardRT | 522 | 489 | 5044 | 15616 | Cute. | 24.6 |
231 | Almo | rafru | 505 | 480 | 5045 | 12020 | Cute. | 20.6 |
545 | Zuzmo városa | Zenobia | 526 | 493 | 5050 | 8227 | Magyar Lovagrend AK2 | 26.9 |
39 | T54-01 | Törperős. | 506 | 491 | 5054 | 15553 | Aprajafalva | 10.8 |
337 | 004. Hereticus | Ivar | 500 | 515 | 5054 | 30246 | Inkvizíció | 15.0 |
144 | 001 | Metalix | 492 | 509 | 5088 | 23931 | Inkvizíció | 12.0 |
202 | whispering | whispering | 511 | 476 | 5139 | 8343 | AK47 | 26.4 |
496 | 001 tattoo | tattoo77 | 513 | 519 | 5171 | 12219 | ERETNEKEK. | 23.0 |
190 | 001. Héliopolisz | DarkConnor | 498 | 489 | 5197 | 5197 | Magyar Lovagrend AK | 11.2 |
495 | 001 tattoo77 | tattoo77 | 513 | 519 | 5199 | 12219 | ERETNEKEK. | 23.0 |
759 | 005 | Metalix | 525 | 510 | 5234 | 23931 | Inkvizíció | 26.9 |
261 | Tekken 1 | Tekken | 491 | 484 | 5274 | 11128 | Hajnal Harcosai | 18.4 |
461 | Megye | Gstr1k3r | 486 | 504 | 5302 | 7640 | ERETNEKEK. | 14.6 |
320 | 04 BOMBA | attila5318 | 500 | 515 | 5325 | 30120 | Inkvizíció | 15.0 |
1 | Judit | szalaci | 506 | 491 | 5327 | 18460 | Magyar Lovagrend | 10.8 |
158 | Tetanusz Látod? | AngardRT | 511 | 476 | 5341 | 15616 | Cute. | 26.4 |
264 | 8ker | SallerKapitány | 516 | 479 | 5346 | 10058 | Magyar Lovagrend | 26.4 |
446 | Korcs | Vadkorcs | 486 | 504 | 5458 | 12772 | ERETNEKEK | 14.6 |
249 | 003. Malleus | Ivar | 486 | 511 | 5490 | 30246 | Inkvizíció | 17.8 |
356 | AngardRT | AlexTwitch | 493 | 475 | 5501 | 19526 | Cute. | 26.0 |
233 | *Hajnus* | *Hajnus* | 491 | 484 | 5528 | 11062 | Hajnal Harcosai | 18.4 |
338 | Hentes08 T45-01 | hentes08 | 495 | 518 | 5572 | 12999 | Inkvizíció | 18.7 |
453 | wow | wowkiraly | 516 | 479 | 5592 | 13582 | Cute. | 26.4 |
484 | 01 boka | luká | 516 | 479 | 5597 | 12935 | Cute. | 26.4 |
480 | ALFA | Ducky001 | 482 | 494 | 5600 | 12052 | Angels of The Darkness | 19.0 |
630 | 02-Bromley városa | Bromley | 486 | 511 | 5606 | 35018 | Inkvizíció | 17.8 |
126 | CrazyLife01 | CrazyLife01 | 505 | 480 | 5613 | 12079 | Cute. | 20.6 |
528 | Gigszer1 | lorbaly | 526 | 493 | 5635 | 14589 | Magyar Lovagrend | 26.9 |
518 | Texas | Zsombori | 482 | 494 | 5659 | 20351 | Magyar Lovagrend | 19.0 |
554 | 002. Xenos | Ivar | 492 | 509 | 5688 | 30246 | Inkvizíció | 12.0 |
23 | beregrakos | beregrakos | 498 | 507 | 5762 | 11365 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
348 | 01 nyaraló | sotetlovag333 | 511 | 476 | 5812 | 19821 | Cute. | 26.4 |
19 | 001 Inpud | Inpud | 498 | 507 | 5819 | 15532 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
125 | Tuubar 1 | Tuubar | 477 | 507 | 5830 | 13567 | ERETNEKEK | 24.0 |
692 | 01 The Core | The Loner | 520 | 516 | 5889 | 13047 | Bolondos Dallamok | 25.6 |
24 | Hádész Harcosa 005 | dinel | 498 | 507 | 5913 | 21116 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
93 | 007 | Gomba69 | 502 | 508 | 5919 | 42237 | Bolondos Dallamok | 8.2 |
25 | Shifu mester | lorenzovici | 498 | 507 | 5992 | 16916 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
888 | 03 Sólyom | attila5318 | 492 | 509 | 6037 | 30120 | Inkvizíció | 12.0 |
668 | Ekra2 | Ekra | 495 | 518 | 6052 | 24353 | Inkvizíció | 18.7 |
131 | AlexTwitch | AlexTwitch | 511 | 476 | 6099 | 19526 | Cute. | 26.4 |
217 | Cas 001 | civitasfidelissima | 509 | 502 | 6191 | 10985 | Magyar Lovagrend | 9.2 |
713 | 003 | Gomba69 | 520 | 516 | 6216 | 42237 | Bolondos Dallamok | 25.6 |
108 | 002 | Metalix | 495 | 518 | 6263 | 23931 | Inkvizíció | 18.7 |
835 | 004 | Gomba69 | 525 | 518 | 6315 | 42237 | Bolondos Dallamok | 30.8 |
310 | Qqbenq 001. | Qqbenq | 493 | 475 | 6358 | 11107 | Hajnal Harcosai | 26.0 |
21 | HS 01 | Szirénia | 498 | 507 | 6362 | 14275 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
164 | 0.1 | Ned Stark | 497 | 492 | 6373 | 14121 | Magyar Lovagrend | 8.5 |
336 | Megyer | Forgó Csaba László | 482 | 494 | 6394 | 12010 | Angels of The Darkness | 19.0 |
591 | 02 Dragon | attila5318 | 495 | 518 | 6489 | 30120 | Inkvizíció | 18.7 |
664 | Galaxis Dallamai | Galaxis | 499 | 528 | 6489 | 14069 | Bolondos Dallamok | 28.0 |
813 | 1... | Megvagy | 473 | 521 | 6493 | 8220 | ERETNEKEK | 34.2 |
59 | 01 Fishbed | Mr. Maker | 498 | 507 | 6590 | 15044 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
427 | sun sun városa | sun sun | 520 | 502 | 6599 | 17021 | Dragon Ball | 20.1 |
129 | 001 | tomavlse | 492 | 509 | 6602 | 15530 | Inkvizíció | 12.0 |
46 | Besenyszög | gzzz | 506 | 491 | 6723 | 10587 | Magyar Lovagrend | 10.8 |
374 | 001 Vegeta | Son Goku | 508 | 513 | 6725 | 22411 | Dragon Ball | 15.3 |
140 | Hádész Harcosa 001 | dinel | 495 | 518 | 6733 | 21116 | Inkvizíció | 18.7 |
136 | Szamuel | Szamuel | 511 | 476 | 6817 | 15495 | Cute. | 26.4 |
268 | ButaBirka | gerikee92 | 491 | 484 | 7223 | 13640 | Hajnal Harcosai | 18.4 |
44 | szalaci | szalaci | 506 | 491 | 7253 | 18460 | Magyar Lovagrend | 10.8 |
50 | 001 | Uldie | 498 | 507 | 7419 | 12352 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
483 | H 55 010 | xiloner | 513 | 519 | 7444 | 11902 | Bolondos Dallamok | 23.0 |
42 | 01-Captain America | Bromley | 498 | 507 | 7897 | 35018 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
49 | T45.1 | olargon | 498 | 507 | 8044 | 13008 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
41 | kormány ablak. | tetanusz | 497 | 492 | 8134 | 23505 | Magyar Lovagrend | 8.5 |
218 | Zunka | Zunka | 505 | 480 | 8209 | 18954 | Cute. | 20.6 |
77 | dj GOLD 01 | djradius | 506 | 491 | 8224 | 15699 | Magyar Lovagrend | 10.8 |
153 | Dragon1970 városa | Dragon1970 | 477 | 507 | 8441 | 15566 | ERETNEKEK | 24.0 |
9 | 001. Eisenhorn | Ivar | 498 | 507 | 8600 | 30246 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
20 | 01 Borotvakés | attila5318 | 498 | 507 | 8699 | 30120 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
122 | Vesztőhely | Szuperzeusz | 477 | 507 | 8877 | 19343 | ERETNEKEK | 24.0 |
188 | 01. Bing | Bus Snake | 505 | 480 | 8965 | 24322 | Cute. | 20.6 |
26 | Ekra1 | Ekra | 498 | 507 | 9057 | 24353 | Inkvizíció | 7.3 |
185 | Washington | Zsombori | 498 | 489 | 9119 | 20351 | Magyar Lovagrend | 11.2 |
37 | 001 | Gomba69 | 502 | 508 | 9299 | 42237 | Bolondos Dallamok | 8.2 |
426 | Moria | BABOS | 520 | 502 | 11593 | 26448 | Magyar Lovagrend | 20.1 |
Players list: Inpud; AngardRT; rafru; Zenobia; Törperős.; Ivar; Metalix; whispering; tattoo77; DarkConnor; Tekken; Gstr1k3r; attila5318; szalaci; SallerKapitány; Vadkorcs; AlexTwitch; *Hajnus*; hentes08; wowkiraly; luká; Ducky001; Bromley; CrazyLife01; lorbaly; Zsombori; beregrakos; sotetlovag333; Tuubar; The Loner; dinel; Gomba69; lorenzovici; Ekra; civitasfidelissima; Qqbenq; Szirénia; Ned Stark; Forgó Csaba László; Galaxis; Megvagy; Mr. Maker; sun sun; tomavlse; gzzz; Son Goku; Szamuel; gerikee92; Uldie; xiloner; olargon; tetanusz; Zunka; djradius; Dragon1970; Szuperzeusz; Bus Snake; BABOS
[town]155[/town] 5028pts [player]Inpud[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]555[/town] 5044pts [player]AngardRT[/player] 522/489 24.6
[town]231[/town] 5045pts [player]rafru[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]545[/town] 5050pts [player]Zenobia[/player] 526/493 26.9
[town]39[/town] 5054pts [player]Törperős.[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]337[/town] 5054pts [player]Ivar[/player] 500/515 15.0
[town]144[/town] 5088pts [player]Metalix[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]202[/town] 5139pts [player]whispering[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]496[/town] 5171pts [player]tattoo77[/player] 513/519 23.0
[town]190[/town] 5197pts [player]DarkConnor[/player] 498/489 11.2
[town]495[/town] 5199pts [player]tattoo77[/player] 513/519 23.0
[town]759[/town] 5234pts [player]Metalix[/player] 525/510 26.9
[town]261[/town] 5274pts [player]Tekken[/player] 491/484 18.4
[town]461[/town] 5302pts [player]Gstr1k3r[/player] 486/504 14.6
[town]320[/town] 5325pts [player]attila5318[/player] 500/515 15.0
[town]1[/town] 5327pts [player]szalaci[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]158[/town] 5341pts [player]AngardRT[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]264[/town] 5346pts [player]SallerKapitány[/player] 516/479 26.4
[town]446[/town] 5458pts [player]Vadkorcs[/player] 486/504 14.6
[town]249[/town] 5490pts [player]Ivar[/player] 486/511 17.8
[town]356[/town] 5501pts [player]AlexTwitch[/player] 493/475 26.0
[town]233[/town] 5528pts [player]*Hajnus*[/player] 491/484 18.4
[town]338[/town] 5572pts [player]hentes08[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]453[/town] 5592pts [player]wowkiraly[/player] 516/479 26.4
[town]484[/town] 5597pts [player]luká[/player] 516/479 26.4
[town]480[/town] 5600pts [player]Ducky001[/player] 482/494 19.0
[town]630[/town] 5606pts [player]Bromley[/player] 486/511 17.8
[town]126[/town] 5613pts [player]CrazyLife01[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]528[/town] 5635pts [player]lorbaly[/player] 526/493 26.9
[town]518[/town] 5659pts [player]Zsombori[/player] 482/494 19.0
[town]554[/town] 5688pts [player]Ivar[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]23[/town] 5762pts [player]beregrakos[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]348[/town] 5812pts [player]sotetlovag333[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]19[/town] 5819pts [player]Inpud[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]125[/town] 5830pts [player]Tuubar[/player] 477/507 24.0
[town]692[/town] 5889pts [player]The Loner[/player] 520/516 25.6
[town]24[/town] 5913pts [player]dinel[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]93[/town] 5919pts [player]Gomba69[/player] 502/508 8.2
[town]25[/town] 5992pts [player]lorenzovici[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]888[/town] 6037pts [player]attila5318[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]668[/town] 6052pts [player]Ekra[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]131[/town] 6099pts [player]AlexTwitch[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]217[/town] 6191pts [player]civitasfidelissima[/player] 509/502 9.2
[town]713[/town] 6216pts [player]Gomba69[/player] 520/516 25.6
[town]108[/town] 6263pts [player]Metalix[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]835[/town] 6315pts [player]Gomba69[/player] 525/518 30.8
[town]310[/town] 6358pts [player]Qqbenq[/player] 493/475 26.0
[town]21[/town] 6362pts [player]Szirénia[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]164[/town] 6373pts [player]Ned Stark[/player] 497/492 8.5
[town]336[/town] 6394pts [player]Forgó Csaba László[/player] 482/494 19.0
[town]591[/town] 6489pts [player]attila5318[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]664[/town] 6489pts [player]Galaxis[/player] 499/528 28.0
[town]813[/town] 6493pts [player]Megvagy[/player] 473/521 34.2
[town]59[/town] 6590pts [player]Mr. Maker[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]427[/town] 6599pts [player]sun sun[/player] 520/502 20.1
[town]129[/town] 6602pts [player]tomavlse[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]46[/town] 6723pts [player]gzzz[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]374[/town] 6725pts [player]Son Goku[/player] 508/513 15.3
[town]140[/town] 6733pts [player]dinel[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]136[/town] 6817pts [player]Szamuel[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]268[/town] 7223pts [player]gerikee92[/player] 491/484 18.4
[town]44[/town] 7253pts [player]szalaci[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]50[/town] 7419pts [player]Uldie[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]483[/town] 7444pts [player]xiloner[/player] 513/519 23.0
[town]42[/town] 7897pts [player]Bromley[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]49[/town] 8044pts [player]olargon[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]41[/town] 8134pts [player]tetanusz[/player] 497/492 8.5
[town]218[/town] 8209pts [player]Zunka[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]77[/town] 8224pts [player]djradius[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]153[/town] 8441pts [player]Dragon1970[/player] 477/507 24.0
[town]9[/town] 8600pts [player]Ivar[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]20[/town] 8699pts [player]attila5318[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]122[/town] 8877pts [player]Szuperzeusz[/player] 477/507 24.0
[town]188[/town] 8965pts [player]Bus Snake[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]26[/town] 9057pts [player]Ekra[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]185[/town] 9119pts [player]Zsombori[/player] 498/489 11.2
[town]37[/town] 9299pts [player]Gomba69[/player] 502/508 8.2
[town]426[/town] 11593pts [player]BABOS[/player] 520/502 20.1
[town]155[/town] 5028pts [player]Inpud[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]555[/town] 5044pts [player]AngardRT[/player] 522/489 24.6
[town]231[/town] 5045pts [player]rafru[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]545[/town] 5050pts [player]Zenobia[/player] 526/493 26.9
[town]39[/town] 5054pts [player]Törperős.[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]337[/town] 5054pts [player]Ivar[/player] 500/515 15.0
[town]144[/town] 5088pts [player]Metalix[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]202[/town] 5139pts [player]whispering[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]496[/town] 5171pts [player]tattoo77[/player] 513/519 23.0
[town]190[/town] 5197pts [player]DarkConnor[/player] 498/489 11.2
[town]495[/town] 5199pts [player]tattoo77[/player] 513/519 23.0
[town]759[/town] 5234pts [player]Metalix[/player] 525/510 26.9
[town]261[/town] 5274pts [player]Tekken[/player] 491/484 18.4
[town]461[/town] 5302pts [player]Gstr1k3r[/player] 486/504 14.6
[town]320[/town] 5325pts [player]attila5318[/player] 500/515 15.0
[town]1[/town] 5327pts [player]szalaci[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]158[/town] 5341pts [player]AngardRT[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]264[/town] 5346pts [player]SallerKapitány[/player] 516/479 26.4
[town]446[/town] 5458pts [player]Vadkorcs[/player] 486/504 14.6
[town]249[/town] 5490pts [player]Ivar[/player] 486/511 17.8
[town]356[/town] 5501pts [player]AlexTwitch[/player] 493/475 26.0
[town]233[/town] 5528pts [player]*Hajnus*[/player] 491/484 18.4
[town]338[/town] 5572pts [player]hentes08[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]453[/town] 5592pts [player]wowkiraly[/player] 516/479 26.4
[town]484[/town] 5597pts [player]luká[/player] 516/479 26.4
[town]480[/town] 5600pts [player]Ducky001[/player] 482/494 19.0
[town]630[/town] 5606pts [player]Bromley[/player] 486/511 17.8
[town]126[/town] 5613pts [player]CrazyLife01[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]528[/town] 5635pts [player]lorbaly[/player] 526/493 26.9
[town]518[/town] 5659pts [player]Zsombori[/player] 482/494 19.0
[town]554[/town] 5688pts [player]Ivar[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]23[/town] 5762pts [player]beregrakos[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]348[/town] 5812pts [player]sotetlovag333[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]19[/town] 5819pts [player]Inpud[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]125[/town] 5830pts [player]Tuubar[/player] 477/507 24.0
[town]692[/town] 5889pts [player]The Loner[/player] 520/516 25.6
[town]24[/town] 5913pts [player]dinel[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]93[/town] 5919pts [player]Gomba69[/player] 502/508 8.2
[town]25[/town] 5992pts [player]lorenzovici[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]888[/town] 6037pts [player]attila5318[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]668[/town] 6052pts [player]Ekra[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]131[/town] 6099pts [player]AlexTwitch[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]217[/town] 6191pts [player]civitasfidelissima[/player] 509/502 9.2
[town]713[/town] 6216pts [player]Gomba69[/player] 520/516 25.6
[town]108[/town] 6263pts [player]Metalix[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]835[/town] 6315pts [player]Gomba69[/player] 525/518 30.8
[town]310[/town] 6358pts [player]Qqbenq[/player] 493/475 26.0
[town]21[/town] 6362pts [player]Szirénia[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]164[/town] 6373pts [player]Ned Stark[/player] 497/492 8.5
[town]336[/town] 6394pts [player]Forgó Csaba László[/player] 482/494 19.0
[town]591[/town] 6489pts [player]attila5318[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]664[/town] 6489pts [player]Galaxis[/player] 499/528 28.0
[town]813[/town] 6493pts [player]Megvagy[/player] 473/521 34.2
[town]59[/town] 6590pts [player]Mr. Maker[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]427[/town] 6599pts [player]sun sun[/player] 520/502 20.1
[town]129[/town] 6602pts [player]tomavlse[/player] 492/509 12.0
[town]46[/town] 6723pts [player]gzzz[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]374[/town] 6725pts [player]Son Goku[/player] 508/513 15.3
[town]140[/town] 6733pts [player]dinel[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]136[/town] 6817pts [player]Szamuel[/player] 511/476 26.4
[town]268[/town] 7223pts [player]gerikee92[/player] 491/484 18.4
[town]44[/town] 7253pts [player]szalaci[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]50[/town] 7419pts [player]Uldie[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]483[/town] 7444pts [player]xiloner[/player] 513/519 23.0
[town]42[/town] 7897pts [player]Bromley[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]49[/town] 8044pts [player]olargon[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]41[/town] 8134pts [player]tetanusz[/player] 497/492 8.5
[town]218[/town] 8209pts [player]Zunka[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]77[/town] 8224pts [player]djradius[/player] 506/491 10.8
[town]153[/town] 8441pts [player]Dragon1970[/player] 477/507 24.0
[town]9[/town] 8600pts [player]Ivar[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]20[/town] 8699pts [player]attila5318[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]122[/town] 8877pts [player]Szuperzeusz[/player] 477/507 24.0
[town]188[/town] 8965pts [player]Bus Snake[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]26[/town] 9057pts [player]Ekra[/player] 498/507 7.3
[town]185[/town] 9119pts [player]Zsombori[/player] 498/489 11.2
[town]37[/town] 9299pts [player]Gomba69[/player] 502/508 8.2
[town]426[/town] 11593pts [player]BABOS[/player] 520/502 20.1
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.